IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 6월 12일 화요일

Today's News..

England’s testing policies under fire from influential organization

In a report submitted last week, England’s General Teaching Council said that English and schoolchildren are among the most tested in the world, facing an average of 70 major exams before the age of 16. In its scathing attack on the testing system, the council claimed that over-testing is poisoning attitudes towards education, and forcing teachers to drill students in rote memorization rather than provide a broad education.Keith Bartley, chief executive of the council, said that the exams are “missing the point,” by only testing a limited range of knowledge and skills. He added that there was no point in having a day each year when England’s “eleven-year olds were in a state of panic.” Psychiatrists visiting some schools have reported children as young as six suffering from anxiety.

(1st) miss the point : 핵심을 놓치다, 요점을 이해하지 못하다.

** keep to the point : 요점에서 벗어나지 않다.

** point by point :일일이, 하나하나

** You don't get it (You're missing the point)

(2nd) scathing : 냉혹한, 가차 없는, very fiercely critical

** a scathing review (on a movie) 신랄한 비판/비평= you pull no punches = you fully attack it

Russia may have a role in North Korean funds transfer

A new plan to release North Korean assets frozen in a Macau bank account may involve the help of Russia. It is hoped that this latest solution will put an end to the financial predicament, which has been a thorn in the side of denuclearization talks with North Korea. An unidentified U.S. bank may be used to transfer the funds to a North Korean account in an unidentified Russian bank. Although there is a ban on American banks handling North Korean assets, the bank involved will be guaranteed exemption for the transaction. Despite intense effort, little progress had been made in the situation involving the frozen funds, which amount to $25 million U.S. Chief American nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill has emphasized the need to settle the issue and re-focus on the six-party talks.

(1st) thorn in my side : 고민거리, 불안의 원인. 옆구리의 가시a pain (in the neck) , a little nagging problem

** If you describe someone or something as a thorn in your side or a thorn in your flesh, you mean that they are a continuous problem to you or annoy you.

(2nd) unidentified : 불확실한 미확인의* the victim is not identified...

** UFO (unidentified flying object): 미확인 비행물체

** identification card : ID card 신분증

** CID - 발신자번호표시서비스

From Morning Special..

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