IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2012년 6월 30일 토요일

when an administation has what it thinks is necesary but unpopular to do, it usually explains it the the people and seeks their consent..pushes ahead with it stealthy..ill-favored U.S beef..

gave the go-ahead..handle the pot potato as furtively as possible..
press briefings..was tabled on meetings..

escalating military threat form..

that's not all threre is..

contatin the ever-incresing..using it as a welcom and convenient excuse..the only problem remaining..Korean people's resentment over Japan.

the reason is not emotional distance, but rather, reasohnable doubt..

Japan has not genuinely repented of its brutal colonizaitono of Korea as seen in..
pushing for necleasr armament..publish a defense white paper..such an unrepentant and untrustworthy partner??..That's only the beginning and it will be a matter of time before..

it is just a shortsighted move to win over ......
aging planes..
the mistake arose from a basic misunderstanding..

holding the line against the blaze that won't stop..소방호스

it's really rugged terrain in there, real steep, rocky..
He is tall and rugged..강인한 인상??

air tanker=tanker plane..

made a forced belly landing..동체 착륙..

aviation antique..

air tankers on call..대기중인..
Our staff are on call 24/7

safety concerns..

Modernizing the fleet has been a slow, bureaucratic mess
Many people don't like bureaucratic delays..

the plane weren't airworthy..안정하게 비행할 수 있는..seaworthy
I s the ship seaworthy???

2012년 6월 29일 금요일

celebrating the queen..건강 악화로 즉위 기념식에 참석하지 못한 필립공.
flanked by..~가 옆에 있는..//사람의 옆구리는 side..동물의 옆구리는 flank
flanked by her glamorous grandchildren..

through and through.하나부터 열까지, 속속들이...
But a naval man through and through, he was sprightly on the royal barge yesterday in  a 1000-boat jubilee flotilla..

soiree..파티..보통 집으로초청해서하는 소규모..//bash..대규모 파티..
a fancy soiree..

calamitous..재난을 가져오는..

hook up..연결하다..

can make a diagnosis and start prepping the operating room..

talon..발톱..특히 새의...

a fighting chance..회복할 가능성, 성공할 가능성..
he has a fighting chance..
death knell..

appear at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office..to be questioed...to salvage troubled savings banks.

if the past is any guide..in the lead-up to the end of the current regime...

give a full account of.. given his political weight....to secur a conviction..

six-term lawmaker.. to lobby politicians..and  hight-ranking civil servants...to be ousted..exercised his influence

in borrowed-name bank accounts..influence-peddling..
his three strongmen..commentators..

have a far-reaching impact on..dealing a blow to..

At any rate, it's high time to come up with fundamental measures to stop the repeition of corruption cases involving relatives and close confidants of presidens..

2012년 6월 28일 목요일

we don't wna to lose you because you are a valued and embedded part of our team..

to broaden my horizons and develop my potential..

any problems that spring to mind?

doing the same old things everyday??

i'd like to throw down a new challenge

2012년 6월 27일 수요일

Park Geun-hye's way

Arrogant, egotistical image is the last thing she needs..

s.t major comes up...at a national convention..unless some new sensation appears..the standard-bear of the party..

this seemingly unalterable outcome.the likely runner..

veteran..//seasoned politicial..flatly snubbed persisitent calls form he r inhouse rivlas..compeltely based on popular  selection..party delegates..the general public..in a 50-50 ratio..

stick to the status quo..

bitter experience of losing to 명박..at a primary..and 11th hour rule change..bona fide participants..

for fear of ...resultant internal injuries..dual legacy of economic gowth and democratic hindrance..never denigrated actions her father took..
a military coup d'etat..

understandable on a human level but not in terms of her role as a politician, much less a possible leader..her lack of flexibiltyh and tolerance..arrogance and self-righteousness..persecuted opponents by painting them red..

That she appears reluctant to communicate with her rivlas nor allow little diferences of views.....when eneds justified all means...

She also moved several clicks to the left..her ultimate dream may reamin just as that..
Air disaster..나이지리아의 여객기 추락사고.ㅋㅋㅋ
shy of..~에 못 미치는..
A passenger plane, about 150 peopel on board, smashing into a crowded city, just shy of the airport in Nigeia..

billow..피어 오르다..
billowing black smoke, scattered fragmetns of a plane, bodies..

battleground Wisconsin..

