IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2012년 4월 6일 금요일

it's releasing coveted oil reserves..비축한거..
strategic oil reserves..전략적 오일 비축..

level off..안정되다..
prices have leveled off for the time being..

put down..지불하다, 내다..
put down a deposit..보증금을 내다..
put down her life savings..평생모은 돈..
미국엔 이층집이 많은데 단층집을 bungalow..

snoop..기웃거리다, 염탐하다..
With foreclosures now ticking up in most states, an army of savvy buyers, like Willow, are snooping for deals..

skim..전자 정보를 훔치다, 복제하다.. 고깃국의 기름을 걷어내다...전자정보를 걷어서 훔치다..
Crooks have installed tiny skimming devices that capture your accout information at gas stations..

come off 떼어지다, 떨어지다..
Fake ones often come off right in your hand..

An eagle eye spoted somethign, or lack thereof..

stand in..~를 대신하다..
standing by to stand in...

winter ingredient coming out of gas that could help bring prices down...요인, 요소..
The soup ingredients are very affordable..

back to back ..연속적인, 잇따른..
seeing the episodes back to back..

i kno you dove into that forecast..몰두하다 급하게하다.
He dove into a taxi..

is this all here to stay>?계속되다, 삶의 일부가 되다..
Smartphones are here to stay..

blue was the predominatnt color in Picasso's paintisng..

snow pack..눈으로 덥힌 들판..

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