IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 7월 31일 화요일

Here and there..

I've been on some benders in my time.
Something tells me he never got around to making that call..
Would you let it go?

Here and there..

It's so muggy. I am exhausted from the heat./ The heat is getting to me../I am suffering from heat exhaustion..
The order went out on time.. I think there is some kind of mix-up.
The buck stops here..
Put him on the line../ Transfer me to him..
Is this the customer service department??
It still hasn't arrived yet..
Korea has built a reputation for itself as an IT powerhouse.
It took a leap forward
make major strides..invest heavily..
penetration rate보급률
solidify its IT dominence
even on the move이동중에도/ on the go..
brush up on..
How can you be so relaxed all the time?
The instructor happens to be a female..

2007년 7월 30일 월요일

Here and there..

This is sour grapes..
She got behind in the rent..
Nothing to it..
I did nothing of the sort..
Drinving the bigger wedge between the rich and the poor..
I've got to hand it to you..
On my best day I could not make this stuff up..
If you are too stupid to see the wool being pulled over your eyes, you deserve what you get..
You realize this is a long shot..
Time codes mean nothing. For all we know, this could have been taped three weeks ago..
Can I get a little more breathing room here, pal?
It is gonna be an uphill battle..
My wife is hell-bent on going to Italy this year..
Well, they've forced my hand. I am gonna call the police..
She is not playing with a full deck..

2007년 7월 27일 금요일

Here and there..

She is our way in..
I thought I coud reason with him 설득할 수 있을 알았죠..
That means we are on the cusp of monsoon season..
I know my way around a sailboat..
"Cowboy up" means to suck it up in the face of adversity and find a way to overcome.
Part of me thinks that it might be a good idea for those two to talk...
Why are you in the Elliot's train all of a sudden anyway??
But at a certain point you got to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve..
Do me a favor.. Keep it under wraps..


Nothing could appease[pacify] his rage..
As soon as I saw her, my heart melted..
I was mollified by her kind words..
The heat has subsided[abated]
The strom showed no signs of abating..
Do not turn a deaf ear to my repeated warnings..
I have told him time and time again not to go there..
The model posed in the nude..
My name is left off[out of] the list../ My name is missing from the list..
His teeth have gone yellow from smoking..
crust of overcooked rice..
Do not bottle[dam] up your feelings..
You can't just oppress[lord in over] people..
Things are getting tough with superiors lording it over me and juniors clawing their way up..
He finally cleared himself of the false charge.



tasteless/ unsavory/ unpalatable/ insipid/ flat/ vapid/ stale

seasoning/ condiment/ favoring
chemical seasoning/ chemical condiment/ authentic flavoring

orientation/ orientate

abortion/ aborticide/ feticide..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Despite the best efforts of the Beyonce and her record company, amatuer videos of her dramatic Tuseday fall are still lighting up the internet. Beyonce face planted into a stage after tumbling down a flight of stairs at her concert. She reportedly asked the audience not to post the embarrssing footage, of course in vain..

Tom Glavine is also one away from a milestone. The Met's lefty won his 299th game last Wendesday, leading 6-3 win over the Pirates..
"It is not necessarily the most talented guy that goes out there and wins 300 games, or they will be a whole lot more of them."

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. A special presidential envoy was dispatched to Afghanistan yesterday, scrambling to save 22 citizens held captive by Taliban kidnappers..

2. The relatives of Korean relief workers abducted in Afghanistan yesterday appealed to the Taliban militants for safe return of their beloved..

3. South and North Korea ended three days of high-level military talks with no agreement amid a lingering dispute over their shared sea border..

4. E-mart, the country's largest store chain, began selling American beef in earnest yesterday..

5. A powerful earthquake of a magnitude of 6.6, once triggered a tsunami warning, rocked eastern Indonesia yesterday..

Muslim majorities give the cold shoulder to terrorism..

A survey released in the US week says muslim majorities turn their backs to terrorism. Report adds all scholar from every corner of the Islamic world cry out that Islam prohibits terror, stating that those who kill innocent people can't be called "muslim." According to the research, support for terrorist tactics has fallen in seven of the eight countries polled on that question since 2002. In Lebanon those believing that suicide bombings are justified has slumped from 74 percent five years ago to 34 percent now. In Pakistan, where Islamist violence has surged, the figure is just 9 percent. In Jordan the percentage has fallen 36 points since 2003. The research cited the reason for terror's justification across the Muslim world is the fact that majorities fret that the United States could become a military threat to their country..

Villagers held a rally for Korean hostages..

Afghan villagers in Ghazni Province participated in a demonstration last Tuesday demanding the release of Korean hostages. About 100 to 150 villagers held the rally to show their support to Korean people. "We are here to ask Taliban to release Korean hostages without harming them," said one of the local residents Asif Amiri. Tribe elders, clerics and lawmakers from Ghazni are doing their best to help the process in order to save the hostages unharmed. A five-member delegation from Ghazni province has been to a remote area of Qarabagh district for two days to try to secure the freedom of the hostages. "I hope we will get them safe at the end" said Mohammad Husseini, a lawmaker for Ghazni..

From Morning Special..

Here and there..

You will be fined if you do not pick up after your dog..
Put your dog on a leash..
I just got off the phone with Ji-young..
You rule(니가 최고다..)
It is not quite what I shooting for..내가 정확히 원했던것아니야..
The important thing is that you got your foot in the door..(처음 들어갔다..)
New employee training신입사원연수
brush up on/ refresh your memory..
I have to brush up on my skills..
Before you know in/ in no time..금방
I owe you one../I owe you a big one/I owe you a lot
I'll buy..내가 쏠께..
What's all the fuss about? 머가 이리 시끄러워?
They'll start me as an assistant..I will have to work my way up..
step down/ stand down/ resign..
What made you say that??
You are wearing the same clothes from yesterday.
I just need to do my laundry..
What made him go off on you?(화내다..)-I made fun of his brother.
What made you think so?
What made you have a change of heart?심경의 변화를 일으키다..(관용표현.)

Here and there..

She just had a few bumps and scrapes..
light up the scoring board../switch (-에 불을 지피다..달구다..)

2007년 7월 26일 목요일

Here and there..

Car exploded, he was burned beyond recognition..
I got to tell you. I am all for women fighting..
But after a while I found the upside..

Here and there..

No, I missed it- Just as well. It wasn't flattering..
It's the price I pay for my celebrity..
I am a healer for God's sake-Oh, for crying out loud..(제발 좀 짱나..)
I will take your word for it..그렇다고 해두죠..
Just like I fugured, you'are chicken..예상했던대로..

So, are you up to it? 할꺼야 말꺼야?
intravenous bottle../~ injection..


delicious/ tasty/ palatable/ sovory/ flavorous/ sapid/ delectable/ luscious
*The ripe peach was luscious..

juicy/ succulent/ lush.

ordinal/ ordain/ ordinance
*All our fortunes are ordained by Providence..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Virgin America is getting ready for takeoff next month, hoping to shake up the U.S airline industry. Virgin America's fleet includes high-tech equipments aimed to pamper even passengers who are not flying first-class. Passengers can order food from their seats, watching movies or TV, listen to music and make travel plans with google maps..

