IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2010년 4월 29일 목요일

훌륭한 그림은 물감의 갯수가 아니라 화가의 능력에 따라..

There are two kinds of people in this world..One that knows how to paint a beautiful work of art with just seven colors and one that can't even give life to his painting even though he has more than thirty different colors on his pallet..There are people who seem to have everything, a perfect surrounding, tons of support. But the lack of ability to make the most of things now on the filp side, there are people who seem to have nothing and they keep failing over and over, but they will not give up..In the end, they overcome everything. They become successful..So perhaps success is something that comes from the ability to make the most of what you have, not just the things you hold in your hands already..

2010년 4월 21일 수요일

검찰의 권력은 엄청나다..남용되면 세상의 질서와 상식이 파괴된다

In 1992, 안똔니오 디삐뜨로,then-prosecutor, in Milan forms a team with other young prosecutors to start a vital investigation into political corruption.Together he and his colleagues put under investigtion hundreds of local and national politicians all the way up to the multipole political figures..His investigation turned the Italy's political world upside down. He fought against all kinds of threat, politician, pressure and eventually sent all the guilty politicians into jail..The Italian people appraise 피에트로 and prosecutors in Milan calling 피에트로 and his team the ''마니 폴리테"..It means clean hands..Later, the 마니 폴리테 investigations resulted in the disbandment of the previous ruling party, which maintained power for forty years..

화는 내면 낼수록 깊어진다..소중히 끌어안고 달래는 법을 배우자.

Anger can be one of the most frustrating emotions, carrying us headlong away from ourselves and depositing us into separation and dismay..In his book 'anger', spiritual legend and Nobel Peace Prize nominee.tells us that fundamentally to be angry is to suffer..It is our responsibility to alleaviate our suffering..He dissents from the popular theraputic widsdom to express our feelings or as we say let it all out..He says when we bit a pillow, we get rid of our feelings we are merely rehearsing our anger and not reducing it..Instead he insisted anger is like a howling Baby suffering and crying.. A Baby needs his or her mother to embrace him or her..You are the mother of your anger. So you should embrace your own baby..

2010년 4월 20일 화요일

바른자세는 건강에 좋을뿐 아니라, 나아가 당신 자신을

Right at this moment, are you on your way to work or school or walking the streets or sitting on a chair?? Are your shoulders slouched forward?? Is your back bent?? or maybe is you head down? It's amamazing how something as simple as good posture can make a person look tall, slim professional and,most importantly, confident.. Absolutely..Most people do not think about it..The way we stand, sit and move affects just how professional and confident we look..Straighten up, everybody..

2010년 4월 16일 금요일

다른 사람만 따라하면 자신의 인생을 살 수는 없다..

When 찰리 채플린 first played a role in a movie, the director wanted hime to imitate a German comedian who was very famous at that time..However, 채플린 stuck to his own acting, and he ended up becomimg one of the legenday film stars of his time with his strong and unique characters.. After his debut in show business, 밥 호프너 appeared everywhere doing his best as an entertainer, but soon forgotten by people. However, this experience made him discover that he had talent in making people laugh which led him to successful career as an actor and a comedian

2010년 4월 14일 수요일

미래로 가는 방법은 오직 앞으로 가는 것일뿐..

Automatic doors or crossing barriers will never open unless you approach them..And even after they open, you don't have time to hesitate..You quickly need to move forward. So you don't get stuck between them when they shut again..Ultimately the only way to go through closed doors is to step forward and that's how life and success.. What we need to do is to move on with hope..Those automatic doors and barriers won't open, if you don't get near them and moreover it'll close right in front of you if you don't pass through it..

어제는 지나갔고 내일은 아직 오지 않았다..

There are two days in each week about which we should not worry..Saturday and Sunday..Um..that tow..But hear me out here..One of these days is yesterday..Very often we feel haunted by what we said or what we did yesterday all the mistakes, blunders har.However, we can not erase a single word you said or undo a single act we did..Yesterday is gone..Therefore, I guess the other day we shouldn' worry about is tomorrow. So many of us waste time predictiong what kind of adversities or burdens it will bring .Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control..Tomorrow sun will rise anyway. So what is the difference. We have no stake in tomorrow because it is unborn..

2010년 4월 12일 월요일

여행중의 잠깐의 휴식이 남은 여행의 원동력..

In order to stay alert and safe on long driving trips, it's very important for the driver to take regular brakes..Very true..Trying to soldier on as they say to get to your next location when you are suffering sientific fatigue is extremely dangerous..So if you're feeling slightly tired or you seem to be losing concentration, then you probably need a reststop and the same applies to life..I couldn't agree more..Climbing the corporate ladder or assuming others' responsibilities when they go away for one reason or another, it's easy to become caught up in work or routines..But remember you are not a machine..When was the last time you took a break?? If you can't answer to that question within 30 seconds, it means it is time to take a break and check who and where you are at the moment..Just like stopping at a service center when you'are drving on a long trip..

행복을 위한 십계명..