Cancer "smart bomb"
heat-seeking..열추적 방식으..
a new drug coctail..a heat-seeking missile.

let off..발사하ㅏㄷ, 터뜨리다..
and then lets off a massively toxic dose to kill off the cancer..

Royal flotilla..
armada..대규모 무리, 함대..
this massive armada of boats ends its journey..

bash..큰 파티..
the big jubilee bash doesn't end here..

wisecrack..농담하다,재치 있게 말하다.
he was first known as the wisecrackinmg Brit..

household name..누구나 아는 이름..
he became a household name..
howdy???how are you enjoying your visit??
honest goodness=real=genuine..

southern hospitality..

Texas is nothign if not extreme..
Brian is nothing if not punctual..
he is nothing if nor hard-working..

for texans it's do ro die..//it's black or white..//there is no in-between//there is no grey area..
fast and furious..미국 동부의 토네이도..
from a waterspout to a tornado..

pluck her..재빨리 피하게해서 차와 부딪히는 걸 막다.

it flipped boats, plucked trees and tore the roofs from homes in that coastal community..

judgement day...법정에선 무바라크 전 이집트 대통령..
gurney..바퀴 달린 들 것..
Hosni Mubarak carried in on a gurney, wheeled into a court room, abot to learn his fate..

secular..종교와 관계 없는, 비종교적인..

sugar wars.,.블룸버그 뉴욕시장..
derogatory..경멸하는, 비판적인..
I don't know if those are derogatory terms. At least it gets your name in the paper..\

adage..속담, 격언..
As the old adage, as long as they spell your name right, it's good publicity..

lifesaver..뇌종중 초기 증상 발견의 중요성..

in the nick of time..때 마침, 아슬아슬학게 때를 맞추어..

time-sensitive..분초를 다투는..
Since brain attack is a time-sensitive dises and every minue 1.9 million brain cells are dying..

was on that famous quest...

to circle the globe..

word of a new discovery ..it

it could be proof that she might hve survived thta crash after all..결국에는..
it didn't rain after all..

may not be one tantalizing step closer to the answer of what happen to Amelia Earhart..


the building is no longer inhabitable..

the reconstructed glass shards..복원된 조각..
Shards of pottery

this looks to us like castaway behavior..조난자..
He was cast away on a desert island..

all of those artifacts..

 to stop over=
I have a layover for 15 hours in Frankfurt, Germany.

radio transmission..

to be washed out to sea..

2012년 6월 26일 화요일

the only South American country which sent combat troops to the 1950-1953 Korean War as a member of the United Nation's forces.

welcome the bilateral deal as a win-win..a favorable environment for..

under the deal..manufactured goods..

be dismantled..//scrapped..//eliminated..//lifted..

trade volume..enjoyed a big trade surplus..free trade hub in South America...

killed in action..hasn';t been recognized fairly..will serve as an occation to shed fresh light on Colombia.....pay keen attenton to..the agricultural sector..other senstitive farm products..might need relief measures..

to take swift follow-up measures..winning parliamentary approval..
jobs jolt..실업률 하락과 경기침체 우려..
wilt..지치다, 풀이 죽다..
after an early spring bloom, the economy seems to be wilting a bit..

skirt..피하다, 빗겨 가다..
when will we know if we've skirted it or not?

green light..허가, 허가하다..
He pushed for Congress to green light a new program  tht would allow homeowners to refinance..재융자를 받다..집사기 위해서 융자받으면 그 융자를 갚기 위해서 또 융자받게 해주는 제도..

catch...off one's guard..허를 찌르다..Some were caught  a bit off-guard by today's news..

deadly distraction..휴대폰 문자로 인한 교통사고..
homicide..법적인 살인.
if there's an accident, you could be cahrged with homicie..

conceal..감추다, 숨기다..

the Queen's Crown..왕관을 오래 쓰느 거이 힘든 여왕?
be cracked up to be..사람들이 말하듯 좋은..
crack jokes..농담을 하다..//크랙은 말하다는 뜻..
The wearing of a crown is not always what it's cracked up to be..

