IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 4월 30일 월요일

Go to the movies..

I decided to go to see a movie with five friends of mine, jin-hyeon, heyon-jung, yo- hwan, young-ho, han-su and me. The movie we are goinging to see is "Spiderman 3" Doesn't it sound interesting?^^ I did not have a chance to see both spiderman 1 and spiderman 2. Asking people, I did not have to see both of them to understand spiderman 3. That is, without watching spiderman 1 and spiderman 2, I can understand the story of siderman 3. Anyway, I am very exicited now, because it has been a long while since I last saw a movie. Anticipating....^0^

2007년 4월 29일 일요일

In Pusan..

I just got back from my hometown, Pusan. I went down there last Friday and am in here in Seoul today, Monday. It was so fun. It has been the first time to go there since the beginning of the spring semester. It has been almost two months. My parents, sister and brother-in-law welcomed me and I was so pleased. I hanged around my friends in Pusan. I stayed up all night with them. We drank so much and went to so-called night club. There were a lot of women as well as men. Four of us danced and drank. After that, we had drank again and slept in "ggymgilbang" It had been a long day.^^

2007년 4월 24일 화요일

앞으로 10년 계획..

I am 27 years old. After 10 years from now, I will have turned to 37. I know it will be very important period in my life and I am seriously considering what I have to do until that time. Because of my dream of becoming an English teacher, I have got a lot of things to do. It is because I have to pass several tests to meet the standards of an English teacher and I have to be an excellent human being in terms of morality. That is, teacher is a person who teaches students who are growing into adults.
First of all, I think anyone can think that I have to study hard. It is like a cornerstone of my dream. I will have to study hard to become a teacher and even after that. I just got back from a library and there was a person who I think was preparing for the civil service examination for an English teacher. There were lots of books to study and it made me kind of scared, but I will try far harder. I mean studying hard is like a presupposition of my dream. And, I think working out is also a great move. When you are not healthy, you can not teach anything, even if you want. Because of this, I am going to work out on a regular basis. These days, I go swimming. I think it is very beneficial and I have a plan to start any kind of sports to help me to be in a good shape. Next, reading books is second to none. I have to pile up a lot of information on English. I think the more knowledge I have, the merrier I am. I think it will be good to have not only information on English, but also on every section of the world such as science, history and so on. Next up, I want to study abroad. I am not saying about studying certain major in other countries. I mean I want to learn English in the English culture to understand English better. So I want to go abroad at least once.

1년 안에 영어어휘 마스터해보자. 이런 정신으로 하면 2-3년 안에는 어휘에 대한 콤플렉스는 없어질 것 같다.
대학교 2학년 동기 남자애들 거의 군대 가고 여자동기들과 학점 따기 해야 한다. 평점 3.0만 넘자. 안되면 2.5라도..
TOEEL점수 상위 10% 도전. 한자 능력 자격증 2급 도전.
외국인과 프리토킹 가능한 실력까지 능력치 끌어올리기.
임용고사 떨어짐
임용고시 재도전 끝에 합격.
외국에 나가서 영어권 문화 몸소 체험
교사 만나서 결혼하기
외화번역가 시도.

2007년 4월 20일 금요일

Week 7 Journal..

Do you do Cyworld? Tell me how you do. Explain what you like about Cyworld (strengths) and what you do not like about it (Weaknesses)

I, of course, do Cyworld. I like it, because there is music as BGM. I do everything at home, turning on the BGM. The best aspect of Cyworld is that you, people might think, can get in touch with your friend, even those who you lost touch with for a long time. It like a bridge to connect people to people. You can put your pictures up to you CY, read good writings and so on. There are many good aspects of CY, but i do not like the fact that it takes up so much of my time, because I am addicted to it, so I can not pass a day without CY. It is so interesting and gives me lots of pleasures. What can I do??

2007년 4월 19일 목요일

In library..

Midterms are just around corner, so I and some of my classmates studied in a library. We usually played a lot and drank, but it is about time to study. Next week around this time, I will have been over the midterms. ㅋㅋ Just thinking about it makes me happy. I think doing well in the exams will make me happier..ㅎㅎ

2007년 4월 17일 화요일

Let us pull an all nighter..^^

I did not keep a diary last couple of days. I have been kind of busy. A lot of things to do irritated me. homeworks...uh........... A certain homework is due today. And our team did not do anything. I think out team will have to stary up all night..ㅋㅋㅋ

2007년 4월 15일 일요일

Again alcohol..

I drank soju tonight again. hu~~~~~~~~

I know this is not what I have to do, but it is so stressful to prepare for mid-terms. For this reason, I drank with my classmates who are Young-Ho, Hyun-Jung, Hong-Min, Mi-ra, Min-su, Roochia..ㅋㅋ

I think we are on the edge of the cliff what we call "막장"

I guess we really have to study hard for midterms, but it is not like what I think..

Who is going to help me out?

