IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 6월 14일 목요일

Today's News..

Bangladesh monsoons claim over 100

A torrent of mudslides, flooding, and lightning in southeastern Bangladesh has raised the death toll to 107 yesterday, including 11 killed by lightning strikes. About 22 centimeters of rain fell in just three hours early Monday. The worst-hit area was a jam-packed shantytown in the city of Chittagong, where large chunks of hill collapsed and buried dozens of bamboo and straw shacks. One man was bereaved of five family members, including his wife and two sons. Hundreds of people in vulnerable areas were relocated to shelters in concrete school buildings, according to rescue officials. Government and charity agencies gave out food and water to about 1,000 people that had no homes after the catastrophe. Emergency workers rescued more than 50 injured people from the rubble.

* monsoon 호우= seasonal heavy rain

* a torrent of sth= a large amount sth happening suddenly and all at ones

** torrential rain(downfalls) 호우, 억수 같은 비

** torrent download = super fast download system

* be bereaved of 잃다, 여의다, 친상을 당하다..= a relative or close friend have recently died(passed away)..

eg) the bereaved period 죽음을 애도하는 기간

the bereaved husband 아내를 잃은 남편

Billionaire father now hiring for the position of son-in-law

A billionaire landowner who owns over 100 billion won worth of land and buildings in Gangnam is searching for his daughter’s future husband over the internet. The 68-year old man consulted with a matchmaking company and asked it to find an eligible man for his 38-year old daughter, who returned from the U.S. two years ago after finishing bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Among other conditions, it is expected that the prospective son-in-law will be able to fend for himself financially,The company is accepting applications until June 15, after which it plans to narrow down the field to five men. The woman will then choose two of them to meet. More than 100 men have applied so far.

* prospective 예상된, 장차의, 기대되는..= to describe someone who wants to be the thing mentioned or who is likely to be the thing mentioned.

* fend for oneself 자활하다, 혼자 힘으로 꾸려나가다..= should be able to support oneself, to look after oneself without relying on help from anyone else.

** mooch off 빌붙다.eg) They're mooching off me. 그들은 내게 빌붙고 있어.

** moocher 빌붙는 사람, 흔히 빈대 (?) (= freeloader)

* narrow the field (범위 등을) 좁히다(좁혀지다).= to reduce the number of things, make sth smaller.

eg) narrow the field down to three 세명으로 좁히다.(좁혀지다)

From Morning Special..

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