IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2012년 7월 31일 화요일

now to the other emerging storyline..
waiting for word, holding out hope..

on the ground..현장에 나가있는..
a real-life villain....real-life heroes..

play the villain..악당 역할 하다..

leapt over his seat to shiled his girlfriend..

many of whom had been franti for news all day abou their missing loved ones..정신없는 미친듯한..

thihngs are frantic in the office today..난리난네..

how fragile life is..약한...

be careful with that vase..

pulling for that mom..응원하다..
i am pulling for the home team..

delicate..까다로운, 정교한..
very delicate task...

to the fullest..
you have to live life to the fullest..

piece together..종합하다..
investigator have pieced together just how he obtained all of that firepower to unleash his rage..

begn amassng S.W.A.T gear, inclduing body armor and a gas mask..

on edge..걱정스러운..

give somebody pause..주저하게 만들다..
that's giving parents pause..

deter..단념시키다, 그만두게 하다..
we can't let stuff like taht deter us from going to see movies..

people ahve been spontaneously reaching out...

thoughtful..배려심 있는,,
it's thoughtful..

2012년 7월 30일 월요일

various accidents have long ceased to attract much attention.

more surprisingly..

to request rescue..

after being held hostage..

in the dark, stuffy train..

to repeat monotonous calls for people to wait calmly..

most astonishing was..

four more similiar, if shorter, incidets..

the time has long past for....to...

2012년 7월 29일 일요일

isolated..단발적인, 한 번인..
this is an isolated incident.

shield them..

sending security to..

become a massive security concern..

fans were mindful but undeterred..조심했지만...

gleefully..신이 나서, 고소해서..
he took a gleeful delight in proving them all wrong.

gleefully executes elaborate lethal crimes

a muurdering schezophrenic clown with zero empathy..

she may be talented, but 'genius' is something of an overstatement..

that grit and moral ambiguity is exactly what resonates with fans..

they're gonna be a little unsettled in the way that we want them to be..

not the first movie to provoke copycats..모방범, 모방하는 사람..

it was a copycat crime.

REenacted scenes from 매트릭스..재연하다..

the suspect reenacted the crime in front of the police..

in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me..

dive..급히 움직이다..

duck..휙 수그리다..
when she ducked, she says the suspect started firing right on the row behind her..

come across as..인상을 주다..
came across as a quiet and easygoigng college student..


 lone wolf..단독범..
he is the classic lone wolf..

it's booby-trapped, full of tripwies, containers of flammable liquids.

the befuddled dad in that Huggies commercial..아리둥절하게 하다, 혼란에 빠뜨리다..
the author liks to befuddle the readers..

it's an enduring stereotype, now being shatterd by..
good-looking people are stereotyped as being more confidentt and socially-skilled..

a single dad by choice..

Mrs. Right..천생연분, 딱 맞는 신붓감..

it's enriched my life so much..풍요롭게 하다, 질을 높이다..
the experience enriched her understanding..

while still a rarity,..드문 사람, 희귀한 것..
once considered a rarity, ...

2012년 7월 28일 토요일

being part of the elite sport of competitive horse dancing or dressage..

refrain from any furhter horse-themed attacks..말과 관련된 공격..

blend in..섞여 들다..
clearly, the bomber wanted to blend in..

to avenge this latest bombing..
to avenge myself on him..

let's face it..사실을 직사하자, 솔직히 말해서...

assure somebody of ~ing..보장하다..




there are some stubborn myths..고질적인 미신..


if you lay flat or get close to the ground..
those weren't the only sparks flying on Capitol HILL TODAY..

Drug loards..마약집단 대장...

boasts of being the bank of choice for everyone..자랑하다 뽐내다.=boast about..

he likes to boast that he has a nice car..

moneyman..돈줄 관리자..

the Iranian government trying to get around U.S embargos..피하다..

how can we get aournd this law??

take you on as a customer..

dodgy..의심스러운, 부정직해 보이는..
she is dodgy and we don't trust her at all..

launder..돈세탁 하다..세탁하다.
he wore a freshly laundered shirt..

sheepishly admitted there ahve been cover-ups at the relationahoips and .순하게, 소심하게..순순히 인정하다..

he is a sheepish scholar whos is most comfortable hemm in by books..

