IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 7월 19일 토요일



lunatic..moonstruck..deranged..insane..craze..demented..psychotic..She is as nutty as a fruitcake..
lunatic asylum..madhouse..mental hospital..
The sight is still vivid in my mind..Good nutrition is vital for an infant't growth..He survived the plane crash..
miserly..pedestrian..vivid memories of her facial contour..futile..useless..His success depended on a fortuitous combination of curcumstances..

hazardous..perilous..risky..dangerous..in the extreme..to a great degree..critical..precarious..unsafe..
Danger past, God forgotten..jeopardy..Glory is the fair child of peril..
a viable alternative..convivial..vivisection..biopsy..autopsy..post-mortem..

bright..smart..clever..intelligent..sharp..astute..shrewd..scintillating..He is so retnentive..brainy..
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninty nine percent perspiration..prodigy..

foxy..sly..cunning..on the sly..crafty..ungrateful..fickle..deceitful..wily..
equivocate..prevaricate..quibble..equivocal..provoke..revoke..nullify..You ate your words..
dolish..ferocious..He is as wily as a fox..The police revoked his license..

2008년 7월 17일 목요일


exercise..take exercise..work out..
play it close to the vest..a city invested with fog..a travesty of justice..
a bag of bones..bare-bone..a living skeleton..
via air mail..convey..be moved under convoy of armed guards.
first voyage..to obviate the need for/to..She was impervious to any gossip about her..
Hear and tremble...irreproachable..
vicarious life..vicarious pleasure..vice-president..the vicissitude of life..

He stressed the need to abstain from makeshift countermeasures as far as Dokdo is concerned. Seoul lashed out at Kyoto as it digs digs in its heels over the claims of sovereignty over Dokdo..in view of..atrocities..put the blame on..put/lay the blame at my door..point the finger at me..gross violatoin of human rights..He voiced his deepest regret over the incident, but did not give an outright apology..it lacks teeth and cannot be used to go after those who are guilty..That's an outright lie..full apology..have teeth..make clear..The woes besetting the economy are more severe that they have beeen for several years..Over the remainder of this year..It is likey to be expanded at a pace appreciably below its trend rate..Growth is expected to pick up gradually..It bottoms out and begins a slow recovery..top out..It is a prank call..

temporay worker..contract worker..ignite lobor turmoil..disturbance..turbulance..agitation..the first anniversay..implementation of a law..amid loud social controvercy..mark..100and 299..follow examples..interim review of the lights and shades..adverse effects have overshadowed positive ones..to see where the new system stands now..sit-ins staged by dismissed contract workers..to name jus a few..faithfull abided by the new law..discrimination in..slip through liipholes..downsizing workforces..making the most of..oursourcing labor..continuous..universal phenomenon..winner take all.deterrent to social unity..homogeneity..had been taken for granted until quite recently..indiscriminately murdered passers-by..suggests much..sit together to plug the loopholes..through the use of more carrots and sticks..shoulder all the additional burden..in a similar vein..for their part..far more underprivileged colleague..Not a year passes without labor turmoil of one sort or another in this country..self-professed"business-friendly administration"..labor affairs..irked unionists..add to this/and..expanded application of the new law on smaller firms..gets a glimps of..already-troubled..avoid a worst scenario..

long-term health care..the elderly..chronic illnesses..senior citizens..live by themselves..caregivers..are eligible for..dementia..an aged society..rapidly..sharply..super-aged society..ratio..old-age pension..get pension benefits..eligible pension recipients..set up two pillars..viable welfare network..so far..their own health and subsistence..lay the groundwork for a welfare state..cause trouble..absence of a state-level health care system..for this reason..subject to abuse..subscriber to National Health Insurance...is required to make contribution..grants..meager burden..they are feared to shoulder more of a burden..qualified caregivers..aging population..


It was just money down the drain..sewer..toilet..
예상못했다..I did not see this coming..
I may blow chunks..throw up..sick..puke..vomit..barf..gagging..
Give me back my letter..You are bumming me out..너희들 실망이야..
in the back on the right..
놀라지 마라..Hear and tremble..
비난할 여지가 없는..irreproachable..