Queen guitarist Brian May is no longer under pressure to complete his degree. He's getting his doctorate in Astorphysics more than 30 years after abandoning his studies to form a rock group.
May says he plans to submit his thesis within the next two weeks..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. KOSPI closed above 2,000-point level for the first time yesterday, as investor sentiment was buoyed by news that Moody's Investors Service upgraded Korea's soverein credit rating one notch to A-2..

*soverein credit rating국가 신용 등급..

2. Unionized metal workers called off their strike yesterday, after management agreed to raise minimum wages and consult with labor before making any decisions that could affect job security..

*minimum wages: 최저임금..

3. The Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to select 15 districts as "Global Zones" where many foreiners reside and to support them with foreinger-freindly adminstrative services in order to develope Seoul into a global city.

4. Korea was defeated 3-4 in a penalty shootout in a Asian Cup semi-final match against Iraq, ending the hopes of claiming the title for the first time in 47 years..

Waistline Reflects Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes..

Being overweight is not all the same.. A new study shows that a high amount of fat in the waistline and high triglyceride levels signals a substantial increase in risk for heart disease and diabetes, regardless of body mass index or BMI. BMI a ratio between height and weight, and is often used to measure obesity. The amount of fat in the belly is a bigger indicator of future risk that overall fat. In addition, a healthy heart and lungs were found to have a strong correlation with less belly fat. The study shows the need for physical activity to trim belly fat in order to reduce the risk for hearth disease regardless of factors such as BMI. Instead of focusing on lowering BMI as the main goal of excerise, look for a shrinking waistline..

A car at your beck and call..

Near San Francisco, a car is slowly driving down the street, but no one is in the driver's seat. At the 2007 Darpa Challenge, to be held October, artificial intelligence will be put to the test, navigating, avoiding other cars and following traffic rules, all by themselves. With over half a million dollars worth of sensor on the roof, Junior is a clear favorite. It can scan its vicinity and reach current average speeds in the city. Cars can now stay on the road and avoid crashing into objects, but the main challenge is programming the cars not to be overly cautious. The cars break too often, even when they detect the falling leaf but in the end, statistics show that these cars may be more reliable that human driving..

From Morning Special..

Here and there..

We've got jam-packed whith~~
one of economy airline..\
getting ready to kick some butt../ getting ready for takeoff..
I am flying first-class..
thesis paper석사학위 논문/ dissertation박사학위 논문..
panacea/ cure-all..
omnipotnet God..[impotent(x)]
omnivorous../ omnivorous reader..
The water is murky/yucky/scummy/blurry/cloudy(탁하다)/cruddy(찌게처럼 떠다니는)/dingy/grunge(만질때 더러운)
forgery one's credential(학력을 위조하다..)
a culture of putting too much emphasis on academic credentials(학력지상주의)
The jury is still out.. 미결정이다..잘모르겠다.
I have my doubts...잘모르겠다..(어떤 상황에 대해서 잘모를때..)
Have a little faith in yourself..
The reputation speakes itself..It has a good reputation..You do not need any explaination..더이상 설명이 필요없다..
Don't give up hope yet..
I'll put in a (good)word for you그사람 진짜 좋은사람이에요..
On one condition..provided that..given that..
I totally saw that coming..I knew you are gonna say that..글럴 줄 알았다..
Why are you so skeptical???
Why do not we grab a ride (in a car) with us?
There is a big downside to all of this..

2007년 7월 25일 수요일

Here and there..

I can't believe you're still trotting this old thing out..
Maris had a run-in with a rude directroy assistance operatro..

Here and there..

I could be dead for all he cares..
Let me get this straight..
What exactly does this job entail..
What don't we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance?
scoop up..(get things in a large quantity..)
Blood type is vital for blood transfusion, but it may no longer have to be..
She died aged 39 of an accidental overdose of sleeping pills..
We have been all holding our breath..but they were killed..
correlation betwwen blood type and personality..
I will be at your beck and call..

Today's News..

It was a record find..US officials are calling it the biggest seizure of drug cash..It was allegedly inside the home of methamphetamine trafficker.

A new look for Linsay Lohan..This is her mug shot..She was booked for drunken driving and cocaine possession in Santa Monica..Police say they got a 911 call from the mother of Lohan's former personal assistant who had just quit..

Form English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. More than80 lawmaker from liberal groups launched a preparatory committee to organize a new integrated party yesterday, which will become the second largest negotiating group in the National Assembly..

2. Korean stocks shot up to 2,005 points yesterday, but edged downward as investors sold their holdings to cash in on recent sharp gains..

3. The tow Koreas resumed their general-level military talks yeserday to discuss preventing naval skirmishes in the West Sea and reducing military tension on the peninsula..

4. The number of foreigners residing in Seoul has more than tripled compared to 10 years ago amid raid globalization of Korean society, according to Seoul Metropolitan Government..

Chavez threatens foreign critics with expulsion..

Venezuelan President stated that during his weekly radio program that foreigners who publicly criticize him or his govenment will be expelled from the country. He made the comments not long after senior Mexican politician Manuel Espino said that Chavez's plan to end predential term limits was a threat to democracy. Chavez called the matter "a question of national dignity, and ordered officials to keep their ears to the ground for critical remarks by international figures in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez was re-elected for a third term last year, and is popular with Venezuela's millions of poor people for his social policies. The country's National Assembly consists entirely of politicians backing Chavez..

Diet or not, soda's bad for health..

A recent large-scale study in the U.S. of middle-aged adults found that drinking a can or more of soda a day, regardless of whether it is diet or not, increases the risk of metabolic syndrome by up to 45%. Metabolic syndrome is a number of closely linked facts that greatly increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke. Many people choose to beat the heat during the summer with diet drinks, as they believe sugar-free beverages are healthier than their corn-syrup sweetened counterparts. However, senior investigator Dr, Ramachandran Vasan says that this is not the case. Specific indicators of metabolic syndrome include excess abdominal fat, high blood sugar levels, and heightened blood pressure..

From morning Special..

Here and there..

I am in it for the long haul..
It's a peeve..You will fill me in on all the incidental little titbits..
Look, I am heading somewhere with this..
That is not the way it goes here..
So, you two hit it off?
Talke about groveling..
They'are blasting away at snow in Alaska.. The avalanche dange is high..
A rocket explosion was a stark reminder of the violence still raging in Iraq. He was clearly alarmed, asking an aide if thing were okay..

2007년 7월 24일 화요일

Here and there..

Figure out what works best for you..(이거할까 저거할까 고민하는 사람에게..)
What day works best for you?/ What day fits best for you?
Can you fit me in on Thuesday?
That works(out) for me..
This seems to work best for me..
so classy, nice...You're gonna stick out like a sore thumb..
in exchange..
This govenment do not smile on any kind of criticism..

Today's News..

Many people are still reeling after more than a month's worth of rain falls on parts of Britan in a matter of hours, forcing resident to wade through knee-deep water or seek the safety of a boat..
Some began boardin up their homes and attempting to cover the openings and doors..

What this dog lacks in size, she makes up for in spirit..When a rattlesnake threatened her owner's grandson, she lunged between them and took the bites..

Form English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. Afghan militants extended the negotiaion deadline for Korean hostages again, after demanding direct talks with the Korean government yesterday..

2. The GNP leaders yesterday decided to postpone the scheduled local rallies after having a chaotic gathering on Jeju Island during the weekend..

