IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 11월 18일 화요일

What's four Models?

1. Model 1: Listening and Repeating.

There is no content involved in this model. As you already learned about ALM(AudioLingual Method), this model uses the same method as ALM. That is to say, it uses pattern drills, imitating what you just listened to and learning the listening meterial by heart. You may think that this model just makes you like a parrot, therefore this model is too outdated to use in this day and age, but you can readily find yourself studying English, using this model. So can I. I think this is basics for improving your listneing and furthermore your speaking ability.

2. Model 2: Listening and Answering.

On the contrary with Model 1, Model 2 has meaning involved. It is attribured to the fact that because you have to answer to a certain question, you are forced to focus on the listening material and try to find meaning in it. However, this model does not want any creative work on the part of a students because you don't have to creat an answer to a question. If you listen carefully, you can find the answer in the script. That is, this model is composed of factual questions and resultant factual answers. For this reason, Model 2 can also involve a little bit of patterns drills like Model 1.
For example,
a: Are you students?-
b: Yes, I am.

3. Model 3: Task Listening.

This is much more upgraded Model compared to Model 1 and Model 2. A student have to accomplish a task after listening. For your information, takes means "an activity where language is used for a communicative purpose by the learner in order to attain a real-world outcome." Therefore this method is also referred to as "Listen-and-do"method. In this vein, action can be involved to solve the task and students participation naturally occurs while they negotiate meaning. In addition, they use their cognitive thinking skills, they are not easily bored..

4. Model 4: Interactive Listening.

You are tempted to think that listening is far from interaction because listening takes place in one way. That is, in view of the fact that you only listen and never speake something, you may think listening is unilateral. However, listening can be interactive enough for some reason. communicate for real purpose. Whenever some reaction follows listening, interaction can happen. For example, when a students just finished his or her presentation, other students can raise a question over his or her presentation. And then, the presenter answers to the question. As is with the case, interaction happens. In this situation students can acquire three phases of the sppech act, such as speech decoding, critical thinking and speech encoding. Let me put it using more easier words. If you listen to something, you decode the speech. And then, you consider deeply the decoded speech and then you say somethig, whick is called speech encoding. This Model can be of a great influence on improving your interactive skills in English Listen.

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