IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 7월 5일 목요일

Today's News..

Rubber Duckies Make Important Contribution to Science

15 years ago, when Roh Tae-woo and George Bush Sr. were in office, 29,000 plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs were dispersed into the sea when a container fell overboard off the coast of China. They have traveled 17,000 miles, floating by the site where the Titanic sank and landing in Hawaii and Japan. They are now expected to land on beaches in South-West England. In an unexpected twist, the plastic toys are playing an important role in science! They are easier to spot and are more likely to be reported to the authorities than scientific floats. As a result, they have been vital in helping researchers to chart the important ocean currents, which play an important factor in determining the climate of continents.

* be dispersed into ~로 흩어지다, 분산되다
= be spread over(out, around..) a wide area
(= be disseminated)

eg) They're dispersed everywhere. 여러 군데로 흩어지다, 흩뿌려지다.

* twist 뒤틀림, 급진전, 반전= unexpected happen or developmenteg)
The story had a strange twist(an unexpected twist). 그 이야기는 반전이 있다.

Gates' Spot As Richest Man in the World Not So Clear

According to Sentido Comun, a Mexican financial news service, Bill Gates is no longer the world's richest man. Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim now holds the honor. The stock of Slim's wireless company has surged 27 percent, putting his worth at almost $67.8 billion whrereas the Microsoft Corp. chairman and co-founder's estimated worth is $59.2 billion. US publicaiton Forbes on the other hand, insists Gates still holds the title and continues to post Gates as the richest man in the world on its website. Slim was ranked as the third richest man in the world, behind Warren Buffet, an investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, on Forbes list this past spring. Gates has held the title for 12 years.

* hold the honor 영예(명예, 영광)를 안다(얻다, 잡다)
= he/she is one who has the prestige or credit for being ~

** hold the title.
eg) Who holds the title? = Who is the reining champion?

* insist 우기다, 고집하다 = maintain one's stance firmly
eg) I insist! 아니야. 진짜 내가 ~할게.
I insist on paying for dinner(or lunch). 내가 저녁(점심) 살게.

From Morning Special..

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