IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2013년 1월 8일 화요일

The president hopes to capitalize from this national moment , when even some pro-gun rights Domocrats are calling for change..

void contract..무효계약..
to fill the void left when her successor was slain..

some semblance of normalcy in amidst of all this grief..

to set off that domino effect..



grossly inadequate, repeated requests for more security went unheeded..was not a high priority..

this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band..충분히..굉장히 열심히, 빨리..

will be at the forefront of his agenda..

i will use all the powers of this office..

high capacity ammunition clips..

were laid to rest..

stood at attention=stood to attention..

unfailingly polite..

the wild winds are sending snow sideways tonight..

i invited some friends to come over for dinner, but they barely touched my steak and swooped down on dessert..

in plain sight..쉽게 잘 보이는, 알아채기쉬운...come in sight..
i put it in plain sight..잘 보이는 곳에 놓다..



it appears out of nowhere.갑자기..

float away..공중에 뜨다.

take flight..뜨다.공중에

do a double take..진짜 맞는지 놀라서 두번 처다보다..


2012년 8월 3일 금요일

love affair..열광..
kOrea's love affair with basebal is stronger tan ever..

diabolical..사악한, 악마같은..\]
some of his comments are diabolical.

2012년 7월 31일 화요일

now to the other emerging storyline..
waiting for word, holding out hope..

on the ground..현장에 나가있는..
a real-life villain....real-life heroes..

play the villain..악당 역할 하다..

leapt over his seat to shiled his girlfriend..

many of whom had been franti for news all day abou their missing loved ones..정신없는 미친듯한..

thihngs are frantic in the office today..난리난네..

how fragile life is..약한...

be careful with that vase..

pulling for that mom..응원하다..
i am pulling for the home team..

delicate..까다로운, 정교한..
very delicate task...

to the fullest..
you have to live life to the fullest..

piece together..종합하다..
investigator have pieced together just how he obtained all of that firepower to unleash his rage..

begn amassng S.W.A.T gear, inclduing body armor and a gas mask..

on edge..걱정스러운..

give somebody pause..주저하게 만들다..
that's giving parents pause..

deter..단념시키다, 그만두게 하다..
we can't let stuff like taht deter us from going to see movies..

people ahve been spontaneously reaching out...

thoughtful..배려심 있는,,
it's thoughtful..

2012년 7월 30일 월요일

various accidents have long ceased to attract much attention.

more surprisingly..

to request rescue..

after being held hostage..

in the dark, stuffy train..

to repeat monotonous calls for people to wait calmly..

most astonishing was..

four more similiar, if shorter, incidets..

the time has long past for....to...

2012년 7월 29일 일요일

isolated..단발적인, 한 번인..
this is an isolated incident.

shield them..

sending security to..

become a massive security concern..

fans were mindful but undeterred..조심했지만...

gleefully..신이 나서, 고소해서..
he took a gleeful delight in proving them all wrong.

gleefully executes elaborate lethal crimes

a muurdering schezophrenic clown with zero empathy..

she may be talented, but 'genius' is something of an overstatement..

that grit and moral ambiguity is exactly what resonates with fans..

they're gonna be a little unsettled in the way that we want them to be..

not the first movie to provoke copycats..모방범, 모방하는 사람..

it was a copycat crime.

REenacted scenes from 매트릭스..재연하다..

the suspect reenacted the crime in front of the police..

in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me..

dive..급히 움직이다..

duck..휙 수그리다..
when she ducked, she says the suspect started firing right on the row behind her..

come across as..인상을 주다..
came across as a quiet and easygoigng college student..


 lone wolf..단독범..
he is the classic lone wolf..

it's booby-trapped, full of tripwies, containers of flammable liquids.
