IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2012년 5월 26일 토요일

coolbiz controversy..

weathermen say it will b e another long, hot sumer, putting officials on emergency alert to prevent possible power blackouts..

he ahs came up with the freshest and bolest idea so far to combat excess use of electirty to power air conditionling units.Employees at the metropolitan government can  work in shorts and sandals in offices as long as they  are not receving visitors and dealing with complaints..

the idea itself is not original but taken form Japan  wherer energy conservatio is a national priority after operations were suspended at all 54 of its atomic power plants..

his objective of saving energy equivalent to at least one nuclaer power plant's production is laudable, especially at a time when crude imports form Iran is in quesiotn
if coolbiz attire can put all of the nation's atomic power plants at rest, there is no reason we shouldn't fololow the example..

there is oppotion to the too liberal dress code, particular froom conservatives  who fear a downturn in work discipline and the diginity of pubiic officials..

these concderns are not entirely grondless. what one wears can affect his or her thinking and loose clothing can lead to loose mindset.it's ultimately up to employess themselves not to let casual become careless.there are alseo reports that casual dress boosts creativity

one can less readily agree with the second reason. most people know all to well how fully-dressed, dignified-looking emplyeoss have weated taxpayers' money , receving bribea nd prused meany kinds of irrgularityes

he plans to do some catewalk modeling at a fashon show to promote his energy saving resolve.
don't wear socks under your sandals..
i;ve learned a great deal from..

i've always wanted to try my hand at

today's specialty is..

mishap..실수, 작은 사고..you intended to do somethigh, but it went wrong..
for the presentaion mishap..

it's on the house.

craving for some chocolate cake..

i feel like i am not receving the mental stimulation i have been craving..

2012년 5월 25일 금요일

facing justice..9.11 테러범 재판..
laughing stock.. 웃음거리..
the whole thing is rather saddening because we are now the laughing stock of the free world and the way we deal with either a terrorist or war criminals.

all five defendants deferred entereing a plea..항변, 답변..

missing family..납치당한 어머니와 딸 세명..
by itself..그 자체로..
kidnapping by itself is a vionlent act and a desperate act..

i would have grave concern about their well-being..

campaign kickoff..공식적으로 재선화동을 시작한 오바마..
double back..되돌아가다..
Thre president waS apparently so fired up and ready to go, he forgot something, doubling back for one of his strongest weapons, the First Lady..

rubber stamp.. 자동적으로 인가하는 사람..
a rubber stamp of failed Republican policies..


big man on campus..인기 있는 남학생.../BMOC
who is no stanger to huge cheers..

a walk in the park..쉬운 일..
it wasn;'t a walk in the park..

if you'are lucky enough to have a claer sky, wyou will have quite a show..

who culd forget the famous flight, "E.T"  in silhouette

offering up the moon in "it's a wonderful life.."바치다, 드리다
i offered up a prayer for his safety..

i will throw a lasso around it and pull it down...

he said what we've all said at one point..

if you look up into the sky tonight, chances are you'll be star-struck again,..

some celebritesa re star-struck by other celebrities..스타에게 완전히 반한..

the moon's orbit around the Earth isn't a perfect circle, it's an ellipse..타원..
the earth orbits the sun in an ellipse..

a perigee full moon

it's that proximity that will give us a view 30% brighter..

the trees dwarf, the people like specks on the horizen..작아지다, 작아 보이게 하다..
looking at theos stars suddenly drawfed my own troubles..

bringing out bizarre behavior??이상한..
that bookis really bizarre..

fireballs and meteor shower..

the peak will occur tonight  into tomorrow

that well-lit, well-defined sky..

justice for force workers

it is now governments' turn to respond..

it was a landmark decision by any standars. the Supreme court's ruling Thusrday in favor of eight forced laborers seeking compensation form japanese companies was significant not only legally but also politically and historically..

we wholeheartly welcome the top courts' decision which show, if blately, what the judicature of an independent, self-repecting nation should be

it was fitting that the nation's highest tribunal overtruned rulings by its japanaese counterpart as well as lower Korean courts based on the notion taht the conscription during the colonial peoriod was legitimate. we, along with all Koreans, agree with the corut's decision that such mistaken views "contradict the core valuse of the Republic of Korea's  Constitution"

rightly contradicted Tokyo's allegation and seoul's consent to it that the bilateral treatry of 1965 settled all property claims, including those by individuals, once and for all. the absurdity of such an assertion is obvious even to laypersons, given that  issues of sex slaves and forced workers did not even emerge when the aggrement was signed..

as it is in breach of the "principal of good faith.."

settling historical scores in a rather slapdash way

more symbolic than substantive, considering the tears shed and toil these people endured along with grudeges and resentments accumulated over...
the ruling was judicial redefinding of modern history


all wartime wrongdoings and mistakes at government level
making vague apologies..

At som rish of losing foucus, one can't help but point out the insincerity of the Korean government..
It's understandable, but not agreeable that Tokyo still remains mum on the ruling.

revisiting the treaty..

rebuke the Seoul's dereliction of duty..

there is no future without proper settleiment of the past..