longish..to learn how to wear it for longish periods..

i'm at my wits' end with the kids during the week.../at the edge../about to snap..
how long do you think we can keep this up?
i realy understand this is a trying situatio but i am really stuck (between a rock and a hard place)../don't have any options..

that 's a swell idea..

a housekeeper will tide you over for a while..
i need a little snack to tide me over until dinner..//survive temporarily

this weekend thing is not healty for our family..

i don't think that muffic will tide you over until dinenr..
i'm here on business..i am not familiar with the surroundings..

could you tell me how much it will cost to get downtown..by cab

there is absolutely no telling how much a cab will cost you  in this traffic..

it is rush hour

the tax fees are quite steep in this city..i suggest taking the subway..it's much cheaper and faster..

i've never taken public transportation in the city before..

how much are the subway fares..

the fare are.....one way..

i would get a day pass if i were you..

it's much cheaper and convenient..

go down to the subway station ....

thanks for the tip..

no problem.

good luck hitting the town..

action is the foundational key to all success..기초적 키..
mental health checkup

changes needed in perception, infrastructure

scores among the lowest on hapiness indexes..a serious overdrinking problem, ominous school violence..a word that best sumps up such a society is abnormal..

have regular health checkups..

mental disorder../mental ailments../emotional illness
the prevalence of major mental ailments..counseling or treatment..

a regimented society marked by excessive competition and deep-rooted prejudices against emotional illness

little more than a cold of the mind..right in this regard to sharply relax the criterion of mental disease..paranoia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders..

to suffer disadvantages..medical scarlet letter..potential pilferers..

the dismal state of mental health in this society

social ailments afflicting the underdogs and dropouts

it's an established medical and sociological conclusion that a society's mental health determines the freuecy of suicides in it...

ideological inclintion..
ending lawmakers' perquisites.

self-reform plans

compete with..rather bewildered with..to cut back on privileges enjoyed by lawmakers for its reason and timing..

got a head start..putting forth a six-point self-reform plan..applyinhg no-work, no-pay rules..

going in the desirable direction..parliamentarian..elitist..

election-year politics..

pension abolishon..ban on concurrent office..non-apprehension privilee..

deepening popular disturst in politics as a whole and hardening voter empathy..

it sould be apparent to everyone's eyes which way they must go..

with bipartisan efforts..it is long past time for...to..

chauffeur-driven sedans..

2012년 6월 25일 월요일

you had to blink twice if you were at the White House today..
has been keeping a low profile sice he left office..

the four presidentail comedians came out in good form..컨디션이 좋은..

welcomed his predecessor back to the White House today..

thank you so much for inviting our rowdy friends to my hanging..시끄러운, 소란스러운..noisy..
she complained aobut rowdy neighbors..

to enjoy his return to the limelight..각광, 세상의 이목..
he likes being in the limelight and does not mind showing off..

it's my privilege to introduce ...

Nothing makes a house a home like having portraits of its former occupants staring down at you form the wall

a day of emotion.

the greatest gift possible, unconditional love..

your kind words of encouragement..

he is smart. Plus she has a sense of humor..

that other sport, politics, seemed a world away..매우다른, 천양지차의..
Life here is a world away form the hectic and fas t-paced life of the city..

not guilty..무죄 평결을 받은 에드워즈..
not crime but sin..법적으로는 괜찮으나 도덕적 책임은 있다..
hung jury..불일치 배심, 평결 불일치..
there was a hung jury on all the rest of the charges..

flinch..주춤하다, 위축되다..
she never once flinched..she said ::"i'll be there for you no matter what.."

highway crackdown..
curbside..도로변에서 이루어지는, 터미널을 이용하지 않는..
climbing aboard the curbsie budget bus..

