IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2009년 3월 4일 수요일

3/4 diary..Working out again after a long hiatus..

I did work out today. All body is aching due to hard training. However, I feel good becase I did not drink today and exercise made me feel refreshed.. I have no class tomorrow since I have no class every Tuesday and it is Tuesday tomorrow.. What do I do tomorrow???

2009년 3월 3일 화요일

Close to home..2

I feel so dizzy..
Thanks for a ride..
launched an all-out search..
Try to be strong..
He catalogs every shot..
I need you to clear your calender..
This isn't an overnight obsession..
He has been secretly hooked on her since they were in grade school..
Does he have any priors??
She is the kind of girl you want your daughter to grow up to be..
She did nothing to deserve this..
He will want progress report from our department..
Keep me informed..
When you free up, I want to talk to you about..
This is big time..
I will call you from the precinct..
Can you give us any new developments on the Flynn case..Anything at all?? Can you tell us the latest??
pulled the security feed from the dorm..He was never anywhere near that building..
miss a class..
probable cause to doubt..
I need proof beyond a reasonable doubt..
I know it's all circumstantial..but I am telling you he's holding that girl..
We have evidence of extreme obsession with no prior record of violence..
Every killer has a first time..
Put him in interrogation..
He was taken to the hospital..
By the time I realized, it was too late..
The alcohol had metabolized in the driver's system..
I didn't get it either until I followed up on the driver..
16 years on the force..
I think he didn't get the test on purpose..
We're doing all we can..
I checked her yearbooks..
What's he being charged with??
You were studying up..You were learning the trade..
You're done.
He's playing games..

Safe driving..

new guidelines on..지침.
is notorious for..
official statistics..
High rates of accidents and casualties were attributed to careless or reckless driving..

Moral bankruptcy

His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause..
is second almost to none in this pitiable behavior..
pump 12 trillion won into local banks..
replenish their capital base..
little wonder..
making progress at a snail's pace..
It's rooted in selfish motives..
give red cards to..
in a liquiditycrunch..
global financial tailspin..
Achilles' heel..
go to the government cap in hand..
follow suit.
overwhelming majority..
no match to the Wall Street fat cat..
mid-sized manufacturing firms..
operating income영업이익..
falls far short of expectations..
freeze or cut wages..
This proved to be a sort of hoodwinking..
They made up for the reduced pay with various allowances..
get the economy back on track..
This would be tantamount to a return to..
relative public nature..contribution to society..
avoid the fate..

Alcohol weighs me down..

I am out of gas these days..tired..wasted..burned out..I have a class just 15 minutes later, but I want to crash..It was not until five days ago that I feel like this..It is all atttributed to alcohol..ㅠ.ㅠ

2009년 3월 2일 월요일

Hall of violence..

parliamentary democracy..
grave crisis..
Violence begets violence..
In South Korea, violence has succeed in finding its way into the National Assembly..
It's a shock and pity that..
Hall of Democracy..
be engrossed in partisan struggles..
at the sacrifice of public interest..
legislature, executive, judiciary..
the democratic system of checks and balances..
popularly elected..일반투표로선출된..
lawmakers are madated to do..
The rule of law is indispensable to democracy..
resort to the law of the jungle..정글의 법칙..약육강식..
truely regrettable..
toll the death knell of parliamentary democracy..
mobilize a sledgehammer, crowbars ad chisels to knock down the doors.
mob-like legislators..
use fists and kicks..
pending issues..
The acts became a topic of international derision...
backpedal on its democratic achievements..
The scenes of violence were presented again in the Assembly..
suffered a fracture to his left arm..
sustained an injury to his waist..
railroad pending bills..
punch her about the head..scratch her face..poking her in the eye..
Violence cannot be justified under any circumstances..
The attacke on her was in defiance of democracy..
spare no efforts to..
revive the crippled..
hold dialog..make comproise..

Binge drinking..

I have had one too many these days..This must be wrong. I have got to cut back on my drinking before my system gives any sings of malfunction. Going on a binge drinking for five consecutive days gives me hard times. No more pains for me..However, I have got another appointment that forces me to drink. Hew...................What do I have to do??????????????