IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2012년 4월 30일 월요일

holler..소리지르다, 고함치다..
I ran next door, woke up my in-laws and then i hollered, is anyone out there??

daybreak..새벽, 동틀녘..
by daybreak, five lives lost..

to reveal not only North Korea's military hardware, but his voice..

dummy..가짜의, 모조의..
it could have been a dummy rocket designed to deceive..

It's hidden by other names, oftentimes marked simply as incense..

causing hallucinations and paranoia..

from the get-go 처음부터..
Filmmakers were sort of taking poetic license with the story from the get-go, really..

Every good story has to have a villain..

it has come to my attention보아하니 that the atmosphere has been subdued and unproductive..
it has been suggested that  there is a lack of a sense of team spirit공동체 정신, cooperation
in order to help nurture 키우다our compay back to maximum productivity, we will have a team builidng day in two weeks..
it should be an enjoyable day..
hone our problem-solving skills and
replywithout delay your confirmation
it is essential for everyone to attend
bring a change of clothes..갈아입을 옷..
repetition of tragedies

steps are needed to end illegal China fishing

Another incident has taken place due to our government's insufficient measures and China's indifferece and failure to cooperate

coastguard officers
sustained injuries
while boarding a vessel
in Korean waters
fell into the sea
a blunt instrument
suffered minor to severe injuries to their heads, arms and legs in the attack by the Chinese fishermen who wielded knives and scythes.
the injured
taken to a hospital by helicopter for treatment
This is the latest in a string of events in which..

It's regrettable that another mishap occured in connection with China's illegal fishing
We vividly remember that..
during a raid on a boat violating Korean waters

injured while rounding up Chinese fishing boats..

These boats are often caught poaching in Korean waters
these tragic incidents
fundamental solutions have yet to be found
to double fines against illegal fishing.
illegal fishing and maritime violence..

To our regret, however, all these commitments and promises habe been futile in preventing the latest incident..

had illegally crossed into Korean waters in search of anchovies, blue crab and croaker..

More than anyting else, active cooperation from the Chinese authorities is indispensible to addressng the illegal fishing

be given the authority to shoot violently protesting fishermen.

we feel frustrated whenever we hear tragic stories from the West Sea and hope that the latest incident will serve as an occasion to put an end to tragedies there..
cut a swath through.마구 파괴하다..
The tornado cut an eight-mile swath through the town of 100,000.

another ominous sky

bill묘사하다, 홍보하다.
The scandal is an unwanted  distraction for President Obama, attending what's billed as the Summit of the Americas.

reprimand..징계, 질책..
If found guilty of misconduct, the Sectet Service personnel in this scandal could face possible reprimand or even lose thier jobs..

droppings..새나 짐승의 대변

colony..거주지, 집단, 식민지..
all living in colonies circling the entire coastline..

Mona Lisa..


the growing body of research telling us in the right amounts, it can help us focus better and even fend off some disease later in life
He fended off questions form  the Press..

I need tha little boost.

now even ihalable 100 miligrams in an instant..당장, 즉시..
The ride was over in an instant..타자말자 끈나네..

with o caffein in my system..
I down ed just one drink

blood flow to my brain..

blood vessels constrict..
the tight collar is constricting my neck..

So if you skip your reular coffee, that surging blood con trigger a caffeine headache, It's like trying to get a fire hose to pump blood up throgh hyour skull

If you're a caffein lover, your brain has actually change. It now funcitons normally on caffeine..

How much caffeine do i have to drink to change the physiology of my brain?새리
몸의 작용 그 자체how the body funcitons
Fear is known to have harmful physiological effects on the human body..

2012년 4월 28일 토요일

China crisis

Bo's downfall seen from Korean perspective

Sacked from his post as a Communist Party boss of a municipality, suspended from the party's powerful politburo

his son indulges in luxurious life overseas
relatives accumulate huge fortunes

the string of allegations that erupted
Bo Xilai fell from grace to  shame
prompting Koean media outlets to rush to print..
probabley the most serious crisis for China's fro China's Communist leadership since the 1989 Tiananmen square massacre..
Koreans seem to read sensational news stories with unfailing interest but hardly show any particular reation..

keeping a close watch on the China situation, conscious of the "special relations" between Korea and China, the wold's most populous country.

More than anythign, Beijing's anachronistic one-party autocracy  often becomes the subject of mockery.
an economic miracle and political developmetn in a short span of time, Korea maybe entilteld to tell Chian about democracy.
it turbulent modern histoy,
the inevitability may be understood.
embrace a pluralistic democray..

escalate into a fierce power struggle
the extent of its severity

falls into a downturn

none but China has the political clout to restrain North Korea

a fresh task
bogus reactor parts
Coming events cast their shadows before, an old saying goes. If this proves right, Koreans won't be able to shake off ominous feelings on possible nuclear  incidents here.
The nation's atomic power operators
who stirred social controversy
homebuilt knockoffs instead of authentic foreign products
vital pieces of equipment
refute the replicas are no different from originals

to prove such allegations true,
an official responsible for parts procurement
received kickbacks
evern the slightest difference in components

this utter insensitivity to safety
the nation's extremely poor preparedness for potential accidents
would be almost incomparable between

population density
the nation's emergency zones are too small
its stockpiles of thyroid medication which must be taken within five hours of radiation exposure

The Lee Myung-bak administration's ambitious "nuclear renaissance" program of exoprting reactors-regardless of whether it is desirable or even recommendable- cannot even take off withoug solving safety problems

Overseas sales aside,
to prevent a nightmarish scenario, all the officials involved, from president Lee dwon to manual workders, must renew their consciousness about safety..