3. Korean stock prices reached another all-time high yesterday, with the level of 2,000 in the hunt..

4. Japan will let UN inspectors visit its largest nuclear plant after the earthquake caused the radiation leak on July 16..

5. Electricity and water supplies were cut in southwest England yesterday after torrential raind deluged whole towns of in some of the worst flood in 60 years..

HIV sufferer can expect longer lives with modern science..

A man with over 20 years' experience in treating HIV patients stated at a major HIV and AIDS conference in Sydney that the infection is no longer the death sentence it used to be. He said that two decades ago life expectancy of his patients is so short, he would not even tell them to quit smoking. However, with the improvement in anti-retroviral drugs that fight the disease, he says that people infected with HIV can have "a fairly robust life expectancy". Other high-profile speakers at the conference shared his sentiment that advancements in pharmaceuticals help fight the disease for decades..

Art lover goes too far in showing appreciaion..

A woman visiting a museum got caught in the moment and showed her passion for art in an unusual way. She kissed a painting by U.S. artist Cy Twombly worth over $2 million, leaving a red smudge mark behind. The kisser's name is Sam Lindy, an artist herself, and she claims that the stain she left on a canvass is a "testimony to the power of art." She also said the painting's artist had left white space for her to make it more beautiful.. She has been charged with criminal damage and is due in court on August 16th..

Form Morning Special..

Here and there..

It is rainning buckets..
robust coffee: 진한커피..

Here and there..

I am reeling(struggling) after breaking up with my girlfriend..
wading pool..어린이용 풀장..
Its bark is worse that its bite..물려보니 별꺼아니네...
Why are you pouring salt on my wound??
I am so handsome..I intoxicate you..
He is a magnet for girls..
I am kicking myself for skipping school yesterday..
I like an orderly life.. He is too higgledy-piggledy for me..
It is gotta be around here somewhere..Pay attention to detail..We are running around like a chicken with his head cut off..

2007년 7월 23일 월요일

Here and there..

My face is all wrinkled, my breasts are barely above my waist. My butt's haning out a mile, I've got thunder thighs and my arms are all flabby..

It's not legit..

I like to slum it in myunderware../to pass the time/ to vegitate/ to vege out/ to bum it/ to sit around/ to dillydally/ to lollygag

Here and there..

Yor're gonna get on my back, too?
a word to the wise..
I am gonna handle this once and for all..
How's that for a start?
Some people just keep their feelings to themselves..We only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe..We lie to ourselves so much that, after a while, the lies start to seem like the truth..I want everyone focused today. I have feeling that it is gonna be one of those days..
After a new coat of varnish..
Isn't it a gem?/a knock-out?/a dandy?/a treasure?/a beaut?/a humdinger?/a pearl?/a peach?/an ace?
The scienctific competitiveness moved up three notches to 7th place..
I like to slum it in my underwear..
You are impeding my way/ You are in my way..

2007년 7월 20일 금요일

Today's News..

1. The leading presidential contenders of the Grand National Party denied various allegations surrounding them yesterday during the Party's unprecedented in-house hearings of the candidates..

2. President Roh Moo-hyun ramarks that the armistice agreement should be replaced with a formal peace treaty, along with the pursuit of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula in order to establish peace in the region..

3. Lobor-management negotiations at the E-land Group ended in failure yesterday. The possibility of using police to forcefully end the sit-in strike of unionized workers has heightened..

4. Japan has warned the U.S. House of Representatives that a resolution on comfort women, if passed, will almost certainly have lasting and harmful effects on Tokyo-Washington ties..

5. A steam pipeline exploded in Manhattan yesterday, sparking panic among evening rush hour commuters and rekindling memories of the 911 attacks..

Natural gas deal sealed by Turkey and Iran..

Turkey and Iran have signed a MOU agreement last week to pump Iranian gas to Europe via Turkey, a new route that will enable Iran to get its massive natural gas reserves to big consuming countries in Europe. US sanctioins on Iran prevents Tehran from easy access to the necessary technology to cool gas into liquid so it can be transported by ship. Right aftere the agreement, last Monday U.S. criticeized the deal, claiming that it is not wise to put trust in Iran as a source of energy when it is under sacntions over its nuclear program. On Tuesday a counter comment came from Turkish Prime minister. Brushing aside US criticism that the Islamic republic is not reliable, he said "Iran made us an attractive offer. Should we not think of our country's interests at this point?"

Death sentences on medics commuted..

Libyan authorities have commuted the death sentences on six foreign medics after a multimillion dollar compensation deal. The six, a Palestinian doctor and five Bulgarian nurses, have been in prison since 1999 and under sentence of death since 2004 for allegedly infecting 438 children with AIDS virus. The medics could serve out their sentences in Bulgaria, as the two countries have an extradition treaty and the Palestinian was recently granted Bulgarian citizenship. Foreign authorities commended the mediation role undertaken by the Gaddafi Development Foundation..

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 19일 목요일



regal, spiffy, snazzy, posh, swank, stunning, grand, so la-di-da, lavish, opulent..

Today's News..

When he bought it five days ago, he knew his eco-friendly neighbors disapproved, but he didn't this. On Monday, two masked men were seen taking a bat to every window, a knife to each tire and scratching the paint. Investigators say they don't have many leads..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. As six-party talks convened in Beijing yesterday, North Korea has expressed its willingness to declare all its nuclear programs and diable its key nuclear facilities within a year..

2. Labor Minishter Lee Sang-soo said yesterday that the government will use force in the lobor-management negotiators at the nation's major retailer E-land Group fails to reach a settlement..

3. A Brazilian airliner slammed into a nearby building and burst into flames at Brazil's busiest airport yesterday leaving almost 200 dead..

4. Korea's football squad downed Indonesia 1-0 in the Asian Cup 2007 Group D match in Jakarta yesterday and qualified for next round of the Asian Cup..

5. A growin number of companies are introducing actual English assessment methods conducting English interviews instead of reflecting TOEIC and TOEFL test scores in recruiting new employees..

New Smelly Orchid Discovered..

An orchid that gives off a scent, akin to sweaty feet, has just been announced as a distinct species. The orchid has minute, tennis-ball yellow flowers and is attracting orchid enthusiasts to its home in Yosemite National Park, with some even planning cross-country trips. Several rare plant species have been discovered near Yosemite Valley because the area never froze under glacial cover. The exact details of the plant's location are not being released to protect the vegetation. "There's concern that it will get trampled," said ranger Adrienne Freeman. "It's a rare and precious resource that we want to protect." Orchids have the largest plant family n nature with about 30,000 species worldwide..

A Gym Targeting Teens..

A new gym in California is carving out a niche by catering to teenagers. For $59 dollars a month, Overtime Fitness Inc. offers the usual exercise equipment but also has a rock-climbing wall and cheerleading conditioning sessions. Nutrition experts also give academic tutoring. In addintion, video games are part of the program. An arcade with games has kids boxing, dancing, riding and jumping, engaging the generation that was brought up in front of televisions and computers. Some are questioning the gym's tactics but the founder Patrick Ferrell, says the high-tech gadgets may lure some teens, but health experts and triners at the facility emphasize a lifetime of healthy habits..

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 18일 수요일

Today's News..

