IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2007년 4월 24일 화요일

앞으로 10년 계획..

I am 27 years old. After 10 years from now, I will have turned to 37. I know it will be very important period in my life and I am seriously considering what I have to do until that time. Because of my dream of becoming an English teacher, I have got a lot of things to do. It is because I have to pass several tests to meet the standards of an English teacher and I have to be an excellent human being in terms of morality. That is, teacher is a person who teaches students who are growing into adults.
First of all, I think anyone can think that I have to study hard. It is like a cornerstone of my dream. I will have to study hard to become a teacher and even after that. I just got back from a library and there was a person who I think was preparing for the civil service examination for an English teacher. There were lots of books to study and it made me kind of scared, but I will try far harder. I mean studying hard is like a presupposition of my dream. And, I think working out is also a great move. When you are not healthy, you can not teach anything, even if you want. Because of this, I am going to work out on a regular basis. These days, I go swimming. I think it is very beneficial and I have a plan to start any kind of sports to help me to be in a good shape. Next, reading books is second to none. I have to pile up a lot of information on English. I think the more knowledge I have, the merrier I am. I think it will be good to have not only information on English, but also on every section of the world such as science, history and so on. Next up, I want to study abroad. I am not saying about studying certain major in other countries. I mean I want to learn English in the English culture to understand English better. So I want to go abroad at least once.

1년 안에 영어어휘 마스터해보자. 이런 정신으로 하면 2-3년 안에는 어휘에 대한 콤플렉스는 없어질 것 같다.
대학교 2학년 동기 남자애들 거의 군대 가고 여자동기들과 학점 따기 해야 한다. 평점 3.0만 넘자. 안되면 2.5라도..
TOEEL점수 상위 10% 도전. 한자 능력 자격증 2급 도전.
외국인과 프리토킹 가능한 실력까지 능력치 끌어올리기.
임용고사 떨어짐
임용고시 재도전 끝에 합격.
외국에 나가서 영어권 문화 몸소 체험
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