2008년 7월 15일 화요일



2008년 7월 14일 월요일


돈씀씀이가 헤프다..He is extravagant with his money..
그는 옷에 있어서 너무 사치스럽다..He is extravagant with his clothes.
터무니없는, 과도한..extravagant..지나친 칭찬..extravagant praise..
패션의 변덕스런 변화..the vagaries of fashion..
엄청난 위협..extravagant threats..
들끓는다..be infested with..
고집부리지마..Do not be obstinate..
열매를 맺다..성과를 거두다..bear fruits...
맏이..eldest child..first born..
외동..only child..
I beg to differ..


향기가 대기에 가득하다..The odor of pines pervades the air..
The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell..
정치적 불안..political unrest..
정치적 불안이 전국에 퍼져있다..The political unrest pervaded the whole country..
탈세자..tax evader.
뒤뚱뒤뚱걷다..walk with a waddle..
The wounded soldier waddled and fell down..
Do not wobblethe table. I am trying to write..Her voice wobbled with emotion..The chair wobbles..
막연한 추측..vague conjectures.
애매한 이유를 대다..mumbled some obscure reasons..My friend mumbled some obscure reasons for being late..
ambiguous..해석이 두가지로 되는..애매한..
애매한 답변을 하다..give an equivocal answer..give an evasive answer..
The doctor was noncommittal about when I could drive again..
애매한 태도를 취하지마..Do not assume a noncommittal attitude..
애매한 말..hazy remarks.

2008년 7월 13일 일요일


의심하다..doubt..suspect..call in question..look askance at..
His honesty has never been called into question..
Looking askance at my questioner, I displayed my scorn..
그걸 이용해라..Put it to use..Make use of it..
나는 내 능력을 살릴 수 있는 직업을 갖고 싶다..I want to get a job which utilizes my abilities..
약물남용..아동학대..drug abuse..child abuse..
위선자..겉으로만 진실하고 착한척 하는 사람..a hypocrite..
정독하다..Peruse the instructions..Peruse the book to read between the lines..


잔잔한 물결..the placid waters of the lake..
미풍에 깃발이 흔들린다..The flag undulates in the breeze..
그는 해고됐다..He was made redundant..
뒤죽박죽으로 만들다..clutter..
망설이지 말고..전화해..Do not hesitate to call me..
~을 억지로 밀어넣다..intrude..
끼다..참견하다..intrude on..
나는 그들의 대화에 끼는 것을 망설였다..I wavered to intrude on their conersation..
특히 두가지중에서 망설이다..She is still vacillate between confrontation and compromise..
자신감이 없어 주저하다..She walked up to the platform without faltering..
목소리에 자신감이 없다..His voice faltered as he began his speech..
망설이다..balk at the idea of..
양심의 가책이 없다..He has no scruples..
Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind..
양심의 가책을 느끼다..scruple..
당신의 사례는 과도하다..Your acknowledgment is redundant..
음악에 맞추어..to the music..
저렴한 가격에..at a good price..
날 때부터..본래..by nature..
고객 만족..customer satisfaction..
특히나 잘 이해한다..I have a special appreciation for people in those jobs..
주축,.They are the backbones of the company..
그는 친구를 속이는 데 거리낌 없다..He does not scruple to cheat his friends..
뭐가 더 낫다고 생각하십니까? What do you think gives Best Western an edge ove the competitoors?
..에 전반으로..to straddle across the whole spectrum of..
극진한접대..융숭한 대접..There is a whole sense of hospitality..
많은 호텔들이 들어설 예정이다..Many more hotels are coming on board..
She is past tense..그 여자는 과거지사야..
Can I bring up an issue? This is going to sound cold-hearted, but..
While I consider myself to be a very tolerant person, it is disgusting..and when word gets out and it eventually does on these things, because it is such a good story..
That is beside the point..
난기류로..The plane lost its stability in the turbulent air..
폭도..a turbulent mob..
거친 파도..turbulent waves..
방해하지 마..Do not disturb me..
이렇게 밤에 폐를 끼쳐서 미안합니다..I am sorry to disturb you at night..
가벼운 바람이 수면을 흩뜨렸다..A light wind disturbed the surface of the water..
혼탁한..turbid..혼탁한 시냇물..a turbid stream..
Let me take a wild guess..It was just a shot in the dark..
환청..auditory hallucination..
This is pure surmise on my part..
From the looks on their faces, I surmise that they had had an argument..

2008년 7월 12일 토요일


퇴화하다..atrophy..An unused organ will atrophy.
소아마비환자..polio victims..
대참사에서 살아남다..survive the catastrophe..
비극으로 끝난다..The novel ends in catastrophe..
삼가다..피하다..abstain from..refrain from..eschew..
순회하는..itinerant workers..
성질 고약한..hedonist..