Please get me out of this situation..^0^

2007년 4월 14일 토요일


It is 1:33 A.M. We are in the mid-terms season, right??? But, I drank alcohol until now. Am I crazy?? We have to study hard, but what am I doing?? haha.. Seniors and juniors called me and asked me to join them..Of course, they had been drinking. I seems like a bad idea that we drink right before midterms. But, I do not think it is true.. Relationships between people arealso important. I think I am kind of wasted, so I am a little dizzy. And, I do not know what I am wrighting right now..haha.. Good nigth, everyone..^0^

2007년 4월 13일 금요일


When I had dinner, something happened. My tooth was broken. A tip of one of my upper teeth was broken off. I just chewed ancovies and then it occured. How embarrassing it was. I first thought something was stuck in between my teeth, because I felt something strange through my tongue. I tried to get the stucked thing out of my mouth with my finger, but I could not. It was because there was nothing in my mouth. A little part of my tooth just fell off. haha......

It was kind of funny experience, but do I have to see a dentist for this??? What do you guys think??^0^

2007년 4월 12일 목요일

Week 6 Journal..

Plan your days (years) to achieve your goal. Set up your career goal first and then design your life (study) plan.

You know that I really want to be an English teacher. To be a teacher I have a thought of doing whatever it takes. To improve my English skills, I decided to study continuously. I mean if you do not study one day and try to study the next day, I think it is not that efficient. I guess language should be treated day by day. Given this fact, I planed to study English more than 100minutes a day on a daily basis. Revolving around English is my plan.

2007년 4월 11일 수요일

Which one is right?? The fomer or the latter??

There are two proverbs which have the opposite meaning.. "Out of sight, out of mind" is the first one and "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is the second thing. I am having a long-distance relationship, of course, with my girlfriend in Pusan. Spring is in full swing now, and I feel...I feel a little strange.. Spring rain came down tonight and I did not have any umbrella. I was soaked in rain. I feel I've got a hole in my mind..ㅠ.ㅠ

2007년 4월 10일 화요일

All you need is love

Follwoings are part of lyrics of a song which touched me.
What is the title of this song??^^

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where
You're meant to be

2007년 4월 8일 일요일


I just got back form MT. It was so good. We had a wonderful time. We went to In-Cheon where there were a beach and mountains. We played dodge ball and soccer at the beach, and then we had Samgyepsal outside and drank a lot of soju. We stayed up all night until 6 A.M, playing many games and talking a lot. The next day, we got on a ship and went to Wulmido where I rode a "Viking" with roochia, young-ho and min-gon. It was so exciting and thrilling. After that, we ate naengmyeon...so yummy. It was such beautiful memories and valuable times. I am a little tired, so I want to get to sleep right now..haha..bye~~^-^

2007년 4월 5일 목요일

Week 5 Journal..

What do you plan to achieve your goal?
Tell us about your dream. What do you hope to do 10 years later?

I am 27 years old. After 10 years from now, I will have turned to 37. I know it will be very important period in my life and I am seriously considering what I have to do until that time. Because of my dream of becoming an English teacher, I have got a lot of things to do. It is because I have to pass several tests to meet the standards of an English teacher and I have to be an excellent human being in terms of morality. That is, teacher is a person who teaches students who are growing into adults.First of all, I think anyone can think that I have to study hard. It is like a cornerstone of my dream. I will have to study hard to become a teacher and even after that. I just got back from a library and there was a person who I think was preparing for the civil service examination for an English teacher. There were lots of books to study and it made me kind of scared, but I will try far harder. I mean studying hard is like a presupposition of my dream. And, I think working out is also a great move. When you are not healthy, you can not teach anything, even if you want. Because of this, I am going to work out on a regular basis. These days, I go swimming. I think it is very beneficial and I have a plan to start any kind of sports to help me to be in a good shape. Next, reading books is second to none. I have to pile up a lot of information on English. I think the more knowledge I have, the merrier I am. I think it will be good to have not only information on English, but also on every section of the world such as science, history and so on. Next up, I want to study abroad. I am not saying about studying certain major in other countries. I mean I want to learn English in the English culture to understand English better. So I want to go abroad at least once.

2007년 4월 4일 수요일

Oh, yes..

I am so sleep these days. why??? I do not know. I eat regulary, sleep well and try to work out on a regular basis. Neverthless, I feel so tired. Am I sick?? Do I have some kind of disease? I do not know. Even though I feel so sleepy and tired, I am going to drink in a minute with classmates in Yong-Ho's place. This is so good. I like people and I love drinking..haha..I think there is going to be a lot of laughters in Yong-Ho Jang.ㅋㅋ Let us enjoy..^-^

2007년 4월 3일 화요일

Start with studing in April??

I think I did not study in March at all. When I first listened to class in CAU, I made a point of studying hard, but my commitment to studying crumbled away as I got to know people. I am not saying having come to know people is a bad thing, I am just saying it is about time to study in April. So I studied in a Library with Cang-Hyun for the first time since March 1. It was so good. I feeled content. haha~~ Although I am going to drink tomorrow and this weekend, I will study hard..^-^

2007년 4월 1일 일요일

I love you, Han-su..^^

I have a big problem from yesterday. I know I have to study hard, but it is not that easy. I happened to know on-line game "sudden death". It is about gun-fighting. We are divided into two groups and I have to kill anybody in an opposite team, so whatever team which kills more opponents wins the game. It is kind of cruel, but so interesting that I am addicted to it. Han-su introduced this game to me days ago. I am not blaming him for this.^0^