2012년 5월 24일 목요일

back to work??실망스런 고용 상황..
plateau..정체를 유지하다..
the average worker, their productivity has plateaued..

exigency.../엑시젼시/에그지젼시/긴박한 상황, 사태
just an exigency for those companies to start hiring..

on alert.. 아동 백일해 급증..

sinking..싱크홀 비상..
give way..무너지다..
eventually, the rock gives way and the land above caves in..

prone to.하기 쉬운, 당하기 쉬운..
areas most susceptible to sinkholes have rock more prone to eroding in water..

 taking a stand.. 너무 마른 모델 논란..
out of style..유행에 뒤떨어진..
is vowing to be a trend setter, saying ultra young and super skiny is out of style..

knowingly..다 알고도, 고의로...
tehy'll no longer knowingly work with model under the age of 16 or  who appear to have an eating disorder..

click with..통하다, 좋아하다..
we clicked..
had there ever been anyone you felt you clicked with??

weepy..금방이라도 눈물이 날 것 같은..
i don't want to get weepy..

a headline taht seems straight out of the 19th century, a resurgence of whooping cough, the disease that produces vionet coughing as patients gasp for air...
after just ten minutes, he gsped for air and grabbed his side..

i already had whoopng cough wne i wasin labor, 분만중이다..
a friend of mine went into labor whle taking a n exam..

the fits can even break ribs..발작..
i had a fit of sneezing and my nose kept running even inside th room..

a full-fledged epidemic..

older peoplea re susceptible to colds..

if yuour child is experiencding shortness of breath ro coughing fits..숨가빠하거나 기침 발짝...
i am short of sleep these days..

2012년 5월 23일 수요일

someof america's new finght planes are sitting ont the tarmac..
soemof the nation's precision pilots don't want to fly them..

it has never flown in combat..

this aspect of our national security has been an abysmal failure...최악의, 최저의..
the weather is abysmal..

cause its pilots to black out..의식을 잃다..
i blacked out after drinking too much..

to the outrage of his family..

the beeps going off are telling the pilot..

to perform tricks in air shows..묘기...

in effect,a million stunt plane..사실상, 실제로는..

i couldnt do what i wan. in effct, i had no choice..

both a turkey and a lemon..실패작, 실패../불량품.
the first experiment awas a real turkey..
to the point of..라고 할 정도로..
a street dog wiht her onw problems, shy to the point of cowering, probabley becasue she'd been shot as a puppy..

come out of one's shell..마음을 터놓다..
Blair came out of her shell..
distraught..제정신이 아닌.
Seau's mother, understandably distraught..멘탈붕괴..

stick it out..  끝까지 계속하다..

share life..장기기증 운동의 효과.
untapped..아직 사용하지 않은..
trying to harnes the untapped genorocity of the potentail donors..

sigh up..신청하다..
a spike in the number of us signing up to become donors..

2012년 5월 22일 화요일

courtroom dram..에드워즈 전 상원의원 재판..
a close confidant of his wife Elizabeth...

mortify..굴욕감을 주다..
she was mortified and umiliated by the publicity..

how may i help you/?

i placed an delivery order, but i belive there has been a mix-up with the food..
i ordered a vegetable 차오메이,
i requested that my egg plant be mild, but it turned out to be extra spicy...
i nearly choked to death..목메어 죽을뻔하다..
there must have been a misunderstanding with the order..

i'll corrent this immediately..
it will take about 15

we are all under a deadline..

lemon chicken specialy..특별요리..

we're so sorry for the mishap..

it's fine..everyone has an off-day..

you need to be aware of what other are doing, appladu their efforts, ackknlwlde their sucesses, and encorage them in their pursuit. when we all help one another, ...
secret mission..깜짝 방문..
slog..고투, 힘겹게 하는 일...
the reality of the long, hard slog in Afghanistan contiued..

fend for oneself..스스로 꾸려가다..
not leave the country to fend for itself against the Taliband and al Qaeda..

bomb plot..기업을 증오하는 테러집단..
hue..특성, 유형..
that terrorism can come in many hues, and from many homelands..


share life..페이스북을 통한 장기기증.
solvable..해결할 수 있는, 풀 수 있는
a solvable problem with existing technology..

black sheep..골칫덩어리, 말썽꾼..
i am the black sheep of my family..

crash course..항공기 사고의 생존율 높이기.../속성 강좌../추락
to improve survivability..

to mitigate the fireball taht is created bymany crashes..

parking attendance gone wild..폭주하다

found a pretty wild case of life more than imitating art..

it proved too tempting for me..

flashy convertible..호화로운../swanky..extravagant...
she likes flashy clothes..

alerting the car was in motion..움직이는
could you set the machhine in motion??

joyrideing in our car...남의 차를 훔쳐 난폭운전하다, 폭주..
they took their girlfriends for joyrides in stolen cars..

they were peeling out on dirt roads and even smoking along the hgihway..쌩하고 떠나다.
sorry i peeled out like that yesterday..

racking up more than 60 miles..쌓아 올리다, 얻다../선반에 쌓다..
i racked up 돈 in debt...

he denied he ever took a joyride..

it would appear our video tells a differnet story..

2012년 5월 21일 월요일

effect of FTAs

consumers sould benefit from lowered tarrifs

there has been intensifying debate in Korean ont he pros and ocns of free trad aggremments ove th elast few yeasrs. Proponent claim that free trad deals will enable Korean businesses to explore oveseas markets moree actively  tahks to lowered tariffs. Opponents say FTAs will benefi large conglorerates and the rich at the expense of farmers and small- and  medium-sized businesses.

its's diffucult to say wihich side is right becasue our FTA his tory with major traind partnesr has been relatively short, More recently, howerver, there have been reports shwoing positive reuslts from our free trade packs..

