IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 3월 31일 토요일


I just got back from a wedding ceremony which took place at the ritzcarlton hotel in Gang-Nam. It was the first time that I went to the wedding ceremony held in a hotel. The bridegroom is one of my relatives and he graduated from Yonsei university and is now with Samsung electronics. He is kind of hansome and I am so jealous of him. The bride was so beautiful and she is a designer. I think they are and will be a fantastic couple. I hope they live happily for good..^-^

2007년 3월 29일 목요일

It was a close call..

I was invlolved in a group which consists of me, jin-heyon, han-su, young-ho and seong-suk. We had a homework due today. The class started at 1:00 P.M. and we finished the assignment 1:01 P.M. We were so nervous, because we were worried that we were not going to make it. Actually we were late for the class, but we handed in the assingnmet. From the other side of view, it was kind of interesting, because my palms were sweaty and my mouth was like cotton..Anyway, I thought I would have to be more prepared from now on.

2007년 3월 28일 수요일

Week 4 Journal..

1.What language areas do you think you particularly want to work on to be a well qualified English teacher?

I think "Speaking" is the basis and one of the most important areas. I think the fact that you speak English fluently means your writing, listening and reading are also great, so I will practice a lot to speak well. I suppose a good English speaker seems to be resepcted by his or her students.

2.Stundents these days tend to really care their English teacher's pronunciation. They seem to believe that English teachers should pronounce just like a native speakers of English. What do you think about this belief? How would you react to this attitude (belief)?

I think pronunciaiton is very important when you first learn language, but speaking just like a native speaker is too hard even to English teachers. Knowing how to pronounce exactly and teaching well what you know are more important, I think. So, I think it is not that good to judge a teachr only by how good his or her pronunciation is.

2007년 3월 27일 화요일

Homework with a capital H...

My classmates all have a class, Linguistics for non-linguists. This subject is too hard for me. I guess everyone in our classroom feel so hard for us to understand. Besides that, we have a homework which is due the day after tomorrow. I do not exactly grasp what the book explains and have to do the assignment. It drives me up the wall, but I know it is what I have to do.
Maybe I am going to stay up all night until I get the whole idea. Is there anybody who absolutely understand this book?? Please teach me what this book is about..ㅠ.ㅠ

2007년 3월 26일 월요일

Shopping in Dong-da-moon.

I went to Dong-da-moon with hong-min. He bought some clothes and I went along. There were so so many people out there. It got me thinking of the fact that "Seoul is big". haha..~~ There were a lot of women, but they were all less beautiful than those who are girls in our class.^^
I have always been to CAU and my place everyday. I mean even though I am in Seoul now, I have always been in one place, Black-stone dong. I think it was so funny that I hanged around other place.

2007년 3월 25일 일요일

I love music..

I am not a good singer. In a nutshell, I am a tone-deaf, but I like listening to music. I have not found, I believe, such a good song for a long time, but I found the one today. I happened to browse the internet and then listened to the song. It was "Way back into love" and a kind of catchy song, so I have hummed the song to myself all day long. Here are the lyrics and have the feeling I got..

I've been living with a shadow overhead

I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed

I've been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away

Just in case I ever need em again someday

I've been setting aside time

To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love

I can't make it through without a way back into love

Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine

I've been searching but I just don't see the signs

I know that it's out there

There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light

Not just somebody just to get me throught the night

I could use some direction

And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love

I can't make it through without a way back into love

And if I open my heart again

I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end

There are moments when I don't know if it's real

Or if anybody feels the way I feel

I need inspiration

Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love

I can't make it through without a way back into love

And if I open my heart to you

I'm hoping you'll show me what to do

And if you help me to start again

You know that I'll be there for you in the end

2007년 3월 24일 토요일

It has been a long day..

I got out of the bed around 9:00 A.M. and had a breakfast. After that, I did an assignment from "A history of the English language". It was never easy to map the United Kindom. I started the work at 10. I finish up at 17. It took me seven hours to finish it up. Although I took a rest several times, It was still difficult. I have got shaky hands. I have got more homeworks. I should have them done by tomorrow. I think it is going to be another long day tomorrow,but I can enjoy it if i can not avoid it. More power to me, bebe~~^-^

2007년 3월 23일 금요일

What a pleasant surprise!!

