IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 6월 16일 월요일

CNN ez..

논의가 확산되다...to generate more talk of~
너도 뜻을 같이 하냐?...Are you echoing that stance?
미국측 수석대표...a top U.S. envoy..
진전이 있었다..progress has been made
그 회의가 가장 실질적이었다..The meeting has been the most substantive..
에너지 원조..energy aid..
승리를 선언하다..to declare victory..
가입..entry..유엔가입..entry into the United Nations..
거부하다..쏘아 떨어뜨리다..shoot down..
생산비..production costs..
진출하다..opened its door to~
그가 혐의를 받고 있다..charges have been brought against him..
상황이 역전되었다..She turned the tables on him.
성을 강제하는 행위는 가차없이 철벌한다..It has an zero-tolerance for sexual coersion..
모함하다...entrap him..

댓글 없음: