IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 8월 31일 금요일


*I always thought helping people in need was the charitable thing to do..
*Time is not a merciful master, as we all know..
*His benevolent nanure prevents him from rufusing any beggar who accosted him..
*It is a beneficent act to help poor people..

*She performed a altruistic deed..
*The humane treatment of prisoners is claimed..

*The poor in the area live by alms..
*The guy went from house to house beggnig for handout..
*The national theater will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largess..

*The union leader was given plenary powers to negotiate with the employer..
*White wine is a good complement to fish..
*The furniture complements the room very well..
*The guidebook is replete with useful information..

*She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents..
*Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse?
*noisome smells/sights..
*evanescent..disappearing quickly from sight or memory..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

US Presient George W. Bush does not rule out denuclearization of the North Korea by the end of his term.. The president considered the Hermit Kingdom's nuke program as unfinished business, but one that can only be solved by Kim Jong-il himself.. Bush will meet president Roh this week in Sydney to discuss the DPRK..

A British teen has proven he is fast, but not quick.. He posted a video of himself on YouTube doing 140 mph on a single-carriageway.. He has been detained..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

Lee's canal plan may not float with GNP..

A counterpiece of presidential candidate Lee Myung-bak's campaign could face revisions from the Grand National Party that he runs for.. Lee has said that his ambitious cross-country canal project would reinforce the economy by easing logistics costs and causing ripple effects in other industries.. However, concerns have been raised about the feasibility of the project as well as its potential effect on the ecosystems and drinking water.. Lee's rivals have constantly dismissed his canal plans as pie-in-the-sky and some GNP members are worried that they may undermine Lee's bid for the presidency this December.. The GNP's recently-elected policy maker said that the party would review criticisms of the canal project, and that "could adjust the policy.."

67 year old stuntwoman still jumps, falls, crashes..

Sandy Gimpel was a young dancer at a beachside amusement park when she got her start as a stand-in for child star Billy Murphy on the 1960s television series Lost in Space.. Working on the TV series, she improved her skills and learned to do high falls, and sibulated fights.. She says the stunts may look easy on screen, but the work is dangerous.. Many stunts rely on ropes and rigging, and Gimpel insists on checking them herself.. The stuntwoman says other people may have easier jobs, but she loves the rush of adrenaline her job provides.. "I love, I love what I do. I never want to stop. If everybody in the world loved their job as much as I do, we would have a pretty cool world, I've got to tell you..""

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 29일 수요일


*The miserly old man hoarded his coins not out of prudence but out of greed..
*He is not niggarldy of money..
*She tried to save money without being stingy..
*His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries..

*He is a tightfisted type..

*The happiest miser on earth-he who saves up every friend he can make..
*The old screw's aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible..
*Our landlord is a real scrooge..

*a horizontal plane../a high moral plane../a plane lens..
*Your guilty is plain as the nose on your face../to be plain with you../The girl looks plain../There was a desolate plain ahead of us..
*Please explain it in more detail..

*She is so stingy that she begrudges her dog a bone..
*knotty problems..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

41 days of hell is over.. The hostages are coming home..Taliban has agreed to free the remaining 19 captives after closed-door negotiations with South Korea.. Both sides insist ransom was not a factor..

When police saw a pick-up truck weaving down a road, they had to pull it over..Inside, two men and a few open containers..Both men got DWIs..Why both? The driver had no legs, so the passenger had to work the gas and brakes..This is the second time they have been busted..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1.Taliban militants in Afghanistan has agreed to release 19 South Korean church volunteers held captive since July 19, a spokeman for the Taliban insurgents and the South Korean government said..

2. The second round of U.S.-North Korea working group talks will be held this weekend in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss dismantling North Korea's nuclear program and normalizing relations..

3. The Ministry of Justice said an online court trial service will be available in March 2008, which will issue rulings on drunk drinving offense cases in just three to four days..

4. The government approved a revised bill of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to allow those who are suffering from serious diseases to be treated with drugs which are still being tested..

5. Public health authorities have issued a warning against pink eye and Apollo eye disease as the summer vacation ends and the new semester begins..

Online court trial service available in March..

An online court trial service will be available next year for drinking and driving enabling drunken drivers to get a court ruling in three to four days, compared with current 100 to 120 days.. Currently, the police collect evidence and other data on the spot and sent it to the prosecution, which indicts violates to the court.. At every step, paper documents are sent to upper divisions which takes more time before the court rules, leading to more delays..The procedure will soon become much easier and quicker as the new online service help save money, time, and energy in paper work..

Alpine species warns of environmental danger..

There is a steady increase in the average alpine temperature..This has led many biologists to conclude that climate change is killing the pika.. One reason is that the animals easily succumb to heat exhaustion.. But it's more than that.. There are just so many ways that global warming can affect a species, besides turning up the heat..For example, warmer weather makes many diseases more contagious, and gradually causes a change in edible vegetation.. Additional studies will fine many species are disappearing because of climate change, both i the United States and around the world...

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 25일 토요일


*The firm has made a huge investment in new plants..
*The receding ice reveals immense flat plain, the size of Australia..
*He claimed that the enormous property was at his disposal..
*The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world..

*a gigantic tree..
*reach a colossal amount..
*today's mammoth industrial corporations..

*The place is now used as a miniature sculpture garden..
*The lottery tempts many who hope to become millionaire through the squandering of minuscule money..
*To an observer in an airplane hige over the city, the largest building seems diminutive..

*She is an authority on phonetics..
*The phonograph was invented by Ddison.
*Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up..


*preoccupied with..
*They only made a perfunctory effort..
*perfunctory smile..
*an interim report..
*Some contemporary musicians deliberately use cacophony to achieve certain effects..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

2007년 8월 24일 금요일


*He comes to suspect his wife of misconduct with his dissolute friend..
*In this wanton company, she lost all sense of decency..
*He was so profligate with his inheritance tht he consumed it in a few years..
*The prostitute led a debauched life..

*loose morals..
*promiscuous bathing..

*He grew up as a libertine even though his parents brought him up well..
*Until impotence curtailed his activities, he was quite a debauchee..
*The boy is a rake of the family..

*Actually, I have a kind of acrophobia..
*A study on the relationship between smell and claustrophobia is being conducted by the university..
*One of the symptoms of hydrophobia is inability to swallow water..


*He had the temerity to call em a liar..


*His dissolute wife cheated on him many times..
*They are throughly fed-up with the budget deficit and the profligate Congress..
*Keeping bad company caused him to be debauched..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

1. 완전히 새됐어~

It was a record-setting night for Texas Rangers in a mind-boggling 30-3 shellacking of the Orioles in Baltimore.. You can not help but laugh..I mean obviously, because it is just one of those things..I mean, it is not that they were doing anything wrong, making errors or nothing like that..

2. Make me an offer I can not rufuse..

We are getting ready to auction off some items on Ebay that were featured in the Soprano's when we were the Bada Bing Club.. We were on a strict contract with HBO for ten years not to change anything either cosmetically inside or outside.. It is time to do a facelift..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. Korean stocks rose for a fourth straight day yesterday as investor sentiment recovered from concerns over a global credit crunch, buoyed by expectations of U.S. interest rate cut..

2. Defense and Unification ministries are engaging in a tug-of-war over the possible readjustment of the western sea boderline between the two Koreas, the Northern Limit Line(NLL)

3. The liberal camp's nomination race has gone into full swing as 20 presidential hopefuls are competing for public attention..

4. South Korea made yesterday the first delivery of 7.1 billion won worth of emergency aid to the North for flood recovery..

5. Korea's swimming sensation Park Tae-hwan grabbed a bronze yesterday in the 1,500 meter freestyle at this year's international swim meet in Japan..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 23일 목요일


*The river is abundant in/with fish..
*The country has plentiful natural resources..
*copious bleeing..
*The region has had copious snow in the last few days..
*She has such an ample store of topics..

*exuberant imagination..
*This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare..
*profuse spender..

*The bath is overflowing over..
*The flatform is always overflowing with people..
*She gave him a look that made words superfluous..
*Your composition is redundant, you can easily reduce its length..

*He spent his time philandering with girls..
*Hedonism and asceticism are opposing philosophies of human behavior..
*In the sprit of philanthropy the millionaire donated a large sum of money to the charity..
*This sum is enough to keep him in comfort and allow hime to indulge in quiet philanthropy..

*amorous advances
*erogenous zoens..

*Blood came out form the wound in a copious flow..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Beyond the grave..

Elvis is and icon. In 2006, we estimatd that his estate made more that &42M and that is for everything including record sales, tickets to Graceland and licensing.....all that money adds up..And Elvis is year after year, one of the most profitable, highest earning dead celebrities..

Spiraling downward..

More toy recalls were announced for childern's toys containing lead.. Martin-designed SpongeBob SquarePants address books and journal were sold nationwide form June 2006 through July of this year for about $2..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The Ministry of Finance and Economy unveiled a tax law revision bill yesterday to lower tax rates on Mid- to Low income families, a move that would ease their tax burdens and possibly boost the will to work..]

2. Korea plans to open a local market that sells and buys carbon dioxid emission rights by the end of this year, the government said..

3. Presidnet Roh sent a congratulatory message to the "Dynamic Korea" ceremony at Beijing's Great Hall of the People yesterday to mark the 15th anniversary of Seoul-Beijing relations..

4. The Ministry of Health and Welfare set the nation's minimum cost of living for 2008 at 1.27 millioin won for a family of four, up five percent form this year..

5. Korea's Olympic football team posted a 2-1 comback win over Uzbekistan in the opener of the final qualifying round for next year's Beijing Olympics..

Pursuit of the plastic surgery stems from emotional reasons..

A recent study has found women who underwnet breast augmentaion surgery were three times as likely to commit suicide and meet their deaths from alchol and substance abuse comparied with women who did not get implants. The study recored the cause of death of 3,257 Swedish women with cosmetic breast implants from 1965 to 1993.. The study doest not imply that implants themselves increase the possibility of suicide and tragic deaths. The study suggests that women who chose to get the implants may have psychological issues that require attention. Currently 300,000 American women undergo breast augmentation surgery a year and have many wondering if mental health screening is needed..

The darker the fruit or vegetables the better..

The compouns that give many fruits and vegetables their dark colors may be the key to fighting cancer. A study found the pigments that make fruits red, purple and blue were expecially effecitive at slowing the growth of colon cancer cells and in some studies killed as many as 20% of the cancer cells while leaving the healthy ones undisturbed.. In addition, the more exotic plants were found to be the most powerful.."Isolating the substances- and tweaking them so that ther are even potent.."

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 22일 수요일


*The hotel has luxurious accommodations..
*He is so extravagant that he landed up in debt..
*The guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns..
*The model is known for her lavish spending habits and for her tastes for things expensive and exotic..

*Wasteful packaging can add several cents to the price of food..
*prodigal expenditure..

*Articles deluxe is of no immediate importance to our daily life..
*The demand for luxury goods is rising sharply..

*To paraphrase Marx, television has become the opium of the massess..
*The article made so much use of euphemism..
*She overcame her aphasia..

*ineffable joy..

*I can not recall when I had such a sumptuous birtheday party..
*To paraphrase her, we became enslaved to a habit..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

I will be right ther...

A teenage boy using his cell phone to send a text massage was seriously injured after he was hit by a train.. One witness says he saw a train approacing, but he did not see another one headed in the opposite direction as he walked around the gate and onto the tracks..

Stupid Thief..

Take a look at this..A theif brazenly stealing a pistol from a display case at some exhibit.. The weapon was returned to police after it was found in a portable toilet behind the museum..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. Grand National Party presidential candidate Lee Myung-bak hinted that he will seek a massive overhaul of the party..

2. Pro-government presidential contenders started resistering for primary race, taking a cue from the primary of GNP..

3. The families of 8 activists who were executed on treason charges about 30 years ago will be able to receive up to 3-point-3 billioin won each in compensation from the government..

4. According to the latest revision of the national pension law, migrant worker can get their national pension refunded regardless of payment terms when they return to homes.

5. Korea's swimming phenom Park snatched another gold medal in the 400-meter freestyle in an international swimming competition in Japan..

Mexico's Caribbean coast pounded by hurricane Dean..

Heavy winds and torrential rains from huricane Dean hammered the Carribean coast of Mexico, leaving thousands of tourist scrambling for cover in shelters.. The category five hurricane already killed 11 in the Carribean and it is the first storm of that magnitude to hit land in the Atlantic basin since 1992.. Up to 90,000 tourists in total are being evacuated from that area with lineups flooding local airports.. Forecasters have said that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, however. They have stated that Dean should weaken as it crosses the peninsula, and that popular resorts such as Cancun would be spared the brunt of the hurricane's force..

Coming down with..... fat??

