IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 6월 17일 일요일

Today's News..

News 1

- McConaughey Is People's Hottest BachelorWho's the hottest bachelor of them all? Matthew McConaughey tops People magazine's list for 2007. He tells people he looks for the "two Hs" in a woman: hotness and humor. And why does he always have his shirt off? He says he loves the beach where few people wear shirts.

누가 가장 섹시한 싱글남일가요? Matthew McConaughey가 2007년 People지 명단에 첫번째 자리를 차지했습니다. 그는 여자를 찾을 때 두가지 H로 시작하는 조건이 있는데, 그것은 hotness(섹시함)과 humor(유머) 라고 합니다. 또 그는 왜 윗옷을 벗고 다닐까요? 그는 윗옷을 벗고 바닷가를 즐겨 찾는다고 밝혔습다

News 2
- Earnhardt Jr. Inks 5 year dealBig news in NASCAR; Dale Earnhardt, Jr. announced Wednesday he will drive for Hendrick Motor Sports starting in 2008. Earnhardt agreed to a 5-year deal with the team that is dominating NASCAR this season.

NASCAR에 아주 큰 뉴스가 있습니다. Dale Earnhardt Jr이 2008년부터 Hendrick Motor Sports 위하여 운전을 하겠다고 수요일날 발표했습니다.Earnhardt는 이번 시즌을 휩쓸고 있는 팀과 5년 계약을 맺었다고 합니다.

From English Go Go..

Today's Expression..

-그 사람이 그럴 줄 전혀 눈치채지 못했다..

-I had no inkling he would do that.

From ABK English..

Bloody bascketball..

I played basketball in the evening. While I doing that, I crashed with one of the opposite team players. He slamed his head to my chin. It was so hurt. And then, his head was bleeding. I was all right. He stopped playing, and went to the hospital right away. I was so sorry. It has been a while since I last saw somebody bleeding.

2007년 6월 14일 목요일


Finally, finals are finished. I am on cloud 9.^0^
Summer vacation is right here. I am going to go drinking a few minutes later to celebrate this moment. I can not stop expressing my happiness. ㅋㅋ
I think I am going to be wasted today..^^

Today's News..

Bangladesh monsoons claim over 100

A torrent of mudslides, flooding, and lightning in southeastern Bangladesh has raised the death toll to 107 yesterday, including 11 killed by lightning strikes. About 22 centimeters of rain fell in just three hours early Monday. The worst-hit area was a jam-packed shantytown in the city of Chittagong, where large chunks of hill collapsed and buried dozens of bamboo and straw shacks. One man was bereaved of five family members, including his wife and two sons. Hundreds of people in vulnerable areas were relocated to shelters in concrete school buildings, according to rescue officials. Government and charity agencies gave out food and water to about 1,000 people that had no homes after the catastrophe. Emergency workers rescued more than 50 injured people from the rubble.

* monsoon 호우= seasonal heavy rain

* a torrent of sth= a large amount sth happening suddenly and all at ones

** torrential rain(downfalls) 호우, 억수 같은 비

** torrent download = super fast download system

* be bereaved of 잃다, 여의다, 친상을 당하다..= a relative or close friend have recently died(passed away)..

eg) the bereaved period 죽음을 애도하는 기간

the bereaved husband 아내를 잃은 남편

Billionaire father now hiring for the position of son-in-law

A billionaire landowner who owns over 100 billion won worth of land and buildings in Gangnam is searching for his daughter’s future husband over the internet. The 68-year old man consulted with a matchmaking company and asked it to find an eligible man for his 38-year old daughter, who returned from the U.S. two years ago after finishing bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Among other conditions, it is expected that the prospective son-in-law will be able to fend for himself financially,The company is accepting applications until June 15, after which it plans to narrow down the field to five men. The woman will then choose two of them to meet. More than 100 men have applied so far.

* prospective 예상된, 장차의, 기대되는..= to describe someone who wants to be the thing mentioned or who is likely to be the thing mentioned.

* fend for oneself 자활하다, 혼자 힘으로 꾸려나가다..= should be able to support oneself, to look after oneself without relying on help from anyone else.

** mooch off 빌붙다.eg) They're mooching off me. 그들은 내게 빌붙고 있어.

** moocher 빌붙는 사람, 흔히 빈대 (?) (= freeloader)

* narrow the field (범위 등을) 좁히다(좁혀지다).= to reduce the number of things, make sth smaller.

eg) narrow the field down to three 세명으로 좁히다.(좁혀지다)

From Morning Special..

Today's Expression..

-저 여자 조낸 이쁘다..

-She is a looker..

From ABK English..

2007년 6월 12일 화요일

Today's Expression..

-지난 십 년을 한마디로 말하기는 힘들지만, 쉽게 감당할 수 없을 정도의 마술에 걸려 있는 듯한 시간이었습니다.

-It’s hard to sum up the last ten years, but it’s basically like being involved in some magical thing that’s much bigger than you are.

From ABK English..

Today's News..