Data released by the Korea Customs Service Sunday that Koea's exports to the United statas rose 11.3 percent durign the  frist tow months after the landmark free trade agreement wnet into effec. Exprts to the United States amounted to ...from March 15 TO..., while imports form the United Staates rose a meager 2 percent ..for the two-month period..

during the same period,Korea's total shipmetns fell 4 percent form a year ago to..., hit by falling demand amid Erurope';s deepening debt cirsis and Chnia's economic slowdown.

Drawing our particular attention i stha texports to the United States were led by products whose tariffs were lowered due to th FTA- petroleumproducts wer up 42 percent, followd by automobiles and aotu omponets. this mean that withoutthe Kora-U.S. FTA, Korea would ahve benn hit hard in its expots and trade balance.

the effect of the free trade accord was alsoe evident in Erurope. Acoording thethe Ministyr of Statety and Finance, shiipments of kOrean product to Europe whose tariffs were lowerec due to the FTA jumped 27percent in the second hafl fo laast year, althour Koeaa's total exports to EUREOPE Fell..

of course, its' too early to paint a rosy picture for FTAs with the short-term ruseult but we are positive about the impact they will have o our  economy, given that Korea relies on exports for nearly 70 percent of  its economic growth..

Nevertheless, there are tow points tobe heed. First of all, the government should not be in a hurry to concluede subsuquent deal with China and Japan. Our trade negotiateor will hav to be more careful in talks with China, takdin tinot accoutn ath a good numberof armers and fishersmen will be affecte negatively.

the governemtn alseo neds to take concree meassureto let Korean consumers benefit form lowerd tariffs in the wake of FTA implementaiton. So far, import prices of some products such as beer and orage juice remain high despite cuts in import duties as imperters and distrubutors make illict gains..
let's rock out.. 마음껏 즐기다.
rocking chair.. 흔들의자..

rock the cradle../rob the cradle..

watch out for the rocks on the road as you drive..

let's rock and roll 시작하다../let's get started..

you are such a rock star..에너지가 넘치는 사람..

she's rocking the dress/ she rocks in that dress..완전 옷 잘어울릴때.

i just hope i don't hit rock bottom in this relationshiop..

their marriage is on the rocks..//it's rocky../goign throgh soe troble..unstable...

a drink on the rocks../with ice..

disturbing the balance or  routine of the situation.../ causing a stir..=rock the boat..

you guys rock...멋있따..모닝 스페셜 rocks..
gamblers in grey robes..

taste of money , power lead monks astray

the scandal about gambling monks rocking the nation's Buddhist community seems to know no bounds. a former special advisor to the executive chief o fthe largest Jogye Order recently disclosed that playing high-stakes poker was customanry aoong rankding monks, some of whom enven went abroad to gamble..

even more stunning than these deviant acts was the exuse made by a senior Jogye monk. "playing card is a recreational culture that is good at preventing dementia,". It is hard to just laguth away the remark despite or becasue of his post  defending the relision..

it has long been an open secre that many monks, especialy those in high administrave post, drink wine and somoke cigarettes, saying they have achieved too high a spiritual enlightment to be bound by theses petty taboos. the whistleblower who first leaked the video clip of the gambling monks alse expsoed monks highes in the Jogye Order frequented expensiv ehostess basrs and even paid for sex..

we know the ongoing exposreu, ture or not, is apst of an ineral power struggle, as the Buddhist leasres say. yet the point as most people see it is not the reason or circumstance but the fact most of it has happend...

we afraind the scandals and ugly revelations amy not end easily bur recur, althogut he Buddisht leadersip is pledign to repent by abstaiingin fomr flesh and fish, Most Koeans stil remember the blody battley a tJogye Temple"in 1994, as bands of rival monks and their hired thugs physiccaly forugh gor control of the odrer, which owns ast amoutn of property, the subsequent reform drive went up in smoke amid another violent clash fure years later.

at stake is hwo to separtae scred religious pursuti form secular money prlbmes. there hav been numerous vovw for trnsparent finalcial management in the wake of major scuffles , but little canged, we agreewith womefocus on spirtual and reigous triang

instead of communicaing with absolute beings or seving the neighborhood with religous mercy...

(to be continued.)
why did yo leave your last job?

i have to admit.솔직하게 말씀드리면/frankely../truth be told/ it was a very difficult decision for me..
i have been with my last compay for the last three years and i have been enjoyed working with them.
i have learned a great deal from my colleagues and managers and it has been a numerous learning and growing experience for me.
however, i felt that i had to move on and purse greater things..
my company was outstanding..
i would like to try my hand at something in a larger scale and with a bright future ahead..
i desire to travel a lot and build up more knowledge in my field..
you campany has everything that can help me improve professionally and personally..

good business learders creat a vision, articulate the vision, passionately  own품다 the vision, and relentlessly거침없이 drive it to its completion..

2012년 5월 20일 일요일

must walk a tightrope between various religious groups..

everyone will be watching for that..
if you have money you can beat the system..

bunker showdown..벙커에서 발견된 비정한 아버지..
rugged..바위투성이의, 울퉁불퉁한...
the terrain was so rugged police helicopters made some 40 trips to drop the SWAT team members in by rope..


farm freeze..냉해
it's the round-the-clock cuddling of crops..

lifeless.죽은 듯한, 맥빠진..
From the lifeless asparagus in Iowa to the fate that this orchard wants to avoid, this spring has been full of frosty fear...

international intrigue.. 중국 인권운동가 탈출에 난감한 미 중..

supplement crackdown.. 에너제 보조제 논란..

buzz..흥분, 취함..
they're wildly popular , delivering an energizing speed-like buzz befoere workouts..

north of..~이상의..
the market for these pills and powders is north of $100 million a year..

disprove..~가 틀렸음을 입증하다..
i've been measuring the faces of beautiful women, tring to disprove thiese rules..

symmetry..대칭, 균형..
why do we find such symmetry irreistible??

we're gonna turn now overseas to that case of international intrigue involving...

the big question tonight...

escape from house arrest.