American researchers said that common virus may be the explanation for some people's obesity.. The virus under study is called Ad-36 and is commonly responsible for a number of respiratory and eye infections.. Animals in lab experiments packed on the pounds from the virus and obese people are three times as likely to be infected with the virus.. The most recent study shows that exposure to Ad-36 caused adult human stem cells to turning into fat-storing cells.. Overeating still plays a role in obesity, but it is not the whole truth..

From Morning Special...

2007년 8월 21일 화요일


*Thank you for sparing your precious time for me..
*As far as I know, it is very unique and therefore very valuable..
*He collected many antiques, some of which are priceless..
*The charity aims to preserve old churches which it sees as an invaluable part of our national heritage..

*an expensive automibile..
*This book is dear..
*costly jewels..

*Many companies have to pay millions of dollars to establish their trademarks as symbols of reliability and value..
*It is worth attempting though we fail..

*I caught a glimpse of the phantom sitting behind the wheel..
*phantom compay=paper company
*nature phenomenon..
*They saw the burglar clearly through the diaphanous curtain..

*I could see her skin through her diaphanous blouse..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

His lawyer says he will plead guilty to federal dog fighting conspiracy charges.. He faces up to five years in prison and a quarter million dollar fine.. A plea hearing is set for next Monday..

A judge has dismissed sexual harrassment charges against two middle school boys.. They both 13 were set to face trial on Monday.. They had been accused of slapping girls' bottoms at school..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. Former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-bak won the conservative opposition's presidential primary yesterday, cementing his front-runner position in the December election race..

2. President Roh sent a personal letter to the North leader Kim Jong-il, expressing deep sympathy and consolation over the heavy flood damage recently sustained by the North..

3. Seoul stocks posted their biggest signgle day gain after the U.S. Federal Reserve intervened to ease credit concerns on deepening subprime mortgage turmoil by slashing its key interest rate on loans to banks..

4. The government is to extend the tax deduction on credit card spending by three years, until 2010 from the current deadline of November 2007..

5. The government will decide whether to resume the quarantine inspection on U.S beef within this week, which has been halted citing the discovery of a prohibited vertebral column..

Lee Myung-bak wins GNP primary..

In a decision announced yesterday, former Seoul mayor Lee was picked to the presidential candidate of the Grand National Party..Voting took place on Sunday, and was announced to a crowd of 15,000 at the party's convention.. Korea's main opposition party's nomination put Lee in position to win the nation's presidency in Decembrer as the incumbent president Roh's Uri Party is in shambles.. Lee beat his main opponent by about 1.5 percent.. Lee's platform includes lofty promises regarding the economy and a proposal for building multi-billiion dollar canals.. Lee was the target of allegations regarding the suspicious land deals during the primary campaign from both prosecutors and GNP rivals.. Lee is now calling for unity among the party, and an agrement has been drawn up that states the losing nominee will not interfere with the winner's presidential run..

Close call for passeners as plane explodes..

165 passengers and crew aboard a China Airlines Boeing 737 breathed a sigh of relief on Monday after they evacuated the aircraft only moments before it erupted into flames.. The plane exploded at an airport terminal in Okinawa Japan, after it had initially lit up after skidding on the tarmac on its way to a gate.. The passengers were evacuated via inflatable slides, and two were taken to hospital for feeling ill, although they were not injured.. The fire was completely extinguished about an hour later, leaving the plane's burnt and distorted chassis behind.. Early investigation and passenger reports of smoke and flames entering the cabin led to the possibility that a fuel leak may have cause the explosion.. However, aircraft reporters had not heard from the pilots that anything had gone awry.. The incident is a setback to the Taiwan-based airline, which had previously been on track to improve its safety record..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 20일 월요일


*The Buddhists decorated the temple with the paper lanterns on Buddha's Birthday..
*The lapidary adorned my ring with a stone..
*The king wanted a crown ornamented with jewels..
*Parsely was used to garnish the boiled potato..

*trim a dress with fur..
*She bedecked her daughter with silk and jewels..

*Christmas trees and decorations are on sale..
*The clock is simply for ornament, it does not actually work..
*I hung various decorations and festoons on the Christmas tree..

*They petitioned that the king set prisoners free..
*Do not be petulant..
*He may be wet behind the ears, but he is well trained and totally competent..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Here and there..

This really chafes by behind..

Today's News..

Hurricane Dean has been upgraed to Category 4 storm.. Earlier it roared across the eastern Caribbean, tearing off roofs, flooding streets and claiming at least three lives..

Saturday's raid of an American-run adoption agency in Guatemala has left more than 46 babies in limbo and under a careful watch of ploice with assault rifle.. A judge has ruled that the children stay at shelters after being removed from the agency Monday..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The conservative Grand National Party held its presidential primary at 248 polling booths nationwide yesterday. The results are expected to come in around 4:30 p.m. today..

2. The Uri Party announced on Saturday that it would disband and merge with the United New Domocratic Party..

3. The two Koreas agreed to reschedule the inter-Korea summit to Oct. 2-4 after North Korea requested a delay because of its extensive flood damage..

4. Taliban militants have threatened to start executing Korean hostages if the Korean delegation is not as activly involved in the negotiation as it was before..

5. The United Nations Committee urged Seoul to recognize the diversity of its society and overcome the obseesion with its racial homogeneity..

Two Koreas agree to reschedule summit..

Following a series of floods that have plagued the North, the two Koreas mutually agreed to put off the presidential summit until Oct. 2-4. The summit, which was originally scheduled for August 28-30, is going to be held to promote peace across the peninsula.. Issues such as the North's denuclearization and the co-operation between the two contries are on the agenda.. The stage has been set for the summit after the particulars were ironed out during the preparatory talks in Gaesong last week, but the wake of destruction left by floods in the North forced its country to request a rescheduling.. Cheongwadea held an emergency meeting on Saturday afternoon, in which they set October 2-4 as the new date, to which the North promptly agreed.. The North's flood recovery efforts include re-situaiting 300.000 people who were displaced from their homes by the disaster..

Peru bolsters security presence after rampant looting..

Hundreds of police and troop reinforcements were dispatched to the area south of Lima, Peru on Saturday to establish order after a devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit the region on Wednesday.. Following the quake, which killled around 500 people and injured arond 1,500, much of the area is still without running water, electricity, or a regular supply of food. Shops, relief vehicles and aid storage sites have been targeted in heavily publicized waves of looting.. The escape of 500 convicts from a nearby prison that was damaged is also escalaing fears over sicurity.. Peruvian president stopped short of declaring martial law, and blamed the media for blowing the looting out of proportion.. He also called public panic over a psychological situaiotn..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 16일 목요일

Today's News..

