IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2011년 9월 27일 화요일

World news review..

waterlog..물에 잠기게 하다...
places already waterlogged are flooded again..

hurtled toward their targets..

come apart..무너지다.부서지다
the whole building just come apart..

for eons..매우 영겁의 새월도안..

size up..평가하다..
sized up commercial diets...

layaway (plan)..상품예약구매제도..
=set aside

2011년 9월 23일 금요일

became a religiously-motivated assassin..

Finally.D-day for our favorite penguin..

became a global celebrity when he turned up on a beach in New Zealand two months ago..

to head home..

this pampered penguin seemed reluctant to take that final plunge..너무 애지중지하다

that might not be surprising..

it lived a preety easy life..

mistaking it for snow..I mistook her for her sister..

thousands lined up to..followed him on a live web cam..

after veterinarians nursed 치료하다 간호하다hime back to health... in a custome-built crate...

to nurse the disease with various remedies..

when it finally came time to..

it took a final push to send him on his way..

Unfortunatly, he went down the stern ramp backwards rather than forward, so he wouldn't have got a perfect 10 for entry..

he has as good a chance at survival..

World news review..

back to square one..
now they're back to square one..

upside down..
her mobile home was fliped upside down..

pay one's heart out..끝까지 해내다.열심히 하다.
you go out there and you play your heart out.
cry your heart out..

in the interest of safety...~위하여..

waiting game....대기 전술...
this prolonged waiting game leaves her less relavant when it comes to ......

draw differences with each other...차이점을 이끌어내다..차이를 비교하다..

impersonate someone..

drenched in a mix of rain, sweat and sheer determination..

ravaged New Orlions..??

it's packing plenty of rain..

came ashore..make landfall..touch down..

the rain falls onto these mountain tops and rushes down, flash flooding..

not a huge threat right now..but we can't comoletely write if off though..

heavy /torrential rain..blinding snow..

the most ferocious opponent was

scramblling for cover..

home opener against..홈 개막전

troops are masked..

desert his post and walks off his job..

on a recent petrol..underequipped and undertrained..

so far, the retention is high enough..

2011년 9월 22일 목요일

World news review..

travel tax..통행세..

pocketbook..주머니사정(한국말과 비슷)경제사정..재정형편..
it is painful on the pocketbook..

trickle down to..흘러가다..



It's not so much fear as fascination that't drawing shark gawkers to this beach..

vigorous workout..격렬한 운동..

stationary bike..고정자전거..

able-bodied athletes..신체 건강한..

stocks took a nosedive..

The Dow Industrial average dropping by more than 250 points, all the gains from the week, wiped out in a singe day..멸종하다..
what triggered the sell-off??
in the month of August, hiring flat-lined, not a singe job was created
stubbornly stuck..
talk to the best and the brightest.
hiring living wage, full benefit workers..최저생계비, 모든 수당..
what it take is trade schoold and willingenss to dirty your hands..
it's dirty,dull, dead-end work..장래가없는

Thre road dead-ends at the lake..

manufacturing is a growth industry
the nonpolitical overwhelming answer form a majority of economist.
be projected to..예상된다..

those who add to their payrolls..

at practically no interest..무이자로..

2011년 9월 21일 수요일

World news review..

stock up on..비축하다..

their depictions of human body

pleats in a pants..


a misguided emphasis on..

went biblical..

impactful..영향력이 강한

oil platform..rig..

It's not on track to make landfall..

they use radio frequencies to scan for hidden weapons and explosives..

so sensitive that it picks up traces of everything on a person's body..

a whirlwind of new actions..

going to be nervewracking for...

in the depth ofthe great recession..

was granted a grand total of..

no matter how hard i try to make mony to support my family, i keep hitting my head upa gainst a big wall.

speaking out from hinding..

she has been a study in force and power on the tennis court..
He is a study in contrasts: humble in person, yet boastful on stage..

It truns out that the supremely in shape Williams had been suffering fatigue andsome other symptoms she just couldn't shake
she is supremely confidant..

and alwasy pushing towards the next one..

i had swelling and numbness and then fatige, which is really debilitating..
be numb with cold

i feel beat up..녹초가된.
i was beat up and worn out after the game..

i've played through a lot of things..

now there's no cure for...but there are treatments to make the symptoms more manageable..

can you give me a manageable goal..??감담할 수있는..

she is defiant..지지않으려는(?)

2011년 9월 20일 화요일

영어 어렵지 않아요~~(by 이현석..)

초고속 인터넷..

I can't get a wireless signal..신호가 잘 안잡혀..

Do you have wireless(internet) here?
Can I get wi-fi acess here?

Almost every household has access to high-speed internet in Korea.

인터넷 검색해봐..
Do a search online..
Do an online search..
Just Google it..

Are you on Twitter?

2011년 9월 19일 월요일

World news review..

cry foul..부당하다고 외치다..비난하다..
that had some crying foul..

skirmish..작은 충돌, 언쟁..
lost in the skirmish(고래싸움에 새우등 터진건), perhaps, the heart of the crisis, those still lookin for work..

come into focus..뚜렷이 보이다..뚜렷해지다..
the failure came into sharp five years ago..

tie up..두절시키다..정지시키다.묶어버리다..
you are breaking up and tying up the frequency..go to another radio..



they can get rusty..실력이 녹슬다..

hands-on 직접해보는..

affectionately..애정을 담아..애정 어리게..


on the ropes..패배하기직전의.. have him cornered..

2011년 9월 18일 일요일

the most talked-about subject..

seek enhanced recognition..우리 독립국가로 인정해줘..
We will pilot our new product..

one size fits all approach..
i don't like on size fits all solutions..

plain crazy..

high-risk suspect..

select committee..특별임무를 가지는 '특별위원회'

viable candidate..당선가능성이있는 후보..


2011년 9월 17일 토요일

World news review..

win-win..모두가 득을 보는..
it's a win-win scenario..

out of my hands..~의 소관 밖인..
But staying in the door might be out of their hands..


livable..살 만한..
while it is too soon to know how long the drug will work, for Tina, it has made life livable..

in the prime of..전성기..한창 때에..

buzz..흥분 열광..
on a very different note, there's a brand new record for buzz tonight..

baby bump...
Beyonce unveiled her baby bump at 10:35, setting off a collective viral cheer on Twitter..

I had a guided tour of 장소...

What's not to like?? you should go for it..


it will require a move..


in the misty mountains..

2011년 9월 16일 금요일

deluged with water and wind..

crisscross..교차하다, 종횡으로 움직이다.
power lines crisscrossed the streets..

the storm weakened a little bit and couldn't sustain its strength..

overreact..과잉반응을 보이다.

We're at the peak of the wind velocity..

The winds came right up the gut of the harbor

2011년 9월 15일 목요일

abc news..

eye wall..태풍 눈 주위의 구름
so the eye wall is right there...

thrash..강타하다..(mercilessly) pummel

up and running..운영되는, 가동되는
It's too soon to know exactly when the airlines will be up and running normally.

waive..적용되지 않다.포기하다.
Those ticket change fees are waived for most airlines..

salt water is especially corrosive..

They're seeing increasing wind speeds at higher elevations..


turnstiles..일인용.회전식 문
some turnstiles are so narrow that some big adults aren't able to aqueeze through..

due date.예정일 , 만기일

storm surge..폭풍으로인한 해일.

2011년 9월 14일 수요일

Cremation has been overtaking burial in Korea, overcoming deep-rooted confucian traditions entrenched among Koreans