A very serious plane crash in Brazil as evident in these pictures.. More than 170 people were on board this passenger jet that skidded off the runway in a driving rain and plowed into a gas station and a building in a very busy part of Sao Paulo. Nearly 200 people are feared dead..

Isaiah Washington has got a new gig. A little over a month after he was fired from "Grey's Anatomy", he is going to NBC. Washington says he is humbled by the opportunity..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. President Roh Moo-hyun yesterday called for constitutional amendment to introduce a parliamentary system of government and a runoff election in the presidential race..

2. The top negotiators of the United States and North Korea met yesterday in Beijing ahead of the upcoming six-party talks over the North's nuclear dismantlement..

3. Korea and the European Union are struggling to narrow differences on tariffs and safety regulations on automobile trade..

4. Korean stocks have risen 229.2 percent under the Roh Moo-huyn administration. It's the third highest gain among 13 major bourses around the world under incumbent national leaders..

5. The Ministry of Justice is drafting preparatory measures to give foreign law firms limited access to the Korean market..

Japan earthquake tirggers nuclear leaks

It has been reported that an earthquake in northwest Japan on Monday triggered radioactive leaks from a nuclear plant. A small fire and a leak of 1,200 litre of water containing radioactive materials at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant, which is the world's largest. The company had originally said there was no radiation leak, but raised eyebrows late on Monday when it said water containing radioactive materials had leaked from a unit. They also admitted that a small amount of radioactive material was emitted into the atmosphere. Contaminated water reached the sea but had no effect on the environment, the company said, adding that the quake was stronger than its reactors had been designed to withstand. It was also reported by Kyodo news agency that envoronmental checks were being made on about 100 drums cotaining low-level nuclear waste at the plant that were knocked over, with some losing their lids..

GNP contenders battle gets messy as primary date nears

The two candidates in the Grand National Party's primary appear to be in a zero-sum situation, as they are both under investigation by Korea's national prosecution. The probe was initiated by candidate Lee Myung-Bak, the former mayor of Eeoul, who has been under scrutiny lately for allegations regarding possible real estate speculation. Lee's opponent, Park Geun-Hye , could also be in hot water after recent findings have suggested that her supporters set up the smear campaign against Lee. A staff member of her camp, Hong Yun-Sik, was arrested for asking a retired police officer for details regarding Lee's real estate transactions. Questions are now being raised about whether memebers of Park's campaign may have conspired to share private information with a member of the Uri Party, who was able to attack Lee publicly.
A GNP candidate integrity screening session will be held tomorrow which is expected to be a major debate site for Lee and Park..

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 17일 화요일

Today's News..

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Japan today, killing at least eight and injuring hundreds. The quake strated a fire at one of the world's most powerful power plants sending radioactive water into the Sea of Japan..

A photo exhibit of Princess Dina has opened at London's National Portrait Gallery. The exhibit coincides with the 10th anniverasy of her death. It takes a glimps at the" people's princess," showing her as a charity worker, a fashion icon, a royal and a mother..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The nation has agreed with the U.S. to provide political and security incentives to North Korea depending on how committed the North is to making the Peninsula nuclear free..

2. A global credit rating firm said that North Korea's nuclear shutdown is encouraging but the move alone is not enough to alter the geopolitical risk on the Peninsula nor Seoul's rating..

3. The number of unsolicited messages mobile users received during the first half of this year inched up from 2006 despite government crackdown efforts..

4. A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 jolted the northwestern part of Japan yesterday killing at least 6 and injuring hundreds of people..

5. A British explorer braved the icy waters of the Arctic and swam one kilometer at the North Pole to raise awareness about global warming..

David Beckham makes his U.S. debut

Soccer superstar David Beckham made his first appearance last Friday for the L.A. Galaxy of Major League Soccer. Although soccer is considered mostly a fringe sport in the U.S., Beckham promised that it "can be as big here as it is everywhere around the world." Beckham was acquired by the Galaxy and MLS last January, when he was losing his luster with Spanish team Real Madrid, as well as his home country England. Since then, howerer, he has been recalled to England's national team and helped Real Madrid win the Spanish league title.

Including endorsements and merchandising, Beckham stands to make as much as &250 millioin U.S. in the move. When questioned about his level of commitment to soccer n the U.S., Beckham replied, "For me it has always been about the football. That has always been the reasoning behind every move in my career."

Chinese lashes at foreign media for poor export quality image.

Chinese officials are blaming the international media, particularly from the United States, for exacerbating fears about the safety of the country's food and drug exports, a newspaper reported Monday. The accusation followed shortly after China suspended meat imports from some U.S. companies, possibly to turn the tables on American complaints about Chinese exports. The U.S. and other countries have put Chinese products under the microscope since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found North American cats and dogs had been poisoned by tainted Chinese pet food last April. Li Changjiang, minister of the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision, was quoted as saying, "One company's problem doesn't make it a country's problem. If some food products are below standard, you can't say all the country's food is unsafe."

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 16일 월요일

Today's News..

1. North Korea confirmed it had shut down its nuclear reactor after receiving 6,200 tons of oil aid last Saturday..

2. Korea and the EU kicks off a second round of FTA talks today as negotiators prepare to haggle over contentious issues such as automobiles, pharmaceuticlas and cosmetics..

3. One of the most powerful storms in decades lashed the Japan coast killing three people and forcing tens of thousands of residents to evacuate their homes..

4. Chief Executives of securities companies will gather today to assess the stock market and discuss measure to prevent the bourse from overheating..

5. Bahrain scored in the 85th minute making a 2-1 comeback win over Korea yesterday dampening the nations chance of moving to the next stage of the Asian Cup..

Russia decides to abandon military treaty

Russian President Vladmir Putin has announced that Russia is withdrawing from the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty, indicating that Russa may be on a new collision course with NATO. The treaty was signed in 1990, and governs where NATO and Russia can keep troops in Europe. Putin's move signals an end to the short-lived detente with the U.S. following his casual summit with President George W. Bush in Maine two weeks ago. By dropping out of the treaty, which is considered important for arms control in the region, Putin has shown his displeasure with the Bush administration's plans for parts of its missile defense system to be placed in former Soviet countries.

Analysts say that the decision will probably not have much effect on Russian military capabilities. However, it will allow for Russia to carry out military exercises in the region without having to inform Western counterparts.

Famous coffee chain to close in Foridden City

Starbucks has closed its store in Beijing's Forbidden City, after months of controvery and protest over its presence there. The U.S.-based international chain made its decision after an announcement by the Forbidden City that it wants to operate all stores within the building complex itself. The Forbidden City Starbucks opened in 2000 at the invitation of Forbidden City managers, but attracted negative attention last year when a Chinese TV personality began a crusade against the store on his blog. The campaign garnered great support from those who thought the store marred the Forbidden City's solemn nature, and undermined Chinese culture.

The Forbidden City is a nearly 600-year old complex, and is one of the most popular tourist attraction in the world..

Form Morning Special..

2007년 7월 13일 금요일

Into the dictionary..