Rescue efforts to find six trapped miners in Utah are in their ninth day.. Rescuers bored a third hole into a chamber, but were not able to lower a microphone into the space.. Experts say the chances of survival are getting smaller, but the miner's co-owner is still optimistic..

The man robbing this liquor store decided to conceal his face with duct tape.. Workers say they were able to chase them down and police arrested him.. Despite the survelliance tape of the robbery, he says he is innocnet claiming another man was wearing tape on his head..

From English Go Go..


*If you get rich, do not let it get to your head..
* Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealty and wise..
*The more affluent the society, the better it educates its members..
*An opulent lifestyle of people put the economy on the verge of economic disaster..

*a well-to-do family..
*Everyone in his family is well-off..

*The stolen property must be restored to its owner..
*He made away with his father's fortune..
*Upon inheriting the dukedom, he acquired a vast estate..

*The entire country was saddened by the news of his impending death..
*The light was suspended from the branch of the tree..
*They got suspended for two weeks..
*suspend one's judgement..

*She was married to an affluent banker..
*He was mananimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill..
*He works for an opulent company..
*We need to prepare for impending danger..
*The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Americanized Hispanic immigrants report more substance abuse..

Adopting the American culture and lifestyle makes Hispanic immigrants more likely to use illegal drugs and abuse alcohol, a new study suggsts.. From more than 6,700 adults, including 1,690 Hispanic immigrants that assimilated to American's cultural beliefs and social skills were almost 13 times more likely to report the use of illegal drugs and nearly twice as likely to report current binge drinking than Hispanics who kept their traditional culture. "Although immigration and assimilation will provide some migrants with benefits such as wealth and job security, immigration... can be a difficult process which has negative consequences as well."

May I test your ability to sniff?

A test that measures a patients' ability to smell without requiring the scent to be verbalized has been developed. The Sniff Magnitude Test may help detect disorders n the early stage of Alzheimer's and Parkison's.. It has been well known that an inability to smell is often the first sign of some diseases. "Many patients tell their doctors they can't smell years before they actually get Alzheimer's or Parkison's.." Sensors in the machine measure the pressure the inhalations produce. The intensity of these sniffs reflects the person's ability to smell.. Those with an impaired sense of smell inhale deeply because the scent doesn't register in their brains..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 14일 화요일

Today's News..

First fatal human case of bird flu surfaces in Bali..

An Indonesian woman who died in a hospital in Bali on Sunday was tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu.. It is the 82nd death from bird flu in Indonesia, and the first on the popular island resort of Bali.. It was announced that the woman had been exposed to dead chickens, and that containment measures against the virus were being taken in the area..Mostly, the virus has only been transmitted to humans that have contact with dead birds, although some are worried the virus may mutate into a form that is easily transmissible between humans and become a pandemic.. The director-general for communicable diseases at the Indonesian Health Ministry says Bali is well-prepared to handle cases of bird flu, and that it restricts animal imports..

Bali's tourism industry is still recovering from the terrorist attacks in 2002 and 2005 by Islamic militants. The island resort is currently in high season..

From Morning Special..
1. Seoul confirmed that among 21 korean hostages seized in Afghanistan two women have been released and handed over to Korea yesterday..

2. The two Koreas will hold the first working-level preparatory talks to discuss the agenda and the detailed procedures of the upcoming inter-Korean summit..

3. The government announced that it would inject funds into the market to promite financial liquidity in case of a credit crunch due to subprime mortage defaults in the U.S.

4. A presidential panel decided to confiscate more than one million square meters of land owned by descendents of 10 people who allegedly collaborated with Japan during its rule of Korea..

5. Seoul plans to launch a bicycle scheme to encourage citizens and travelers to use eco-friendly form of transport instead of cars..

Military exercise postponed for upcoming summit..

A field exercise that was supposed to coincide with the annual South Koran-U.S computer-based war games was postponed because of the upcoming summit between the two Koreas.. The field exercise, referred to as "Hwarang", aims to promote the integrated defense between civilians, government and the military.. The computer-based exercise, which is called UFL, involves both Korea and the U.S. in a joint command post exersie to simulate the allies' scenario.. The first UFL exercise was started in 1975..Although the UFL will run as scheduled, the Hwarang ecercise will be posteponed to promote the favorable atmosphere for the inter-Korean summit.. The war simulation exercise have long been a sore point with North Korea, which calls them a rehearsal for invasion..
*She is full of herself=she is stuck-up= she is arrogant= she acts like a princess= She acts like royalty..
*It is too good to be true..
*What is the catch?
*buyer's market..구매자에게 유리한 시장..
*seller's market..
*It is a bit dingy..지하실이나 다락방 묘사할 때..
*People really dying to get their hands on it..(손에 넣다..)
*That's a big 'if'

2007년 8월 13일 월요일

Today's News..

Endeavor astronauts worked for a close look at the 3-in gash in the underside of the shuttle.. The crew used the robotic arm to scan a damage.. The engineers at NASA will then determine whether a spacewalk will be needed to fix the tear..

Luciano Pavarotti's wife reports he is getting better..The 71-year-old tenor was hospitalized earlier in the week with a fever.. Pavarotti's health has been closely monitored because he underwnet surgery last year for pancreatic cancer..

From English Go Go..


*Seeing that we must meet a deadline, do not loiter over this work..
*She lingered after the others had left..
*The children will not dawdle over their homework if they know they will get ice cream as soon as they finish..
*He procrastinated until it was too late to do anything at all..

*dally away one's procrastinate..늑장을 부리다가 기회를 놓치다..
*Do not tarry on the way..
*She always dillydallies when she's getting ready to go out..

*I would not like loafing. I do not want to ride the gravy train..
*Pressed by official business, I have hardly a day to idle away..
*I sometimes play video games to kill time..

*The docter felt my pulse..
*He resisted an impulse to cry out..
*impulse goods..충동구매 상품..
*He made a personal appeal to the kidnappers to return his child..

*Get busy, do not dawdle..
*My husband likes to dally with other women..
*He procrastinated the matter until it was almost too late..
*He bought it on an impulse..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

2007년 8월 11일 토요일


*A hot day makes us feel languid..
*Somehow I feel listless today..
*After two nigths without sleep, I felt lethargic and incapable of exertion..
*I am feeling sluggish this morning..

*Business is dull..
*He lay inert with half-closed eyes..

*flaccid breasts..
*We went flabby because of the heat..
*She went limp and crumpled in the chair..

*The flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room..
*We hope something can be done to expedite action on this request..
*The software will be dispatched within 10 days of the receipt of your payment..