드디어그에게 천벌이 내려졌따..At last retribution overtook him..
천벌..divine retribution..Some people saw her death as divine retribution for her crime..
기부, 기고, 기여하다..contribute..
~을 못보고 넘어가다..눈감아주다..overlook..
You seem to have overlook one important fact..
I could not afford to overlook such a serious offense..
형식적으로..in one's perfunctory..
대강 조사..cursory examination..
훑어보다..I dipped into the books, but they were not much help..
수박 겉핣기..smatter..
전공하다..specialize in
He smattered in Latin..
I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help..


숨을 죽이고 기다리다..waited with bated breath..
Although the implosion of the cooling tower attracted immense international attention, its relation to denuclearization is the subject of speculation..
그는 중요한 사람이야..He is a big cheese..
동시에 나타나다..서로 협력하다..to go hand in hand..
위기에 빠진..위기에 시달리는..crisis-ridden..
정권을 잡다...지도자가 되다..to take the helm of~
기운 용기가 나다..I was heartened by~
숨막힐 정도로 답답해.. I feel suffocated..
bear a resemblance to..She bears little resemblance to her mother..
생명 존중 문화..a cultue of life..낙태, 안락사 등을 반대하는 문화..
조의, 애도를 표하다..to extend our condolences to~
~이 한창 치열할때..I found myself in the thick of the battle to keep her alive..
모든 법적 수단을 동원했다..Exhausting their legal options..
결국엔 그들의 노력은 실패?부족했다..미치지 못했다..In the end, their efforst fell short..
진정한 문명이란..the essence of civilization..
법안을 통과시키다..passed legislation..
사전 재심..review of the case..
The rhetoric was intense..
어떻게 떳떳하게 살 수 있노? How can we live with ourselves?
미국의회..Capitol Hill.
This shy woman has sensitized the entire nation to the need for a "living will"사망 선택유언..식물인간이 되면 죽기를 원한다는 유언..


우려의 눈길을 보내다..casting a concerned eye on the China's military buildup..
전국인민대표회의..China's National people's congress
독립을 선언하다..to declare independence..
야단스럽게 떠들어대다..beating the drums of war..
비난하다..to point the finger at..
to quote unspecified sources as saying that..
Uneasy calm is returning..불안한 평온이 회복되었다..
The building was set on fire..
사임하다..step down..
intend to..intend on ~ing..
몽둥이를 든..stick-wielding..


회한의 눈물..contrite tears..penitent..apolgogetic..
잘못을 뉘우치고 겁이나서, 그는 착해지겠다고 약속했다..Contrite and frightened, he promised to be good..
탈략율..attrition rate..
소모전을 펼치다..to wage a war of attrition..
총공격..an all-out attack..
한발짝 떨어져서..aloof..detached..
객관적으로..in a detached way..
He is callous about the distress of his neighbors..
마음이 내키지 않는..열성적이지 않는..He was halfhearted about the choice of him for president.미지근한..미온적인..lukewarm..tepid..
나는 위험에도 불구하고 태연했다.,I was nonchalant in the face of danger..
편협한..시야가 좁은..provincial..
말기환자다..He is terminal..
손내밀어..stick your hand out..
I am probably just going to crash..
배고프다..I am famished..I am straving..
I figured it wasn't that big a deal..
I just didn't want Turk to know that he'd hurt my feelings..


독설가..a mordant speaker..
신랄한..be scathing about..He was scathing about the government's performance..
comment on/about..~에 대해 의견을 말하다..
협박하다..intimidate..eat nails..
instant bestseller..It delights me..do plug..coming up to me..말걸다..be romantically involved with..연인관계에 있다..see each other..교제하다..feel guilt..stage fright..무대 공포증..developmentally disabled..발달장애..resent..
그 일은 단발적이고 멍청한 행동이었따..I think it was an isolated and stupid act..
I am completely heterosexual..
그 점에 대해서는 추호의 의심도 없다..I do not have any doubt on that..
제가 저지른 실수가 큰 문제가 되었고 국제적으로까지 확대되었다..The important thing is that my mistake became big and took on international proportions..


인도적 지원..humanitarian assistance..
총 피해규모..the total extent of damages..
부패를 척결하다..fighting (against) corruption..
건설적이면서 고정한 협력..constructive and equitable cooperation..