The bill's overdue..
He is too inflexible[rigid]../ He always plays by the book..
Regionalism is one of the deep-seated problems besetting Korea..
He tries to do everything his way..
He's got a stubborn streak..
My father finally yielded[gave in] and consented to our marriage..
He's as stubborn as a mule../ He is too set in his ways../ He is too pigheaded..
Put it in simple terms..
The polarization of wealth has set in..
The book inquires into the relationship between religion and civilization..
I promised to turn a new leaf and do better from now on..
She was about to protest, but thought better of it..
His predicament deserves[calls for] our understanding..
Having made a slip of the tongue, I corrected myself immediately..
Straighten you tie..
He writhed in pain[agony]..
This medicine will relieve[ease] pain..
The patient was complaining of having unbearable pain..
The scene was so scary that my hair stood on end..
Sorry for getting you into trouble..
I can not talk on the phone right now..


Today's News..

P. Diddy not so Giddy..

Kim Porter said she dumped Diddy.. In a statement to a TV show "The Insider", she says she decided to end what she calls her on-again, off-againg relationship with Sean Diddy Combs. She said it was in the best interest of both them and their families..

Lewis now a magic man..

Rashard Lewis formally joined the Orlando Magic Wednesday, leaving the Seattle Supersonics after 9 seasons when the teams completed a sign-and-trade deal.. The Magic sent Seattle a conditional second-round pick, while the Sonics earned a trade exception believed to be in the $ 9-million range..

From English Go Go..

Today's Diary..

My room is so messed up. It is like a pigsty.. I do not arrange things neatly in my place, even after coming out of military service.. Why am I so lazy? Why do I think that it is a real grind to clean up the room? I still do not know why, after casting about desperately for the reason. Anyway, I am going to put away a mass this Sunday. I do not want to live in a pigpen. Pull yourself together, Hosub..~!!!

Today's News..

1. The key stock index yesterday closed above 1,900 points for the first time as investors shrugged off the central bank's interest rate hike to absorb excess liquidity in the money market.

2. The National Election Commission urges the Constitutional Court to turn down a petition filed by President Roh Moo-yun saying Roh was not eligible to file the petition to the high court as he was the head of state.

3. Twelve crewmen including 4 Koreans went missing in waters near Oman yesterday as a Korean freighter was on the verge of sinking..

4. China announced yesterday that the six-nation nuclear talks on ending North Korea's nuclear ambitions will resume in Beijing next Wednesday for a duration of two days..

5. Hanwha Group Chairman Kim Seung-youn was released from custody and is being treated at a hospital for depression and a nervous breakdown..

Foreign medics sentenced to death in Libya..

In a case that has dragged on for eight months, Libya's Supreme Court on Wednesday confirmed its death penalty against six foreign medics. They were first arrested in February 1999, and were sentensed to death in May 2004. The five Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor are convicted of infecting 438 Libyan children with the deadly HIV virus while they worked at the children's hospital in the city of Benghzai. Since then, 56 of the children have died. The verdict is expected to pave the way for a compensation for the infected children's families to be worked out between the Bulgarian government and the European Union. Some Western experts have said the AIDS epidemic in Benghazi was probably the result of poor hygiene and that the six were made into scapegoats..

Iraqis split over the withdrawal of coalition forces..

In Iraq all agreements and divisions meet at this question. What will happen after the withdrawal of American troops? Iraqis are divided along sectarian lines over the withdrawal, with many Sunnis welcoming the gradual exit and Shiited and Kurds fearful it would increase the mayhem. Most Iraqis agree that a rash and complete pullback would severely weaken the already fragile Iraqi government and increasing chaso and bloodshed may end in civil war. A recent analysis on Iraqi perceptions of the war said most Iraqis did not see the American troops as allies or liberator, but still feared a sudden withdrawal. 64 percent of Iraqis said American forces should remain until security was restored, Iraqi govenment and forces could operate independently. Only 36 percent said Amrican troops should leave as soon as possible..

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 12일 목요일

Today's Diary..

I played the guitar hard, so my fingers aches. I prctice a lot these days, because it is so fun. I do not sing a song well, but I think I can do well at playing the guitar after a lot of hard practice.
Will the day come? I hope so.

Into the dictionary..

This is my own invention../ I thought this up myself..
high-tension wire..
high-tension current..
I resented his high-handed[overbearing] manner..
His annual income is extremely high..
Expensive private lessons are prevalent in that region..
It tastes bad[nasty]..
It stinks..
He turns nasty when he is drunk..
She has a foul mouth../ She speaks in a harsh manner..
He is very bad-tempered../ He really has a nasty temper..
stray cat../ tom cat../ pussycat..
It is a backbreaker to write a paper..
Marking[Grading] examination papers is a real grind..
Just loafing around doing nothing is hard work, too..
He was delirious with a high fever..
The feeding bottle must be sterilized by boiling it at a high temperature..
a calm[placid] sea..
the lull before the storm..
The day was very still, without a breath of wind..
Silence reigned in the house..
retain a lawyer..
Employment opportunities or women have expanded..
Contract workers agonize over the instability of their employment..
take out[buy] unemployment insurance..
His father is a high-ranking police officer..
Taekwondo is one of the indigenous sports of Korea..
I have trouble hitting the high notes..
She is good at singing high pitched tones..
Whether it was intentional or not, you were in the wrong..
He just married off his 30-year-old daughter, who has always been the apple of his eye..
Sludge was stagnating in the ditch..
Tears formed (up)[gathered, welled] in her eyes..
There were many small puddles in the road..
Please accept my condolences..
He's got such a high-handed attitued..
She snitched[told, ratted] on her friends to the teacher..
There were at most[not more than] 10 people at the meeting..
Is that all you can think of[come up with]?
The ship developed engine trouble..
The elevator had a sudden breakdown and stopped between floors..
My computer's down again../ The computer's on the blink again..
This song has a wide range..
She fastened her eyes on the picture..
All eyes were fastened on[riveted to] the screen..
Think outside the box..
Tension is mounting between the two countries..
high school graduate..
He came home smashed last night..
He often goes overboard wiht his drinking..
The building is closed until futher notice..
He is in and advantageous position..


Today's News..

1. Ex-Seoul Mayor's Brother-in-law, Kim Jae-jung, said yesterday that he will persist in the lawsuit against close aides of Park Geun-hye despite being asked by Lee to drop the suit..

2. Prosecutors continue to gain momentum to investigate the controversy over the properties of leading presidential conteder Lee Myung-bak after his brother-in-law refused to drop the lawsuit..

3. The artistic director of the Gwangju Biennale and assistnat professor of Dongguk University, Shin Jeong-ah, has turned out to have forged her doctor's degrees..

4.. Korea and Saudi Arabia fight to a 1-1 draw in AFC Asian Cup Group D match at Bung Karno Stadium, in Jakarta, Indonesia yesterday..

Reduce cow burps to save the planet

Greenhouse gas emission aren't only from man-made machinery, but animals as well. A UK-based environmental research institute is suggesting a new diet for cow to reduce burping in an effort to reduce golbal warming. A diet of easily digestible, yet nutritious food would be key. Farmer are in the process of cutting mathane emission and a new diet could be an alternative to reducing stocke. Someone reported that the average dairy cow emits about 100 to 200 liters of mathane each day. About seven percent of UK greenhouse gas emissions are from agriculture and a large proportion of two of the most potent gases, methane and nitrous oxide..