Davi Kerley on the growing mystery and what will most certainly be a delicate diplomatic dance..

it's like a plot form an intermatioanl thriller..

who even peer into his windows..자세히 들어ㅕ다보다, 응시하다..
the child peered at me in a strainge way..

he was pushed back by security..
exposed forced abortions and sterilizations, wsa able to scale a wall and excaep..오르다..
as experience moutnain guide who scaled Everest at least 10 times..

a car chase ensued with police..뒤따르다.
the painc ensued from the false news report..

in the custody of ..

i dont have anyting for you on that subject..

he even taunted the Chinese government in a video proclaiming his escape..조롱하다, 비웃다..
the children at school taunted him for being dirty..

this couldnt' have come at a worse time..

since the us have long criticize the Chinese human rights record, the Secretaroy of State will be walking a Beiging  tightrope next week..줄타기하다, 신중해야 하는 상황에 있다..

the ceremony began wiht a beat of the drums.

my heartbeat sped up..

the recipe says to beat the eggs..

i'm so beat..

quit beating around the bush and ask her out../cut to the chase..

Why is she in a bad mood? "Beats me"

get lose..go away..beat it../ she yelled at the fly to beat it.

you can beat rush hour traffic..출퇴근 정체를 피하다...

upbeat..비트가 강한, 신나는..

i beat the clock and got to work on time..시간 전에 마치다..

beat the system.. 체계를 거스르다..
to get what you want  by not following the usual l rules..

2012년 5월 18일 금요일

bombshell 존 에드워즈 상원의원의 재판..
cross one's mind..문득 떠오르다..
That didi cross my mind..

hard hat.안전모.

shadowy.잘 알려지지 않은...

tangle with.싸움에 휘말리다..

cheering at the top of one's lungs..목청껏..큰 소리로..

2012년 5월 17일 목요일

spicyed egg plants..양념된..매운../mild..순한..

delivery..소포 배달...

yes, i would like to place(=make) an order..can i have some sweet and sour chicken?닭고기 탕수육..a dozen dumplings, fried rice...

please go easy on the spice

you are all set.sir..

you've reached 만더린 house..

will this order be pickup or delivery??

is there anythign else we can help you with??

no that's it..thank you very much..

they're so relevant in so many ways..

"where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier"...

2012년 5월 16일 수요일

may have slowed down their momory loss by..숫자..


they concentrate in your hippocampus.해마.., which is responsible for memory and learing..

do you find today's study convincing/???설득력 있는..

before you go on a berry binge a few caveats here..경고, 통고..
She added the caveat that all the figures in the survey were suspect...

Are you going to take her age account??

have all sorts of..

cloggd arteries and kidney stones..신장결석..

you can do it on a (tight) budge..한정된 예산으로,,불필요한 지출을 피해
i traveled on a tight budget..

taken in moderation, it works..알맞게 , 적당히..
i always try to drink in moderation..

Think hard..

this is an e-mail followup to the voice mail i just left on your cellphone

as you are anticitpaing, your shipment was dut to arrive today..

we reget to inform you that we got a small setback which will cause a slight dealy on the

we had a fire a few days ago wiping out a few stock and supplies완전히 없애버리다../from everything to nothing.

due to the unfortunate turn of events we are going to delay your shiptment for a few days..

but you can expect to receive your refrigerator in the next

we sincrely apologize for the inconvenience, but appreciate your understanding..

please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questiongs regarding your..

the desire of knowlege

2012년 5월 15일 화요일

flight scare..항공기 소동..
quarantine..격리, 격리하다.
is now under quarantine..

rash..발진../rash decision..성급한 결정..
had some sort of rash..

terror threat..빈 라데 ㄴ사망 일주기 보복 공격 우려..
draw near.. 다가오다..
the anniversary draws near..

is determined to avenge bin Laden's death..
avenge myself on s.t

on the hot seat.자신의 타블로이디즈 실수를 인정한 머독..
drop a bombshell..폭탄 선언을 하다../blonde bombshell개이쁜 미녀..
dropped a bombshell, conceding that the mess was his fault.

rest on one's laurels..성공에 안주하다, 이미 얻은 영예에 만족하다..
might have hoped he'd be resting on his laurels, not fight to save everyghitn he's built..

crying foul..야구장의 공 잡기 경쟁../부당하다고 외치다..
oblivious to 의식하지 못하는..
picks up the ball, obliviousto the teary toddler reacing for it.

chilidish.어린애 같은, 유치한..
they aren't the first adults to act childish with a baseball headed thier way

2012년 5월 14일 월요일

cross my mind..문득 떠오르다..
that did cross my mind..

to the tuneof..거금 ~씩이나..
those billionaires bankrolled the cover-up of his affair with her to the tune of  돈

shape up..되어가다, 전개되다..
Already this spring is shaping up to be quite  a year..대단한 한해가 되어가고있네요

hard hat.. 안전모..
if there is a severe weather alert, protect you head..

shadowy..잘 알려지지않은..
Track down the shadowy bullies, sue them, and she won a staggering judegement of $10 million.

tangle wiht..싸움에 휘말리다..
She was the worst possible person to target becasue she has taped her calls ever since tangling with an aggresive telemarketer years ago..

sage advice..