*We need to boost the languid economy..
*The leader reacted to the crisis with listless resignation..
*I will try to expedite the process..
*Dispite some difficulties, he dispatched the task he was assigned..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

2007년 8월 10일 금요일


*He is so lazy that it is so difficult to access his ability..
*I prefer to read rather than sit idle..
*The guard was accused of being remiss in his duty when a prisoner escaped..

*a man enervated by slothful habits..
*He is slack in his duty..

*His tone implied that anyone with time to read book is somehow an idler..
*Plow deep while sluggards sleep..
*He is a born lazybones..

*Do not be overconfident when dealing with vendors who peddle their wares in the streets..
*a pedestrian speech..
*They called for derugulations and speedy remedies to rules that impede the corporate investment..

*His mother was so slothful as to use the dirty dishes agian..
*You must be scrupluous about hygiene..
*The movie has a pedestrian plot..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Some folks find the idea of walking in high heels unthinkable..So what about running in them? That is what these Russian women did over the weekend.. Not everyone was a shoo-in..

Beijing began celebrating the official one-year countdown to the 2008 Olympics with festivities across the city.. 1,000 musicians gathered at the area of the Great Wall northwest of Beijing..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. South Korea plans to request the North to make it possible for President Roh and his delegation to travel to Pyongyang by land for the inter-Korean summit at the end of the month..

2. The South yesterday proposed to the North that the two sides meet at Gaesung next Monday to discuss preperations for the upcoming summit..

3. The Taliban, holding 21 Korean hostages in Afghanistan, said during the phone interview with Yonhap news, it will not change its demand for the release of the Talian prisoners as a condition to the captives' release..

4. The Bank of Korea yesterday unexpectedly raised the August call rate by 25 basis points to 5% for the two consecutive month in a bid to prevent further growth in the money supply from spurring inflation..
*basis point..이율을 나타낼때의 100분의 1%

5. The prosecution launched an intensive crackdown on the illegal forging of the academic records and certificates as part of efforts to root out fabricated knowledge..

Pakistani president forced to bow out of peace talks..

A four-day peace conference being held in Kabul, called "jirga" is missing one of its co-hosts. Pakistani president Musharaff, who was to co-host the event, cancelled his plans on Wednesday.. He is being replaced by prime minister.. Musharaff spent yesterday in Islamabad with advisors as the security conditions in Pakistan are going downhill and the threat of violence by Islamic extremist is growing.. Although some are suggesting that Musharaff may declare a state of emergency in reponse, it is reprted that many, including the U.S., are advising against such a draconian measure. Jirga is a conference of hundreds of Pakistani and Afghan political and tribal leaders aimed at fighting terrorism and boder violence..

Roh may travel to Pyongyang by land..

As the details for the inter-Korean summit are being ironed out, South Korean officials are considering the mode of transportation President Roh will take to meet his North Korean counterpart.. They will ask the North to permit for Presidnet Roh to travel overland, possibly using Geyongui train line which was tested last May.. If Roh dose travel by rail, he would likely take the Geyongui line to the Gaesung station and transfer to a train for Pyeongyang.. Although possible, an overland tirp would likey involve more preperations, particularly involving security, than a trip by air..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 9일 목요일


*Their lawyer was extremely diligent in prparing the case..
*Eat regularly, be industrious, and be positive if you enjoy a long life..
*The government was assiduous in the fight against inflation..
*He was a sedulous and brilliant student..

*She was a studious(스튜디어스) student, happiest when reading..

*My boss is a workaholic..
*She is a real eager beaver..
*He studied hard as a grinder..

*What you say is pedantic and reveals the unfamiliarity with the realities of life..
*He could never be a stuffy pedagogue: His class is always lively and filled with homor..
*The family doctor advised the parents to consult a pediatrician(진찰받다) about their child's aliment..

*orthopedist..정형외과 의사..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Great Scotts..

Macy the Great Dane was expecting four puppies, but to the shock of her owner Macy gave birth to 15 puppies, enduring 20 hours of labor.. The dog's owner want to keep one, giving the other 14 away..

Bedlam, New York..

The storm has passed, but for a time this morning torrential rains and high winds wreaked havoc in and around New York city during rush hour..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-in agreed to hold a second-ever inter Korean summit in Pyongyang from Aug. 28-30

2. The agenda of the inter Korean summit will likely include the denuclearization of the North, the establishment of the peace regime on the peninsula and the cross-boder economic cooperation..

3. Religious leaders and peace activists from around the world issued a statement, calling on the Taliban to free 21 Korean hostages immediately in Afghanistan..
*issue a visa..비자받다..

4. Korean Federation of Banks decided to tighten the requirement for foreign nationals to open a new account from this month to curb financial phone fraud..

5. The downpour dropped a total of more than 200mm of rainfall, damaging southern parts of the country.

Vote for the new face of Korea's new bills..

Excitement over the Bank of Korea's plans to issue 50,000 and 100,000 won bills has only gotten stronger..The public will now have a say on who will grace the newest banknotes. The BOK compiled a list of 10 historical figures who the general public can vote on.. Votes will be accepted via BOK's homepage through Tuseday, August 21th.. The final decision is expected to be made by October. The 10 historical figures include Kim Koo, Kim Jeong-hui, Jang Yeong-sil, and 2 women Yu Gwan-sun, and independence fighter during Japanese colonial rule and Shin Saimdan, an artists and mother of the Confucian scholar Yulgok.. The new bills are expected to be in circulation in the first half of 2009..
*Have you say..발언대..

Plastic surgery helping tourism..

Coined as "healthcare tourism", more Europeans are spending their vacation going abroad for private cosemtic treatment.. Dentists in eastern Europe started the trend by attracting the British patients, but now plastic surgeons are following suit.. Cost is the major factor. A woman from the U.K. had loose skin removed from her belly and arms in Budapest, Hungary.. Her total cost, including accommodations and a roundtrip ticket, was less than a third of what she would have paid at home.. The affordable prices abroad only to look to propel the trend..
*a coined word..신조어/ coined phrases..유행어..

From Morning Special..

Here and there..


2007년 8월 8일 수요일


*An involuntary reflex, a yawn is almost impossible to stop once the mouth muscles starts the stretching action..
*Criticism often triggers an automatic defensiveness..
*He was found lying unconscious on the road..(실신)
*Love is a spontaneous emotion..

*in spite of oneself=involuntarily

*Many voluntary helpers were active in the Olympic Games..
*His offer of help was unforced..
*They made a spontaneous offer of assistance..