Western Diet Linked to Higher Rish for Cancer for Asian Women

A Western diet high in meat, white bread, and milk increase the risk of breast cancer in Asian Women. 1,500 Chinese women who ate a diet consisting of meats and sweets were studied and some were twice as likely to develope the disease as those on a vegetable-based diet. Asian breast cancer rates are lower that the West but are on the rise and may be linked to rising obesity rates. Various meats, fish, sweets, white bread and milk were found to be the main culprits. The traditional Chinese diet is based more on vegetables and soy. Overall, it's difficult to pinpoint one factor that causes cancer but in West, obesity is cited to cause 10% of breast cancer cases.

From Morning Sepcial..

2007년 7월 11일 수요일

Today's Diary..

It's rainy season. It rained on and off today, so I unfolded an umbrella and folded it several times.
Rain is falling down, more times than not, in monsoon season, which is a natural thing.
I also naturally have a routine daily schedule. Swimming, studying Englihs and Chinese charaters and learning how to play the guitar. My goal is doing these four of them 0n a regular basis during summer vacation. Can I make it? It still ramains to be seen..^0^

Into the dictionary..

Holy mackerel!!..
killer whale/whale calf/bull whale/cow whale..
I'm seriously considering moving to another city..
I'm considering whether to accept his offer..
Have you considered the possibility of graduate school?..
Please set this in Gothic font..
We've been through the highs and lows together..
The crowd was shouting their heads off..
She raised her voiced in a rage[huff]../She cried at the top of her voice in anger..
There is no room for consideration..
His proposal is currently under consideraion..
We left an hour early to allow for traffic..
He is too stuffy to accept new ideas..
Choose between the two../ Choose one of the two..
The ground should be leveled before you plant a lawn..
You can choose what you want from a wide variety of wine at our store..
For dessert, you can choose between strawberry ice cream and apple pie..
It's hard to choose which dress to wear to the party..
The floor is uneven and bumpy..
The wound is discharging (pus)../ The wound is oozing..
The wound has festered../ Pus has formed in the wound..
borrow money at a usuryous rate of interest..
He is so stuffy about everything/ He is such an old fuddy-duddy..
His smelly feet were sticking up the whole room..
That village has been isolated[cut off] by the heavy snowfalls/ The village has been snowed in..
I'd like to take you to dinner in gratitude for what you've done..
I'm grateful for your help..
I'm grateful that you took care of my mother..
I would be grateful if you could send me the products in due course..
She left without a word of thanks..
No sweat. Just repaying you for last time..
Our fridge is on its last legs..
a beat-up old car..
Something has me worried these days..
She's got a real hang-up about her body..
I have a confession to make..
excavate and ancient tomb..
amenable[submissive] attitude..
Just when we had gotten through one crisis, another problem came up..
The patient is out of the woods..
Hold fast and tighten the reins..
The opposition is stepping up their anti-government campaign..
alpine region..
She speaks in a very elegant way..
We have not suffered in vain..
You must have gone through a lot of distress these days..
It is hard to get by..
Do not trouble yourself with things like that..
He has filed a countercharge against his friend..
They accused him of impeding performance of duty.
I am going to file a complaint against you..
Wow, it was well worth the trouble..
It serves him right..
He seems to take pleasure in my getting scolded..
He went tearing down the expressway at 150 km/h..
remain steadfast in one's beliefs..
Stick to your idea no matter what others (may) say..
He cast about desperately for something to say..

Today's News..

Five people are dead after an unsuccessful emergency landing in Sanford, Florida, setting two houses on fire. The husband of a top NASCAR offical and an accompanying pilot are among the dead. An adult and two children who were in their houses were aloso killed..

Springfield, Vermont is now the official hometown of the simpsons. Fans voted online choosing their favorite city among video submitted by the competing Springfields..

Form English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The government plans to shorten the length of mandatory military service, ultimately reducing it by up to six months by 2014..

2. The Bank of Korea yesterday heightened its forecast for the country's annual economic growth for this year upward to 4.5 percent..

3. Workers at hospitals, railways and airports should keep up core sevices even during strikes from next year..

4. Korea is expected to post the highest aging index in the world by 2050..

5. Pakistani troops stormed the Red Mosque where the pro-taleban rebels had been taking hostages, leaving up to 50 militants and eight soldiers killed including the Pakistani rerbel cleric, Abdul Rashid Ghazi..

Ex Chief of China's food and drug administration executed

Zheng Xiaoy, former chief of China's food and drug watchdog, was executed yesterday. The administration headed by Zheng had become emblematic of China's problems and reputaion with product safety. He was sentenced to death in May for accepting bribes to approve an antibiotic that at least 10 deaths have been attributed to, as well as a number of other drugs that were below standards. Even for China, the punishment is being considered heavy, and is regarded as a sign of China's determination to tackle its grim product safety record. Officials have said that fears are growing over civil unrest and a poor international image because of its food and medicine track record. In addition to antibiotics, recent health scares have also been sparked by Chinese-produced pet foods and toothpastes.

Games company CEO blasts his own industry

John Riccitiello, the recently-appointed CEO of a major games manufacturer, has warned that the industry is "boring people to death and making games that are harder and harder to play." He referred to the industry's game production statagy as "rinse-and-repeat," saying that instead of making original games, the industry is simply rehashing annual titles and franchises. He stressed that the industry needs to find a new, more casual group to make games for outside of the typical hardcore gamer niche market. Riccitiello also offered praise to a handful of games that have been groundbreaking in the past few years. His comments precede the annual E3 games conference in Santa Monica, California this weekend, which is the biggest meeting for the games industry.

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 10일 화요일

Today's Diary..

My eyes are red these days.. I mean my eyes were bloodshot and a little puffy.. Why is this happening? I think I have a lack of sleep. It's because kind of pressure is weighing on my shoulder.. The pressure of studying something. not wasting time. My aim during this vacation is living my life fully.. I want to be busy in my life, even though we are on summer vacation.
I am getting on to thirty. I do not want to spend any time in vain.. Attitude is everying..Let't have a good attitude toward our lives..^0^

Into the dictionary..

simplify the chain of command..
I wall-papered the house in light blue and purchased curtains of similiar colors..
plan a trip..
There's been a change of plan..
The plan has fallen apart..
Everything went like clockwork..
My plan has gone awry../ There's a glitch in the plan..
Do you have any special plans for this evening?
The building was completed ahead of schedule..
I think she approached me deliberatly..
premeditated murder..
aerial ladder..
Lower your head a little..
He lifted[held] his head high and defied the boss..
Look the other way while I get changed..
Political corruption began to rear its (ugly) head..
I could't help but to take my hat off to him for his sacrifice spirit..
I am (on) the wrong side of twenty..
I am getting on for[to] thirty..
The customer is always right..
The company received top rankings for customer satisfaction in 2006..
I am homesick for my native country../ I pine for my home..
He struggled by himself to get the company on its feet again..
The hotel has a very posh ambience..
This meat is stringy[tough]..
Please do not think ill of me. I meant no harm..
I drowned my agonies with a drink..
He's got a way with women..
I was so tired that I zonked out as soon as I lay down in bed..
Life is full of hard knocks..
I felt my heart palpitating..


Today's News..

A scorching heatwave is engulfing the east coast. The combination of heat and humidity pushed temperatures near triple digits in New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Forecasters expect the record-breaking temperatures to contune through mucn of the week..

K.J Choi won the inaugural AT&T National outside Washington,DC, Sunday. Choi fired a final-round 2 under 68 to win by three shots over Steve Stricker. Tournament host Tiger Woods was seven shots back..