2012년 4월 27일 금요일

i have an announcement to make for all the new hires
some activities to prepare you for your success at out company
today will be a tough day, but i want you to give it your all혼신의 힘을 다하다
there will be unexpected twists and surprises..예기치 못한 반전
you will be undertaking many
stay alert...긴장늦추지마
will be a team game
the aim of the game is work together to achieve a common goal..
transferred back to you station and be used in real business
stay wide-awake and have a ball with your potential co-workers정신바짝 차리고신나게 즐겨봅시다..
we will congregate back here at the end of the (business) day..

President's silence

Handling power just any old way leads to disaster

Koreans know an administration's end is near when the prosecuttion starts to come in some of the President's men.
Corruption around the core of power is not the exception but the norm in this country. Still this particular administratio has gone too far, way too far.

Among those who helped to  make the presidency of Lee Myung-bak, few if any remain unscathed
made disgraceful exits form politics
the prosecution has just requested an arrest warrant for..

One might well have lost track of low-echelon aides and secretaries who have quit ther posts or are now in prison because of money-for favor irregularities..

for less than justifiable, let alone honorable, reasons

Even more astonishing than the rampant corruption itself was Lee's lack of sensitivity to and self-reflection on it.
Lee's words were so reluctant and cursory that few Koreans found genuine repentance in them.
as if there were stories of some faraway countries.
So much so the local media have come to suspenct Lee might sometiems have "outofbody experiences"
He has little ability of self-examination.

Have the law enforcement authorities finally turned their back on the lame-duc President to point their prosecutorial sword at him?

that does not seem to be the case, so far at least
we suspect the ongoing series of investigations and punishments are like lizards losng their own tails to protect their bodis, damage control to prevent the ripples from reaching the top
suspicious signs are everywhere.

without clearing away the president mess in ways peopel can accept,

if power changes hands, awaiting Lee will be a series of parliamentary hearings.

Lee and his administration will have made at least one pricess contribution to the coutnry-awaking Koreans to finally realize they canno longer let thier society , leadership and themselvs continue as they are..

Better safe than sorry..나중에 후회하는 것보다 조심하는 것이 낫다.

take heed..주의하다, 조심하다..
I want everyone at home to look at the forecast and see if you are in one of those warning zones tonight and take heed..

swashbuckler..무모한 사람 거들먹 거리는 사람
파도+작은 방패
he was known as something of a swashbuckler..말려도 화재난 곳에 사람구하려고 들어감

top..능가하다, 더 낫다..
what he did last night tips all of that..

every other day.. 하루걸러.
threre is an estimate that every other day in  this country,..

override..우선하다, 더 중요하다..
if your accelerator is stuck or you hit both pedals at the same time, the brake wins, overriding the accelerator and the car comes to a stop..

stumble..실수하다, 비틀거리다 걸려넘어지다.
we all stumble, we all fall and tomorrow, it could be the same for us.우리한테도 이런일이 일어날수도..

self-dout..자기 회의..
he still remembers the self-doubt of a little boy who grew up i..

to regroup after the spectacular failure of its long range rocket test..가다듬다..
i need some time to regroup..나는 마음을 가다듬을...진정할 시간이 필요함.

with the whole world watching..

what did this secretive and strange nation do to divert attending? Cue the music..다른 데로 돌리다.돈을 유용하다.
Police divert traffic to a side street..

every once in a while they really like to put on a show.So, they invited us to witness what could be a great triumph..

to change the topic..화제를 바꾸다..

you would not know this was a country suffering a public humiliation on the world stage..

unveiled to frantic cheering..광적인 환호속에서..
they made a frantic search for the missing child..

his prestige is on the line..위신..위태로운..
my job will be on the line if i don't complete my project on time..

is he more interested in saving face than telling the truth?급급한거 아니야?

no access to outside information..북한사람들 깜깜무소식

2012년 4월 26일 목요일

imported beef's safety

Has government learned no lesson from 2008?

upon the report of another case of mad cow disease..
many Koreans recall events four years ago.
Unfortunately, they will likely continue to compare 2012 with 20089, given the lamentable lack of change in the government's behavior in dealing with the foremost issue of public health

to play down the risk in the lastest occurence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy as and atypical case
aged affected cows

it's not the possible occurrence of BSE here, much less its human form of Creutzfeldf-Jakob disease, that drove even schoolgirls and housewives into two months of candlelit protests.

the improper handling of national affairs
ignoring and cheating of the people in health and safety issues, which any government must put ahead of anythign else.
This administration hasn't changed painfully little

to strengthen quarantine inspections of U.S beef
trade friction with..
find none of these reasons plausible in view of different situations facing Korea from other importers
farm products
pressure from somewhre else

unlike some Korean officials wish it to be

in circulatieon
in part out of concerns for ...in part in consideration of
you asked to speak to me?? wat's on your mind?
i wanted to take a few days off
roughly when and what kind of time frame are we looking at?
i am looking to take about ten days off
i wouldn't ask if it wasn't an emergency
considering your situation, i will give in to your request as long as i can find a suitable replacement.in the next a few days..
i really appreciate your understaing.
seemingly belittling the work of stay-at-home moms..하찮게 업신여기다.
Don't belittle your colleagues..

there is no tougher job than being a mom..


There was a minor kerfuffle as the kids tried ot find their way out.

Ann Romney herself took to the airwaves to refute the notion she's quote "never worked a day in her life."반박하다 부정하다
Can your refute her argument?

more times than you would imagine..

President Obama enjoys a sizable gender gap over Romney with women voters..
she won by a sizable margin..

with increasing intensity..점점 강도높게

2012년 4월 25일 수요일

shuffle..발을 끌며 걷다.
He shuffled in, shackled, noticeably thinner than is that old mug shot.

hinge on..달려있다..
Their case could hinge on three key pieces of evidence..

The sounds of Syria's tenuous truce..