*My fateranl grandfather..
*We should do our filial duties..
*He is a patriot to the marrow of his bones..
*She patronizes many comtemporary British arists..
*The cafe is patronized by students..
*Some T.V. programs tend to patronize children..(생색내다.)
*He has a condescending attitude towards women..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Ooh, Nelly..

Hot and humid air is blanketing much of the nation this week.. Officials declared a "heat emergency" in parts of Ohio.. The heat indiex topped 100 degrees in Ohio where officials predict the hot weather will continue through Thursday..

The famously libeal Dutch are heading toward the right.. They're campaigning to ban the Magic Mushrooms sold legally as long as they're fresh.. The crackdown came after a 17-year-old French gril ate these phychedelic fungi and jumped from a building..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. U.S. and Afghan presidents agreed that they would make no concessions to the Taliban for the release of the Korean hostages..
*Can I get a concession? 할인 되요?../ concession stand..구내매점..

2. President Roh Moo-hyun is expected to partially resuffle the cabinet portfolios today including 7 cabinet members and one ambassador to the UN..
*portfolio..대표작품집..장관의 직(지위)/ resuffle=mix up=shake up=change the order around of

3. Working-level officials from six nations met yesterday in Panmunjeom to discuss details on the energy aid to the North in return for the disablement of the nuclear facilities..

4. The Bank of Korea yesterday released the names of ten candidates who could be depicted on the 50,000-won and 100,ooo banknotes, scheduled to debut in early 2009..

Russian-Georgian tensioins escalate with missile strike..

A village near the Georgian capital Tbilisi has reportedly been attacked by Russian fighter jets. Georgia's interior minister said that two attack aircrafts entered Georgian airspace from Russia and fired at least one air-to-surface missile at the village.. He said that the village had no political and military importance, though he believed a nearby radar installatoin was a target.. The attack left a five-meter deep crater in a corn and potato field, but failed to explode.. Georgia's president called the attack "an unprovoked action of aggression", but Russia promptly denied any involvement.. Relations between the two nations were strained when westernizing Georgian president rose to power in 2003, determined to break Russia's grip on Georgia.. Tensions have escalated since last year when Georgia expelled four Russian officers for alleged spying..
*Get a grip../ Do not carried away../ Take a chill pill..진정해 정신차려..

"Pants" judge may lose job along with credibility..

Roy Pearson who sued a drycleaner for $54 million over a missing pair of jeans now is facing being fired over the lawsuit.. A five-person panel expressed concerns about reappointing him for another 10-year term, citing that his lawsuit discredited his position.. In examining his track record in and out of the courtroom, the panel reviewed a number of incidents in which his actions were unusual.. In the infamous "pants" lawsuit, Pearson broke down twice while recalling the day when he found out that he would never see the pant again.. He also declared in the opening ramarks for the case that it showed the worst example of fraud in "recorded history.." Pearson will have fifteen days to request an appearance before the panel. He could go down in history as the administrative law judge to be fired by the panel..
*break down..실패하다..무너지다..주저앉다..
emotional breakdown..감정적으로 무너지다(주저앉다..)
nervous breakdown..긴장해서 무너지다(주저앉다..)
negotiations broke down..결렬되다..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 7일 화요일


*I think it was a bit rash of them to get married when they had just known each other for a few weeks..
*Careless drivers may cause accidents..
*It is imprudent to rush into something without thinking what may happen..
*It's easy to flippant, but we have a serious problem to deal with..

*a hasty decision..
*Sorry, I was being frivolous..
*The knight is not so much brave as reckless..
*To join the club is nothing but foolhardy..
*You made a headlong rush..

*passionate love..
*You must make a dispassionate decison that will be in the best interests of your son..
* In a disppasionate analysis of the problem, he carefully examined the causes..
*The American Indian has been incorrectly depicted as an impassive individual, undemonstrative and stoical..

*An flippant person shows inappropriate levity..
*austere../ hedonistic..
* sublime..

Today's News..

The three Ds..

Six miners are trapped 1,5oo feet underground.. The cave-in at the mine was so strong that authorities first thought it was an earthquake..

Bold burglars..

Police in France are looking for a group of armed, masked men who stole four famous paintings from a museum in broad daylight.. The artwork is worth more than one milliion dollars and one of the pieces is painted by Claude Monet in 1897..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The presidential office is known to be considering partial Cabinet reshuffle following the resignation of Justice Minister Kim Sung-ho..

2. Families of hostages held by Taliban militants made a video footage and distributed it through UCC sites to plead for international help in gaining their release..

3. Boder guards of the two Korea's exchanged fire yesterday but no casualties were reported. Officials said they will ask UN command military armistice commission to investigate the case...

4. The union and management of the Yonsei institution ended their strike yesterday by accepting a compromise suggested by state mediator. Medical service at hospitals will be back on track starting today..

5. The government banned the import of British pork following a foot-and-mout disease outbreak in the U.K..

Bonds hits milestone homer..

Barry Bonds, the slugger for San Francisco Giants, tied Hank Aaron's all-time home run record when he hit his 755th career home run in San Diego on Saturday.. The blast into the left field stands came on his first at-bat of the game. Although Bonds received mostly cheers form the sell-out crowd after the feat, he was booed when he first stepped up to the plate.. His drive to break the record has been surrounded by controvery, as Bonds is under heavy suspicion of having used performance-enhacing drugs, such as steroids, even though he has never tested positive for them.. Baseball commissioner Bud Selig delivered slightly underhanded reponse to the event by mentioning the controversy in the same breath as his congratulations to Bonds.. Following the game, Bonds said, "This is the hardest thing I've had to do in my entire career.."

Foot and mouth investigation focuses on research lab..

A possible virus leak form a nearby animal research center is being investigated as a cause of the recent foot and mouth disease outbreak at a British farm.. The virus was found in a herd of cattle on Friday, and researchers are scrambling to pinpoint how it broke out.. The director for the firm that operates the research center says they believe there was no breach at the facility. However, it was discovered that the strain of the highly-contagious virus that infected the cattle is similar to one produced at the center.. Around 120 cattle on the stricken farm and surrounding farms have been destroyed to prevent further infection risks. In response to the situation, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has cut his vacation short, and all meat product exports have been voluntarily suspended. Britain was hit hard by a foot and mouth epidemic in 2001, in which up to 10 million animals had to be slaughtered..

From Morning Special..

Here and there..

a piece of pizza../ a slice../ a sliver(길쭉..가는것..)../ a portion../ a wedge..

Here and there..

Something caves in.. 안으로 무너지다..
I a law-abiding citizen..

2007년 8월 6일 월요일

Here and there..