From English Go Go..

Today's News..

1. The Grand National Party is mired in dispute as prosecutors probe allegations over former Seoul mayor's estate speculation..

2. Retail strikes of irregular workers winds down, but the rift between labor and management of E.Land Group is getting deeper..

3. Overseas residents will not be able to have voting rights in this year's presidential election due to delay in lagislation..

4. Iraqi leader warned that early U.S troop withdrawal could tip Iraq into all-out civil war, as debate over war policy intensifies in the U.S..

5. The IAEA gave the green light to send inspectors to North Korea for the first time since 2002 to monitor the state's nuclear dismantlement..

Mounting riot fears in French prisons as traditional pardons are withheld

Thousands of prisoners in France's jails expecting pardons traditionally given on Batille Day are facing disappointment this week. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that "There will be no collective amnesty," raising fears that prison riots could be started by angry inmates. Prison officials have said that the pardons are heavily anticipated every year by inmates as well as prison workers, since worsening conditions and overpopulation are serious problems in the facilities. Sarcozy stated that he would consider pardoning prisoners under special curcumstances, but not merely for the sake of taking care of the prison problems.

The traditional mass pardon stems from the French holiday on July 14 called Bastille Day. In 1789, French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside, marking the beginning of the French revolution..

K.J Choi emerges victorious at the Natinal

K.J Choi won the inaugural AT&T National golf tournament on Sunday, only five weeks after his victory at the Jack Nicklaus Memorial tournament. Choi says that his next goal is to be the first Asian to win a major tournament. With Sunday's win being his sixth on the PGA Tour, Choi already has the most victories by an Asian-born player. His highlight in toruney was sinking a birdie shot from the greenside bunker on hole17. Although in Korea Choi was referred to as "Tank", for his persistence and nerves of steel, he celebrated the shot by throwing the ball into the crowd.

Following his National win, Choi joked through interpreter that the trophy was heavier than the trophy form the Memorial. He also added that he"can't even express in wors" the feeling from winning..

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 9일 월요일

Into the dictionary..

He flew up the steps, two at a time..
beat[whip, whishk] an egg..
I suspect that he has some sort of dirty trick up his sleeves/I suspect him of hatching some sort of plot..
I fell prey into his plot..
She does not spare any costs for self-improvement..
I think there is a mistake on this bill..
Let me pick up the tap..
He is such a calculation person..
His behavior had been calculated to upset me..
I failed to consider the possibility of having additional expenses..
The percentage of arable land in our country is comparatively small..
My muscles began to stiffen..
My body stiffended with fear..
report to the police..
mobilize the police..
The hinges creaked slightly when the door closed..
She listened to his words attentively/ She was all ears when he told his story..
This place is celebrated for its scenic beauty..
We danced to a lilting music..
The two men entered into competition for the same position..
She has a tendancy to exaggerate things./She has a propensity to exaggerate..
I have first-hand experience of running a shool..
My weakest point is the lack of experience.
She attended the meeting under heavy police guard..
He always keeps his book close at hand..
He alwasys goes off on a tangent when telling a story..
I watched her form the corner of my eye..
The news really knock me for a loop..
The meeting took place amidst tight security..
The house was built on a slant..
The gentle slope suddenly dropped off into a steep slope..
Stop that frivolous behavior..



supporter, advocate, follower, partisan, adherent, proponent, patron..

disciple, apostle, apprentice

He got up the nerve.. 그는 용기를 냈다..
He had the nerve to say that.. 그는 뻔뻔스럽게도 그렇게 말했다..

A hot weather enervates people.. 더위는 사람을 무기력하게 한다..

suffer from neurosis.. 노이로제에 시달리다..

From 문덕의 어휘대첩..

Today's News..

Live Earth Concert

The largest US concert for global warming education was official kicked off in New Jersey Saturday afternoon. Live Earth brought together some of music's biggest names for what is termed the concert for climate in crisis. At 8 concerts in cities around the world more than 150 rock stars are urging people to go green.

John Edwards Confident

Wearing a T-shirt instead of a suit, and vacationing in New Hampshire with his family, John Edwards says even thouhgt he lags behind Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton in fundraising, he is on pace to run a 40-million-dollar campaign through the early primary states.

From English Go Go..
1. The new 7 wonder of the world were chosen in a global poll Saturday. About 100 millioin votes were cast by the Internet and SMS, said the organizers that conducted the project.

2. China has cracked the whip on the pharmaceutical industry suspending the sales of a drug used to treat leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis which caused adverse reaction.

3. The IAEA plans to station its two inspectors in North Korea to oversee the shutdown and sealing of the North's nuclear facilities.

4. More than 90 thousand examinees flocked into Seoul yesterday to take the City's civil service exam.

5. Starting next year, owners will be fined if they walked dogs without an identification tag registered with local authorities

Live Earth brings eco-friendly music to the masses

The worldwide series of concerts named Live Earth was held over the weekend to raise awareness of environmental issues. The venues were in London, New Jersey, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Johannesburg, Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro and Washington. They were headlined by several major acts, and broadcast live around the globe on cable TV and the internet. Anti-global warming proponent Al Gore even made an appearance as a hologram to give a short speech during the Tokyo concert. Many of the performers stressed the environmentally-friendly way that the show was produced, by reducing electricity whenever possible and using recycled products. Critics, however, say that the private-jet flying rock stars are sending a mixed message, and that Live Earth has no achievable goals.

New Seven Wonders of the World list chosen over internet

The response to an internet poll to decide the "new" Seven Wonders of the World on Saturday was overwhelming, as computer servers were swamped with people voting for their favorite places. Visitors to the website were able to vote as often as they whished, so the site was flooded with internet traffic from fans, citizens, governments, and tourism agencies, all trying to get their favorite attractions on the list. Many have regarded the event as nothing more than a publicity stunt and a cash grab, although the event's creator says that a portion of the money made will go to preservation of the sites. The poll was also criticized for its far-from-scientific voting procedures. The Egyptian pyramids at Giza, which are one of the original seven wonders, did not make the new list; they were granted honorary status, however.

2007년 7월 5일 목요일

Today's News..

Rubber Duckies Make Important Contribution to Science

15 years ago, when Roh Tae-woo and George Bush Sr. were in office, 29,000 plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs were dispersed into the sea when a container fell overboard off the coast of China. They have traveled 17,000 miles, floating by the site where the Titanic sank and landing in Hawaii and Japan. They are now expected to land on beaches in South-West England. In an unexpected twist, the plastic toys are playing an important role in science! They are easier to spot and are more likely to be reported to the authorities than scientific floats. As a result, they have been vital in helping researchers to chart the important ocean currents, which play an important factor in determining the climate of continents.

* be dispersed into ~로 흩어지다, 분산되다
= be spread over(out, around..) a wide area
(= be disseminated)

eg) They're dispersed everywhere. 여러 군데로 흩어지다, 흩뿌려지다.

* twist 뒤틀림, 급진전, 반전= unexpected happen or developmenteg)
The story had a strange twist(an unexpected twist). 그 이야기는 반전이 있다.