Few belive this lull will last for long..

filthy..매우 더러운..
The video shows filthy conditiohns, hens packed..

seemingly left unattended..

his arcade is pretty intricate..

throng..인파 군궁..
a throng of customers..
lame-duck session

this is no way to conduct nation's business

shown neither diginity and productivity in legislaiton
even in its final days

to open a one-day plenary session
for people's livelihoods
over thier differences on the proposed law to advance parliamentary operations

the anti-clash bill
introducig filibuster, fast-tracking
ramming through bills
physical blockade

to make a most disgraceful exit into history
unattended bills

bills that passed related standing committee amid strong bipartisan support and could become law with jsu tthe banging of a gavel.
it defies understanding why.
closely linked to the public's security and convenience in their daily lives.

the partisan bickering and legislativ e dereliciton of duty
woman in personal danger
maritime police officers
under an undiminished threat
sme owner's sufferings from high-handed large companies

the outgoing Assemblhy's irresponsibility is in stark contrast to the unity and swiftenss shown in passing bills that many workding-class Koreans deem as unhelpful for their livelihods..
advance into all knids of businesses formerly belonging to small firms.

reversing its position
likely standard-bearer..
must know a final victory is far form assured..
regain its reputation
All's well that ends well
expertise..견문적 식견
outline..give a rough idea..
self-adressed envelope..회신용의..

we are plesaed//happy to offer you employment at..
we believe your expertise and background will be a valuable asset to our company.
per our discussion the posiiton is contract's adminitrator
your starting day will be Monay
your initial salary.초봉
employee handbook outlined medical and retirement benefits
if you choose to accept this offer, sign the second copy of      in the space provided
a self-adressed envelop is enclosed for your convenience

new hire=new employee

to all the ladies and gentlemen of success corporation
this is the day we've all been waiting for..
today is the grand opening of the long-awaited ..
this journey wasn't without its challenges..
there were tiems where we thoght opeing up our own cafe wouldn't be profitable or even possible
we had our struggles but through tears and persperation we persevered
we showed that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going..상황이 어려워질때 강인한 자는 더 강해진다..
out team managed to pulled together like a family during the times of difficulties..
the time has now come to reap the rewards of our hard work..
serve top-notch coffee...to promote healthy living to everybody
if all goes well,..to estableish a plan..
let's not waste any time and head over to the

코코샤넬 왈: sometimes
Another bribery scandal

presidential hopefuls should learn lesson

for questioning allegations that..

It's deplorable to see another corruption bombshell explode as the Lee administration draws to a close.
The malpractice of graft scandals near the end of a president's term seems the norm in Korea.

in exchage for favors
is suspected of peddling influence in return for money
surnamed Lee
denied the bribery allegations

to deal a heavy blow to the administraon, which is already reeling from a string of curruption cases involving the President's relatives and close confidants.

which has traditionally been a sanctuary in Korea
to dig deeper into..

which has a shameful track record in  looking into...
high-profile figures
to narrow the scope of its investigation

who are poised to wage a fierce battle in the run-up to the Dec. 19 presidential election.
all of them without exception ended up with shameful corruption cases coming to light..
from frayed nerves about the bone-dry conditions in this country바싹 마른
Creeks and srteams are bone-dry..

gusty winds and low humidity, perfect ingredients for this..

the brus fires have finally been contained after scorching up to 1,000 acres
They couldn't contain the rebellion..

shutting down the potential diaster.

coming into a populated area..

from the air, you can see...

traffic froze as flames licked at the rail lines..불길이 집어삼키다 혀를 날름거리다.
The flames licked at our feet.

Firefighters here normally fight house fires, not wildfires..

the homes charred by these wildfires..까맣게 태우다
Cook the tomatoes until the skins char a bit

twigs that acted like tinder

courtesy of very little rain and very little snow..결과로 덕분에.
They provide courtesy tickets for the reporters..무료 티켓

This year, with no snow pack, the earth dried out and became fuel for any fire..눈으로 덮인 평지

This desk is one if the only recognizable items..

now just a blacked disaster..

that's a haunting sight behind you..잊을 수없는

2012년 4월 24일 화요일

Koreas going too far

Both sides should regain cool self-restraint

ruthless attack.
thoroughgoing punishment
merciless retribution
Verbal battles mobilizing these words have long become background noise on the Korean Peninsula that few seem to care about much when they hear them

even so, there are some elements that strain listeners in Pyongyang's threat of provocation Monday.
a conservative daily
the timeline is clear
"soon" in the North propaganda means within a week
method is foretold, albeit not in detail

badly needs
some external outlets
to discharge its anger and frustration..
its bungled rocket launch..
to recover its wounded pride of the regime

were too base and mean to think that they came from a state organization..
Confrontation may be inevitable, but the level of exchange didn't need to reach this level.
war of words
a hard-line policy

a psychological war.
Pyongyang has thus far made military provocations wihtout prior signals.
Chances, as always, are half and half..
terrorist acts on key figures and facilirties.

We, along with other South Koreans, hope the war of words would end as such.
shoudl exercise moderation and self-restraint with coold heads.

self-reliance is possible only when self-feeding is possible..
No amount of pride or dignity can substitute people's security and subsistence
in feudalistic isolation and backwardness..

a hard-lind or hands-off policy

A stag at bay is always more furious and desperate that it should be.

make watertight preparations against any rash acts by the communists.

They are the only people in ther world who fifght with one another not for racial or religious causes but for ideological- and anachronistc- reasons..
clinch 이뤄 내다, 매듭 짓다..
Today virtually clinching a nearly ten-year quest for the Republican presidential nomination..

improbable..일어날 것 같지 않은, 사실 같지 않은..
Miracle after miracle. This race was as improbable as any race you will ever see for president..

to brief us on what this means..

man-made..사람이 만든, 인공의..
Dental x-rays are the most frequent source of man-made radiation in your life..

are bagging self-checkout altogether..셀프 계산다..

shoplifter..가게 도둑
alerting the store of potential shoplifter..

i think they're well-deserving, they work har, they put up with our kids..