Let me clean up my little accident..
singing at the top of your lungs../ barking your head off..
You would probably bark your head off at me..
wedding vow..혼인서약..
step up(한단계 격상시키다..) its offensive..
They're retaliating..*(get even with..)


A month later, he died of a sudden heart attack..
Our conversation came to an abrupt end when he burst into the room../ The bus came to an abrupt stop..
The unexpected blizzard..
Don't be precipatate in the matter..; investigate further..
hasty../ an impetuous decision../ surprise attack..기습공격..
all of a sudden../ all at once../ out of the blue..
a political impasse..
He surpasses me in knowledge..
Photography is her favorite pastime..
A short plump man came waddling towards me..
The letter was short and to the point..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

No moooving any cows..

An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Britain has led the Dutch agriculture minister to order a freeze on transport of all livestock with cloven hooves in the Netherlands..

*livestock..에는 관사 안 붙는다..

Birds of a feather..

If your best friend is starting to get a bit pudgy, you may wanna watch out.. A new study finds that obesity can spread like an infectious disease.. The chances of packing on pounds become even worse the closer your friendship may be.. Researchers say one reason for that is because people who are close to one another tend to do the same activities..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. Heavy rain pounded parts of the nation during the weekend, flooding streets and houses, also isolating summer visitors at resort areas..

2. Afghan doctors yesterday dropped medicines for 21 Korean hostages in Afghanistan in an area instructed by the Taliban..

3. The Taliban reportedly made a new threat to start killing 21 Korean hostages saying negotiations with the Korean government have not produced enough progress..

4. A new party combining an array of liberal forces was launched yesterday, becoming the second largest negotiating group in the National Assembly..

5. Samsung Electronics got its production lines back on track Saturday after a blackout at the main plant a day earlier. The possible loss is estimated at about 40 billion won..

Beijing stepping up surveillance for summer games..

Official newspapers in China reported Saturday that Beijing is setting up thousands of surveillance cameras in and around 2008 Olympic Summer Games venues.. The installations coincided with the launch of the crackdown on bad fan behavior, and another 2,000 cameras will be added by March.. There are also already a multitude of cameras in the capital for monitoring traffic and sites like Tiananmen Square. Beijing police have said they will use the cameras in a dry run during an exhibition soccer match with a visiting Spanish team.. Other security measures for the games are also being discussed, including dispatching 70,000 volunteers to patrol venues and keep an eye out for trouble..

In addition to the typical worries that go hand-in-hand with any international event, China is particulary concerned over protests and dissent during the games..

Russia plants its flag 4 km below the North Pole..

Russia has claimed its stake to an enormous territory in the Arctic by planting its flag on the seabed 4261 meters below the North Pole.. Russian explorers and scientists became the first men to land on the site after reaching it in mini-submarines.. They placed a capsule with a message for future generations at the spot, as well as a titanium Russian flag that can withstand corrosion for 200 years. The area is potentially rich in oil and minerals and is also claimed by Canada and Denmark to be linked to their territories. The Russians spent an hour collecting samples at the site to help verify whether it is an extension of Russia's continental shelf. The mastermind of the expedition said that the goal of the mission was "to difine outer limit of Russia's territory.."

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 4일 토요일

Here and there..

She was dreading having to broach the subject of money to her father..
the Hall of Famer..
a shot of 소주..소주 한잔..
another set of chopsticks, please..These are a bit dingy..
I suggest you stand clear..물러나 계세요..There could be some trouble..
Residents are doing their best to dry out after 6 inches of rain causing a widespread flooding..
The situation was made worse by winds that gusted up to 80 mph..
It is being called the deadliest shooting rampage in the country's history..
opened fire..
How did you think of Erin's presentation?
Stellar, It knocked my socks off..She's going places..
Well, let's drink to her..May she grow and prosper and never forget us..
Bottoms up../Down the hatch../Here is to mud in your eye../Cheers/Salud../Drink up../Slam it../Over the lips and pass the gums, look out stomach. Here I come..

2007년 8월 3일 금요일


I won't dirty my hands by breaking the law..
Don't stain your parents' good name..
Meat readily taints in hot weather..
He who spits against the wind fouls his beard..
The rumor blemished his honor..
The copy is smudged..
The paint was tarnished..
He has a clean record..그는 전과가 없다..
Her conduct in office was unimpeachable and her record is spotless..
The cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection..
That referee is partial..
partiality..불공평, 편애..
partake in a discussion..
partition an estate among five brothers..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Big apple heroes..

The New York subway was the sight of a heroic rescue.. Two men pulled a woman who had fallen onto the tracks to safety just in the nick of time.. And as paramedics worked on the woman, the two men disappeared onto their train and left.. They did not leave their names..no way for the rescued woman to thank them..

Big screen heroes..
Woo-hoo! The Simpson's movie turned doughnuts into dollars over the past week.. The Simpson's, which features the antics of Homer, Marge, Bark, Lisa, Maggy and a host of motley characters, blacked out the competition and raked in close to &72M..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The senior Taliban commander in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, where the group is holding 21 Korean captives, told CBS News that the militants are "satisfied" with negotiations, and were not planning to kill any more of the hostages imminently..

2. Korea and the U.S. yesterday agreed to rule out any militant operations to rescue 21 Korean hostages in Afghanistan..

3. The government has suspended quarantine inspections of all U.S. beef imports following the discovery of vertebral columns in recent shipments, which are designated as "specified risk material" that could potentially cause mad cow disease..

4. An interstate bridge suddenly broke into huge sections and collapsed into the Mississippi River Wednesday evening, pitching dozens of cars into the water..

5. Korean Air and British Airways have each agreed to plead guilty and pay separate criminal fines of US$300 million for their role in conspiracies to fix the prices of passenger and cargo flights..

Record number of women in Turkish parliament..

48 women are elected as new members of parliament in Turkey's general elections last week. The number is exactly double of the previous 24. The largest group of female deputies, 31, came from the ranks of the Islamic rooted Justice and Development Party(AKP), which won a landslide victory with 47% of all votes.. The AKP party lured to its ranks women with liberal views and distinguished professional careers to refute accusations before the elections that it was seeking to increase the role of Islam in politics and public life. The low number of women in parliament has long embarrased Turkey, which prides itself in having obtained full suffrage as early as 1934, well before European countries as France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland..

Soccer- much more than a game in Iraq..