NO depots..

banning soda?라지 사이지 탄산음료 판ㅁ 금지를 계획 중인 뉴욕..
pet project...아끼는, 특히 좋아하는 프로젝트..
any sweetened drink..과당음료..흔히 탄산음료에 많이들어감.
part of the mayor's pet project..

nanny state-ism..복지국가주의(부정적뉘앙스)
this is the most ridiculous sort of nanny state-ism..

cite..이유를 들다..
customers cite the way it handles in the sand.

fast and furious..정신 없이 빠른..
American cars are hardly the only thing sellng fast and furious..

with a heavy heart, i regret to tell you that i will be resigning fomr the post..
my last day will be..
the decision was made with the best interest(=profit) in mind..최선이 무엇인지 고려하다..
more time with my family and children..
working in this leadership position(관리직) is really taking a toll on me..
it wasn't an easy decison for me.
i had a great time immensly
i will always look back fondly upon the past few year..
i wish you and you company all the best on your future endeavors..
please let me know it i can be of service to you

belief in oneself is one of the...
trucker's strike..

unionized truckers...launched a strike..raising fears of turmoil/disruption  in cargo transportation..

under the wing of..the nationwide action..

standard freight charge system..표준운임제..industrial accident compensation insurance..standardized contracts..logistics companies..

drivers=self-employed subcontractors...pay commission to..middlemen..sign a deal to carry goods..

take tough action against the strike..the strong stance..worsening status of the global economy..eurozone debt crisis..

feel sympathetic to..making a living..Press reports have it that....
work hours..

be swift in tackling the situation..to settle the case through dialogue..taking contingency measures..

to iron out a compromise at the earliest possible date..to avoid illegal acts

to set fire to..cargo truck..non-union members
property bubbles..

the property market../real estate market..more important than ever before..struggling with the bursting of property bubbles../the deflation of property bubbles..

the 2008 Lehman Brothers debacle../fiasco..in the doldrums..at a standstill..adverse effects..the so-called house poor..mired in a trap..bank loans..

have misgivings that house prices won't turn around for good and had litle motivation to buy property..

a package of measures..stimulating the dormant market..a piecemeal approach..in accordance with a paradigm shift..

debt-ridden..non-performing..trigger a vicious cycle..go insolvent..the economy as a whole

a comprehensive package of  preemptive meaasures...property transactions...pur the brakes on..buying, registering and selling property...

2012년 6월 24일 일요일

we trun to the urgent and unraveling situation in Syria..흐트러지기 시작하다..
when he returned to America, the marriage unraveled..

the cycle of violence seems to be spinning out of contrl../veering out of control..

be shot execution-style..

two shrouded bodies were placed on the hood of the vehicle.가리다, 감추다..
his personal life is shrounded in secrecy.

army shelling..군대포격..

see the wheels coming off of this bus..=spinning out of control..=unraveling situation..

he was an activist in the best sense of that word..그 단어가 정말 잘어울리는 사람.., using the medium to try and express the passions격노 and issues of a situation that he was confronging in his country.매체 수단..
th train was the usul medium of transportation in those days...

still clinging to the excuses that...고수하다.
her parents clung to the old ways..

there has been a huge hope that his days are numbered..살 날이 얼마 남지 않았다, 끝장나다.
my car's days are numbered..

it's their least favorite option..

to arm the rebels..
shocking revelations.

was there trick to brand the last surviving bomber a fake?

shocking to hear..made every effort..partly revealed this..made such testimonies

be broadcastr on a cable TV show...emigrate..move to other locations..appear on the program

flated denied..thereafter..his allegations are lop-sided, objective verificaionsare needed..

made such moves..to get him out of a bottleneck..

rampant rumors..gained speed/momentum..

it was treason to fabricate the victim..dereliction of duty..on and off..law enforcement authoriies..probing the case..strong suspicions..a systematic attempt..

to push for a special parliamentary panel..
panic in Seattle..시애틀의 총격사건..
out of place..안 어울리는, 맞지 않는..
The sight of officers out with guns drawn, running door to door, couldn't have been more our of place..

carjack..차량을 탈취하다.
a man carjacked a Merceds SUV in downtown Seattle

Facebook freefall..
flop..완전히 실패하다..

mum..잠자코 있는, 침묵하는..
he's lost 돈 and counting, and he's dismayed that she has been publicly mum since the stock went on sale.

runway chaos..두 건의 항공사고..
clip..스치다, 부딪히다..

spinnng it like a top..

family feud..과거 원수였던 두 가문의 이야기..
the sotyr has it all, murer, .....and moonshihne..

in the back of mymind..마믕 속 깊이, 마음 한 구석에..

