IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 8월 28일 목요일

Here and there..

Money burns a hold in my pocket..Do you want to have a drink?..돈이 있으면 쓰게 마련.
The contract has become null and void.
to throw a wet blanket on..
to spin one's wheels..시간을 낭비하다..
I think she is just spinning her wheels with that project. She's never gonna finish it..
to trun over a new leaf..
I decided to take a leaf out of 간디's book and went on hunger strike..의 행동을 모방하다..
She threw five or six haymakers at me..
The ball is in your court..
extrauterine pregnancy..
nursing home..사설 요양원..
This is as wide as it goes..
You don't have any blockage in your arteries..
Tell me whose butt to kick.
It sounds like a load of crap..우습게 들리겠지만..
You just have to ride it out..
Sometimes the pain gets to you when you least expect it..
It's no wonder..
Look how far I've come..
You're completely out of line..도가 지나쳤다..
I just kind of went through a messy break-up..
He's a looker..

The bigger they are, the harder they fall..
in the long run..결국에는..
I hope that it will work out fine..좋은 결과가 있기를 희망한다..
in one's favor..에 유리하도록..
to auction off nearly five thousand bottles..
Many were leftovers from ritzy dinner parties thrown by..
That went for 돈액수..얼마 나간다..
to take an interest in..
to form a partnership..제휴를 맺다..
to get permission..

all wet..completely wrong..Anyone who talks about reducing taxes now is all wet..water beliefs could be all wet..
These claims don't hold much water..
to debunk the popular notion..

to test the feasibility of an experimental technology..
a newly-opened facility..
natural gas reservoir..
Critics called the system a token gesture..허울뿐인 명색뿐인 제스처..
to sweep....under the rug..
It has too may grey areas..애매한 상황..영역..

you in yet?-just about..
We have to put this thing behind us..
That's not how jury will see it..
Do you honestly think that anyone in this country is gonna believe that it was an accident..?
Is the Senetor here yet?
I need a check on a 벨킨..
Pull over to it..
Nina got called out..

It is often said that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder..
Not in your case..
Beauty is only skin-deep..
This new ad exposes the secrets behind so-called perfect images flashed all over magazines and television today..
in a matter of seconds..눈 깜짝할 사이에..
to enhance her features..
to plump up her lips..
to enlarge hr eyes..
to lengthen her neck..
to distort society's perception of beauty..
I've seen them slim thighs and take off weights..even add boobs..
They add cleavage..
to change the preconceived notion of beauty..편견..
to go head-to-head with the practice of retouching photos..

I am a little swamped here..
You're walking away like a pissy little ingrate..배은 망덕자..
I'm sure I'm just making mountains out of molehills..
to break down..분석하다..
to be the apple of one's eye..매우 소중한 사람.한것..
suffocation or strangulation..
No ligature marks or brusing..
to shoot a guy six times in the torso..
What do you make of that?
It broke off in mid-air..
Give him my best..안부 전해줘..

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