Some guy gave me a call last night. I did not recognize him at first, but I got to know who he was after a while. He was a friend of mine when I was in Pusan, and he called me. He is now in the U.S and he phoned me from the U.S. It was so sweet of him. We had a lot to catch up on, so we wanted to do a lot of talking, but it was too long-distance call. It was the matter of phone bill..haha. Anyway it was too much a great moment. Why don't you call someone whom you have not been in touch with for a while? I guess he or she is going to be pleased..Give it a shot~~^0^

2007년 3월 22일 목요일

Go get'em, tiger..!!

As the spring semester goes, homeworks are piling up. Of this week's assignments, mapping the Uninted Kingdom is the most stressful. I am never good at painting and it is going to take me a lot of times. People say women tend to draw the map better than men. It is said that they color the map and try to do their best to make the map look pretty. I will have to do the same as women do to meet the balance with girls. I think it is going to be another daunting task to me.
Wait...wait..Let me look on the bright sight. It is not interesting when there is a problem that I can solve easily. I think I am going to feel as much hard as anybody. I can do it. Go for it..ho-sub..

2007년 3월 21일 수요일

Spring smiles at us..

It is raining. Days ago, it was snowing, but rain is coming now. It says spring is around the corner. Maybe spring just arrived. Cherry blossom is going to be in full bloom and there will be many couples coming up. It is just right that spring is the season of life. Does anybody have a plan for spring? I have one. I am going to go sightseeing cherry blossom. I heard that CAU has a great view, but I want to go somewhere else. Could you tell me where I should go to see a great view of cherry blossom and is there anybody who wants to go along??^-^

2007년 3월 20일 화요일

Week 3 Journal..

I just researched myself through "Learning Style test" and "MBTI test" and results are as follows. One test said to me that I should "Learn more faster" and the other test told me that I was included in "The Portrait of the Protector Guardian(Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging, or iSfJ )". Surprisingly, there were a lot of things having to do with me in truth. I mean it said lots of traits that I have in real. How amazing it is! Let me write down a few sentences that exactly interpret me.
"Protectors are not as outgoing and talkative as the Providers, except with close friends and relatives." This is how I usually feel all the time. I am so introverted and quiet that it is a little hard for you to make friends with me, but once you and I become friends, I think we can have a great bond of friendship.
"Protectors' shyness with strangers is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth these Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need." I am so timid with strangers that I usually flush in front of them. People ask me if I am angry when I am just myself. I mean if I do not put a smile to my face all the time, they think I am kind of angry, but I think I am warm-hearted inside myself. My quietness ought really to be seen as an expression, not of coldness, but of my sincerity and seriousness of purpose.
"Protectors are quite content to work alone." I like myself not only around people, but also by myself. Sometimes loneliness makes my day and I do not want to be at the mercy of others.
And, the other results told me something. Let me show you this; 67% of Introverted, 12% of Sensing, 38% of Feeling and 11% of Judging. This means that "Qualitative analysis of your type formula" is;
1.distinctively expressed introvert

2. slightly expressed sensing personality

3. moderately expressed feeling personality

4. slightly expressed judging personality

By the way these results indicate that I should be not teachers, but curators, private secretaries, librarians, middle-managers, police officers, and especially general medical practitioners. The point is I am not prepared for a teacher just yet, so I need to fulfill many requirements to be a teacher. The bottom line is I need to be outgoing, social, more talkative and wash off shyness with strangers and so forth. I think I am kind of slow starter, or slow learner now. I should be a faster learner. In a nutshell, l learned what I am lack and what I have to do to improve myself through this activity. It helps with me very much.

CES is the royal road to studying English??