2012년 6월 23일 토요일

sizzler..몹시 더운 날..
A trip to the beach was an escape from the summer-sized sizzler bakin almost half the nation n 90 to 100 degree heat..이미 여름같은..

glisten..피부가 땀으로 번들거리다..
Oh, i'm glistening..and i guess our humid sumers are back..

chicago shootings..시카고의 총격사건..
trying.괴로운, 힘든..painful..
Now to the developing story this evening in Chicago where police are bracing for something else, what could be another trying evenging..

drive-by..주행 중인 차량에 의한..
She was caught in the middle of  a drive-by shooting..

booming sales..미국 자동차 시장 호황..
win over..설득하다, 마음을 얻다...
how are they winning over those potential buyers??

keep up with..~에 따라가다, 뒤지지 않다..
to keep up with demand...

Honoring the Fallen..전몰 장병의 아이들..
adorn..꾸미다, 장식하다..
Flags adorn the headstones, the ceremnies are underway..

outward..표면상의, 외형의..
the outward sings of Memorial Day..외형적인 징후..

tHey are marking a huge night in Busan..

they opened up the bridge..

it's been the backdrop for so many Hollywood favorites..배경...
against the backdrip of 30 years of war..

an American feat of engineering was about to get underway..위업, 개가, 솜씨..
the performer is known for his astonishing acrobatic feats..솜씨..

walking across beams tethered to nothing at all..묶다..
she tethered her dog to the tree..

it took 90% guts 10% know-hot..배짱, 용기..
i didn't have the guts to ask her out..


workers with their own nerves of steel..담력..
You have to have nerves of steel to play in fornt of a crowd this size..

2012년 6월 21일 목요일

it's the sticky, sweaty, gotta-get-to-water weather that sent millions to the beach today..끈적끈적한..

Sunday will be even hotter and muggier..

arrest at the Vatican..교황청 비밀문서 유출 혐의로 체포된 교황의 집사..


they found a stash of stolen papal correspondence..

be in the habit of..습관이 있따..
the Pope is not in the habit of commenting on scandal..

shoddy.. 조잡한..
 because of shoddy maintenance..

junkie..심취자, 광 팬..
the octogenarian adrenaline junkie..

choreography..안무 , 연출..
look at the choreography..

file in..줄지어 들어가다..
a marching band files in..

go unsolved..미해결되다..

breaks them wide open..

is dominating the news..뉴스에 많이나오다..

type in the words."cold case

DNA is so often the star..

the evidence cracking the old case open is something like a suitcase..해결하다, 폭로하다, 열다..
we got home and cracked open the bag..

an eagle-eyed investigator

combing through surveillance video from 15 camaras..철저히 구석구석 찾다..
i combed throgh all my belonings, lookin for the lost papers..

threre was that little roll of film never developed..

imprint찍다 각인시키다..
i tried to imprint the image on my mind..]

can take comfort in the knowledge that even the coldest of cases can be suddelnly solved with a fresh eye for that key detail..위안을 받다.
i can take comfort int he fact tht i don't have to make a decisio today..

2012년 6월 18일 월요일

storm fronts..동, 서부의 폭풍..
blob.. 작은 부분, 방울..
See that orange blob over the Bhamas?

it will be sweltering..

air scare..술 취한 승객의 난동..
instrumental..중요한 역할을 한..
it's the second disturbance this week in which those on board were instrumental in ending an incident..

subdue..가라앉히다, 억누르다..
helped subdue the pilot who was apparentlyh having a beakdown.

in his own words..아픈 개인사를 밝힌 바이든 부통령..
consciously..의식적으로, 자각하고...

 deranged..정상이 아닌, 미친..


a family of four  on a full day at the beach,, empty tow good-sized containers..
upcoming..somehing that is imminent..

bark..speak harshly..거칠게 말하다, 고함치다..snap at somebody..


cause/wreak havoc..

i am running around like a chiicken with its head cut off trying to pull(=trying to succesfully get it done.) the last minute details together.막바지 세부사항을 정리하다...

i would much rather kick back with you and eat some great food..

how are things (going for you) at the office??

things are same old same old for me at the office

the reaon i am wring is that this upcoing confernce is taking me a lot longer to plan that i expected..
it is safe to say..(말안해도 당연하다.)that i can't make it to your party..

believe me..(정말이지) i'd much rather kick back with you eating some great food as opposed to barking orders at my staff and creating havoc in my office..

but duty calls(i have work to do)and i am afraid that i will be stuck in the office..

please pass my regards to your wife and the crew..

if you do not raise your eyes, you will think you are at the highest point..