England’s testing policies under fire from influential organization

In a report submitted last week, England’s General Teaching Council said that English and schoolchildren are among the most tested in the world, facing an average of 70 major exams before the age of 16. In its scathing attack on the testing system, the council claimed that over-testing is poisoning attitudes towards education, and forcing teachers to drill students in rote memorization rather than provide a broad education.Keith Bartley, chief executive of the council, said that the exams are “missing the point,” by only testing a limited range of knowledge and skills. He added that there was no point in having a day each year when England’s “eleven-year olds were in a state of panic.” Psychiatrists visiting some schools have reported children as young as six suffering from anxiety.

(1st) miss the point : 핵심을 놓치다, 요점을 이해하지 못하다.

** keep to the point : 요점에서 벗어나지 않다.

** point by point :일일이, 하나하나

** You don't get it (You're missing the point)

(2nd) scathing : 냉혹한, 가차 없는, very fiercely critical

** a scathing review (on a movie) 신랄한 비판/비평= you pull no punches = you fully attack it

Russia may have a role in North Korean funds transfer

A new plan to release North Korean assets frozen in a Macau bank account may involve the help of Russia. It is hoped that this latest solution will put an end to the financial predicament, which has been a thorn in the side of denuclearization talks with North Korea. An unidentified U.S. bank may be used to transfer the funds to a North Korean account in an unidentified Russian bank. Although there is a ban on American banks handling North Korean assets, the bank involved will be guaranteed exemption for the transaction. Despite intense effort, little progress had been made in the situation involving the frozen funds, which amount to $25 million U.S. Chief American nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill has emphasized the need to settle the issue and re-focus on the six-party talks.

(1st) thorn in my side : 고민거리, 불안의 원인. 옆구리의 가시a pain (in the neck) , a little nagging problem

** If you describe someone or something as a thorn in your side or a thorn in your flesh, you mean that they are a continuous problem to you or annoy you.

(2nd) unidentified : 불확실한 미확인의* the victim is not identified...

** UFO (unidentified flying object): 미확인 비행물체

** identification card : ID card 신분증

** CID - 발신자번호표시서비스

From Morning Special..


I had two exams today. I did not study a lot, but I hoped to do well on exam, because I believed my luck.^0^ After several mistakes, I was kind of discouraged. I should have studied hard. I have one more exam to go. I start studying right now, so I would not reget anything any more.

2007년 6월 11일 월요일

Today's News..

1. An official ceremony was held to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1987 pro-democracy movement for the first time yesterday. 1987년 6.10민주항쟁이 기념일로 지정된 이래 어제 처음으로 공식기념식이 열렸습니다.

* mark : 기념하다, to celebrate or officially remember an important event. syn) commemorate,celebrate, observe, honour etc..

* pro-democracy movement : 민주항쟁 (민주화를 위한 움직임)

** pro- : -을 위하여. (찬성하여) in favour of , supporting

** anti- : against, opposite of .

** democracy (government by the people) <-> dictatorship

2. Diverse events were held nationwide commemorating the 1987 pro-democracy rally throughout the weekend. 6.10 민주항쟁의 정신을 되새기는 다양한 행사가 주말 동안 전국에서 이어졌습니다.

* diverse : 다양한 (발음이 /di-/ 와 /dai-/ 둘 다 가능합니다)= varied. various

* rally : 집회, 대규모 모임. a large public meeting/ a gatheringespecially one held to "support" a particular idea or political party.

** protest, demonstration : 항의의 성격을 가진 (against)시위, 집회, 모임(데모-demo 는 표준영어가 아닙니다)

** 동사로서의 rally : example) rally the troops 이라하면 군대를 모으다/집결하다

3. According to a news report, Russia has accepted a U.S. request to facilitate transfer of North Korean funds via a US bank. 미국 은행의 중계를 거쳐 북한의 BDA자금을 러시아 은행의 북한 계좌로 송금하는 방안이 성사단계인 것으로 알려졌습니다.

* facilitate : -을 돕다, 쉽게하다, 용이하게 하다, allowing, overseeing to make it easier or more likely to happen

* transfer : noun. 이전, 양도 -동사로 발음할 때는 2음절에 강세를, 명사로 발음할 때는 1음절에 강세를 둡니다** syn) shift, move, transplant

4. Discredited scientist Hwang Woo-suk is visiting Thailand to explore ways of resuming his research overseas.황우석 박사가 줄기세포 연구 국제 공동연구 참여 방안 모색을 위해 태국으로 출국한 것으로 전해졌습니다.

* discredited : 신용이 떨어진, 평판이 나빠진

** of good credit : 평판이 좋은

5. New York Senator Hillary Clinton opposes Free Trade Agreement with Korea saying the trade deal will harm the American auto industry. 힐러리 클린턴 미국 상원의원은 한미 FTA가 비준되면 미국 자동차산업이 타격을 받을 것이라며 반대 입장을 밝혔습니다.

* deal : a complete agreement of sth. 계약, 협정.

