IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 7월 17일 목요일


exercise..take exercise..work out..
play it close to the vest..a city invested with fog..a travesty of justice..
a bag of bones..bare-bone..a living skeleton..
via air mail..convey..be moved under convoy of armed guards.
first voyage..to obviate the need for/to..She was impervious to any gossip about her..
Hear and tremble...irreproachable..
vicarious life..vicarious pleasure..vice-president..the vicissitude of life..

He stressed the need to abstain from makeshift countermeasures as far as Dokdo is concerned. Seoul lashed out at Kyoto as it digs digs in its heels over the claims of sovereignty over Dokdo..in view of..atrocities..put the blame on..put/lay the blame at my door..point the finger at me..gross violatoin of human rights..He voiced his deepest regret over the incident, but did not give an outright apology..it lacks teeth and cannot be used to go after those who are guilty..That's an outright lie..full apology..have teeth..make clear..The woes besetting the economy are more severe that they have beeen for several years..Over the remainder of this year..It is likey to be expanded at a pace appreciably below its trend rate..Growth is expected to pick up gradually..It bottoms out and begins a slow recovery..top out..It is a prank call..

temporay worker..contract worker..ignite lobor turmoil..disturbance..turbulance..agitation..the first anniversay..implementation of a law..amid loud social controvercy..mark..100and 299..follow examples..interim review of the lights and shades..adverse effects have overshadowed positive ones..to see where the new system stands now..sit-ins staged by dismissed contract workers..to name jus a few..faithfull abided by the new law..discrimination in..slip through liipholes..downsizing workforces..making the most of..oursourcing labor..continuous..universal phenomenon..winner take all.deterrent to social unity..homogeneity..had been taken for granted until quite recently..indiscriminately murdered passers-by..suggests much..sit together to plug the loopholes..through the use of more carrots and sticks..shoulder all the additional burden..in a similar vein..for their part..far more underprivileged colleague..Not a year passes without labor turmoil of one sort or another in this country..self-professed"business-friendly administration"..labor affairs..irked unionists..add to this/and..expanded application of the new law on smaller firms..gets a glimps of..already-troubled..avoid a worst scenario..

long-term health care..the elderly..chronic illnesses..senior citizens..live by themselves..caregivers..are eligible for..dementia..an aged society..rapidly..sharply..super-aged society..ratio..old-age pension..get pension benefits..eligible pension recipients..set up two pillars..viable welfare network..so far..their own health and subsistence..lay the groundwork for a welfare state..cause trouble..absence of a state-level health care system..for this reason..subject to abuse..subscriber to National Health Insurance...is required to make contribution..grants..meager burden..they are feared to shoulder more of a burden..qualified caregivers..aging population..

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