Prince William
 for an exclusive interview..

celebrate the Diamond Jubilee

when her reign bagan ...

In fact, he may be the only person who can truely relate to what it was like for the Queen to take the throne in her 20s..공감하다.

it seems as if it would have been so overwhelming..

ii've got a lot more practic time under my belt because of it..
경험하여, 소유하여..
he ahd 20 years as a manager under his belt..

the prince is only too willing to gush..칭찬을 쏟아내다..
she kept gushing about her husbnd's success..

she is kind of a big deal..거물..큰 인물..
he is a big deal in Hollywood..

stop picing your teeth..

i needed to be a little bit more low-key and polite..자제하는, 절제하는
they received a low-key but repectful welcome..

a modern-day fairtale..

2012년 6월 17일 일요일

break in the case..아동 실종 사건 33년 만에 풀려..
cold case..미해결 사건, 오리무중의 사건..
we begin with a big break in a very cold case, the disappearance of ..누구..

see off..배웅하다
he vanished into thin air during that short walk to the bus stop in 1979, his mother stanidng at the front door of thier building and seeing him off..

healty living..칼슘 보조제 과용이 부작용....
take in...섭취, 흡수하다..
Cereal, low-fat milk, orange juice, all fortitied with calcium, some almonds. If you take that in, you're done for the day..

do it..효과가 있다..
So that alone will do it..

hard hits..접촉 스포츠로 인한 뇌 부상..
erratic..불규칙한, 변덕스러운..
it is linked to symptoms like dementia, erratic behavior and yes, suicide..

rear on...-에게 -를 주며 키우다.

breakng his silence..닐 암스트롱의 달 착륙 뒷이야기..
unknown..알 수 없는 것..
there were so many unknowns..

wing it..즉흥적으로 하다..
he didn't come up with anything to say untile after he landed, decided to wing it and came up wiht "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.."

2012년 6월 16일 토요일

facebook fury.. 피소를 당한 페이스북..
despite the cataclysmic IPO, Morgan Stanley, the big bank that underworte this for Facebook, made $100 million profit..

juicy..군침 도는, 흥미 진진한..
they save the juiciest information for these big investment banks..

consumer watchdog..사탕 모양 세제 논란..
entice..유인하다, 유도하다..
it's that similarity that likely enticed 19 month old Isabella to put one in her mouth this moring..

childproof..아이들이 열 수 없게 만든..
they say they plan to have new childproof containers out this summer..

Nancy Reagan's recovery..
lose one's footing..넘어지다, 발을 헛디디다..
Just last year, she lost her footing..

squabble..다툼, 옥신각신..
a FEW weeks ago, her two children set aside past family squabbles for a little reunion with her..

to the rescue..격랑에 휩쓸렸을 때 대처법..
jetty..둑, 방파제..
it's not just oceans, rip currents form in the Great Lakes, too and always near piers and jetties..

the rip currens forms perpendicular to the beach..
surviving the falls..복수로 폭포..

a man had plunged over Niagara Falls into the thundering waters below and impossibly managed to get to shore..

a stroke of luck..뜻밖의 행운, 천우신조..
his idea is a stroke of genius..

he had to contend with bone-chilling waters..racing by at abou 70 miles per hour..씨름하다
i had to cntend with long lines at the airport..

the real danger is when you hit, and the falls are churning up the waters beneath the falls so intensely..휘젓다 뒤틀리게 하다.
When i heard the news, i was churned up inside..

been torn limb from limb

trying to kill himself, but cheated death..죽으믈 모면하다..
he cheated death three times...

over to the shoreline..뭍

recounted the treacherous tale..이야기하다.