at the top of one's lungs..
with a drink in his had, cheering at the top of his lungs..

meeting minutes..회의록
call to order..개회선언..
new hire..신입사원..
recap the corrent progress..

gave the green light to the budget..

at full throttle now..

she made an important point saying it lacks
thinly-veiled tactical nuclear weapons..

redeployment destined for threatihng peace and stability on Koean Peninsula..

the fact that a U.S.'s congressional committee has passed an amendment on redeploying tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula is creating subtle ripples within and without as the North is set to conduct a third nuclear test.

the bill requirs Secretary of state and Defense Secretary to submit a report on the feasibilityand logistics of redeploying nuclear weapons.

it's apparent that Republicans want to send a clear message that China should act decisively to make the North stop its nuclear weapons development. The NOrth conducted two undergrond nuclear tests and is reportedly preparing for a third..

the possiblitly apperas slime for now..
the Obama administraions is clearly negative on the issue.., backing a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. Though the bill passes the House, the Democrats-controlled Senae is certain to vote it down..

it won't be justified..

the situation can change completely if the Republican Party wins the presideial election..
be nullified and be questioned..

the amendment is considered as leverage the U.S. can use in efforts to pressure China to get Northh to give up ....
lookwarm attitued toward Norht Korean provocations..

it seeking to get tough with North Korea in an effort to criticize Obama's foreing polocyh in the midst of rising conservatism..

spoke to aroused crowd of roughly 8.ooo..

more steak than sizzle../all steak and no sizzle..알맹이가 있는, 기대에 부응하는..
today his message was more steak than sizzle..

pay out of one's pocket..자비로 내다..
she couldn't afford to pay out of (her) pocket..

say a mouthful..몇 마디 말로 중요한 것을 말하다, 많은 것을 말하다/speak volumes
Onel look here says a mouthfull..

shady..수상한 구석이 있는../shade..그늘..
wathcing shady characters..

jam up..막하게 혼잡하게 하다..
we have so jammed up the system with rules and the puhblic is just fed up..

make one's day..하루을 행복하게 해주다..

pain in the neck..골칫거리...

how dangerous is this develpment..????

Rarely does the health of a single cow have billion dollar impliations but in this case it does..영향..(복수)
I am offended by his implicaiton that...

can be transferred to humans..

dairy cow..젖소

he cautioned, this is an isolated cse, not the strart of an endemic..

our livestock population is some of the healthiest in th worlds...

livestock farming..목축..\

at a rendering factory..처리공장..(음식말고)


a much larger problem on our hands..

contracte the disease..병에 걸리다.

sricter safguards should be put in place..구축핟, 수립하다..
the school needs to put in place a larning support plan..

2012년 5월 12일 토요일

fall from grace..몰락..

somber.. 침울한, 우울한..
this was the somber John Edwards, entering a courtroom to fight for his life..

loose cannon..돌출행동을 자주 하는 사람..
His mistress was a loose cannon and he knew it..

fresh-faced..어리고 건강한, 동안의..
Amid so much talk, Marco Rubio, that fresh-faced freshman senator from Florida, is on Rommey's shortlist for runing mate..

Freudian slip..
은연 중에 속마음을 드러내는 실수..
Rubio has repeatedly said he's not interested, but was this momnet, even before today's photo op, a Freaudian slip??

showed her this bill for a routine appendectomy..

shop arond..
why not just shop around??
비교하며 가게를 돌아다니다..

by trade..직업으로..professionally..as a profession..
he is a firefighter by trade, known as "Noodle" in the martial arts ring..

ailment.. 질병..

first there were streaks, then the thunderous boom

the police is tryig to get to the bottom of the case..

it wasn't Armageddon..

an asteroid hurtled toward earth..소행성..돌진하다.
i saw him hurtling down the stairs..

meteor/shooting star..운석..

a streak of light.....and all of a sudden we heard a loud bang..followed by a sonic boom..초음속의 뱅하는 소리.전투기 같이...

you8 could feel the noise in you chest when it goes boom..

no apparent orign..어디서 시작되었는지도 모르겠네.ㅋㅋ

pique one's interest...자극하다...
the ad piqued my curiosity about the product..

NASA is already workding on the Armageddon scenario, deveolping a small probe to ram asteroids and knock them off course..들이받다..숫양
my car was rammed from behind by suv

All that's left of this one are tiny rocks, no bigger that a baseball..

they will be on it..이번일을 맡다.

2012년 5월 10일 목요일

srike gold..대성공을 거두다..
Some investors have struck gold investing in airlines..

to become space invaders..

this is no fiction..


still a bit of a mystery..


they're part crazy and part genius..

contain untold wealth..막대한, 말로 다할 수 없는..
I think your diploma has untold value..

asteroids whiz by Earth every few yhears..핑하며 움직이다..
I whizzed past him because i did not recognize him..

deflect.. 방향을 바꾸다, 피하다..
to deflect criticism over risings prices..

to help rejuvenate the space program..활기를 되찾게 하다..
His visit rejuvenated him..
Ultimately, the head of the Secret Service be ousted as pressure mounts for a wider investigation..폭넓은 조사

cut corners..절차나 원칙을 생략하다..
There is a sense of urgency here at the White House that the the Secret Service (should) complete its investigation without cutting any corners..

higer-up..상관, 윗사람..

tend to..관심을 보이다, 처리하다..pay attention to..
The rallies around thecounty against the 1% is a clear sing that people are saying somebody has to tend to this..

distress..조난, 위함../distress call, signal..
we took it to be a signal of distress..조난의 뜻으로 알아차렸는데 선장이 무시했음.