2012년 7월 27일 금요일

security scare..여객기를 훔쳐 탄 조종사..

ricochet..스치고 튀어 나오다.
in his haste clips the wing of another parked palen and ricochets off the taxiway..

a glaring weak spot 약점 repeated at small airports with big jets all across the cournty..

tamper..손대다, 함부로 변경하다..
how safe from tampering is airline food??

the food carts are left unattended..

evangelize..전파하다, 전도하다..
there are hundreds of sites evangelizing for Provigil..

best bet..가장 안전하고 확실한 방책..
your best bet si to get more sleep..

heart-pounding..가슴이 두근거리는..
a hearrt-ponding scene...

swaying back and forth..
UPP is at a critical jucture right in the wake of a failure to expel two proportional representation candidates..

A motion to oust the tow lawmmakers was voted down while they refused to forfeit their parliamentary seats..

less than majority of incumbent lawmakers in the party cast yes votes, resultingin their survival ..

today is a disgraceful day when the tuth is lost and the liberal forces fell apart..

the repurcussions are serious enought to lead their supportive bases to bolf form the party en masses

the party was rattled after the internal investigation came to a conclusion that the ballots were rigged..

the party's effort to renovate itself and uproot the tow pro-North Korea elements is in a state of being dicey and its mainstream faction is composed of North Korea sympathizers..

gruesome..섬뜩한, 소름 끼치는..
it was a gruesome attack..

infest..우글거리다. 들끓다..
these waters are some of the most shark-infested in the world..

it's safe to say..라고 말해도 좋다...과언이 아니다..
it's safe to say tht he is a guy that loves to get high..

hobbyist..취미에 열심인 사람..

Some awasrds and plaques on your doctor's office walls may feel reassuring but shold it always??

he reassured me that eeryting was fine..

has awarded top doctor honors to physicians still on theri website after being disciplined and even disgraced..징계하다...디스겔이스드는 창피당하다

i've practiced zero days of dentistiry in my life..(의사, 변호사 등으로) 일하다.
practice law..practice dentistry..

she has been practicing law for wover 20 years..

other doctors make a big deal out of these top doc plaques, touting them ontheir websites for promotional purposes...

the compay is running advrrisements touting the drug's effectiveenss...

a flatteirng letter..
아첨하다, 알랑거리다..

he's just flattering you..

2012년 7월 26일 목요일

undercut..약화시키다..싸게 팔다, 저가로 내놓다..
the one-two punch trying to undercut Mitt Romney's claim that he has the experienc to spur a struggling economy..

dampen..약화시키다, 꺽다..
He was soaked, but he did not dampen his attack of Mitt 4Romney's record at the investment firm of Bain Capital..

dicey..위험한, 확실치 않은..
but here's where things could get deicy for shoppers..

second nature..제 2의 천성, 간단하고 자연스러운 일..
it's become second nature for shooprs..
impaired..충분히 기능을 못하는, 약화된..
charged with driving while imparied with drugs..

sideswipe..옆에서 치다..=T-bones//rear-end..
she sideswiped a tractor trailer..

a slap in the face..
Outfitting team USA in Chinese-made uniform was a slap in the face..

whip up..빨리 만들다..
want to whip us up some scarves..

take flight..달아나다..
A speeder takes flight  after he runs a red light and T-bones an innocent motorist...

near miss..위기일발의 상황..
They think when somebody runs a red light, there's either near misses or everybody's okay..

this is the song of the summer and one of those rare anthems that seems to make everyone sing and dance.

collaborator..합작자, 공동저자..

he was out combating allegations...

Romney came out swinging..공격적으로 나오다..
They came out swinging and scored three goals in the first half..

theObama campaign has been hammering Romney..

those attacks have struck a nerve..신경을 건드리다....touch a nver..hit a nverve..

Any talks of raising the cost of college tuition strike a nver with studetns..

tha'ts riduculous and disturbing...beneath the dignity of the president and campaign..

It's Chicago-style plitics at its worst..

he outhgt to diaavov it and reign in these peopel that are running out of control..부인하다..

SHE IS tryignto disavow her earlier statements..

the attacks are out of bounds..도를 넘어서다, 지니치다..한도를 벗어난..

i think they are demandng out of bounds..

it's very disappointing on his part..

i had no role whatsoever in the management of..

filings with.....어디....

i' m not gonna weigh in on  that..

these other matters are extraneous...관련 없는..
Just give me the basi facts, without extraneous details..

2012년 7월 25일 수요일

not everybody applauded the new look..박수, 성원하다..
i applaud your decision..

to get outfitted..

dashing..근사한, 멋진...
he looked very dashing in a designer jacket..

it's a disgrace...a national disgrace kind of thing..수치 , 망신..

is that realistic???현실적으로 가능함?

for less money..

the backbone of our country?? 충추, 근간..
ERP is the backbone of e-business..

why was that not a consideration??고려사항..
for me, safety is the most important consideration to choose a car....