팽창과 수축..expand and contract..
숨을 헐떡거리면서 열망하다..aspire..gasp..pant..
개는 헐떡거리면서 누워있었다..The dog lay panting..
The end of the novel leaves me panting for more..
몸이 수척해질 정도로 열망하다..She seemed to be pining for the mountains of her native country..
그리워서 몸이 수척해지다..After his wife died, he just pined away..
aspire to~
출세하겠다..She was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life..
She had a hankering to own a car..
절약하다..긴축하다..retrench..cut back..reduce..curtail..
학비를 줄이다..retrench school expenses..
We need to retrench the operating cost..
그는 자리를 잡았다.. He entrenched himself..
몸에 밴 습관..entrenched habit..established habit..
그의 신랄한 비판..his cutting criticism..
채워지지 않는..만족 되지 않는..insatiable..unquenchable..boundless..
탐욕 스러운..욕심많은..greedy..avaricious..covetous..rapacious..voracious..ravenous..gluttonous..
왕성한 식욕..gluttonous appetite..

2008년 7월 11일 금요일


기동연습..maneuvers..military practice..
단기 집중훈련..특별 훈련..crash course..
He took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy..
전투기..fighter jet..
~을 잘 알고 있따..to be no stranger to~
잔소리 좀 그만해..Stop being a back-seat driver..
큰 타격을 주다..Divorce takes its toll on the childred involved..
무리..떼..A swarm of friends congratulated him..
너무 오래 머물러 있어서 미움을 사다..to outstay one's welcom..wear out one's welcome..
One more cup of tea and then we'll go. We do not want to wear out our welcome..
~의 탓으로 돌리다.. to chalk something up to something else..Chalk it up to bad luck..
마구먹다..부식하다..eat away at~
These bank fees eat away at my savings every month..
The fact that he failed the test is eating away at him..
역사적 건물..historic landmarks.. to swarm the sites..
확정된거야..확실해 됐어..It is in the bag..
지지하다..to give support to~
great apes..
~을 받을 자격이 있다..권리가 있다..to be entitled to..have the right to~
본격적으로..최고조로..to be in full swing..in full effect..
역사에 남다..to go down in history..
사방에서 부터..from far and wide..from across the nation..from many places..
골칫거리..짐이 되는것..a headache..a pain in the neck..
지독한 악취를 풍기다..to stink to high heaven..
snowy herons..
The book has been checked out in your name..
pungent droppings..nasty stench..
They trample over rice paddies..
1회분..1차분..batch of..
시중에 유통되다..to hit stores..
검역검사..quarantine inspection..
Soaring raw material prices are icing up the manufacturing industry's business sentiment..
시작해보자..출발하자.. Let's rock and roll..
많은 양의 재산이나 자원을 보유하고 있다..It is sitting on deposits of copper and gold..
소유권을 주다..Mongolia's current Minerals Law give the government a stake in any mineral discoveries..
to use a hands-free phone while driving..
One radio host called the law "nit-picking" for the distraction of conversations while driving..
loophole in the law that allowed text-messaging..
He is working on a way around..해결책..
it was left out of the original..


깎아내리다..detract from..
약간 화가 나서..with a trace of rising temper..
용기 있는 사나이..a man of nerve..
신중은 용기의 핵심부분이다..Discretion is the better part fo valor..= you should avoid danger and not take unnecessary risks..
The journey took her the best part of an hour..
I drank the best part of a bottle of 소주..
How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor..
Bail is granted at the discretion of the court..
용기내다..gather heart..pluck up the courage..
불굴의 용기..unwavering fortitude..
정밀..precision..Historians can not estimate the date with any degree of precision.
.요약하다..make an abstract..


나는 승리의 기쁨에 도취되었다..The joy of victory intoxicated me..
음주운전..Driving While Intoxicated..
유독가스..toxic fumes..
내연제..flame retardant..
Every dog is valiant at his own door..
타의 모범이 되다..serve as a pattern for others..My gallant deed serves as a pattern for others..
위험..죽음..화..를 초래하다..to court danger..death..disastere..
He has courted disaster by his own daredevil conduct..
She fell headlong into the icy pool..
fall headlong..곤두박질치다..
사기를 저하시키다..demoralize..