All three work multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

2012년 4월 23일 월요일

Is the party progessive?

UPP advised to let prosecution probe rigging

relatively good performance
the just-ended parliamentary elections
the minor opposition United Progressive Party
is ailing
with suspicions of
internal primary election wrongdoings.
those who trusted the party's morality and honesty.
allowing outdated malpractice and ractional strife.

posted a message
revealed in the post that..
vast irregularities
proportional representation candidates

suspicions were raised against..
hold a primary
voting could be done
In online voting, source codes were disclosed while the voting was going on.

lashed out at..
taking issue with their inner democracy.

the left-leaning party
suffered a humiliation
the alliance with..

interal probe
washed up on the coast/ washed ahore/ were beached..<->wahsed down이 아니고 wahsed away임.

My face broke out.

i am starving myself more..

Baby boomer blues..

delayed action begets another disgruntled age..

Much has been said about..
its demographic analysis

This shows what the nation has long dreaded is turning into a reality.
they are falling into the poverty trap of old age.
with strong family bonds..

are the most squeezed financially
are pushed out of the job market.

reaffirms difficulites facing the retiring boomers.

to repay interests for mortage lending
to open their own businesses, mostly franchised eateries

in the latter years of life
to live on pensions

doctoral degrees
former managers at large firms
make long queues to work as supermarket cashiers

To its credit, the government is not sitting idly by, but it has fallen far short of tackling the issue in earnest.

to supplement a social safety net by rectifying the unreasonable increase in medical insurance fees upon retirement.

raising the retirement age.
to extend its current age limit

fervent opponets to a prolonged working age

most companies do not fill the void left by retirees with fresh workers..

this is the first Korean generation that supported their parents but do not expect similar services form thier cdhildren.

Society needs to grant their wish to live on with a minimal dignity instead of being a burden of the next generations, including their own offspring.

There is not much time left for action..
in-your-face interview../dunk..노골적인, 대담한..
This banner ad is in-your-face advertising that can't be ignored..

who had a showman's flair and a prosecutor's gut..재능.솜씨..
He has a flair for mathmatics..

a lunatic..미치광이, 미친..
i think that's a lunatic decision..

the question still hangs out there..

Wallace could feed a string of questions like a length of rope..

not long before he was toppled..끌어 내리다 넘어 뜨리다.
She toppled the pile of books..


the gift for making the unaskable askable..

something almost ghoulish in your desire to see the deed one..잔인한, 엽기적인.
Investing in World War III is a bit ghoulish, don't you think?

I'll live with that to my grave..평생 맘의 짐이죠..

the buzz on this company is that it rewards people who produce solutions to difficult problems..
job applicant

why do you want this job?

this job is not only a great opportunity but this company is tailored to my competencies..내 역량에 딱 맞다.
This is a  company where my qualificaitons can really make a difference..
Moreover, i belive this job is a perfect fit for me..
this job is stimulating..흥미롭다..allows me to use my creative and  research skills..
to keep me on my toes..방심하지 않게 해준다..//alert //awake..정신바짝차리다..//keep someone on eggshells

i thrive on challeges 여려움 속에서도 잘 즐기고 도전하는 걸 즐긴다 and this is the kind of job i'd like to wake up to everyday..

don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come..
stomach-turning..속을 뒤틀리게 하는..
The often stomach-turning, soul-crushing economic roller coaster ride we've been on took a fresh and scary dip..

dash..꺾어버리다, 낙담시키다..
Every time they do they've been dashed../discouraged../let down..

In dollar terms, this is by far the biggest acquisition to date..

raise some eyebrows..사람들을 놀라게 하다..
Even in this new economy, that's bound to raise some eyebrows..

departure..벗어남, 일탈..출발..
Under normal circumstances, we would expect this large of a temperature departure from normal about onece every 280 years..

understatement..절제된 표현, 줄여서 말하기..
To say that they're concerned would be an understatement..

ignition..점화장치, 점화 스위치..
The boy grabbed the wheel, steering the bus out of traffic and removed the keys from the ignition..

apply..가하다, 쓰다..
pulled over and applied CPR to the driver..

2012년 4월 22일 일요일

female vs male..순전히 성별구분..암컷 수컷
girl vs boy=child female vs child male 할머니한테 걸은써도 할배한테는 보이 안쓴다...자식들 말할때 쓴다..I have a boy and two girls..
He is a good lad..

dude=slang temr for a man..

2012년 4월 21일 토요일

the controvery over .....has been reignited..
the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs
a request for proposals(RFP) for a new bullet train service..
to operate trains
the guideline envisions allowing..
KTX fares..
on average..
the state-run monopolistic railroad operator
transport revenue
To rule out the possitility of special favors for large conglomerates, the government will adopt and open bidding system in choosing the operator..
the government is right to stress the need to..
..break down Korail's monopoly to introduce competition in railroad operations..
operating deficit
hefty investment
in one form or another
it is beleaguered with inefficiency and frequent breakdowns
high wages and tough labor unions
privileged benefits for..
to shelve the slection of an operator
in consideration of
..worth trying
in the process of implementation, the government should be more transparent and prudent so as not to repeat blunders seen in past state projects..

playground areas
lose physical strength
is compounded by
rampant internet addiction
the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology
the revision of regulations
the establishment of schools even without a playground
to ease crammed classrooms
to receive normal physical education classes
was tallied at..
the gap in exercise time has led to disparities in physique..
The so-called intensive class completion system..
alleviation the academic burden and raising concentraiton in class..
instrumental in..
the education authorities..
the idea of women ever been ordained..성직자..사제가 임명하다..ㅋㅋ

Today, the Church is losing both priests and parishoners..신부와 교도들..

