IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 7월 4일 수요일

Today's News..

Seoul tells smokers to butt out at the bus stop

Smokers in Seoul will no longer be allowed to light up at 5,374 bus stops throughout the city starting this September, announced the city government. In early June, six bus stops were designated as non-smoking areas, and the majority of responses in a satisfaction survey were in favor of the change. Starting next month, smokers will not be able to feed their habit in a number of local parks as well, such as Seoul Grand Park and Children's Grand Park. City government-operated parks are also set to prohibit smoking by the end of next year. The demands for cleaner air have been reached by residences, as tenant demands will result in some apartment complexes becoming smoke-free zones. The team leader of the city's health promotion division said that the campaign's aim is "to promote health."

* butt out 담배 꺼 / 신경 꺼(참견하지마)= put out a cigarette / to leave someone alone

** butt out of my business / don't be nosy / mind your own business / It's none of your business..

*Excuse me. But this is a private affair. I would appreciate my own space.

* feed a habit (주로 나쁜) 버릇, 습관 등을 충족하다(계속하다)= make sth grow(or exist), make sth stronger(bigger)

** start a habit (pick up a habit) -> feed a habit -> kick the habit(break the habit)

Love's just a game of give and take hostage

A brazilian woman has decided to let bygones be bygones and reunite with her estranged husband, who was recently released from prison. What were his misdeeds? He held her at gunpoint on a suburban bus, along with dozens of passengers, in a nationally-televised hostage drama eight months ago. The woman says she believes the act was irrational, and that they can continue their lives peacefully together with their three children. She added that people have warned her that her husband will commit the same act again. During the incident, the husband accused his wife of infidelity while threatening to kill her and then himself. The crisis lasted for ten hours before he surrendered without firing a shot.

* let bygones be bygones (속담) 과거사는 흘려보내자, 과거를 묻지 마세요, 옛일은 옛일이다.= to forget about things that happened in the past(= forgive and forget / water under the bridge)

** bygones= sth that has happened in the past

* estranged 사이가 틀어진= no longer seem involved in it / quarrel with sbd and are not communicating with them.친구사이에는 잘 안 쓰고 남녀사이에 주로 쓴다-

From Morning Special..

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