비겁한 충동..cowardly impulse..I had a cowardly impulse to run for my life..
또 하나의..yet another..
비겁한 공격..dastardly attack..The bombing of the houses is yet another dastardly attack on innocent people..
비겁한 짓..a craven conduct..
토끼처럼 겁많다..He is as timid as a rabbit..
Though I have come of age, I am still timid to chat with girls..
chicken-hearted..쫄지 마..Do not be chicken-hearted..
움츠리다..위축되다..He cowered before the boss and was unable to speak..
겁먹다..I got cold feet then.
피하다..겁내다..I do not shrink from this responsibility. I welcome it..
횃불..We used a torch to light our way..
폭도들이 그들의 집에 불을 질렀다..The insurgents torched their houses..
춘향 was on the rack..
It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance..
a torrid summer..a torrid love affair..
얼굴을 찡그리다..He contorted his face with pain..
몸을 비틀다..She was writhing around on the floor in agony..
목을 비틀다..wring one's neck..
돈을 뜯어내다..to extort money..
쇄도하는 질문, 주문..a torrent of questions..orders..
나는 멍때렸다..I was in a daze..I was dazed..I was absentminded..
내 마음은 슬픔에 마비되어있다..My heart was (be)numbed with grief..
멍청한 웃음..He gave me a vacant laugh..
머릿 속이 텅 빈 듯한 적이 있는가? Has your mind ever gone blank just as you were about to speak?
나는 공포로 몸이 굳었다..I was petrified with terror..
My agonies extorted tears from me..
confectionery business..buy out..tie-up제휴..


You startled me terribly..눈이 휘둥그레지게 놀라게 하다..
대경질색 하다..I was consternated at the decision..
I was taken aback..
I was flabbergasted..
놀랍게도..to my astonishment..
겁먹다..The horse took fright at the sound of the explosion..
그는 항상 명령조로 말한다..He always says in a tone of command..
보수적 경향, 풍조..a tone of conservatism..
Her skin is sensitive, so she does not wear a lot of makeup..
그녀는 신상에 약하다..She is open to 신상..
She is most toucy on the subject of age..나이 얘기만 나요면..ㅋㅋ

2008년 7월 10일 목요일


그녀의 피부는 비단결 같다..Her skin has silky texture..
~구실..핑계로..under/on the pretext of..
권위적인 태도..authoritative manner..
건방진 태도..saucy carriage..
위엄있는 태도..dignified bearing..
남자다운 태도..a manly mien..
예절..decorum, manners, propriety..
예의 바르게 행동하다..behave with propriety..
그 고기 상해서 원래의 씹히는맛, 질감이 없어졌다..
The meat has gone bad and lost its texture..
She produced a convenient headache as her pretext for having to leave early..
a slut sleeping around..
~할 목적으로..with a view to ~ing..
Do not let the fear stand in the way of your dream..
본능적인 두려움..instinctive dread..
He always shrinks from doing what is difficult..
There is always a certain amount of trepidation when you are starting any new job..

2008년 7월 9일 수요일


샹냥한 기질..amiable disposition..
그녀는 패션에 천부적 재능을 가지고 있다..She has a flair for fashion..
kleptomania..He had a proclivity to steal..
~에 빠져살고있다. 젖어있다..He indulges himself in extravagant tastes and habits..
강한 성향..penchant..
위증을 하다..giving false testimony..commit perjury..
증언.증명하다.. He attested to the genuineness of the signature..
그자리에서..on the spot..
attest to=testify..
막 경쟁하기 시작하다..It is game on...
keenly awaited..
출시되다..It will go on sale..
거친 언어..bad language..
게임기..game box..
입맛을 다시다..licking their chops..
주인공들은 중무장한 지하세계의 범죄자들이다..characters are underworld criminals armed to the teeth..
지나치게 많이 함..a heavy diet of these games..


~와 다름없는..as good as..
annual fee..연회비..
pay by the hour/day
차량 유지 비용이 코피 터질 만큼 비싸다..The cost of motoring is enough to cause a nosebleed..
He is collected..
long-haired bovine..
room dividers..
~에 적합하다..fit in..
세금을 납부하다..manage the bill..
Hope could be one the way from India..
인생 그렇게 살지마..바보같이 굴지마..Get a life..