세스라는 영어 학습 방법은 처음 들어보고 이전까지 접해본 적이 없어서 무엇일까 굉장히 궁금했었는데 결국은 반복학습이네요. 저도 반복학습의 중요성을 아주 중요하게 생각하고 있습니다. 제가 알기로 12세를 전후로 해서 언어습득능력이 상당히 약해지거나 없어진다고 하던데 그 이후로는 영어를 잘하는 방법은 무조건 외우는 방법밖에 없는 것 같습니다. 얼마나 잘 외우느냐가 얼마나 빨리 영어를 정복하느냐의 문제라고 저는 생각합니다. 문법, 발음, 구문, 숙어 등 수없이 보고 듣고 따라하는 것이 중요합니다. 듣고 쓰는 것도 중요하지만 특히 생각해서 말하는 스피치가 가장 중요하다고 봅니다. 외국인과 만났을 때 예습 복습해서 스피킹을 할 수 있는 것도 아니고 외국인과 마주치는 순간 입에서 영어가 튀어나와야하는데 그것은 평소의 반복학습에서 비롯한 생각하며 말하는 스피치가 있어야만 가능한 얘기입니다. 이런 제 생각의 전제하에 세스의 공부 방법을 살펴보면 많은 상황에서의 다이얼로그를 반복적으로 외우는 것 자체는 어느 정도 영어공부의 효과를 볼 것이라고 생각합니다. 다이얼로그와 비슷한 상황에 처한다면 그 상황에 적절한 영어를 구사할 수 있을 것이라고 봅니다. 그러나 세스가 제시하는 다이얼로그의 대화만 반복해서 연습하면 영어를 정복할 수 있다는 생각은 터무니없다고 생각합니다. 더욱더 하루만 공부하면 호텔에서 체크인하는 방법을 알 수 있다고 광고하는데 세스에서 제시하는 다이얼로그대로 대화가 이루어 질 수만은 없습니다. 제가 영어를 배우는 데서 가장 듣기도 싫고 가장 믿음이 안 가는 것이 몇 달 만에 영어를 마스터시켜준다는 광고가 있는데 그런 광고는 정말 도려내고 싶을 정도입니다. 괜한 희망을 심어주어 소비자에게 상처만 주는 그런 광고는 “Buyer's remorse”..그 제품을 구입한 소비자에게 후회심만 줄뿐입니다. 위에서 말한 12세가 넘으면, 하루 꼬박꼬박 수 시간씩 영어공부를 10년 정도 해야지 어느 정도 영어를 할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 이 말은 요즘 EBS에서도 강의를 하시고 서울 강남의 개인 영어 학원을 운영하고 계시는 안병규 선생님의 말씀이기도 합니다. 그 선생님이 영어를 몇 달 안에 마스터시켜준다는 광고는 순전히 거짓이라고 말씀하셨습니다. 저도 그렇다고 믿고 있습니다. 영어에는 정말 왕도가 없습니다. 정말 꾸준히 오랜 시간 투자해도 영어권 나라 초등학생 정도로도 말하기가 어려운 것이 영어라고 생각합니다. 세스로 효능을 별로 못 봤다는 인터넷 댓글도 그렇고 저는 세스의 영어공부방법은 굉장히 좋으나 그것만으로는 그렇게 짧은 시간에 영어를 완성할 수 있을 것 같지는 않습니다.


It is 1:03A.M now. Drinking soju, showering in my bathroom, I just turned on the computer and I keep a diary. Seven of us drank in a Sun-Dae restaurant. There were jin-heyon, hong-min, young-ho, tae-sung, yeon-hun, I and someone whose name I do not remember right now.^^ We had a great time and I think we got to know each other more. I guess we felt much closer. I mean we broke the ice completely. When we are sober tomorrow, maybe we will feel a little awkward again, but I feel greater than ever now.^^ Have a good night everyone in the world. haha~

2007년 3월 19일 월요일

Today has not been that good..~

I have a class about Chinese characters. It is third week today beginning the spring semester. Everyone seemed to be frustrated exept for Professor. I think that maybe Profess also did. It was a two and a half hour- long lecture and she tought 216 and more Chinese characters. There were so many characters to learn by heart that I was not able to pound them into my head. I can not even think of reviewing them. so..so..so..many.. Even though there are many, I know what I have to do. Maybe I am forced to be up all night, but that is not going to happen ,because I have to catch up on some sleep, so I am gonna sleep before midnight..haha~

2007년 3월 18일 일요일

Feel so good~^-^

Do you like soccer?? I am not much of the soccer fanatic, but I like watching soccer on TV. Why am I talking about soccer? It is because of Park ji-sung. He scored third and forth goals of this season today. I did not watch it on TV live, but I watched it on VOD. It was so great. We have not had much chances to watch Mr.Park play on the field, because there were wonderful players in MU. Injured players were coming up in MU and then Park had a chance to play in a game for the first time in 13 games from the kick-off whistle of the first half. He showed that he is still a competent, able player and the head coach must have been impressed by ji-sung's play.
Mr. Park just made my day. I feel so good.^0^

2007년 3월 17일 토요일

We just wanted to grab the end of the night..^-^

It was a great blast last night. Almost all of freshmen and sophomores in my English education department got together and had a great time. Last night was for breaking the ice between sophomores and freshmen, so we had samgiyupsal with soju and got to know each others much. It was so fun. I came to know many new faces and they also got to know about me. We were together until 3:00A.M, but it was not good enough to know all about others. We wanted to be together more,but it was cold and exhausting at dawn. We called it a day at that moment and went home respectively. I slept for 13 hours. I think my body must have been worn out.^0^

2007년 3월 16일 금요일

What are friends for??