He was the sole survivor..

horse whisperer..말과 교감하는 직업을 가진 사람..

matriarch..여자 가장, 우두머리..
the matriarchs, the leaders wil come out and phusically confront you..

headbutt..들이받다, 박치기 하다..
she headbutted the car..

2012년 5월 9일 수요일

prices are set to soar again and stay high becasue the biggest airline merger of them all is now in the works..준비..진행 중인..

to absorb troubled, backrupt airline..

The attack took place in waters primed with bait by a cameraman, so he could film them..

indigenous..토착의. 토종의..native..
he was the "the tiger man of Africa" but tigers arent' indigenous to Africa..

agreeable..기분 좋은, 쾌활한..
frinewdly, agreeable people are drawn to

extroverts.외향적인 사람들..

This was a week in which all us us were reminded that our championship season can begin at any age..

a signature고유의 특유의pep talk about how we can power up our lives..격려의 말, 격려 연설
gave us a pep talk..

aging process..노화
to turn down the aging of ourselves...

the game of our lives..우리 인생의 경기..

he first took the field

he's a Jedi of a new kind of athletic prowess for evreryone,
he only has three pitches, slow slower and slowest..기량, 솜씨ㅐ.

Sparta. was know for its military prowess..무용..군사적 힘.

his pitches are so well-placed, they confuse the hittrs..정확히 겨냥한. 좋은 위치에 선점하고있는.
My company is well-placed to take advantage of the growing market in China..

we have wisdom and we can put the ideas together in a way that make it more efficent..

to take up배우다 시작하다...power lifting../tennis lesso

look at the handstands, the somersaults..defying gravity, fefying age..

Most of us are our happiest in our fifth and sixth decades of life becuase finally it all comes togherther..합쳐지..

make sense of what life is aobut..

for the hafltime of your lives..

daily rigorous activity..

food taht comes out of the gournd looking as vuluptuous as it does when you eat it..
I like voluptuous girls..

give your heart a reaon to keep beating..

2012년 5월 8일 화요일

was the aggressor in his confrontation with him이아니라 정당방위입니다

gash.깊은 상처, 자상..배가 크게 찢어진 거...
His lip was swollen and cut and there were two gashes on the bakc of his head

i have to fly out to London as soon as possible
would you check for flight vacancy?
it doesn't matter how many stops it has to make
it has to arrive before 6 p.m London-time

But way are you leaving all of a sudden?
wasn't everythig going well with the partners

ye..it was

but we just ran into a bit fo

received an illusive e-maill..애매합니다잉.ㅋㅋ

without giviing us a lucid reason..뚜렷한 없이..

i have to get to the bottom of this..

i just booked you...방금 예약했어요.
when would you like to return?

keep the returning date open../leaving your schedule empty비워두다

not sure when the situation will be resolved..

everyting is set..모든게 다 준비되었다..

details..자세한 사항..

2012년 5월 7일 월요일

ahead of one's time..시대에 앞서서..
He broke the color barrier on that statge, celebrationg black artists ahead of his time..

ageless나이를 먹지 않는, 늙지 않는
His agelesss look so often the punch line from so many otehr famous faces..

A soldier smiling, the hand of a dead insurgent placed mockingly on his shoulder..

urinate..소변을 보다..
marines shown urinating on a Taliba corpse..

amp up..증가시키다..
they amp up the bleach  therye puttin gon ther..표백제..

to skew the tests by adding extra cleaning agents...

sit on..쥐고앉아 잇따.
They are the ones who have been sitting on that winning lottery ticket for three wekks..

rumor mill소문을 만들어 내는 곳.
While the small town rumor mill kept spinnig, the Butlers kept smiling..
subject: deer eployess..

this letter is to inform all of our employess that both male and female bathrooms on the 8th floor will be shut down.
serial misuses of toilet연속적인 변기의 잘못된 사용으로

please keep in mind that the toilet cannot accept superfluous items..지정된 것 이외에는 넣으면 안되요..

despite sings that are posted,
obey the sign!!
bathrooms are more or less public.어느만큼은, 대략..
i ask that you take ownership of ..주인의식을 가지세요..keep

2012년 5월 6일 일요일

growh and welfare

presidential hopefuls should refrain from making irrational pledges..

warned that excessive welfare expenses will serve as a stumbling block to economic growth..
pubic expenditure..

pubic expenses
the member countries
the Paris-based organization
welfare expansion
Korea's outlays for public expenditure

the economic club of rich coutirys..오이씨디
advised Korea to move toward "tailoer welfare" rather thatn "universal welfare"
emphasized the need for maintaioiong the fiscal soundness by expanding tax revenues..

taking into account  the intensifying polarization
welfare, not bolstered by growht woiuld be like a house of cards..

To be sure, Korea is different from other countries in that it is not endowed with natrual resourcses
Should growth slow, the jobless would pour into the street and the coutnry is destined to face serious consequesces. We already had two nightmarish experiences
its crude imports amoutned to .....making up 10 percent of Korea's anuual volume..

The latest trend casting a sinful glance at growth is worriesome enough. People's overall bad feelijngs toward the Lee administraion stem largely from its failure to achieve high growth..
747 vision

In recent years, Korea has been boiling with a controvery over universal welfare..
all people regardless of thier fortunes

does universal welfare suit Korea? Simply speaking, the universal welfare system envisions taking away resources from the poor and giving them to the rich. Politicians can rhetorically advocate  balance between growht and welfare but the reality is not that simple.
Someone has to bear the burden in one form or another.
without thinking about national coffers..

lies in productive welfare and the core of productive welfare is job creation
unveil sugar-coated pledges to woo voters. BUT rash pledes would entrap politicians untimately..