2012년 7월 24일 화요일

fire on the tracks..

Your skin is starting to tingle..따끔거리다..얼얼하다..

crisscross...교차하다, 종횡으로 통하다..
140000 miles of freight track crisscrossing our communities..

fed antibiotics from hatch to frying pan...

outsmart..보다 한 수 앞서다..
antibiotics trying to outsmart the bacteria..

hound..사냥개..따라다니며 괴롭히다..
He bacame a victim in this calamity, clearly resenting the captain coward label that has hounded him..

fess up..자백하다..
he's putting blame on everybody but himself..

hushed..소리를 낮춘..
Violent jolts, sendidng passengerss into hushed prayer on   a flight last year...

unbuckled..안전 벨트를 하지 않은..
unbucled passengers were suddenly tossed like coins in a can..

2012년 7월 23일 월요일

there was a mythic kind of showdown this weekend..

the steely tennis legen Roger Federer versus the scrappy hometown here..허접한..강철 같은, 무정한..
she showed steely determination..

reminder that somethigmes it's more than a game..

As he stared acroos the net and a kingdom's legacy of sporting misfortune, he saw just how impossible his task was.
One win from a Wimbledon title, and so much more..

the greatest player to ever wield a racket..휘두르다, 행사하다..
he wields enormous power at the company..

a taciturn Scot not given to overt emotional dispays, a Wimbledon fortnight became an annual torture 말수가 적은..
He is taciturn and introvert..

dogged by a forgettable recent history of his own..영구고가 비교하면 별거아닌forgettable...괴롭히다..끈질기게 따라다니다.
his career has been dogged by bad luck..

he was no longer his sport's dominant force..

packing Wimbledon's hallowed grounds going to pieces for one of thier own..성지를 가득 메우다..

he won the first set borne by thousands on hand..목도하다, 출석한=present..money on hand..수중에있는 돈..

Emergency police were on hand in case of trouble...

the tears of joy was his..

For it's all we ask of our athletes, that they care as much as we do.

recoordh-high temperatures..
rival..에  필적핟, 비할 만하다..
as warm as Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Rivaling those temperatures..

brief..짧은, 잠시 동안의..
it's a brief break..

fast and furious manhunt..정말 빠른, 정신없는..
pull out all the stops..온각 조력을 다하다..
putting guns in the hands of Terry's killers..

on the lookout..망을 보고, 경계하여..
on the lookout for drug runners..

fact check..대선 후보들의 네거티브 광고 전쟁..
loose..충실하지 않은, 정밀하지 않은..
Negative and loose with the facts..

stand up to..저항하다, 맞서다..
Rommey's never stood up to China. All he has ever done is ship them our jobs..

\PASS..Pull the pin..Aiming..Squeeze the trigger, Sweep side to side..
work..사용하다, 작동시키다..
we wanted to see if they could work a fire extinguisher..

no-no..해서는 안 되는 행동..
took his eyes off of the fire, a big no-no..

2012년 7월 22일 일요일

holiday beachgoers..

have an eye  on the horizon tonight..유의하다, 주시하다..
i heard they have an eye o the striker..눈독들이다 스카웃하려고...

the strartling images..

great white shark..

trying to feast off a group of seals.....feast off.. feast on..포식하다 맘껏 먹다..
we feasted on the fish he had caught..

the water looks shallow..

it coindes quite clearly with the large population of seals in the area..일치하다 동시에 일어나다..
our tastes in music coincide..

but this summer already, some close calls..위기 일발, 구사일생..
i had a close call when his apartmetn flooded..

four swimmers were bit..

with bites to her hand and foot..

have tagged many great whites..

can be quite the spectable for beachgoers..구경거리, 장관..
was a great spectable..spectacular..

