IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 8월 25일 토요일


*The firm has made a huge investment in new plants..
*The receding ice reveals immense flat plain, the size of Australia..
*He claimed that the enormous property was at his disposal..
*The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world..

*a gigantic tree..
*reach a colossal amount..
*today's mammoth industrial corporations..

*The place is now used as a miniature sculpture garden..
*The lottery tempts many who hope to become millionaire through the squandering of minuscule money..
*To an observer in an airplane hige over the city, the largest building seems diminutive..

*She is an authority on phonetics..
*The phonograph was invented by Ddison.
*Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up..


*preoccupied with..
*They only made a perfunctory effort..
*perfunctory smile..
*an interim report..
*Some contemporary musicians deliberately use cacophony to achieve certain effects..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

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