2012년 5월 5일 토요일

folksy..서민적인, 소탈한..
He is known as much for his fortune as his folky ways and simple lifestyle..

talking point..논쟁거리, 화제..
He is not a taling point on the campaign trail..

beg the question..질문을 하게 만들다..

with new polls tonight showing he is already in a tight race with her , it begs the question, in this presidentail election, does "who you like" matter?

over ones' head..복잡한, 이해할 수 없는
He's a nice guy. I just think he's misguided and over his head..

fall apart..부서지다, 붕과하다 멘탈 붕괴되다..

in the event of..~할 경우에는..
in the event of a catastrophic earthquake..

mistake..오인핟, 잘못 판단하다.
A pilot mistook the planet Venus for an aircraft heading his way and took  evasive action..

sleep inertial..비몽사몽인 상태..
The pilot put the plane into a steep dive after coming out of an hour and 15 minutes nap and sufftered what's known as sleep inertia..

climat chiang is tearng their lives apart..

A rare look a the massiv underbelly of the mighty polar bear..

keeping 500 pounds of marine carnivore afloat in the desperate struggle for food..육식동물
Humans are omnivores, capable of eating meat and plant foods..

the polar bear population is labeled depleted..고갈된, 감소된
Vitamins and minerals can be depleted by the prescription drugs you take..

The Zoo has three in its enclosure..보호구역, 울타리를 친 장소..
the garden was enclosed by a high wall

this is about as close as i want to be to a polar bear, even thogh there is a big steel mesh fence here..

is building a sanctuary..보호구역
In earlier times, a criminal could use a church as a sanctuary..

artificial insemination.. 수정..
~~to help women to get pregnant..

orphaned cubs..


it is the chin augmentation..

prominent..돌출된, 튀어나온..

Britain has endured its share of royals and thier relatives who have mortified the royals and the seriously buttoned-up queen..과묵한, 내향적인..
She is buttoned-up and demure..여성한태만..얌전한..

a picture is worth a thousand words

this one has the royal family speechless

whips out a gun and points in directly at the paparazzi following closely behind..급히 꺼내다..
whippend out a camear and started taking pictures..

the chicest neighborhood..

Pippa's friends in the car, even the photographer looking straight down the barrel say as much..같은 것..
One day i hope i will be able to do as much for you as you've done for me.

.Every time i read a spread on a fancy car in the magazines, i wnat to get it..양면기사

these are the sorts of headlines that they dread..

that will not go down well at all..종게 받아들여지다.
go down badly..
The government's recent budget went down badly with many people.

they have been placed on leave..

have been confined to  quarters..영내(군대)
Please confine your remarks to  the issues at hand..현안..
thorough and rigorous investigation..철저한, 엄격한
she is rigorous in getting details known correctly..세부사항을 올바르게 알리는 것에 철저하나..하나한 정확하다..

it was not on the President's agenda going in, but doday, the Secret Service scandal about sex and prostitutesforced its way onto the world's stage at the Summit if the Americas..

calling the alleged allegation outrageous..

the security detail arrive in Colombia about a week befir the President..특무대
A detail was sent to shovel the snow..군바리..

in a country plagued in the past by drugs, shooting, bombings, and kidnapping..괴롭히다, 성가시게 하다..
i an not going to plague you with a lot of questions.

If it were not for you, i wouldn';t be here..네가 없었다면

they were sent packing back to the U.S.

Member of Congress want to know if the Secre Service has been hiding dirty little secrets of its own

2012년 5월 3일 목요일

Korea-China free trade deal

active, carefull preparationsl needed

a gorup of farmer, fishermen and livestock raisers staged performances in front of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs and Trade builing in central  Seoul, condemning the offical start of free trade negotiations betwen Ckreoa and China.

Their protests may be a bad omen for the nation, which has already experienced serious national devision owing to the Korea-U.S. free treade agreement.
the trade will bring a far-reaching impact on Korea
If signed, korea would be the only Asian country to have free trade deals with the world's three largest economic blocs.

Hopes and concerns co-exist on the proposed deal. Proponents stress its inevitatility, citing the need for Korea's sustainable growth and development. More than anythign else, they claim, the pact is urgently needed to make faster forays into the world's second-largest market that rivals such as Taiwan that signed a landmark deal in 2010

The FTA would prompt Korean to gain wider market access to China thanks to lowered tariffs.Given the China's clout in the Korean economy, the pact will serva as a valuable occasion for Korea to leap forward. China is Korea's largest trading partner with exports to the world's most populous contyr accouting for one quarter of its total shipmetns.

could generate employment for ..숫자 people..

present Korea with though challenges
the agricultural sector is expected to be most vulnerable as cheap farm, fisheries and livestock products would flood the dometstic market.In contrast, China is sensitive to such manufacring industires as automobiles, machinery and chemicals

negotiations will proceed in two stages.

would have profound political implications in that it coudl develop into  a trilater deal
to secure more political leeway btween 미국 과 중국

At any rate, there is a long way to go before the pact is signed
they have to make a bold decision to end the talks if serious problems arise in the negotiations.
salient..significant...중간에 alien있네..
sloppy..대충하는, 엉성한.=careless..

i saw the posting for 광고를 보다..
i wanted to inform you that i would like to appy for the position..
i think you're making a precarious decision here.
you are one of our most salient employees in our department..
we can't risk losing you..
i appreciate that and i understan your concern
but i really want to stretch myself. 한단계 발돋움 발전 하고싶어요.challenge yourself...hone your skills
the international market has been an unceasing interest for me..
in that case(=if that's the case) i will give you my full support..
you're more than qualified for the job..하고도 남다..
추천서...a recommendaion letter
i was just about to ask you..막 (써달라고)부탁 드릴려고했어요..
it will heop tremendously if you do..
the application is due Friday..
in the meantime you can't get sloopy with your work..
we have a presentaion to do this week..

live daringly, boldly, fearlessly..대담하게 과감하게 대담무쌍하게.
taste the relish..끊맛이 굉장히 좋을때...in competition
find out what you are best at and maximize that..