2012년 7월 20일 금요일

tenure..재임기간, 재임..
교수는 종신 재직권.
attacking his tenure at Bain Capital..

outspend..보다 많이 쓰다..
i'll be the first sitting president in modern history to be outspent in this reelction campaign..

detergent danger..사탕처럼 생긴 세탁세제..
mistake ...for...오인하다..
Children ate coulorful packets of laundry detergent, mistakin them for candy..

canister..통, 용기..
the packaging on their canisters will soon have a double latch lid and a larger warning..

wreak havoc..
that one second wreacking havoc across the internet last night,  crashing these major websites right here..

meltdown..붕괴, 용융..
thousands of passengers were stranded by a system meltdown..

ladies night out..boys night out..guys night out..
take ...under one's wing..돌보다, 보호하다..
who takes a newcomer to the business under his wing..

be music to one's ears of 누구........반가운 소식인..

a delicacy..별미..

foie gras..

buttery stuff made from the attened livers of ducjs and geese..

foodies are indulging in one last binge..마음껏 하다..
i don't want to be an indulgent parent..

animal cruelty activists are in a flap..흥분한, 동요한..aggetated..
he easily gets in a flap..

it's kind of the pinnacle of human arrogance if you ask me..절정, 정점..
i think i hae reached the pinnacle of my career..

with that day now at hand, they are now hoarding foie gras.사재기하다, 비축하다.
peopel tend to hoard food befoer an emergency..

swan song..마지막 공연 작품..

i'll have a sliver of it at the end of the evening..조각..

2012년 7월 19일 목요일

come out swinging..

be boxed in..
ride out..이겨내다, 잘 넘기다..
i;ve ridden out dozens of storms. This wa no typicl thunderstorm..

cintingency..만일의 사태..
Our contingency plan is  to go to a hotel..


baking=sizzling..타는 듯 이 더운..
the numbers were record-breaking..the feeling, record baking..

sultry..무더운, 후텁지근한..
this is day two of the sultry heat wave..

dashing..늠름한, 근사한..
young, dashig man..

safe haven..안전한 곳, 피난처..
cars are turned into armored safe haven..

every second counts..일초일초가 중요하다..


in sync..맞는, 조화를 이루는..
to keep the world in sync..

2012년 7월 18일 수요일

respected...esteemed speaker...

he will guide you through

interactive쌍방향의..webinar...웹 세미나..to teach you valuable leardership skills..

define your skills..recognize..interests.관심사..values..

how personal ethincs affect business decisions..

improve personal productivity..

increasing staff productivity..enhace..development..

job satisfaction..직업 만족도..

two specific times..두가지 특별한 시간..

a small reception will take place as usual..

collective, personal  and professional skills..
calling it quits..그만하기로 하다..
i decided to call it quits for the day..

the object of fscination and now word that he may have been blindsided by the news..매력의 대상..놀라게 하다, 기습히다..\
the economic downturn blindsided many investors..

 filed for divorce...asking for sole custody of..

rumors of a split..결별..has been swirling for weeks..

ended in divorce..

his courtship with Holmes was studiously choreographed..열심히, 애쓰며..
my son is a studious boy..공부좋아하는 아이..학구적인 앙이..

the paparazzi dutifully documented every kiss..충실하게..
he is also dutiful..obedient.라는 뜻도있음..

너무좋아서 믿을 수 없는..the deal is too good to be true..

2012년 7월 17일 화요일

the nation's most prestigious enginerring university..going throhg a crisis

a solid majority of school members...

as in most conflicts, neither side can be completely right or wring in this ugly controntation..

his corrent predicamenet comes in stark contrast to six years agon when he arrived a the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technoloy holding high a banner of reform..

he toughened the screenign for professors's promotion and tunure, mandated the use of only English in all lectures and stripped students failing to earn a grade point average of 3.0 of scholarhsips..

donations rushed in..

this was shocking even in a coutnry with a notoriously high suicide rate..

an overwhelming majority..

external pressure ot expel him..

the direction and tempo of the reform..

in an objective and merit-based manner..

prsuing scholastic depth..

the punitive tuition system based on only GPA can retrograde to single-track education, smothering creatvie ability..

one-way communication..

full of relentless competition and greades-are-everythign stress..

an educator with sutdents' well-being at heart..

need more warm-hearted and more humane leaders rather than ruthless pushers..
started the difficulty process of assessing the damage..

take root..뿌리를 내리다..
once they hit a house and take root, it is very difficult for anybody to imagine the kind of devastation and how quickly it happens..

retrieve..구해내다, 되찾다, 수습하다..
He was attacked  and dragged half a mile before being tracked down and retrieved by stunned staff members..

lacerate..찢다, 베다..
he looked remarkably like a piece of meat on a butcher's tray, really deeply lacerated from head to toe..

kid brother..남동생..

forfeit..몰수 당하다, 잃다..
who's agreed to forfeit all his money..

he was brash and rich..

slip..재빨리 넣다....//slip past body guard..
he apperas to slip somethign into his mouth..
get caught on tape..

she's having the time of her life..정말 즐거운 시간을 보내다..
thanks to you, i had the time of my life yesterday..

checked out the rides

strapped in on a ride..

within seconds, pure terror washes over his face, joy over hers...엄습하다, 밀려오다..
i felt numb as grief washed over me...멍해지다..

become a viral sensation..

what a trooper..용감한 사람..기병...기습공격하는 사람..
he is a real trooper. he is brave, courageous, vibrant and a great guy..

putting on a brave face for their kids..태연한 척을 하다..
she puts a brave face on everytihign but she's worried

she's not wimpy. she's just shy..