I have no doubt whatsoever there will be a married priesthood..It's only a question of time..

That change is not coming on his watch..임기 동안에..
He claims that these jobs were created on his watch..

He chastised a group of ...꾸짖다..

It was a homily that sounded like a scolding..설교, 훈계...
She delivered a homily on civility..예의바름..공손함

Calling the would-be reformers selfish and disobedient..되려고하는 지망하는..
He is a would-be screenwirther who lovs movies..

Celibacy..신부독신, 순결..

He's mincing no words..곧이곧대로 말하다..

2012년 4월 20일 금요일

Tring to connect the dots..단편적인 결론에 도달하다..

ejector seat..비상탈출 좌석..
One of the parachutes as well attached to those ejector seats..

come to the aid of..를 돕기 위해 오다..
Navy investigators started looking over the wreckage, thankful that the community came to the aid of its pilots..

fair game..만만한 대상..
The more common scenario, high school studnets falling victime to teachers who see them as fair game..

They imageine themselve to be age-mates or peer with studetns..

snob..속물,,고상한 척 하는 사람..
He did not make pictures for art snobs, but gave people what they wanted..대중적인 그림을 그렸다는 말..

letting in the light. And that was his sinature..

2012년 4월 19일 목요일

He sustained a fatal gunshot wound to the chest..
machinist..기계 운전자.machanic은 기계를 수리하는사람...
Investing in them to keep workdesr like him, a machinist, on the job..

fast track..출세가도, 빠른 발전의 길..
He is on the fast track..승승장구한다..
President Obama signed bipartisan jobs legislation aimed to put small business on the fasst track to raising money..

Pointing out spontaneous genetic glitches connnected directlyto autism..

biological clock..생체시계..
Men now have to condider that they have a kind of medical biological clock that they have to work against???

smoking gun..명백한 증거..hard evidence..
A smoking gun emerged today in the scandal rocking pro football..

exhort..열심히 권하다, 충고하다..
Willams seems to exhort the team to injure 49ers playsers..

gun-toting..총을 휴대하는..
a brazen gun-toting thug jumps the pharmacy counter..

beef up..보강하다, 강화하다..
Many are beefing up security..

As we sail, it's the fantasy of anyone who's ever wandered into a thrift shop to find the treaure that changes your life..
The kid wandered off and got lost..일행에서 떨어져나가다.

When i was reframing this, underneath this picture, that turnded out to be this..
My mom has this picture framed on our wall..

One of the earliest Warhols, worth a lot more than....

that just blew me away..넋을 잃게 하다..
her performance blew me away..

with appraiser in tow, we went to the Council Thrift Shop in LA..모시고 데ㅣ고.
They arrived with their parents in tow..

At this thrift store, the biggest bargain to date wasn's art, but snearkers..
To date, we have explored less than five percent of the ocean..
the club has defiantly withstood pressure to admit women, any women..

But fate played a kind of trick on them..

already a trailblazer in the bsiness world, could well blaze another trail diretly through one of the world's most exclusive and secretive golf clubs..

never admitted a woman..

One of the changes that hasn't happened to the club is the all-male membership

i am wondering if you ever foresee that changing..??예견핟..

she could foresee the difficulites...선경지명이있네..
been historically subject to the privare deliberations of the members....에ㅔ달려있는,..를 받아야 하는..

These plans will be put into practice next week. subject to you approval..

no-woman policy..

Once again, though expressed quite artfully, i think that's a quesion tht dels with membership..

what we're seeing is 2012 crash-land into..

what a twist in the plot..

they are tradition-bound, Augusta National is..전통에 메여있는..
Is science tradiion-bound or traditio-shattering??

it stands to reason..당연하다, 이치에 맞다..
Your argument doesn't stand to reason..

2012년 4월 18일 수요일

jolt..덜컥 하는 움직임...
thousands of feet above the ground, out of nowhere, a jolt that injured five..

downdraft..하강기류, 불어 내리는 바람..
Most of it caused by weather, often swift up or downdrafts caused by thunderstorms..

excess.초과한..(일음절이 형용사 이음절이 초과란 명사..)
Threre's real harms to getting excess care and excess tests..

cardinal..기본적인, 가장 중요한..
Today's study reminds doctors of one of medicine's cardinal rules..

airborne...하늘에[ 떠 ㄴ있는, 비행 중인..
within minutes, its rotors and tail deploy and it is airborne..

down payment..계약금..
the sticker price, 돈 but 100 people ahvealreay made down payments.

utensil..도구, 기구..
What house doesn't need a safety dining utensl for dogs??

ingenuity..기발함, 독창성..
It is honest American ingenuity at it best...솔직담백한...가장 많이 발현된..
if he dons his cape and climbs into his Batmobile, he can change lives when he answers the call..
The police donned riot gear and cleared the crowd..

The police pull over a car and out came................

i got a speeding ticket for the first tiem in my life...

made a fortune..cleaning business..청소사업...

obnoxious..아주 불쾧ㄴ, 몹시 기분 나쁜..
they were so obnoxious..

he is tailor-made for what we do..적임자다...

it's a real stress release during an emotional time..심적으로 힘든 시기에..
my fellow graduates..

i am writinhg to personally invite you

the day of celebraion will kick off...

allumni are encouraged to mingle..

will toast to the wonderful success..

a special group photo session...단체 사진..

where you can pick up grab and go meal..

reunite with old classmates..

make it to the special event..
duck..수그리다, 피하다..
ordered to duck and cover..

bowl over..-에게 달려들어 쓰러뜨리다..
Just lookek at their power, bowling over tractor-trailer..

origination..발생, 시초..
we are still obiously very much concerned aobut the originaiton of this message..

wishful thinking..희망 사항에 불과한 일..
they're sparing no effort to find out whether this poster is wishful thingking or something more..

byh name....이름을 거론하며, 이름을 써서..
Today, the President for the first time taking aim at Romey by name..직접 이름을 거론하면..

stand with..찬성하다..
Mitt Romney has stood with big oil..

slump over..푹 쓰러지다..
she slumped over..

talk-through- -에게 -에대해 설명하다..
is anybody there able to talk her through it??