2012년 5월 2일 수요일

stopping North Korea

Only US can do so-if only it really wants to

The number on concern among regional experts these days if whether or when Pyongyang will conduct its third neclear test. We don't pretend to know bette than others,but like any other longtime watcher of North korea, can bet the reclsive regime will do so someday soon if not tomorrow.

the allies' increasingly frequent hints at the impending test of a nuclear bomb and its detonating devices by the North is actually indirect pressure on China to step up its efforts to dissuade its Stalinist ally from further provcation.

may be able to put if off for some time-several months at the most-not stop its troublesome protege for good. it cannot give Pyongyang what it ultimately wants-a normalized relationship with America.

a widespread consensus in Washignton is no one can, or should, expect the rougue regime on the northern half of the Koean peninsula to stop its nucleasr development programs and missile launches.Yet such defeatism and easy resignation ahve helped to expand the North's nuclear arsenal, whcih experts estimate to ahve moe than a dozen nuclear weapons or weapons-grade material for such

The North Korean regime can have no excuses for being bent on a nuclear buildup while letting its millios of citizens starve to death.
not once but twice
in working out closely-woven agreements that does not allow loopholes for North Koreans to slip through or just remained complacent with the political accomplishment..
nutritional aid
on the don't-do lists
such scrupulosity ight have been possbile if

this is never to say which side is right or more right.THe North Korean leadership is inexcusable and unforgivable if for no other reason than ignoring its people's plight for the system's- or regime's-continuity.

The U.S could conduct a surgical strike as an eventual solutio, as it planned to do in 1994. If Washington instead takes up a solution through dialogue , it should do so far more efficiently-an earnestly.
sordid.추악한, 비도덕적인..(특히 성범죄관련)
the head of the joint chiefs says there's only one word to describe the sordid affair, embarrassing..

upstage..~가 받을 관심을 가로채다, 관심을 더 받다..
무대안쪽...downstage=무대 앞쪽..
the seedy..추악한 추잡한 allegations upstaged the President at an internatioal sumit..

there are problems to surmout, like the gender gap with women.

compassionate..동정하는, 연민이 있는.
I will say for me, financial security has not been a huge issue. But that doesn't mean I'm not  compassionate..

haul..출두시키다, 끌고 오다..
He didn't look like he was having as much fun todday, hauled before a comgressional committee..

bare..신체를 드러내다..
And he certainly did not bare as much..그만틈 옷벗지도 않았네요.

augmentation..breat augmentation..유방확대수술
what is the fastes grwong cosmetic procudure in America?
chin augmentation..

prominent..돌출된, 튀어나온..
the chin made more prominent..

2012년 5월 1일 화요일

Would you stop jumping up and down on the sofa? you're destroying my most prized possession in my house
i can't believe that idiot miss the goal
stop all the creaming and hollering
get the wind knocked out of hime?
there is no need to get all steamed up about it
this is the make or break game of the season../ there is no middle ground...성공아니면 실패..대통령 당선 같은것.
Still no communication

Mad cow fuss is about lack of trust, not science

Thousands of candles will light the heart of Seaul tonight, as they did four years ago. Government officials say the rekindled protest agiantst the import of tainted U.S. beef is political instigation by opposition parties and leftist groups without scientific basis. True, there are elements of political football in the ongoing fuss about mad cow disease. Even so, President Lee Myung-bak and his aides have none but themselfves to blame, as they fisrt made political approaches to this issue.

Currently, a nine-member fact-finding mission is visiting the United States for what the government describes as an inspection but critics see as just a field trip. Given both the composition of the group-all but one of the nine members are present and former government officials- and the limitation of their activities thre- they can neither visit the farm in quesiton nor conduct a sample survey- the latter sounds more plausible.

The government also stresses it has drastically stepped up quarantine inspection of the U.S. beef, from 3 percent to 50 percnet of imports. Yet even quarantine officers say no amout of sensory inspectgion of cut bee can detect risks without observing cows' brains. One unidentified official, describing the whole act as a "show", confessed a sense of shame.

This administraion's political posturing reaims unchanged from four years ago,
bovine spongiform encephalopaty recurs IN aMERCA
only to escape the moment and with little intention of actually keeping it

All these lies, makeshift excuses and hiding of facts are aggravaging things far worse than they should be.
Most Koreans know a case of BSE in an aged dairy cow can hardly be any reason for national brouhaha.

Nor are Koreans more easily frightend or fanaticized than..눅누ㅜㄱ

sparked a national fury..
All it did was to one-sidedly notify the people of the outcome after all was finished
Without the belated national protest, the import conitions must have been far more disadvantageous to Korea.
to renew pressure to open wider the Korean beef market.

Lee's greatest failure as a leader is not setbacks in democracy, economy ro even national security but in respecting the people and being respected in return..