I am so tired in these latter days. There have been many apponintments since it is in the earlier semester. There was another event yesterday. There was a friend of mine whom I met last year in Pusan. He came to Seoul last night and came to my place. He slept in my room and it was sort of irritating. It is not he himself that annoyed me, but his behavior. He had used my computer until 2:20 A.M, doing "Cyworld" and chitchating on-line. The sound of his tapping the keyboard enraged me, because I could not get to sleep. I am kind of sensitive, so I can go to sleep when there are noises around me at night. Furthermore, he snored and even ground his teeth. Holy cow, it never rains but it pours. Nevertheless, People say condemn the offense and not its perpetrator.^-^

2007년 3월 15일 목요일

lazy boy, ho-sub..

I was so lazy these days and my room was a mess. It was just like a pigsty, so I made up my mind to clean up the room. My classes were dismissed early and I went back home earier than usual. It took thirty minutes for me to finish up the work. Kind of hard work~. Dust was all over the place. dirty..dirty..dirty.. I need to be clean and neat. People say that you are diligent after out of military service, but it is not the case for me. I ought to be with diligence. Be a doer, ho-sub..

2007년 3월 14일 수요일


I went Black-Stone sports center to go swimming last night. It was just five minutes of walk away from CAU. The admission fee was 4,400 Won. It was kind of expensive. I think it is very important to study hard,spening much of your time on books, but I also think it is necessary to work out on a daily basis. If you are sick, you can not study what you like-it is English in my case-, even though you want to. Because of this fact, I have a point of exercising regularly. I am kind of skinny, so I want to be in good shape to show off my figure in summer.^^ It is another reason that I decided to go swimming on a regular basis. Let's be healthy, guys..^^

2007년 3월 13일 화요일

Type"영어교사" in Naver

2005년 7월 중순 충남 공주대 사범대 부설중학교 2학년 2반 교실. 교사, 참관교사, 학생 모두가 숨을 죽인 채 한 교생을 쳐다봤다.시각장애인이 영어과목 교생으로 교단에 선 것. 그는 8명의 영어과 교생 가운데 대표 수업을 자원했다.‘칠판 판서는 어떻게 할까’ ‘학생의 움직임이나 표정을 읽을 수 없는데 수업 분위기는 어떻게 다잡을까’.학생이나 참관교사 모두 안쓰러운 일이 벌어질까 불안한 표정이었다. 하지만 기우에 불과했다.그는 프로젝션 TV를 활용해 미리 정성스럽게 준비해 온 판서 목록을 스크린에 펼친 뒤 설명해 나갔다.학생들도 산만해질 수 없었다. 교생은 학생의 이름을 미리 외우고 기호 등을 파악해 놓았다가 호명에 대답하면 학생 쪽으로 시선을 돌린 뒤 질문을 주고받으며 수업 분위기를 이끌었다. 감동이 가득 찬 최고의 수업이었다.이 시각장애인이 조만간 실제로 중고교에 임명돼 영어 교사로서 아이들을 가르친다. 2007학년도 충남도 임용시험 영어과에서 최종 합격한 것.화제의 주인공은 영어교육을 복수전공하면서 지난해 공주대 특수교육과를 졸업한 최유림(24) 씨. 아무것도 볼 수 없는 1급 시각장애인인 그는 임용시험의 필기시험인 1차와 논술, 면접, 학습지도안(수업계획서), 수업시연으로 이뤄진 2차 시험에 모두 합격한 뒤 교사 임용을 앞두고 있다.시각장애인이 특수교육이 아닌 일반과목의 임용고시에 합격하기는 한국에서는 처음이다. 대학 공부와 임용시험을 위한 시각장애인용 점자 교재가 턱없이 부족한 것이 현실. 특히 임용시험의 경우 전례가 없어 공부 교재가 거의 없었다.이 때문에 최 씨는 수개월씩 걸려가며 공부할 자료를 미리 선별해 일일이 컴퓨터로 입력하거나 스캔을 받아 점자로 출력해야만 했다. 최 씨는 태어나면서부터 앞을 보지 못해 서울맹학교에서 초중고교 과정을 다닌 뒤 공주대에 입학했다.“중고교 시절 영어 선생님의 수업이 너무 재미있어 영어 교사가 돼야겠다는 꿈을 마음에 품었어요. 그렇지만 현실적으로 가능하지 않다고 생각해 특수교육과에 입학했지요.”하지만 꿈을 접기에는 너무 아까워 복수전공으로 영어를 선택했다. 여기서 그의 운명은 바뀌었다.원어민 자격으로 영어교육과에 재직하고 있는 휴버트 박 교수는 그의 영어 자질을 높게 샀다. 박 교수는 “유난히 발달한 청각을 활용할 경우 발음을 정확하게 파악할 수 있기 때문에 말하기와 듣기 지도에서는 다른 교사보다 오히려 뛰어난 능력을 발휘할 수 있을 것”이라며 교사 진출을 독려했다.30일 은사에게 감사 인사를 하러 공주대를 찾은 최 씨는 “장애는 조금의 불편일 뿐 불가능을 의미하지는 않는다”며 “다른 장애인도 꿈과 용기를 가지고 무엇이든 도전해 보길 바란다”고 말했다.공주=지명훈 기자 mhjee@donga.com