Have you ever heard of the ten commitments of happiness?? It's about ten ways to be happy of course.. It might not sound serious,but It's very easy to follow. So, listen carefully..Here it is.. The ten commitments of happiness..Do excercise 30 minutes a day three times a week.. At the end of the day, think about five things that you have to appreciate..Set aside one hour a week for conversations with your spouse or close friends..Grow plants..Even very small ones are fine. Just do not kill them..How many of those five do you do?? Cut down the amount of time you spend in front of T.V. by half.. That might be challenging if you only watch one 30 minute show a day ..Make a smile or say hello to strangers at least once a day.. You can also make an appointment with your friends whom you haven't seen for a long time..Laugh hard at least once a day..Give a present of any type to yourself everyday.. Enjoy a small event only for yourself..For the last one, do something kind for someone every single day..How many of those do you do everyday??

2010년 4월 10일 토요일

결국 누군가의 마음을 여는 힘은 진심에서 울어나오는게 아닐지...

I'd like to start off today by introducing an anecdote about John.F.Kenedy, one of the most respected presidents in U.S history.. When he visited 와세다 university in Japan, there was strong anti-American sentiment going on among young Japanese at that time.Therefore he had to pay extra attention to the words he chose during his speech..He was worried and nervous but he did manage to deliver his speech without much trouble. However, it did n't take long before the students in the auditorium all started chanting"Yankee go home." as he left the podium..Even a well-seasoned politician as J.F.K could have been embarrassed and lost his composure, but he didn't. Instead, he thought of something for a second and he took the podium again..Suddenly he started singing a song. However, when he started singing, the outraged students all became silent at once. The reaction was completely unexpected. What he sang was the college song of 와세다 university

2010년 4월 9일 금요일

편안함에 안주하다보면 도전이란 말은 잊은채..

Frogs are a popular delicacy served in France. In order to cook a frog, a chef would put a live frog into a pot and boil it. If a frog is immediately placed in boiling water, it will jump out. So what a chef doea is to place a frog in cold water first where it stays still, even enjoying being there. The frog will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death..

2010년 4월 8일 목요일

Movement stimulates our brain in ways that we do not appreciate..

트왈라입 쐅, a recognized American dancer and a creative choreographer once had an interview with a reporter and was asked this question, "What advice would you offer to famous businessman about being creative?" "Hit the deck. Let's do 30 push-ups." That's what I want to say to every businessman. A legendarey choreographer advising a world class businessman to do something like push-ups. The reporter was disappointed since she was expecting much better answer. Hiwever, He continued to interview and ask her why. She looked right into the reporter's eyes..said one of the things I think I have to offer people is the knowlege that using your body makes your brain work better.
Movement stimulates our brain in ways that we do not appreciate..so I would tell Mr.jobs "Move your body.."

2010년 4월 7일 수요일

Tak it slow..

If you have been leading a hectic life, you might have been giving a hard time to people around you without really realizing it. Because if you are a type of person who always rushes to do something and tries to be perfect doing everything, it's so natural that people around you are going to find it difficult to keep pace with you. Sometimes you just need to take it slow and try to keep pace with people around you. If you do that, you won't be embarrased with those who are trying to overtake you or people who are lagging far behind you, and you might even make them feel really comfortable being around you.
If you always push yourself to be the best and get the best , soon you are going to find yourself exhausted physically as well as metally. Sometimes you need to give up that perfectionism and take it a little bit slow and you will be able to feel comfortable with your own life. Once you feel that way, you will be able to have a chance to explore an unknown world you might have been missing until now. If you haven't had a breathing space during weekdays, get away from your hectic weekdays and enjoy your beautiful weekend.

2010년 4월 6일 화요일

Show me your affection..

Your morning energy..Ho-sub..Good morning..It's hump day everybody..
It's sometimes too easy to get caught up in life and daily routine and you forget to show your affection to those who are most important to you..If your relationship has become stale, or you tend to take your friends or loved ones for granted, I think it's time to show your love to those around you once again..Alghough some of you might be too shy to say 'I love you' or you might feel a little bit corny You don't always have to say 'I love you' to show your love for someone There's a lot of other techniques and acts also corny
For example, you can leave a note somewhere unexpected for your loved ones like on the pillow, in the fridge, on the computer screen..a little bit of game leave notes in the most unusual places
You can just keep it real and give them a hug, hold their hands too
Physical gestures mean a lot..and a hug or holding someone's hand can mean just what they need to put a smile on their face..

Childhood innocent is gone..

Do you believe in magic? I remember seeing a musician as a child pulling out a cute little rabbit from an empty hat, transforming a lady into a tiger, sometimes defying gravity by making things float in mid-air..It was so cool and amazing..I was just blown out of my mind by all the different tricks and how the magicians just look so cool. Howeber, as we grow up, we get to learn that it is just performance. We now know that magic is a kind of technique that creats illusions to trick our eyes..That's no fun..yes.. We know that human can not produce something from nothing We can't make objects magically transport to other places..It's kind of sad to realize that our childhood innocent is gone..We are now too grown up to believe magic