2012년 4월 17일 화요일

shepharded the project...propelling your company forward

an asset to our company.. work ethics..근면..

i seem to have missed your point..

i feel like i am due for a pay increase..

it's been two years since my last increase..

you definitely got a lot of

그럴 자격이 충분하다..you've earned it..
setting the stage for a kind of battle of the titans over healthcare..준비하다, ~를 위한 장을 마련하다.
With a string quintet accompanied by piano and guitar, the stage was set for romance..

He gives us the blow by blow..치고받기를 알려주셈..

fired a warning shot at the Supreme Court...

would be overstepping their role..넘다, 도를 넘다..
He has really oversteppitn the line this tiem with this hinsulting language..

a strong majority..

the individual mandate..개인명령 개인의무..
in the abscence of an individual mandate, you cannot have a mechanism to ensure that people with pre-exisiting conditions can actually get healthcare..

i believe George Washington signed the bill to require able-bodied male citizens to ghave a rifle in their home..신체건장한...
Every able-bodied young man should servein the army..

telling us about kind of showdown in the making..

she is a star in the making..준비된 스타..예비 스타.

2012년 4월 16일 월요일

a vivid barometer of our collective aspiration for instant wealth..


heavy-set..건장한, 체격이 좋은..
a heavy-set man in his 40s, wearing khakis..면바지.

geared to..-에 맞도록 구성된..
it has an enrollment of about 100 people and is geared mostly to Korean Americans..

gloss over..속이다, 둘러대다..
Tanning salons can gloss over the risks..

swear off..-를 맹세하고 끊다..
she has sworn off tanning beds..

dressed (up) to kill=dressed up.
she..the Princess of Wales.. is dressed up to kill

unstuffy..딱딱하지 않은, 격의 없는..
how unstuffy she was..
spruce up..make it neat and tidy..make it organized

2. negative..


fruition..completing what you plan to do..

keep your eyes on the price..

i can't believe it..놀라운 일이야..
i just got off the phone with...it's a done deal..//
we will finally have...
that's agreat news.
i will look into interior desingers to spruce up the first floor..
if everything stays on track, we will get it up and running in no time..
we have a lot on our plate..//a lot of work to do..
the workload is overwhelming..
let's not get discouraged over all the details..
keep your eyes on the prize..
it has been a dream project, it comes into fruition..
i can feel it..느낌이와.ㅋ

2012년 4월 14일 토요일

Secretary of State on a high-profile overwseas trip today focused on the crisis in Syria, warning President Bshar al-Assad that the time for exusese is over..이목을 끄는, 눈에 띄는..
He had a low-profile campaign. He never appeared at debates and forums..
keep a low-profile..

continues a brutal crackdown on the opposition in Syria, there's a new move to try to boost the rebel forces..

get defectors to move from 탈영병, 탈당자..
The Russian scholar defected in 1979..망명하다..

to pledge an additional $12 milliion in aid for a total of $25 million to provide communications equipment..
He sould honor his election pledge..선거공약을 지키다.

We think Assad must go. The sooner, the better for everyone concerned..

we require a multi-pronged approach to this problem....다방면의, 다각적인..
We need a ~ stragity to crub corruption..

includes medical supplies for regugees..의료물자..

an unconditional ceasefire establii8shed an uneasy peace..

agreed to a ceasefiere as part of a new peace plan....휴전, 정전..
swell..큰 노울..붓기..
the boat was hit by a monstrous swell

seasick..뱃멀미를 하는..airsick..homesick..

On this lastest leg..구간.., a competting team shot this video, featuring waves angry engough to make even the most stalwart sailor seasick..

act on..~에 따라 행동하다, 조치를 취하다..
all the signs were there. And the police didn't act on that..

have blood on one's hands..죽음에 대한 책임이 있다..
she believes the police have blood on their hands..

elude..~를 이룰 수가 없다..
The maneuver기술 has eluded the world skateboard champions for decades..
The answer eluded the scientists..

nail..~를 이뤄 내다..
he nailed it on his fifth try..ㅋㅋ

brainchild..아이디어, 독창적인 생각.
An online extravaganza is being unveiled tomorrow, the brainchild of one man who neededalmost 3000 people to make his dream come true..

hold one's head up..고개를 꼿꼿이 세우다.
i wanted to do it as a challenge because i'd like to be able to hold my head upo and say, "you know> i did it.."

2012년 4월 12일 목요일

standing united..여럿이 횡으로 서가지고 사진찍혀있는모습보고 어러함..

the auto industry is on a roll tonight..잘나가는, 승승장구하는..
on a roll these dasys uplifted by recent growth..

people streaming onto car lots and driving away with new cars..

it was a job killer..

the airbag bolsters in the back..지지대.

hiring more jobs on the line..

ther are still major hurdles, among them, younger drivers..

ther're shifting gears..태도, 방침을 바꾸다...
i'd like to shift gears now and talk about a personal concern..

a whole page devoted to it..헌신하는..
she is devoted to her work..

Touching the young adults or connecting with them, doing someting that resonates for them is always difficutl becase this is a moving target..반향을 불러 일으키다..
the sound resonates here in this theater..