2012년 7월 16일 월요일

has been removed from all official posts..
Worker's Party..
he was one of seven top party and military cadres..

he walked alongside the hearse..

cited his illness as the reason for his sudden departure..but analysts discount such a possibility..saying he would have retained some honorary posts if he had really been sick..

for now, several possibiliest are being raised..

in the coming weeks..

seize control of the military...

his outser.

with other top cadres...

he was purged..after being defeated in a power struggle in the Norh's inner circle....

his unrivaled status began to crumble..

he may have fallen out of favor with Kim..

military-first policy..
storming ashore..열대폭풍 데비 상륙..
unmet..충족되지 않는..
No need will go unmet as Florida faces this challenge..

i feel discarded..that's what i feel..
if i had eight, ten sandbags. the house wouldn't flood..

court..의 환심을 사려 하다..win over
when it comes to courting Hispanic voters, some are now asking has Mitt been too mum..

muddle..혼란, 혼동..
what we are left with is a bit of a muddle..

dogma..신조..무조건 믿는..
the notion that a calorie is a calorie has been dogma for many, many years..

kernel..낟알, 알맹이..핵심..
the stone-ground whole wheat kind where you can actually see the kernel..맷돌로 간..

drown in..압도당하다..싸이다..
they'ar moms in the shadows, all over Korea, drowning in their daily responsibilities..

come naturally to..에게 아주 쉽다..
that didn't come naturally for me..저에겐 그게 어렵네요..

2012년 7월 15일 일요일

portrait..그림이지만 인물사진의 뜻일 때에는 사진에도 쓰인다..
a priceless portrait of some famous fathers..

unearthing images that the magazine captured through the years of osme stars..

in their most prized role..아빠로써의 역할..소중한..
this is myh prized collection of figures..

with his eyes trained on his daughter..겨누다, 향하게 하다..
wheneer i trained camara on him, he stepped back.

holding a timid 호섭 at the water's edge..소심한, 겁먹은.
even experts can become timid before a vital speech...

climbing up on top of him..위에..
i get commission on top of my salary..수당..

peering over her bassinet...아기침대.
응시하다, 유심히보다.
he peered at the small writing..작은 글씨체..

at bedtime..

2012년 7월 14일 토요일

stun gun..전기 충격기..
that beating went on for 15 minites with for police officers pounding him with batons, kicking him, shooting him with stun guns..

he said he forgave the officers, but decades later, he was still haunted by nightmares and flashbacks..

cliffhanger..그리스 총선 결과../아슬아슬한 상황
run high..고조되다, 격해지다..
Before the election, emotions ran high..

pelt..던지며 공격하다../비가 억수로 오다../눈싸움할때 던지다.
A politician attacked rivals on TV, viewers pelted a journalist with yogurt..

rupture..터지게 하다, 파열시키다.
if you're drving an older model and you're rear-ended, deadly fires caused by a ruptured plasticd fuel tank loacted behind the rear axle..

dearly..대단히, 몹시..
Imagine somebody that you'd been with , that you love dealy for 33 years being burned to death. It's just not a good picture..

Bio Scare..질병통제센터 실험실의 실수..
lapse..실수, 과실..
an alarming report now aobut lapses at a govenrment lab

the most dangerous germs on Earth..

those are all isolagted incidnts or whether it represnts just the tip of the iceberg..

the fallout from that..낙진, 좋지 않은 결과..
He's trying to cope with the emotional fallout from his divorce..

will she choose her career over love???

i didn't ask for an argument..논쟁을 하자는게 아닙니다.

there is a clear line between..

he is quite arrogant, So is his sister, for that matter..그 점에 대해서는..

i never heckled a president..야유하다..
the players were heckled by tht fans..

he was correct in calling her out..비난핟, 부르다../요새 구어체로 자주쓰임.ㅋㅋㅋ
I think we should call out a plumber..

2012년 7월 13일 금요일

Out of the shadows..오바마의 이민정책과 대선..
in a box..궁지에 빠진, 난처한..
the new immigration policy puts him in a political box..

outflank..선수를 치다..
While Republicans know they need to find ways to appeal to Latinos, he may have just outflanked Romney..