2012년 6월 14일 목요일

air scare..폭탁 공포로 인한 여객기 착륙
low on..부족한 얼마 안 남은..
we needed to make a landing becasue we were low on fuel..

scramble..재빨리 움직이다..
two F-15 fighter jets were scrambled out of Barnes Air National Guard Base...

your voice your vote..

eke out..겨우 해내다..
if the electio were held today, Presient Obma would barely eke out a win over Mitt Romney 49-46

we are worse off rather than better off..

the happiest counry..
intangible..실체가 없는, 무형의..

come out on top..이기다, 1등 하다..
barbie.. 바베큐..

the jubilee queen..영국여왕의 즉위 60년..
curtsy.. 절하다, 절..
the big question was to curtsy or not to curtsy. and i deceide to do a little curtsy..

stick out like a sore thumb.. 눈에 띄다, 두드러지다..
i would say 99% of the women had on hats or fascinators, so i didn't want to stick out like a sore Korean thumb..
all eyes are on a once-in-a-genertaoin show in the sky..
all eyes are on the electio results..

that rare ring of ring..

where the viewing parties are under way..

people are waking up to this..

dramatic views, thatnks to a bit of celestial serendipity..뜻밖에 찾아내는 행운..
cheese was the result of serendipity thouseands of years ago.

tha last time we had this good a partial eclipse was 12 years ago

our moon slips between the Earth and the sun, ..미끄러지듯, 살짝 지나가다..
i saw her slip into the room..

they will get a partial eclipse.

children can be especially vulmerable to permanent eye damage known as solar blindness..

i'm exicitd to see this momentous occasion..중대한..
my colleg gardiaion was a momentous day in my life..

금환 일식..
a batch of ..I am the 29th batch of the speaking club..
bubbly..that person is bubbly..happy..enthusiastic..활발한 기분이 넘치는 the life of the party..

polished and refined..

thanks to our venture, there are a plethora of potentials who applied to our company.

we saw the highest competition ratio of around 500 to one..

it was so difficult to single out the last 50 for the final interview..선발하다

what do you think of the last batch of the interviewees?

she had the most interesting answers..

i also like her enthusiasm and spontaneity (doing something without planning)

i find her bubbly temperament attractive..

to spice up our working environment..북돋다..

they seemed too polished if you konw what i mean..너무 빈틈없어 보였다..

rehearsed performance..

do a reference check on..신용조회..

it's a pityh that we have only three positions to fill up this time..

2012년 6월 13일 수요일

decling an invitation..

asked me to express his deepest appreciaion for your kind invitattion to partitipate in ...to be held in Busan.

it is particularly gratifying=satisfying=rewarding for him to be honored with this invitation for three years straight.

your stipulates for a one week travel..


regretfully, =unfortuately he is pressed to decline the invitation due to the high demands on his travel schedule and resultant commitment he has made.

in wishing you continued success

wighing you the best in the future endeavor..

2012년 6월 12일 화요일

deadly quake..
i heard a pandemonium..i took shelter under the bed..

the death toll is mercifully low for a quake this size..

Lockerbie bomber..팬암기 폭발태러 사건 주범 사망..
the bomber's death brings relief but no resolution for families of those murdered..

closure..종결, 종료..
There never is closure in an act so senseless as this..

inside the terror zone..알 카에다 폭탄 전문가 추적..
turn up the heat 압력을 강화하다..

apparatus..기구, 장치..

status update..페이스북 마크 저커버그 결혼..
prenup...prenuptial agreement..이혼 ㅅ후 재산 분할에 대한 ㅗㅎㄴ전 합의서..
any talk of a prenup???

on the heels of..직후, 바로.

solar eclipse..부분 일식..