** a big deal : 큰 거래

** a new deal : 재 출발. (The New Deal Policy 뉴딜정책)

Today's Expression..

-내 침대 곁 책상에, 두 번째 서랍에, 맨 오른쪽 구석에……

-In my nightstand, second drawer, in the very, very back on the way right……

From ABK English..

tried to do, but..

I went to school in the evening to study with my classmates, and I stuied in a SURABUL HALL. After a while, I and a few friends went playing basketball. We wanted to do for a short time, but I took loner than we thougth. One hour and a half.. It was so tiring, but we trid to study again. We were so hungry, so we ate RAMEYON. After that, I was so asleep. I slept. I did not have a chance to study..haha..^0^

2007년 6월 10일 일요일

Killing time..

Today is Sunday. There were no interests in my Sunday. dull sunday. I just read some books and did computer for a whild and slept. After all those, a day has been passed. What are these?
It is a waste to spend sunday like this..

Today's Expression..

-너희들 정말 실망이야..

-You are bumming me out..

From ABK English..

Today's News..

Surgery on these three-year-old conjoined twins was halted mid procedure on Wednesday... Doctors said they tried to reduce the swelling but to no avail. So the surgery was called off. The medical team will now probe possible causes of the swelling and decide whether to attempt the surgery again.

세살자리 샴 쌍둥이들의 수술이 수요일 날 중단되었습니다. 의사들은 뇌부종을 진정시키려 노력했지만, 실패했습니다.그렇게 때문에 수술은 중단되었고, 의료팀은 뇌부종의 원인을 점검하고 재수술 여부에 대한 결정을 내리겠다고 밝혔습니다.


- Anaheim Ducks Win Stanley CupThe Anaheim Ducks were originally named for a Disney movie, now they are Stanley Cup Champs. Anaheim beat Ottawa 6-2 to win game five at home and claim the Cup for the first time in their brief 14 year history. As the NHL Championship Round wraps up, the NBA Finals are set to begin Thursday, Lebron James and the Cavaliers play the Spurs in San Antonio.

애너하임 덕스는 Disney 영화에서 따온 이름인데요, 이제 그들은 Stanley Cup 챔프들입니다. 애너하임은 6–2 로 결승시리즈 5차전 홈경기에서 14년의 짧은 역사 안에서 오타와를 꺽고 처음으로 스탠리컵을 차지했습니다. NHL Championship이 끝나면서, NBA 결승전은 Lebron James와 Cavaliers팀이 Spurs 상대로 San Antonio에서 목요일에 시작 됩니다.

From English Go Go..

2007년 6월 9일 토요일

Today's News..

#1. The National Election Commission ruled against President Roh Moo-hyun yesterday, saying his recent criticism of presidential contenders from the main opposition party violated election laws.
중앙선거관리위원회는 어제, 노무현 대통령의 ‘참평포럼’ 강연 내용이 공무원의 선거 중립 의무를 위반했다고 결정했습니다.

* The National Election Commission 중앙선거관리위원회

* rule against ~에게 불리한 재결(판결)을 하다= make a decision against someone<-> rule in favor of someone ~에게 유리한 판결을 하다.

#2. Prosecutors raided several police offices in central Seoul yesterday for a probe of a suspected attempt to cover up an alleged assault by a local tycoon.
김승연 회장 보복 폭행 사건에 대한 늑장 수사 의혹을 수사 중인 서울중앙지검 특별수사팀은 어제, 서울지방경찰청 광역 수사대와 남대문 경찰서, 태평로 지구대에 대해 압수수색을 실시했습니다.

* raid 급습하다, 불시 단속하다, 급습하여 빼앗다..= If the police raid a building, they enter it suddenly and by force in order to look for dangerous criminals or for evidence of something illegal

* probe 철저한 조사, 엄밀한 조사(탐구), 규명, 탐사..= ask questions or try to discover facts about sth, closely investigate sth= launch a probe

#3. The government and the United States will hold security talks today to discuss developments in the planned relocation of U.S. military bases and the transfer of wartime operational command of Korean troops to Seoul.
한미 안보정책구상회의가 오늘 서울에서 열립니다. 양국은 이번 회의에서 주한미군 기지 반환과 평택 이전 문제, 그리고 전시작전통제권 전환을 위한 이행상황 점검과 유엔사 임무 조정 등을 논의할 예정입니다.

* wartime operational command(control) 전시작전통제권

#4. The Ministry of Science and Technology said yesterday Russia's parliament has ratified a technology safeguard pact that removes the last remaining hurdle to Korea's space program.과학기술부는 어제, 국내 첫 자력 위성 발사의 가장 큰 걸림돌이었던 러시아와의 우주기술 보호협정이 러시아 연방 의회의 비준을 통과했다고 밝혔습니다.

* ratify 비준하다, 재가하다, 승인(인가)하다..= When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it

.#5. North Korea is believed to have test-fired two short-range missiles off its western coast yesterday.북한이 어제 서해상에 단거리 미사일 두 발을 발사한 것으로 알려졌습니다.

* be believed to ~로 알려지다, ~라고 믿어지다..

* test fire 시험 발사하다.= just practice, or test sth

Today's Expression..

그건 내 전문분야가 아니야.

That's not my forte..

From ABK English..


I did not go outside today, even once. Why?? It was so hot. I had to go out of home, because we are in the final exams season. I should have been in a library and studied hard, but it was so burden-some. Everything is irrigationg me thesedays.ㅠ.ㅠ

2007년 6월 8일 금요일

Today's Expression..

우리 그냥 넘어갈 수 없을까??

Can we just get by it??

From ABK English..

Today's News..

#1. A new round of ministerial talks between the two Koreas start today in Seoul amid tension over the recent decision to delay a shipment of rice aid to the North. 오늘부터 서울에서 21차 남북장관급회담이 열립니다. 그러나 북한의 2.13 합의이행 지연으로 대북 쌀 차관 제공이 늦어지고 있어 회담진행의 변수가 될 전망입니다.

* round : 협상, (경기나 시합의) 한판, -차, phaseA round of events is a series of related events, especially one which comes after or before a similar series of events.

#2. Korea and Mongolia agreed in summits yesterday to deepen industrial, commercial ties and to also help Korean companies participate in the mine development of Mongolia.한국과 몽골은 어제 정상회담을 갖고 산업과 상업 등의 분야에서의 양국협력 강화와 몽골의 광산 개발에 대한 한국 기업 참여에 관해 합의했습니다.

* commercial: 상업의, 교역의, trading- involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods. - commercial organizations and activities are concerned with making money or profits, rather than, for example, with scientific research or providing a public service. TV광고: TV commercials / 신문,잡지광고 : advertisements

* participate in=take part in =be involved in=join참여하다, 관여하다

#3. The Chief of National Police virtually dismissed calls to resign amid growing suspicions that some senior police officers tried to cover up an alleged assault by a local tycoon한화그룹 회장의 보복 폭행 사건에 대한 부실수사에 대한 책임을 두고 경찰청장에 대한 사퇴요구가 거세지고 있는 가운데 이택순 경찰청장이 사실상 사퇴를 거부했습니다.

* dismiss: reject, 생각을 버리다, (소송을) 기각하다, 해고하다, to let goIf you dismiss something, you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider. ( 해산하다의 의미로 :class dismissed !)<- 수업 끝!

* cover up sth : try to hide the truth (of a crime/ mistake/ ..)숨김, 은폐, 은닉 = conceal, hide, disguise,

#4. After focusing on developing independent satellite and launcher technologies through 2016, the government will begin the exploration of extraterrestrial planets from 2017.정부는 2016년까지 위성. 발사체에 관한 핵심 기술을 확보해 우주개발을 위한 기술자립화를 이룬 뒤 2017년 이후에는 행성탐사에 적극 나설 계획임을 어제 밝혔습니다.

* extraterrestrial : 지구 밖의, 행성 밖의, (명사: 지구 밖의 생물)Extraterrestrial means happening, existing, or coming from somewhere beyond the planet Earth.
(terrestrial : earthy, 지구상의..)(extra- : -이상의, - 범위 외의..)

#5. The government has announced a plan to cut down the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions and support companies that specialize in and commercialize related technologies.정부는 어제 온실가스를 감축하는 등의 내용이 담긴 법안을 마련하고 특히 온실가스 저감기술을 개발하고 이를 사업화하는 업체를 지원하는 방안을 발표했습니다.

* cut down : 줄이다, 삭감하다, 감축하다, If you cut down on something or cut down something, you use or do less of it. (He cut down on coffee and cigarettes)* - lize : ~으로 만들다, ~화 하다

From Morning Special..

Presentation Day..

I stayed up all night today, because I had to make a presentation in Frofessor Wood's class. I did not prepared for it beforehand, so I had to do it hurridly. I Stayed up all night literally. We had ra-myun in the morning and we have done power point work right before the class began at 9:00 o'clock. I was very nervous like having butterflies in my stomach, but I tried to do my best, so there is little regrets. Hosoup Fighting..^0^

2007년 6월 7일 목요일

Today's Expression..

콘택트 렌즈가 돌아갔어요..

My contact lens slipped..

From ABK English..


I heard the fact that Chang hyun and Su bin were also going out with only after Jin-hyun's accident two days ago. This is exam period. This is not a making-couple season..^0^
I am actually envious of them, but isn't is a good thing? And, I think they are fitted into each other..

Today's News..

The Beginning of Personalized DNA Maps

For the first time, all 6 billion letters of one human’s DNA has been mapped out and condensed to one single disk. It took 2 months to map James. D. Watson’s entire genome, at the cost of $1 million dollars. In honor of his involvement in cracking the DNA code half a century ago, Watson was chosen for the honor but many suspect it’s the start of a new era. DNA contains inherited instructions for genes, controlling everything from eye color, to a person’s predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease, but a person’s genome changes on almost a daily basis. In the near future, personalized DNA sequencing is predicted to be available for as little as $1,000 and many speculate it will become a big part in maintaining one’s health.