Out of bounds..대통령의 말을 끊은 사람 화제..

High honor..노벨 평화상 수상 연설으 한 아웅산 수치..

acceptance speech..수상 연설..

human rights crusader she deleivered her long-delayed acceptance speech for ther 1991 Nobel Peace Prize..

restore..되찾게 하다, 회복시키다..
to restore a sense of reality to me..

plod..터벅터벅 걸음, 힘겨운 걸음...
the steady plod seemed to be visible in those final moments..

consummate..완벽한, 능숙한..
that was a consummate showman buildin some drama before a victory sprint..

endign a secret sortie into space..


immigration bombshell..오바마의 새로운 이민정책..
reprieve..유예, 연기..
the administraion in one sweeping act granted a kind of reprieve to thoundsand of yhoung undocumented immigrants..

the Presidents took the dramatic move to sidestep Congress after a bill overhauling immigration law had languished..

The Reaction..새로운 이민 정책에 대한 반응..
deport..강제 추방하다..
the high scholl valedictorian, who learned before..

he is giving amnesty to..

pitch darkness..칠흑..
be walking in pitch darkness, through water mist and fog...

such a safety measure offends his sensibilities as a stuntmaan....

in the event of a fall..

civility..공손함, 정중함..
His life arcs back across a lot of American history, reminding everyone of a generation that believed in duty and civility in politics..

the life of the party..파티의 스타, 흥을 고조시키는 사람..\

see 100% lemon juice on a label..

So unscrupulous companies decide..비양심적인..파렴치한..
she is scrupulous in her handling of money..

anywhere from..to..사이 어딘가..

it won't activate baking soda to make flour rise..

watered down...물을 탄..
i think they watered down the truth..약화시켜말함..

baking soda solution.용액..

chemical reaction..화학반응..

passing off cheap vagetable oil as olive oil..을...로 속이다...
pass off the painting as an original..

counterfeiter..위조자 위조범..
counterfeited the 500,000 won bill위조하다..fake..

dollar stores..다이소...

it might be a food fake..

2012년 7월 12일 목요일

pass an arrest motion for 사람..a ominous sign....proceed in the direction of disappointing voters

to be sure..criticized most stringently..to protect their vested interests..a plot to vote down...

independent lawmaker..inllegal campainging.. by a vote of 344 to 24

a litmus test gauaging.....parliamentarians...forsake..take him into custody while the assembly is in session..

it came into being in order to...appied double standard..


in one form or another..

speed up their reform drives..

to console the peole..
americans of all ages are forever trying new ways to lose weight, from fad diets to pills..
the latest fad..최신 유형..

a fast-growing trend..

to shed the pounds..없애다, 버리다..
the compay is planning to shed about a quater of its workforce..

Bods for God..신을 위한 바디..

losing pounds..

collectively..종합하여. 전체로..
it was a collective decision, not the decison of him alone..

the hard work became more doable when it was for esus..할 수 있는..
Is this doable by someon who doesn;t speak Enlgish??

hundreds of congregatiohns..신도 신자..
how many members of your congregation...??

the sandusky trial..
summon..어렵게 내다..summon the courage..
summoned the courage to step forward in public and testify against the man..

not blink an eye..눈 하나 안 깜빡이다..
he barely blinked an eye..

square off..싸우다..
they squared off..

it matters most to me..

nefariously..사악하게, 극악무도하게..
he described his opponent as nefariously plotting to cut spending in a way that would hurt the middle class..

dealt a blow..이집트 의회 해산 명령..
undo.무효로 만들다. 원상태로 돌리다..
undid their votes today..

unchecked..견제되지 않은, 억제되지 않는..
the president's powers are undefined and potentially unchecked..

put..on hold..보류하다 연기하다..
put their life on hold to build an orphanage in their daughter's memory..

honor 이행하다, 지키다..
it's that sense of purpose that she left us..목적의식.
how could you not as a parnt honor that??

2012년 7월 11일 수요일

the victim of identity theft..

it can be years before you  realize it..

they'd years to run up 돈 in debt..빚 등을 쌓다..
how did you rup up so many debts??

they created more than 42 accounts, defaulting on all of them..체납하다...
Many mortgage borrowers are defaulting on their payments..

they took loans out on boats, and houses...

to clear her credit..

it may take her months, if not years to start fresh..-까지는 아니더라도...

with no clue it's happening..

crooks took out two student loans..사기꾼..conman..손, 발가락을 구부리다..
he crooked his finger at her and said..come here..

the problemeis alrge and growing..

it's usually undetected and undetectable...

periodic checks are made to ensure quality..