아직..as of yet..
섬뜩한, 오싹한..grisly, gruesome, ghastly, grotesque
엽기적인 살이사건..grotesque murder case..
토막 살인..torse murder..
The mangled bodies of the victims told their own grisly story of what had happened..
A sort of heaviness in the air and an eerie silence were the first intimation of the approaching cyclone..
의견의 일치가 없는 잠정적 결론..a tentative conclusion without an ultimate concurrence..
The weather for the weekend will be fair..화창한..
We had a fair amount of snow last week..상당한..
Come on, you two guys. Fight fair..공정한..
Our friendship has been attenuated(weakened)..
배고파서 홀쭉해지다..He was attenuated by hunger..
이러한 기억들은 희미해질 것이다..These memories will be tenuous, weak, faint..
He is my confidential friend..
극비 문서..a strictly confidential document..
훔쳐보다..She cast a furtive glance at him..
비밀의..clandestine, surreptitious, furtive, covert, confidential, cryptic, stealthy, underhanded
몰래한 사랑.. furtive love..
그 사건의 속사정,내막.. the inside story of the incident..
비밀정보.. tip-off..He was arrested after an anonymous tip-off..
비밀 취급을 해제하다..declassify..Top confidential do
cuments were recently declassified by the government..
the souring relationship with her..


We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack..
It seems to be extemporized..
He was contemporary with Shakespeare..
세속적인 일..temporal affairs..
능가하다..outdo, outstrip, outshine, eclipse, surpass..
No one can take the place of her..아무도 그녀를 대신할 수 없었다..
He substituted for the manager who was in hospital.
Drinkers use alcohol as a mind-altering(기분을 바꿔주는) substitute for illegal drugs..
대역..stand-in, understudy, substitute...
노력을 하다..wage a struggle..

2008년 7월 8일 화요일


열량이 높은 음식..food high in energy..
유리해지다..be favored by having.....
몇몇는 수긍하지 못한다.. Some need convincing..
a firm believer in the mother's ability to influence the sex of baby..
남자아이가 선택되지 않는다.. boy embryos are selected against..


옷이 날개다..The tailor makes the man..
그는 강연의 수준을 청중에 맞추었다..He tailored his lecture to his audience..
장남을 상속인으로 하다..entail his property on his eldest son..
편애..predilection, favoritism, partiality..
그녀는 도시 생활을 좋아한다..She has a predilection for town life..
한국식 스토리가 왜 그렇게 잘 팔린다고 생각하십니까?..Why do you think Korean plotlines travel so well?
그녀는 예쁜 옷이나 걸치고 허세를 부리는 그런 배우가 아니었어요.. She was not a person who flaunted herself in preety clothes..
과장하는게 아니라..I am not exaggerating,
본의 아니게..against his will..
대표작..a defining film..
그의 경력은 상승세를 탑니다..His career took off..
혐의를 부인하다..He denied the alllegations..
국제적인 수배..a worldwide manhunt..
~을 간청하다.애원하다..appeal for..
성폭행하다..sexually abuse..
생일 파티가 한창이다..birthday blowout is under way..
현수교..a suspension bridge..
최고의 영예는 고향 우승후보에게 돌아갔다..Top honors went to a hometown favorite..
평생 공로..lifetime achievement..
피해가 이어지고 있습니다..We've seen more in the way of damage..
차차 이동하다..work its way..


그녀는 질투심이 치밀어 오르는 것을 느꼈다..She felt a surge of jealousy..
무엇이 옳고 정당한가에 대한 당신의 판단에 따라 움직여라..Be guided by your sense of what is right and just..
공정하게 말해서 그는 그냥 좋은 사람일 뿐이었다.. To do him justice, he was merely a good-natured man..
화가 치밀어 올랐다..A surge of anger swept over me..


사로잡히다..He was consumed with jealousy..
전소되다..The house was consumed by fire..
그는 감히 자기 자신을 당신과 비교했다. He presumed to compare himself with you..
값비싼,사치스러운..sumptuous, lavish,delux, costly, luxurious...
여기는 내가 있을 자리가 아닌 것 처럼 느껴진다..I feel out of place at here..
그런 무례한 행동은 학생에게 어울리지 않는다..Such a rude behavior does not become a student
꼴사나운 언행..unseemly words and deeds..
무관한 주장을 끌어들여 문제를 혼란시키지 마라(일부러 어렵게 만들지 마라)..Do not obfuscate the issue by dragging in irrelevant arguments..
irrelevant..off the point..wide of the mark..
이 진술은 사건과 관련성이 없으므로 배심원단은 무시해야 한다. This statement is off the point and should be disregarded by the jury..
그의 추측은 빗나갔다..His speculation was wide of the mark..