* condense to(into) 응축하다(압축하다), 요약하다, 모으다..= change sth into a liquid / make sth shorter(smaller), usually by including only the most important parts.eg) condense file 파일을 압축하다.condense luggage 짐을 줄이다.condensed milk 연유

* in honor(honour) of ~에 경의를 표하여, ~을 축하하여= recognize someone(or sth) for doing sth greateg) in honor of his achievementin honor of his involvement

Androids of the Future Becoming a Reality

Kansei reacts to English words such as "bomb", "love" and "president" with different facial expressions but is only the head of a robot. At 33kg and 130cm tall, CB2, a baby robot can roll around, speak, take a few steps and even react to touch. Japan’s fascination with robots only seems to be growing with robots becoming more human-like. Kansei has 36 facial expressions and is programmed to make a reaction based on word associations from a database of 500,000 keywords. In a few years, Kansei is expected to be able to speak and convey feelings. CB2 is predicted to function better and mature to walk and talk like a three-year-old.

* android n. 인조 인간 a. 인간의 특징을 가진= a robot that looks like a human being.

* roll around 데굴데굴 구르다, ~을 데굴데굴 굴리다.

** roll(sprain) my ankle 발목을 삐다.

* convey 전달하다(알리다, 전하다), 뜻하다, 양도하다, 나르다(운반하다) = communicate something / mean something / transfer something through carrier

From Morning Special..

Today's News..

The Beginning of Personalized DNA Maps

For the first time, all 6 billion letters of one human’s DNA has been mapped out and condensed to one single disk. It took 2 months to map James. D. Watson’s entire genome, at the cost of $1 million dollars. In honor of his involvement in cracking the DNA code half a century ago, Watson was chosen for the honor but many suspect it’s the start of a new era. DNA contains inherited instructions for genes, controlling everything from eye color, to a person’s predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease, but a person’s genome changes on almost a daily basis. In the near future, personalized DNA sequencing is predicted to be available for as little as $1,000 and many speculate it will become a big part in maintaining one’s health.

* condense to(into) 응축하다(압축하다), 요약하다, 모으다..= change sth into a liquid / make sth shorter(smaller), usually by including only the most important parts.eg) condense file 파일을 압축하다.condense luggage 짐을 줄이다.condensed milk 연유

* in honor(honour) of ~에 경의를 표하여, ~을 축하하여= recognize someone(or sth) for doing sth greateg) in honor of his achievementin honor of his involvement

Androids of the Future Becoming a Reality

Kansei reacts to English words such as "bomb", "love" and "president" with different facial expressions but is only the head of a robot. At 33kg and 130cm tall, CB2, a baby robot can roll around, speak, take a few steps and even react to touch. Japan’s fascination with robots only seems to be growing with robots becoming more human-like. Kansei has 36 facial expressions and is programmed to make a reaction based on word associations from a database of 500,000 keywords. In a few years, Kansei is expected to be able to speak and convey feelings. CB2 is predicted to function better and mature to walk and talk like a three-year-old.

* android n. 인조 인간 a. 인간의 특징을 가진= a robot that looks like a human being.

* roll around 데굴데굴 구르다, ~을 데굴데굴 굴리다.

** roll(sprain) my ankle 발목을 삐다.

* convey 전달하다(알리다, 전하다), 뜻하다, 양도하다, 나르다(운반하다) = communicate something / mean something / transfer something through carrier

From Morning Special..

2007년 6월 6일 수요일

Today's News..

Putin speculates on missile targeting

Comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding aiming missiles at Europe were condemned as "unhelpful and unwelcome" by a NATO official. Putin’s remarks came in response to a reporter’s question about US plans to build a missile shield in Eastern Europe. Many nations in Western Europe that were former enemies of Russia during the Cold War have been worried by the prospect of Russian missiles being aimed at them. Putin’s spokesman says that the President was only speaking hypothetically, and that the measure would be a security response to the US.The US claims that the planned shield is intended to intercept missiles from countries such as Iran and North Korea. Russia argues that those countries pose no threat, and that the shield would neutralize Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

* speculate on 깊이 생각하다

* hypothetically 가정한다면(가정해서), 만약에 ~가정한다면..= sth is based on possible ideas or situations rather than actual ones.

** hypothesis 가설, 가정

* intercept 가로채다, 차단(방해)하다, 요격하다..= you stop sth before they get to their destination..

** interception 가로챔, 차단, 요격, 저지..경기 중에 공을 가로채는 것도 interception을 씁니다 :)

Chinese market takes a plunge

Chinese stocks nosedived Monday by 8.3 percent- their second biggest fall this decade. $340 billion in market value was erased after the Chinese government jacked up the share trading tax, prompting many investors to sell. The move came as an apparent action to cool the Chinese market after its strong bull run. Chinese newspapers and analysts are assuring investors the market still has a positive medium and long-term outlook. Many fund managers and analysts in Asia have said that the Chinese market has much more room to fall, as it had already risen 62% this year. They also believe the government would not allow a prolonged drop that could cause social unrest or threaten economic expansion.