2012년 7월 10일 화요일

plunging prices..미국 휘발유 가격 하락..
a long way from..거리가 먼, 판이한.
it's still a long way from where it needs to be..

fill up..가득 채우다..
부산, is the most expensive place to fill up..

new charges..도핑 혐의를 받은 랜스 암스트롱.
every bit of..모든, 일체의..
he denies every bit of it, says he never doped, has never tested positive..

these charges are baseless, motivated by spite..악의..

taking the blame..투자실수를 인정한 제이피 모건  ceo
he was lauded for  steering his company throhg the finnalcial crisis untarnished..

a tempest in a teapot..사소한 일로 인한 헛소동..
this is a tempest in a teapot..

given..당연한 일.. 기정사실..
for millions of healthy women, it was taken as a given..

the jury is still out..결론이 아직 안 나옴..
the handcuffing of three Korean civilians by us military policemen last week was an illegal act in vilolation of SOFA(statement of forces afreement) rules that prohibit such action..

a prompt apology offered by the commander of u.s forces Korea is seen as an admission by the u.s militatry authorities that seven u.s ,miliatry personnel overreacted during a brawl with Korans over parking outsied Osan Air Base..

the incident began when...told a resident to move his car...local police officers were called to the scen at th time..there was a scuffle during which he and his friends were handcuffed..tried to haul them into the nearby  base..

arguments form both sides are poles aparts..their actions amounted to legitimate self-defense countering violence from the Korean civilians..but it would be a violation of SOFA rules if they rufused to transfer the civilians to Koran policemen after they arrived at the scence..conduct a thorogoug investigation into the case..

they have no authority to do so..can exercise their autoirty off base only when they cooperate with Korean police..

dispite the regretful nature of the incident, we are positive about the sincere attitude of America's forcdss...

deserves credit...not to repeat a blunder of 10 years ago..aromored personnel carrier..
nationwide candilet vigils that escalated into mass protets against the presence of us troops here..

off-base patrols...street patrols..

should serve as a positive catalyst for the two countires to map out fundamental measures aimd at preventing any similar indidents..

2012년 7월 9일 월요일

the incident that has touched off a debate for every American family about the perils of stressed- out parents..

no less than the prime minister of Britain and his wife..다름아닌 바로..
including no less than the country's president..

were enjoying a spot of lunch before taking their eye off their daughter..

she was safe and sound..

was on the defense.."distraught when it happened.."..제정신이 아닌..
she was distrauthg when her puupy wnet missing..

it's a lot of fuss about nothing..법석, 야단..
we want a small wedding without any fuss..

i do not ging it's disgracefull...부끄러운, 수치스러운..
this is the first time i bother to write a review, but our evengin was so disgraceful i wanted to warn othr people off the restaurant..

try and balance it all..

it's easy to get distacted..

felt a little empathy..공감..
entrepreneurs need to have empathy with their customers..
hit and run..뺑소니 사고 혐의를 받은 미국 상무부 장관...
rear-end..뒤를 들이 받다..//crash..//head-on
he rear-ended a car tht was stopped at a train crossing..

he took and passed a breathalyzer and submitted to a blood test..

fighting the flames..번지고 있는 산불..
bull's eye..중앙, 중심..
For one moment, all attention seemed focused on this house, directly in the bull's eye.

go up(in flames).. 날아가다..
This is our worst case scenario. What's it like to watch this community go up like this??

on the brink..스페인 경제위기의 원인..
not to be outdone..뒤지지 않으려고
Not to be outdone,......it can't afford to pay for..

best and brightest..엘리트 그룹, 우수한 인재..

escape from alcatraz..
Guards found pillows under the bed sheets and lifelike paper-mache heads with real hiar stolen from the prison barber..

life preserver..구명용구..
made a raft and life preservers

2012년 7월 6일 금요일

stay afloat..파산하지 않다..
it is now asking for up to 돈 or more to stay afloat..

interconnected..상호 연결된..
how interconnected we are with...

livid.. 격노한 흙빛의...
they are livid..

i have s.t at my disposal..내 맘대로 이용할 수있는..