2012년 4월 11일 수요일

flashpoint..화약고..일촉즉발의 상황..


clamoring for his arrest, and for justice..

morph..변하다, 바뀌다..
this shooting of one unarmed black teen morphing into a debate about race and justice in America..

nepotism..정실주의, 친족등용.
following a trail of nepotism in the halls of Congress..

above board..공명정대한..
It's all above board..

the footage is so raw..

censor..검열하다, 삭제하다..
teens use profanity and the filmmakers refuse to censor it.

return the favor..은혜를 갚다..
is returnig the favor to his first love..

wild-eyed..몽상적인, 무모한..wild ideas...무모한..
his wild-eyed idea to inspire children in 20 countryes aroudn the world..
garment workers..
made him a fashion icon and a wealthy man..

far removed from..크게 동떨어진, 전혀 다른..
He has been far removed from the cruel realities of places where clothes are made for as little as 22cents an hour..

내가 말하는 것과 남에게 들리는게 다른수있다.Sometimes what you want to express is far removed from what is observed in real life..

workesr were trapped on upper floors..Some jumped to their deaths..

when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is, they don't do it..=put someting into action..
한말을 지키다..

premises..부지, 구내..부지..

binding safety standards..
is this a legally-binding contract??

make sure those places are not fire traps..화재 시 탈출이 힘든 건물..

death trap..a hot car can be a death trap..
scraps..남은 음식, 남은 것...
Its meat counter 정육점 코너 is now free of what former scientists characterize as low quality beef scraps snitied with ammonia gas..

wholesome...,건강에 좋은..
Lean,지방이 없이 잘나온, finely textured beef is safe and wholesome..

kerfuffle..소동, 법석...

cadre..핵심 그룹, 간부..
this loyal cadre of people..핵심멤버들..

the renovations, also the costliest..

tribe..무리 집단,
tribe increase.

etch a sketch..

media-shy..언론 노출을 꺼리는..cf)camera-shy..
You could catch a fleeting glimpse of her

a damsel in distress..도움이 필요한 여자

2012년 4월 10일 화요일

a tantalizing new clue in the disappearance of flying ace Amelia Earhart..
애타게 하는, 흥미를 부추기는
was so tantalizing that i had to take a bite..

this grainy old picture...선명하지 못한..
this photo was shot with grainy black and white film..

in flying togs..
wearing football togs..

a wisp of land in the South Pacific..단편, 조각..
a wisp of hairs..한 줌.
a wisp of smoke curled acoss the sky..

that blurry bit on the left there,흐릿한,
my vision was very blurry so it was hard to find a door..시야가 흐릿해서..

2012년 4월 9일 월요일

pulverize..가루로 만들다..
A car was pulverized..

straddle...가로지르다, 걸치다..
Mexico straddles one of the most active "thrust fault lines" in the western hemishphere..
circum pacific lines..환태평양 조산대..

reign..통치기간, 치세..
Queen Elizabeth celebrating her diamond jubilee today, markding 60years on the thrown
, a reign spanning from Winston Churchill to David Beckham..

It was Philip who gave the Queen the strength to carry on..계속 나아갈수있는 힘을 주다..

POP..복용하다, 먹다..
regularly pop an aspirin to help prevent heart attacks and stokes..

wonder drug..특효약..
This age-old wonder drug may be a modern miracle worker..기적을 부르는 사나이..

a perennial women's basketball powerhouse......농구명가..

backwater..변두리, 변방 파워하우스의 반댓말

2012년 4월 6일 금요일

tightening rules..strict rules..
move throgh security faster than before..
a 2010 hands-on search of a 3-year-old gone viral on the interne.
his cast and all getting the once-over..대강 훑어보기, 개략적 조사...
I gave the room a once-over..손님대비 대강 방 치우다.
no longer routinely subjected to jacket and shoe removal or embarrasing pat-downs..
~가 ~를 겪게하다..They subjected him to torture..
less intrusive procedures..
to focus more resources on passengers that may potentially be of higher risk,
sore point..,아픈곳..

how are your job applications going/? oh, it's a bit of a sore pont, i'm afraid..

he learned the hard way, thrown off the plne for playing games on this PD..
tHe kids learned the hard way not to play with fire..

Please discontinue the use of portable electronic devices..

remained on portable devices..

change is overdue..이미 늦은..
My unborn child is one week overdue..

rumbles of change..변화의 우르릉 소리..
He has amnesia about the horrific attack..

out of character..~답지 않는, 성격가 맞지 않는..
What has ben reported is completely out of character of the man i know and admire..

vigilante..방범대원, 자경단원.
What is a protector and what is a vigilante??

up to no good..나쁜 짓을 하는..
This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something..

처음이자 마지막...first and only...
A rare sighting in public of Britain's first and only female prime minister..

She still exudes the iron bearing that ..

dowdy..촌스러운, 볼품없는..

정말 떠는 사람..
Thiry years ago it was Princcess Diana, a bundleof nerves in d dowdy dress..

lick..쉽게 해치우다, 처리하다..
She'g got this royal thing licked..
it's releasing coveted oil reserves..비축한거..
strategic oil reserves..전략적 오일 비축..

level off..안정되다..
prices have leveled off for the time being..

put down..지불하다, 내다..
put down a deposit..보증금을 내다..
put down her life savings..평생모은 돈..
미국엔 이층집이 많은데 단층집을 bungalow..

snoop..기웃거리다, 염탐하다..
With foreclosures now ticking up in most states, an army of savvy buyers, like Willow, are snooping for deals..

skim..전자 정보를 훔치다, 복제하다.. 고깃국의 기름을 걷어내다...전자정보를 걷어서 훔치다..
Crooks have installed tiny skimming devices that capture your accout information at gas stations..

come off 떼어지다, 떨어지다..
Fake ones often come off right in your hand..

An eagle eye spoted somethign, or lack thereof..

stand in..~를 대신하다..
standing by to stand in...

winter ingredient coming out of gas that could help bring prices down...요인, 요소..
The soup ingredients are very affordable..

back to back ..연속적인, 잇따른..
seeing the episodes back to back..

i kno you dove into that forecast..몰두하다 급하게하다.
He dove into a taxi..

is this all here to stay>?계속되다, 삶의 일부가 되다..
Smartphones are here to stay..

blue was the predominatnt color in Picasso's paintisng..

snow pack..눈으로 덥힌 들판..