* take a plunge 떨어지다, 추락하다.= decrease quickly and suddenly. (= nosedive)(<->soar)

* jack up 밀어 올리다, 높이다.= to raise sth yourself eg) jack up the share trading tax 주식 거래세를 올리다jack up the price 가격을 올리다.

** 자동차를 고칠 때(또는 타이어를 갈 때) 차를 들어올리는 장치를 jack이라고 합니다.

* bull run 자꾸 사들임, 고공행진 = buy shares in expectation of a price rise, in order to make a profit by selling the shares again after a short time.

** bear market 위축(약세) 시장, 하락 시세

** bullish on sth : expected to rise <-> bearish on sth :expected to fall

From Morning Special..

Without you..

Today was the memorial service day. It was a special day. If there were not those people who died to keep their own contry, I think I am not here. Thank you very much for your existing and your respectful behaviors.

Today's Expression..

평결이 나왔나요?

Have you reached the verdict?

From ABK English..

Today's Expression..

당신은 묵비권을 행사할 권리가 있습니다..

You have the right to remain silent..

From ABK English..

2007년 6월 5일 화요일

Today's Expression..

Renee is here to help me with some of the notes that I can’t hit which there may be quite a few, actually.

- 제가 (노래)부르기 어려운 부분은 Renee가 도와주기로 했습니다. 사실 그런 부분이 상당히 많긴 하지만 말이죠.

From ABK English..

Today's News..

#1.PyeongChang received the best marks in an IOC report evaluating the city's bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.2014년 동계올림픽 유치에 나선 강원도 평창이 국제올림픽위원회의 현지 실사에서 최고점을 받았습니다.

* receive the best marks : 최고점을 받다mark : 점수, 평점, grade, quality점수를 올리다 : mark up

* evaluate : 평가하다 syn. estimate If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them,

#2. The government sent back 66tons of imported U.S. beef because they were processed for domestic consumption. 정부는 66톤의 미국산 쇠고기가 내수용으로 가공됨이 밝혀짐에 따라 해당 쇠고기를 전량 반송했습니다.

* processed for : ~의 목적으로 가공된When raw materials or foods are processed, they are prepared in factories before they are used or sold.가공식품:process(ed) food / 가공업 : the processing industry가공업자 : a processor, a process manufacturer

* domestic consumption 내수, 국내소비=home consumption <-> 국내생산 domestic production

#3. The Ministry of Defense disclosed the results of their investigation, concluding a Korean soldier found dead in Iraq had committed suicide. 국방부는 사망사건 수사결과 발표에서 이라크 자이툰부대에서 숨진 채 발견된 오모중위는 자살한 것으로 판단된다고 밝혔습니다.

* disclose : = reveal, 발표하다, release the information, give disclosure 폭로하다dis- + verb : 반대동작의 뜻.ex: dispraise (=blame), discharge ,

#4. Railway authorities are taking criticism for neglecting public safety, allowing trains to pass a railroad section even though they were aware of risk 철도공사가 지반이상을 보고받은 뒤에도 열차를 운행한 사실이 드러나 승객안전에 소홀했다는 비난을 받고 있습니다.

neglect : 무시하다, 방치하다, (의무, 일을)게을리 하다disregardnegligence : 방치, 무시If you neglect someone or something, you fail to give them the amount of attention that they deserve

#5.Korean Air Co. said it is considering establishing a low-cost airline to boost its international competitiveness.대한항공이 국제 항공시장 경쟁력 강화를 위해 저가 항공사 설립을 검토하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.

* a low cost airline : 저가 항공기 = a low cost carrier , a budget carrier(airline)- a puddle jump *competitiveness : 경쟁력- instead of boost ; strengthen, increase..

From Morning Special..

Birth of couple..

These days are Finals period, therefore we should study. It is a natural result, but we had a drink. It is because we are freshmen.^0^ Jin-hyun told us, classmates, he was going out with Min-geyoung. We were not that suprised by the fact, because we already knew a liitle. Congratulations both of you guys..^0^

2007년 6월 4일 월요일

Beer in a basket..

I played basketball today. It was so hot, so I sweat a lot. I felt so good, because working out was not a frequent thing for me these days. After that, I drank beer with Han-su, because I was so thirsty. Drinking in miday was not that bad.^0^

Today's Expression..

Ally는 3년 연속으로 얌전한 체하는 여자 대회에서 일등을 했었어요

Ally was voted the biggest prude three years running.

From ABK English..

Today's News..