E. Coli outbreak..대장균 감염 증가..
definitively.. 명확하게..

cluster..무리를 이루다, 모이다..
14cases clustered in the place..

was sucked into the ocean..

make landfall.상륙하다..
punctuality..be on time..

demeanor..do you have a good demeanor??품행..

conscientious..양심적인..성실한..she is a conscientious person..성실한 사람이다..


it's none other that employee of the month..

for starters, the board of executives have gone through a conscientious evaluation of

we will recognize표창하다 outstanding and examplary performance..

2012년 7월 5일 목요일

pelt..동물 가죽..퍼붓다, 때리다..
Pelted by one-inch hail, pummeled by fierce winds, surronded by screams..

crouch..몸을 쭈그리다
sTAY away from trees and get down into a crouched position on the balls of your feet..

Something the President said this moring caused a stir, THe Whithe House was tryignto backtrack this afternoon..

He was trying to make a discrete point about just the private sector, not including governmet gobs...

The soda insider..코카콜라 중역이 고발..
Madison Avenue..메디슨 가, 미국 광고업계..
He saysapologies are due from all the Madison Avenue types,

have some karma debt that they fell like they owe..

singer under fire..
audible..들을 수 있는..
left with an audible scar..

stutter..말을 더듬다..

champion down..챔피언이 쓰러졌다.

took everyone by surprise....

a collective gasp of :"oh, no"

with a heart of a champion..챔피언의 심자을 가진...

he's the come-frome-behind kid who had a shot at history..역사에 남을 시도를 하다.

tendonitis..건염..in his left front leg...

their prized horse at their side..옆에 두고...소중한...
it is my most prized possession..

it's just a freakish thing..이상한, 별난
i had a freakish roommate in  college..

started as a scrappy underdog...
the opeing 10 minuts of the game was scrappy, with both sides unable to settle...

unproven bloodlines..

i believe he's been pulled up.. 기수가 말을 세우다..

mindful of..유념하는 염두에둔..
Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others..

bloodstock..경마용 순수 혈통 말.

2012년 7월 4일 수요일

we bumped into each other

guest speaker..

intercultural differences..

pertaining to our topic..

oblige to our invitation..

2012년 7월 3일 화요일

criminal act..범죄행위...문자메시지로 인한 교통 사망사고..
glance..힐끗 보기..
look at this bus driver, one glance down at the phone-enght to distract thime and cause this crash..

render..판결 등을 내리다..-~이 어떤 상태로 되게하다...
Juries are ready, willing and able to render a guilty verdict..

Your voice and your vote..
blueprint..청사진, 계획..
GOP(grand old party..공화당)
The win is a blueprint for Republicans across the country...

done deal..다 끝난 일..
They would have said this is a done deal..i think its still very competitive here..

Vaccine alert..
render..어떤 상태가 되게 하다, 만들다...
which can render them almost useless..

you need a dedicated refrigerator for that..

chaos in the cockpit..
fateful..운명을 결정하는 치명적인..(부정적)
it is three and a half hours into the flight...makes a fateful decision..

exasperation..격분, 분노..
they're at a point of exasperation where you actually have a bit of the discipline breaks down..

daredevils jumpig form higher and higer heights and the wildest yet..

with a wingsuit..

there's a mystical Himalayan mountain..신비로운, 신령스러운..
For me, the birth of my children was an almost mystical experience that that even now  i look back on with awe..

spetn six grueling days climbing tht mountain..

the highest base jump even attempted..

flirt with..무서워않고 덤비다, 모험하다..
flirting wiht the fate of lcarus..
you are flirting with danger if.....

cardboard boxes to break his fall..마분지 상자..추락의 충격을 완하하다..
Fortunately my chin broke my fall..i picked myself up, a bit shaken form the impact of my brain reverberating inside my skull

drifting safe to terra firma in the Himalayas..육지, 대지
the astronauts were ecstatic to be back on terra firma..

safe and sound after a feat that one of his bravw brethren is alradly planningto beat..
무사히 아무 탈 없이...
i hope you got home safe and soound
pics and stories..사진..

what's keeping you so engrossed at work??

i am in charge of annual 바자회 that's held next year!!

i have been handling the project everything form a ot z..

i a hve been really stressed out..

can't anyone help you with that??

i thought you had a team..


take a breather..한숨 돌리다..

2012년 7월 2일 월요일

i have an importtant announcement ot make..want your undivided attention..//full attention..
shaping our community..지역사회 발전을 위해..we will launce a well fair..that will sprout next year..

we wat to spent ......so that we can take the plunge(=위험이 있을 수도 있지만 무릎쓰고) next year...

i receive well fair checks..

collect ideas and envisage together

to better the lives of poor people..

let;s all have a hand in this project..