Gates' Spot As Richest Man in the World Not So Clear

According to Sentido Comun, a Mexican financial news service, Bill Gates is no longer the world's richest man. Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim now holds the honor. The stock of Slim's wireless company has surged 27 percent, putting his worth at almost $67.8 billion whrereas the Microsoft Corp. chairman and co-founder's estimated worth is $59.2 billion. US publicaiton Forbes on the other hand, insists Gates still holds the title and continues to post Gates as the richest man in the world on its website. Slim was ranked as the third richest man in the world, behind Warren Buffet, an investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, on Forbes list this past spring. Gates has held the title for 12 years.

* hold the honor 영예(명예, 영광)를 안다(얻다, 잡다)
= he/she is one who has the prestige or credit for being ~

** hold the title.
eg) Who holds the title? = Who is the reining champion?

* insist 우기다, 고집하다 = maintain one's stance firmly
eg) I insist! 아니야. 진짜 내가 ~할게.
I insist on paying for dinner(or lunch). 내가 저녁(점심) 살게.

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 4일 수요일

Today's News..

Seoul tells smokers to butt out at the bus stop

Smokers in Seoul will no longer be allowed to light up at 5,374 bus stops throughout the city starting this September, announced the city government. In early June, six bus stops were designated as non-smoking areas, and the majority of responses in a satisfaction survey were in favor of the change. Starting next month, smokers will not be able to feed their habit in a number of local parks as well, such as Seoul Grand Park and Children's Grand Park. City government-operated parks are also set to prohibit smoking by the end of next year. The demands for cleaner air have been reached by residences, as tenant demands will result in some apartment complexes becoming smoke-free zones. The team leader of the city's health promotion division said that the campaign's aim is "to promote health."

* butt out 담배 꺼 / 신경 꺼(참견하지마)= put out a cigarette / to leave someone alone

** butt out of my business / don't be nosy / mind your own business / It's none of your business..

*Excuse me. But this is a private affair. I would appreciate my own space.

* feed a habit (주로 나쁜) 버릇, 습관 등을 충족하다(계속하다)= make sth grow(or exist), make sth stronger(bigger)

** start a habit (pick up a habit) -> feed a habit -> kick the habit(break the habit)

Love's just a game of give and take hostage

A brazilian woman has decided to let bygones be bygones and reunite with her estranged husband, who was recently released from prison. What were his misdeeds? He held her at gunpoint on a suburban bus, along with dozens of passengers, in a nationally-televised hostage drama eight months ago. The woman says she believes the act was irrational, and that they can continue their lives peacefully together with their three children. She added that people have warned her that her husband will commit the same act again. During the incident, the husband accused his wife of infidelity while threatening to kill her and then himself. The crisis lasted for ten hours before he surrendered without firing a shot.

* let bygones be bygones (속담) 과거사는 흘려보내자, 과거를 묻지 마세요, 옛일은 옛일이다.= to forget about things that happened in the past(= forgive and forget / water under the bridge)

** bygones= sth that has happened in the past

* estranged 사이가 틀어진= no longer seem involved in it / quarrel with sbd and are not communicating with them.친구사이에는 잘 안 쓰고 남녀사이에 주로 쓴다-

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 3일 화요일

Today's News..

Bush and Putin work on mending ties in Maine

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Maine yesterday for an informal summit with U.S. President George W. Bush at the Bush family compound. Putin is the first world leader invited by Bush to stay with him at the oceanfront estate, which was built by his great-grandfather. It is hoped that the meeting will patch up Russian-U.S. ralations, amid tensions over the planned U.S. missile shied in Eastern Europe and differences in opinion about Kosovo independence. However, White House aides say that no breakthroughs are expected, and that the purpose of the meeting is to work on reviving the rapport between the two leaders. Andrew Kuchins, a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says, "I really don't think that either of them want, as part of their legay, a trashed US-Russia ralationship."

* patch up: make up , repair, mend, 개선하다, (헝겊을 대서 이어붙이다)
( patch : 헝겊 )

* rapport : relation (치밀한)관계 , connection

* legacy : 유산, 유물, 전해져 내려오는 것 anything handed down from the past

** heritage : (문화/전통)유산

Report says stress may cause obesity

Researchers say that a hormone linked to anxiety may be responsible for the hard-to-lose abdominal fat that so many people are troubled by. In addition, they say that by manipulating the hormone it may be possible to melt fat in areas it's unwanted, and build it up in areas where it's needed. Researchers from Georgetown University reported on Sunday that studies of mice and monkeys have shown how repeated stress, along with a high-fat, high-sugar diet, stimulate release of an appetite hormone. This hormone, called neuropeptide Y, causes the buildup of abdominal fat, which is a prime contributor to a number of health conditions. The study could pave the way to safe and effective replacements for unapproved chemicals now used by some doctors to disslove local fat deposits. The researchers hope to begin human trials in two years.

* manipulate : 조작하다 to handle, manage, or use. change

* prime contributor :

- prime : 제 1의, 주요한, first- contribute to

-: to be an important factor in, help to cause

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 2일 월요일

Today's News..

Decision day looming for 2014 winter olympics..

The IOC will vote this Wednesday in Guatemala to decide the host nation for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games- Pyeongchang, Korea, Salzburg, Austria, or Sochi, Russia. Many are saying that which country will be chosen among the three finalists is still up in the air. IOC president Jacques Rogge expects a narrow decision, similar to London, England winning the summer games over Paris, France two years ago. The top leaders from all three candidate cities will be present, including Korean President Roh Mu-hyun, However, following a previous bidding scandal, there will be strict rules implemented concerning contact with IOC members.

Pyeongchang, Korea received the best overall review among the three candidates in a technical rerport by the IOC last month, although officials stressed that the outcome is never certain.

* up in the air: 미해결의, 미정의, 막연한
Also, in the air. undecided or unsettled

* narrow decision

* narrow : 간신히 이룬, 가까스로의, 아슬아슬하게 with little margin to spare

Four in custody after two terror plots in the U.K.

Many British citizens were on edge Sunday, after Great Britain's terrorist threat assessment was raised to its highest level following two incidents over the weekend. An alleged car bomb plot was foiled and two men were arrested in London on Saturday, where two cars rigged with explosives were discovered. On Sunday morning, there was an attack on Glasgow Airport, in which two men in a SUV rammed into the departure doors, turning the vehicle into a potentially lethal fireball. A witness reported that before the two attackers were arrested, one of them was on fire and shouting "Allah, Allah," while throwing punches at police. Following the attack, another airport in Liverpool was also closed, and hundreds of passengers were grounded on airplanes.

One official, speaking anonymously, said that the sophistication of the attacks was, "at the lower end of the scale, but you don't have to be sophisticated to kill people."

* on edge : 초조하게하다, 신경을 날카롭게 하다, (몹시) 긴장하다
very sensitive/ nervous/ tense

- On the edge one's seat : 의자 가장 자리에서.즉 (긍정적 의미에서) 긴장한, 흥분한, 안절부절 못하는

* sophistication : 정교화, 복잡화 complexity

From Morning Special..

2007년 7월 1일 일요일

Start again..

It has been quite a while since I last kept a diary. I guess it's mainly because I do not need to do by force. It means my blog has not been evaluated by Professor. Kim right after the spring semester. I kind of promised Professor. Kim to keep a diary even after the semester, but I acutually did not. I am so sorry to her, so I had my heart set on starting anew. I will try to write my diary regularly. Check it out, guys..^0^