Violent confrontations erupt in G-8 protests

146 German police officers were injured- 18 seriously- in a G-8 demonstration involving an estimated 30,000 protesters. Although most participants in the officially-permitted march were peaceful, about 2,000 were violent, using chunks of paving stones to attack riot control police. Water canons and tear gas were used to keep the crowds on a leash. Although many of the protesters were not aggressive, some taunted the 13,000-member police force. 17 protesters were arrested, according to police officials.Global warming, AIDS and poverty in Africa, and the world economy are on the agenda for G-8 nation leaders in the 3-day summit, which is to begin on Wednesday. A seven-mile fence has been built around the summit site, and a protest ban is in effect in the area.

(1) keep on a leash : 억제하다, 속박하다, 가죽 끈으로 매어두다
keep under control"Water canons and tear gas were used to keep the crowds on a leash"; 시위를 통제하기 위해 물대포와 최루탄이 이용됐습니다.

(2) taunt : 조롱하다, 비아냥거리다, say unkind/insulting things syn: mock, tease..

Site east of Dongtan selected for new satellite town

A new satellite town has been designated east of Dongtan in Kyeonggi Province, and will house approximately 260,000 people in 105,000 residences. It is expected that the households will be ready for moving in from September 2012. The new town is being built to make up for the lack of affordable real estate in Gangnam, as well as in the burgeoning satellite city Bundang. However, with the commute from Dongtan to Gangnam estimated at about 40 minutes, it is uncertain whether the new town will meet prospective citizens’ needs.The designated price per pyeong is 8 million won, which is 30% lower than nearby areas’ average costs. It has also been said that private development will be banned by the government in the area, in order to curb rapid price surges.

- satilite town/city : 위성도시

- 본문 두번째 문장의 house : ~을 수용하다.

(1) make up for : 만회하다, 부족분을 보충하다, make the situation better (for the lack of sth) syn: compensate for

(2) burgeoning :(인구등이) 급증하는, 급성장하는 growing or developing 'rapidly'
급성장하는 산업 : burgeoning industry

From Morning Special..

2007년 6월 3일 일요일

Today's Expression..

나는 너를 명예훼손죄로 고소하겠어.

I am sueing you for defamaiton..

cf) Plaintiff : 원고.. Defendant : 피고

From ABK English..

Today's News..

Pressure increasing for World Bank head to resign

A special seven-member committee of the World Bank has concluded that the World Bank’s president, Paul D. Wolfowitz, has indeed crossed the line in arranging a job and pay increases for a female companion. The report was not made public, in a move made seemingly in order to force a speedy resignation and avoid further public action. A senior official of the boards stated that Wolfowitz has only been given a day or two to respond. Wolfowitz has denied any conflict-of-interest charges, and has vowed not to quit, stating that he acted in line with the bank’s ethics rules. He is currently two years into his five-year term at the position.

* cross the line 넘지 않아야 할 선(경계, 한계, 정도)를 넘다, 건너다.
= cross what is acceptable
- 여기서 the line은 the acceptable thing or the rule

** walk the line 바르게 (바른길을) 걷다(가다)draw the line 경계(한계)를 긋다
out of line = cross the line

* conflict-of-interest 이해관계가 상충됨 (충돌, 대립, 마찰, 다툼..)
= 이 기사에서는 사적 관계 vs. 공적 위치(책임)

Spidey climbs to the top of the box office

Spiderman 3 shattered box office records across the globe over the weekend, raking in a lucrative $151 million dollars in the U.S. alone. The web-slinging superhero easily surpassed the previous record for a three-day weekend opening, held by last year’s Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. The film also set a record for opening day gross, taking in $59 million on its premiere last Friday.Spiderman 3 was the most expensive to make of the franchise, which is based on the classic comic book. Marketing spin-offs and promotions from the movie are expected to greatly increase revenues as well.

* rake in (돈을) 잔뜩 긁어들이다(벌다)
=making a lot of money
- rake : 긁어모으다= to gather up the leaves on the ground

** raking in the cash, raking in the money
= collecting a lot of money effortlessly

** swimming in cash, piling up the cash 돈이 수북이 쌓여있다.

* base on ~을 근거로 하다, ~에 입각하다.. 이 기사에서는 원작에 기반하다.
= If you base one thing on another thing, the first thing develops from the second thing.

From Morning Special..

Hot, but enjoy..

It was so hot today, so I tried to go to library in the morning, but I gave up. So I have been home all day long today. Naturally, I came to have much time to play with a computer. I watched movie, "IF Only" through a computer. It was so touching, so moving. And I memorized a pop song "Littlest things" by Lily Allen which came out from Ju-yeon's cyworld as a BGM. I enjoyed a cultural life today..^0^

2007년 6월 2일 토요일

Today's News..

Aircraft disaster in Cameroon

A Kenyan Airways flight originating on the Ivory Coast crashed in Cameroon shortly after midnight on Sunday has not yet been located. Rescue teams are scouring remote rainforest near the small town of Lolodorf in southern Cameroon for wreckage and any signs of survivors. The aircraft had stopped in the coastal city Douara in Cameroon to pick up more passengers and lost contact with air traffic controllers shortly after takeoff. The flight was bound for Nairobi when it sent out a distress signal.Search efforts to find the jet have been hampered by fog, rain and the thick jungle in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the plane's emergency transponder has been silent. 114 people from 25 different countries were on board.

