IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 6월 4일 월요일

Today's News..

Violent confrontations erupt in G-8 protests

146 German police officers were injured- 18 seriously- in a G-8 demonstration involving an estimated 30,000 protesters. Although most participants in the officially-permitted march were peaceful, about 2,000 were violent, using chunks of paving stones to attack riot control police. Water canons and tear gas were used to keep the crowds on a leash. Although many of the protesters were not aggressive, some taunted the 13,000-member police force. 17 protesters were arrested, according to police officials.Global warming, AIDS and poverty in Africa, and the world economy are on the agenda for G-8 nation leaders in the 3-day summit, which is to begin on Wednesday. A seven-mile fence has been built around the summit site, and a protest ban is in effect in the area.

(1) keep on a leash : 억제하다, 속박하다, 가죽 끈으로 매어두다
keep under control"Water canons and tear gas were used to keep the crowds on a leash"; 시위를 통제하기 위해 물대포와 최루탄이 이용됐습니다.

(2) taunt : 조롱하다, 비아냥거리다, say unkind/insulting things syn: mock, tease..

Site east of Dongtan selected for new satellite town

A new satellite town has been designated east of Dongtan in Kyeonggi Province, and will house approximately 260,000 people in 105,000 residences. It is expected that the households will be ready for moving in from September 2012. The new town is being built to make up for the lack of affordable real estate in Gangnam, as well as in the burgeoning satellite city Bundang. However, with the commute from Dongtan to Gangnam estimated at about 40 minutes, it is uncertain whether the new town will meet prospective citizens’ needs.The designated price per pyeong is 8 million won, which is 30% lower than nearby areas’ average costs. It has also been said that private development will be banned by the government in the area, in order to curb rapid price surges.

- satilite town/city : 위성도시

- 본문 두번째 문장의 house : ~을 수용하다.

(1) make up for : 만회하다, 부족분을 보충하다, make the situation better (for the lack of sth) syn: compensate for

(2) burgeoning :(인구등이) 급증하는, 급성장하는 growing or developing 'rapidly'
급성장하는 산업 : burgeoning industry

From Morning Special..

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