IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 6월 8일 금요일

Today's News..

#1. A new round of ministerial talks between the two Koreas start today in Seoul amid tension over the recent decision to delay a shipment of rice aid to the North. 오늘부터 서울에서 21차 남북장관급회담이 열립니다. 그러나 북한의 2.13 합의이행 지연으로 대북 쌀 차관 제공이 늦어지고 있어 회담진행의 변수가 될 전망입니다.

* round : 협상, (경기나 시합의) 한판, -차, phaseA round of events is a series of related events, especially one which comes after or before a similar series of events.

#2. Korea and Mongolia agreed in summits yesterday to deepen industrial, commercial ties and to also help Korean companies participate in the mine development of Mongolia.한국과 몽골은 어제 정상회담을 갖고 산업과 상업 등의 분야에서의 양국협력 강화와 몽골의 광산 개발에 대한 한국 기업 참여에 관해 합의했습니다.

* commercial: 상업의, 교역의, trading- involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods. - commercial organizations and activities are concerned with making money or profits, rather than, for example, with scientific research or providing a public service. TV광고: TV commercials / 신문,잡지광고 : advertisements

* participate in=take part in =be involved in=join참여하다, 관여하다

#3. The Chief of National Police virtually dismissed calls to resign amid growing suspicions that some senior police officers tried to cover up an alleged assault by a local tycoon한화그룹 회장의 보복 폭행 사건에 대한 부실수사에 대한 책임을 두고 경찰청장에 대한 사퇴요구가 거세지고 있는 가운데 이택순 경찰청장이 사실상 사퇴를 거부했습니다.

* dismiss: reject, 생각을 버리다, (소송을) 기각하다, 해고하다, to let goIf you dismiss something, you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider. ( 해산하다의 의미로 :class dismissed !)<- 수업 끝!

* cover up sth : try to hide the truth (of a crime/ mistake/ ..)숨김, 은폐, 은닉 = conceal, hide, disguise,

#4. After focusing on developing independent satellite and launcher technologies through 2016, the government will begin the exploration of extraterrestrial planets from 2017.정부는 2016년까지 위성. 발사체에 관한 핵심 기술을 확보해 우주개발을 위한 기술자립화를 이룬 뒤 2017년 이후에는 행성탐사에 적극 나설 계획임을 어제 밝혔습니다.

* extraterrestrial : 지구 밖의, 행성 밖의, (명사: 지구 밖의 생물)Extraterrestrial means happening, existing, or coming from somewhere beyond the planet Earth.
(terrestrial : earthy, 지구상의..)(extra- : -이상의, - 범위 외의..)

#5. The government has announced a plan to cut down the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions and support companies that specialize in and commercialize related technologies.정부는 어제 온실가스를 감축하는 등의 내용이 담긴 법안을 마련하고 특히 온실가스 저감기술을 개발하고 이를 사업화하는 업체를 지원하는 방안을 발표했습니다.

* cut down : 줄이다, 삭감하다, 감축하다, If you cut down on something or cut down something, you use or do less of it. (He cut down on coffee and cigarettes)* - lize : ~으로 만들다, ~화 하다

From Morning Special..

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