Week 2 Journal..

What type of English teacher do I want to be? Well, I am not sure that what kinds of English teachers there are our there. Come to think of it, even if I can not figure out what sorts of English teachers there are, I can think of an English teacher who I want to be, who I want to take after and who I have taken in my mind. If I were an English teacher, I would want to be respected by my students and even their parents. I think it is respect that every teacher wants to have. If it is the case, what kinds of qualifications do I have to meet to be a respectable English teacher.
I think there are three factors required. First, knowledge. You have to be a specialist in English to be respected. That's why you have to study English continuously till the end of your life. I think the more information you have, the easier students can understand what you're trying to explain. I mean you can give students more examples of answers to questions when you have a variety of knowledge about everything, let alone English. When I recall my school days, it seems that I respected teachers who were an expert in their subjects. Second, morality. It is teachers that instruct students, so students learn what teachers do and what teachers say. Every single thing teachers do can affect students much. Therefore, teachers have to be a mirror of morality. Third, service. People do their best for their works, but they are not inclined to be at their best for other people's works. We are kind of selfish. But, you must not be selfish to be a respectable teacher. You have to serve students like your family. Because, when students feel like they are respected, they can also venerate teacher.
I just think there are much of the teachers who are nearly fit for what I just said above and I guess every teacher tries to be the best. They are just in the process to be a respectable teacher. And, I myself, want to be one of them. I am just a starter right now, but I imagine that one day I will be closer to my goal.

2007년 3월 12일 월요일

Small talk of beauties..

I am so immersed in one TV show these days. It is called 'small talk of beauties' and on channel KBS 2. It is playing every Sunday at 10:35 A.M. There are 16 beautiful women who are divided into several groups. I mean several differnt nationals. For example, Janpan, China, Vietnam, Canada and what not. It is so exciting because I can see korea reflected by foreign women's eyes. I think I can get to know Korea better week by week. Oh~, I can not wait until next week.^^

2007년 3월 11일 일요일

Sorry, I am late..

Like I said the day before yesterday, I went swimming yesterday with my friend in sinlimdong. It is 11:00 A.M now and I just arrived at my place. It is because I keep a yersterday's diary now. We went swimming, had samgiyupsal for dinner and slept in his place. He was so good at swimming, but it is less than one month for which I learned how to swim. He was like a professional swimmer and I was just like a baby boy who just started swimming. But, it was a blast and I want to go again. Is there anybody who wnat to join us??^-^

2007년 3월 10일 토요일

eating, sleep and playing

I was in home all day long. It was so boring, boring and boring. Fortunately, I made an appointment with the only one friend who I know in Seoul. We are going to go swimming in Sinlimdong. It is just 40-minutes away frome here. I learned how to swimming for about a month last February in Pusan. I think tomorrow will be better than today.

2007년 3월 8일 목요일

When I find myself in times of trouble..^^

Something new is good, but it is not always the case. New environment, new people, new............
To be honest with you, it is a little bit hard for me to adapt to new things. I am not accustomed to new environment and I am not that familier with my classmates and other people. I want to get to know people around me sooner. If I move one step closer to you guys, you are willing to come to me one step closer too? ^0^

2007년 3월 6일 화요일

i made it..