2012년 6월 10일 일요일

historic launch..페이스북 상장..
feverish..과열한 매우 흥분한..
as expeected, it was feverish..

heady..의기양양하게 만드는..
it must have been a heady experience for him, the son of a dentist father and psychologist mother..

facebook frenzy..백만장자가 된 페이스북 직원들..

saving Europe..G8 장상회담 개최..
the tranquility and rustic beauty of Camp David will soon be interrupted by a battle over apocalyptic  economic fears..

it's a precarious moment..

consumer watchdog..새우에서 발견된 항생제..
in small, crowded pen on shrip farms in far-off countries..

infrequency.. 드묾..
given the infrequency of these residues, it's not a safety concern..

person of the week..마이클 제이 폭스..파킨슨 병과 투병 중인..
diabolical.. 끔찍한.
have you seen him play tha diabolical rival lawyer on "The Good Wife"?

twitch..경련하다, 씰루걱리다...
by the time i exhibited symptoms, my pinky twitching

2012년 6월 7일 목요일

drawing the line..
using the commencement speech to cement his position..

hot-button..뜨거운 쟁점이 되는..
he avoided hot-button issues, homosexuality, abortion, which are important to the evangelicals..

captivate..매혹시키다, 마음을 사로잡다..
Her Cinderella sotry has captivated millions

glitz..현란함, 호화로움..
to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, and catapulted to fame with "슈퍼스타 케이"

deal of a lifetime..평생 항공권을 취소한 항공사..
frequent flier..항공사 단골 고객..
frequent doesn't begin to describe it..

hit it big..성공하다, 잘 되다..
bought one when he hit it big

Yuckingham Palace..영국 왕자들의 유머감각..(yuck..큰 웃음ㅋ)
let one's hair down..편하게 즐기다, 터놓고 말하다
the future kings of England have let thier royal hair down, so to speak..

drone on..지겹게 계속 얘기하다..숫벌..이라 윙윙거리며 계속 얘기하다..
drones on about beating hmie....it was a false start..
so how many units are you gonna order as an innagural purchase?

if you oder 10,000 units you will get a discout of 10%

that sounds like a good deal..

agreeing to 10,000 units goes beyond my siging aughority..
i will have to call our headquarters in Busan

you have seen the quality of our products, it will be great if you can endore our proposal to your boss..

but, to be honest, there is a high chance we may not be able to oder more than 10,000 units regardless of quality..

how many units do you have in mind?

our original plan was to place an order for about 5000 units as a preliminary stage to get this negotiation rolling..

over time we would sequentially increase the order according to the demand

we would greatly appreciate your rather large order..

management is nothing more than motivating other people..

2012년 6월 5일 화요일

the stigma of slavery..

is the cover girl for attachment parenting..애착 양육..
he is really attached to his dog..

nursing a nearly 4 year old for the world to see?
젖을 먹이다..
i nuersed(=breastfed) my son for..

they're mammary glands and this is what they were designed for..젖선..

until he weans himself..젖을 떼다..
tryjg to wean my baby and feel like i am getting nowhere..

prolonged breastfeeding istn't interfeeing with that develpment..
surging waves in West Sea..

Korea must stop being an avenue for international powerhouse competition..

If past experiences are any guide, the West Sea has been a powder keg for this divided peninsula. Even more ominous are the signs that the Sea is going to be a flash point of East Asia..

a recent act of Japan raised more than a few eyebrows here, indicating that it will deploy an Aegis destroyer to waters near the West Sea. Even more embarrasing was the response of Seoul. It didn't oppose Tokyo's push to send the battleship. Japan's intention to do that is to detect possible missile launches form North Korea..

A news agnecy quoted the official as saying, "It is in the best interest of national security to gurantee the freedom of navigation in open waters of the West Sea" the decision was the virtual toleration of the existence of another country's battleship right under Korea's nose under the pretext of stratigic consideration.

to the rescue..
drop to one's knees..무릎을 꿇다..
dropping to his kness, shooting himself to death..

numerous times..

firestorm..세금 때문에 국적을 포기한 페이스북 공동 설립자?
renounce..포기하다, 단념하다..
he has renounced(=dropped) his American citizenship..

one of a growing number of..

under fire..인기 체중감소 수술로 인한 사망자 발생.
magnet..~를 끄는 것..
This place seems to be a magnet for bad outcomes..

they had lacerated her liver during the procedure..

mothers of invention..
dispenser..통, 용기.
a children's medicine dispenser that talks..

the straw was lodged up here and the liquid is resting down at the bottom..