- originate: 일어나다 발원하다 시작되다 to happen or appear for the first time.
A flight originated from New York : 뉴욕 발 비행기
- sth born from an idea or attitude..

- bound for : -로 향하다 -로 가는길인 headed for
A train bound for Seoul : 서울행 기차.
South bound train : 남행기차

Bound to get in trouble = likely in trouble

Mayweather victorious over De La Hoya in split decision

In a bout that was hyped as a fight to save boxing, the 2 to 1 favorite Floyd Mayweather Jr. defeated underdog Oscar De La Hoya in a split decision. The sellout crowd witnessed both fighters going full tilt from the opening bell for a full 12 rounds, with neither fighter going down. While De La Hoya had thrown more punches and was more aggressive, Mayweather won the fight with his superior defence and lightning speed. Mayweather has remained undefeated in 38 fights, and earned at least $10 million. De La Hoya made $25 million from the match, which was boxing's richest fight ever for profits.

- in split decision 만장일치가 아닌

- the sellout crowd : 표가 만석인/매진된 상태 의 객석/군중

- hyped : 과대선전으로 늘리다, 속이다, 사기hype up : to deliberately make them very excited about sth.over hyped : 너무 지나치다hype : 사기, 과대선전 (don't believe the hype ! )

- full tilt : 전속력으로, 힘껏 to move full tilt or at full tilt means to move with as much speed.full speed ahead, = pedal to the metal :

-When the accelerator is pushed so far it cant move any more

- in some cars it hits a metal bar, or the end of the footwell (which is hopefully made of metal).

- Obviously if you have the accelerator all the way fowards you're going to be gathering speed...or going fairly fast.

From Morning Special..

Today's Expression..

놀란 표정 짓지 말아요. 얼굴 뚱뚱해 보여요.

Don't look shocked.. It makes your face look fat..

From ABK English..

About Today..

Today was so boring. I think I have not talk to anyone today, just because I could not meet with someone that I know. I just went to the library in the morning, but I could not focus on studying for some reason. I just went back home and just killed time in the afternoon, but I got back to the library as soon as I felf that time was wasted. Back home again at around 9:30 in the evening. Did some web-surfing and gonna sleep a little later at 12..

2007년 6월 1일 금요일

It was a night full of enthusiasm..^0^

In the face of June, we drank alcohol. It was a pity that we just let May go, so we drank. It was so fun. We hanged around until 5 in the morning. After 3-hour shut-eye, I went to class at 9 in the morning. It was so tiring and I was half-asleep during class. After that, I right got back to my home and went into bed.uh...................

Today's Expression..

일이 그렇게 마무리 되어서 기분이 찝찝해..

I felt so bad the way we left things..

From ABK English..

Today's News..

Tension rises on Turkish-Iraq Border

Turkey is considering a cross-border operation into northern Iraq despite strong opposition from US. Turkish military has already deployed more than 50.000 troops along the south-eastern border with Iraq. Ground forces are supported by F-16’s, Sikorsky helicopters and main battle tanks. Sources say this is the largest military build-up in nearly a decade. Turkey accuses the terrorist group PKK of using bases in northern Iraq to carry out attacks on Turkey. Security forces have already started operations within Turkish territory and killed 10 PKK terrorists. Pressure on the government for an incursion into Iraq mounted after a suicide bombing in Ankara and airspace violations by two US F16’s last week.

* deploy v. 전개하다, 배치하다
n. 전개, 배치 = to spread out ready for use / place troops or weapons in battle formation.

** deploy the troops <-> withdraw : 철군하다. 철수하다

** station(serving, on a tour of duty) 보다 aggressive.

* incursion 침입 습격, 유입..
= entering some territory or domain, penetration, intruding (cf) invasion)

** incursion into somewhere

US tightened sanctions on Sudan

US exerts pressure on Sudan government through new and stricter sanctions over atrocities in Sudan’s western region of Darfur. The violence erupted after an ethnic minority rebellion in 2003 in Darfur. According to UN numbers 4 year clashes left 200.000 people dead and forced 2 million people from their homes. New sanctions bar another 31 companies including oil exporters from trade. Arab league, Egypt and China expressed their concerns over sanctions imposed on Sudan, stating that sanctions never lead to any solution and only Sudanese people suffer from them after all. On the other hand Britain and France welcomed the plan, hoping that it may help opening a corridor between neighboring Chad and Sudan in order to get humanitarian aid to Darfur.

* exert 쓰다, 행사하다, 가하다, 미치다..= put to use, demonstrate..
ef) Don't over exert yourself. (스스로를) 너무 힘들게 하지 마! (소진하지 마.)

* sanction 재가, 인가, 구속력, 제재, 체벌, 제재(조치)..
= restrictions or complete bans..

* bar 잠그다, 방해하다, 막다, 금하다..
= act of preventing, to stop, to block

From Morning Special..