Amid bomb blasts Iraqis still celebrate their Asian Cup championship proving their desire for unity. Thousands of Iraqis including troops and cops welcomed the victory with volleys of automatic gunfire into the sky. Iraq's national soccer had accomplished a 'historical achievement', because they had succeeded in uniting Iraqis to support one team.. At a time when sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis have worsened in the Iraqi government and on the streets, the soccer team has been credited with helping unite Iraq..
A famous soccer coach once said 'some people believe that soccer is a matter of life and death. I am very disapponinted with that attitude, it is much, much more important than that!' which is totally true in Iraq today..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 2일 목요일


Too much drinking will only injure your health..
My throat hurt when I swallowed food..

Today's News..

These pictures speak volumes.. "I know it does not look real..we feel like we are on a movie set or something.." The aftermath from a bridge collapse.. It happened during rush hour evening.
Cars and tons of concrete went flying as the entire span plunged into the river..

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama says if elected he would remove troops from Iraq and dispatch them to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Earlier rival candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton called his foreign policy ideas "naive".

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. A purported militant spokesman said after the deadline passed that the remaining 21 hostages were still alive..

2. Korea is making all-out diplomatic efforts to prevent the killing of any more of the 21 surviving Korean hostages by Taliban militants in Afghanistan, officials said..

3. Korea stock prices plummeted yesterday on heavy foreign selling sparked by an overnight plunge on Wall Street..

4. The presidential office said yesterday that President Roh Moo-hyun will not grant any special pardons before the December election..

5. The Seoul Administration Court has ruled that health insurance can cover obesity treatment if it does not include cosmetic surgery..

The left-handed gene identified..

About 10% of humans are left-handed and scientist at Oxford University have discovered a gene that appears to increase the odds of this trait.. The gene looks to play a key role in determining whether the left side or the right side of the brain controls speech and language, leaving the other side to control emotions. Further research on the gene's role in brain development is required but it may help to understand asymmetry in the brain. The gene is also associated with a slight increase in the risk of developing psychotic mental illness that are linked to an abnormal balance in brain function. Earlier, left-handed people were found to have a greater risk to other diseases, having and accident and quicker thinking when playing computer games or sports, than their right handed counterparts..

Redesigning the toilet..

A new study hightlights the environmental damage of flush toilets and the radical innovaions needed to change the bathroom culture of Western society. Flush toilets, as oposed to squat toilets, squander precious drinking water. An average person uses about 4,000 gallons of drinking water to flush away waste, according to a study, while other parts of the world, such as India and some African nations, suffer from water shortage.. Still, Westerners's insistence on flush toilets can not be ignored and is being incorporated into the design of those rethinking the toilet.. Dry toilets that collect waste to be used later as fertilizer and vacuum toilets are being considered. The study states that "both technological advancements and changes in social and cultural patterns" are needed to make a long-lasting change..

From Morning Special..

2007년 8월 1일 수요일

Today's News..

1. Cheong Wa Dae strongly comdemned the militant group for killing a second Korean hostage in Afghanistan and threatened to take stern countermeasures if more Korean captives are killed..

2. Thousands of police raied a New Core store early yesterday morning to forcefully disperse workers who have been holding a sit-in strike for the past three days..

3. Former comfort women hailed yesterday the passage of a resolution by the U.S. House of Representatives, urging Japan to officially apologize to the victims and acknowledge its historical responsibility..

4. The prosecutors yesterday sent questionnaire to Lee Myung-bak, a leading presidential contender of the GNP, as part of its investigation into the allegation of real estate speculation and other irregularities..

5. Imported baking mixtures and half-made pastries contain 10 times more trans fat on average than those made with local ingredients, a government report said..

China assure the U.S. it is not a threat..

In his continuing visit to China, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was told by a senior Chinese official that China is no econ0mic threat to anyone and that it is still grappling with poverty. Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi expressed her pleasure that Paulson had visited the impoverished Qinghai province and seen the difference between rural China and burgeoning cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Wu said that there are still 23 million people living in poverty in China, and that China's economic development goal was to provide for all 1.3 billion citizens. She added that, China does not and will never threaten anyone."
The visit comes amid a push by lawmakers in the U.S. to pressure China into stabilizing its currency and allowing more open markets. An increasing number of Americans are crying foul over their country's trade deficit with China..

Coffee could combat skin cancer..

Recent research suggests that routine coffee drinking, when combined with regular exercise, could help in warding off some skin cancers more than if each was done alone. The senior author of the study warns that the results are no reason to discontinue regular sun-protection practices, however, since the study was only performed on animals. Although earlier studies have shown that caffeine intake or exercise indivisually can fight the onset of cancer, the new study shows that a combination of the two is more effective. The caffeine and exercise factors apparently work in tandem to help kill off cells that were damaged by UV rays before malignancy sets in,k which causes cancer. He says, "We really don't know how that happens." He also said that he din not know whether the factors would work in humans, and that he hopes to carry out a clinical study on human next..

From Morning Special..

Here and there..

That is a big seller..
Paying for something all up-front 이자없이 일시불로 내다..
interests payment..
mid-size(d) apartment..
music to my ears/ That is exactly what I want to hear..
won a landslide victory by garnering~ on popularist flatform..
match you vision of 21c socialism
take a harder line against..
media outlet언론사/ broadcasting station..
overthrow/ topple..
criticizined as a major setback to democracy and pluralism..
en route../on its way..

Here and there..

He is a childhood friend..소꿉친구...
We go back a long way../ We go a long way back..
I am totally at my wit's ends..
get a restraining order against somebody from the court..접근금지명령.
player..바람둥이..He is a player..
last straw..
warm up to someone...warm up to an idea. 마음을 열기시작하다..다정하게 굴다..
I feel a littly loopy today..약간 정상이아니다..정신없네...(귀여운표현) not normal..
Knock it off../Stop it..
You have a tendacy to do that..have a habbit of..
You leap what you sow..
produced a modest achievement(just step in the right direction..not that big achievement.) in the area of global warming..
agree in principle to substancially cut green house gas emssions(fundamentally)핵심자체에대해서는 이리한다..
to impose caps on green house gas emissions.
cut emissions to half of 1990 levels mandatory(it is a binding agreement) provisions(의무조항)
200원 in aid..
No timeframe for the aid was provided..
shoot the breeze..

Here and there..

Three to be safe..
Let fate decide..
Cut me some slack..
For the last time..
I can not believe you have the nerve to talk to me after you got Abby fired..
Sometimes first blush gives you a head rush..
Good morning, sunshine..
Did you sleep it off? 술, 화, 스트레스..없어젼나? 깨었나?- I am still a bit groggy..
fine line between pleasure and pain..
You still got the blues..
My head is still whirling../ I am still hazy../ My head is still swimming..