2012년 4월 4일 수요일

derail..좌절시키다, 수포로 돌아가다..
HIs own trip was almost derailed, just as he arrived..

hell of..굉장한..
WE'll be challenged byt the hell of war itself..

callously..태연하, 냉담하게..
It makes me ill, he wrote, how callously people talk about ripping their clients off..

parting shot..마지막으로 쏘아 붙이는 말, 떠나며 내뱉는 독설..
Perhaps he was forced out and this is just his angry parting shot on the way out the door..

dole out..조금씩 나누어주다..
doled out 돈 to 사람..

Well, that's just poppycock..

hapless..불운한, 불행한..(hap=운)

snag..잡아채다, 낚아 채다..
an online petition at.주소, where ...snagged 1300 signatures..

the south handed Rick Santorum a clean sweep last night..압승, 완승..sweeping victory..
made a clean sweep of all the titles..
sweep all the titles..

make a case..주장하다..

a bit of a brusing..

He was asked about criticism he doesn't connect..

He can't relate to the rest of us..공감못하다..

he has a strong moral character..

chase him all the way to the convention, trying to block hime from sewing up the nomination before he gets there..

Our team has sewn up the championship..

Watching hime sweat it out..초조하게 끝나는 것을 기다리다, 견디다..
I'll just sweat it out and hope for the best.

cause people to coalesce around him..뭉치핟, 하나가된다
Two coalesced into one..

he needs his message to stick..받아들여지다, 인정 받다..
the name has stuck in British English languate ever since..
Talk about(강조표현) a strange bulletin..참으로 이상한 소식, 뉴스..


put it on a kind of lockdown..

high-priced items..

laundry detergent??

shoplift..가게 물건을 훔치다..

these are ratail crime syndicates,범죄단, 연합..

The program is syndicated to 100stations..=프로그램등을 팔다..sold의 고급표현

on the cheap..저렴하게..
travel on the cheap..

Tide is ratailing at 돈

it's barterd for drugs..

at cut-rate prices..할인된, 특가의..

할인점 There are many cut-rate stores offering great deals..

2012년 4월 3일 화요일

across the board 전반에 걸쳐..
Economists across the board telling me today that this warmer winter is still bring a swift wind, but for the economy..except..

patio..파티오, 테라스..
the patio furniture..

spell..기간, 잠깐..
This unusually warm spell is caused by the jet stream stuck to the north of the nation, keeping the cold, artic air out of touch..

stuffed up..코가 막힌..
I am so stuffed up that i can't breathe..

wind down...서서히 줄이다..쉬다..
continue winding down the war in Afghanistan..

flare..확 타오르다, 터지다.
Tensions flare..

take delight in..기뻐하다.
still taking delight in ordinry things..

displaced..쫗거난, 난민의..
if you're displaced or something like that,..
if yuo want s.t said, ask a man. If you want s.t done, ask a woman.

there could be huge health payoffs if you let them..건강상의 이득..

the modern woman's time crunch.시간활용.But this just in..결과가 들어옴
we can't blame slacker husbands or killer jobs anymore..게으름뱅이..
slacks..느슨한 바지..

i'm not saying that she's superior, just that she's not a slacker..

Women still are holding themselves to these standards that require that they're responsible for so much of what goes on at thome while really performing at work..

we say our biggest impediments to free time are helicopter mothering, hovering over our kids and housework..지나치게 간섭하는 양육방식..

we don't delegate. we're perfectionists..위임하다.
a good manager knows how to delegate..훌륭한 메니저는 일을 잘 맡기는 법을 안다.

45% of us wouldn't pay to outsource it even if we could..능력이 되더라도

when spouses pitch in..돕다, 협력하다..

every chore on that dreaded list..집안일, 따분한 일..
That movie is a chore to sit through..끝날때까지 앉아있기도 힘드네..

regardless of whetehr the to-do list is checked off,

schedule your free time.

Give up a little contro for more contentment??? Not a bad trade..

2012년 4월 1일 일요일

rogue..독자적으로 행동하는..
NATO officials say a rogue Army staff sergeant left his base, went to the nearby village, then went on the rampage..

blood splattered on floors..

a successful 50mile per hour accident avoidance maneuver at the hands of an amateur..

chintzy..볼품없는, 싸구려의..
Everythihng feels like quality, which, in the past, you'd be really cheap and chintzy..

ransack..뒤집어 엎어 샅샅이 뒤지다..
Once thriving cities are now ghost towns, ransacked businesses still frozen in time, wild animals, one of the few signs of life..

it will take at least 30 years to decommission the nuclar plant..

ruffle feathers..심기를 불편하게 하다...
If there is anyone that coul come in and not ruffle feathers, it would be him..

in the offing..곧, 머지 않아... offing=앞바다.
that would leave Tebow on the bench, and, perhaps, even a trade in the offing..

urban idioms..
take you beer-goggles off, Lina!!제대로 봐..너 취했니...

this place is off the hook..여기 짱이다..

you're smokin'..매력적이다..

should we get on with 애정녀??

like..find pleasure in something..agreeable..friendly feeling toward someone..

love..have affection..

I don't like like him, but i like him..사귀고싶을만큼 좋아하니??

l love chocolate..stronger version of like..

hate vs dislike vs loathe..
don't like=dislike..안좋아한다....싫어한다가아님..

hate..one level up..싫어한다..

loathe..no tolerance whatsoever..i loathe you..화난 상대에게 말할때 농담하는줄 아는 것처럼 일상회화에서 잘 안쓴다..in colloquial English..