IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 9월 29일 월요일

2008년 9월 15일 월요일

in vs extensive reading..

intensive reading..the way you have learning English..looking up the dictionary..not reading a lot..rreading only text book very carefully to understand everything..

what kind of activities are in the intnesive reading?
ex)fill in the blanks..reading exercise books..to check if you understand appropriate words..true and false activity..to study mid-term, final exam..usually you intensively read fo study purpose, ..to read poem..to read manual..finding out the main ideas..inferrencing activities.(?)

extensive reading..

for your own purpose,,interests,,you read a lot..to go to library..

2008년 9월 11일 목요일

Vanity Mirror

What do you see in this picture? Do you see what I mean at first glance?

The picture can be interpreted differently depending on how you look at..

A pretty woman at her vanity mirror? Or a skull straring right back at you?

If you are looking in the mirror, another "you" look back in your eyes..Is he the same as you?

Even though your are recognize as congenial by people, it just represents your appearnace, not something inside youself. If you know who really you are, where you are from and where you are now, try to look in the vanity mirror unless you simply want your life to end up in trouble.. By reflecting on yourself litterally in front of a mirror, and stare at it for a while.. You do well to do it because you do not want your life just in vain..

2008년 9월 10일 수요일

ABK English..

If you're suggesting that I start dating, you can save your breath..말해도 소용없어..
You can practically hear the zing zing zing of her heartstrings..
I am gonna hit the hay..
I always had a bit of a crush on her..

The Korean Times,,

President's Aplogy..

It's urgent to better embrace religious diversity..

The Constitution guarantees freedom of relision in South Korea..It also stipulates the separation of relision and politics..It is natural that the President, Cabinet ministers, lawmakers and civil servants should maintain religious neutrality..However, in the eyes of the Buddhist monks and followers, the Lee administration is seen as having a religious bias against them these days..

Buddhists' anger over the government's alleged pro-christian bias has reached a critical point where it can pose a serious threat to the Lee leadership reminiscent of the candlelight rallies against U.S. beef imports.. The President apologized Tuesday for what is described as discrimination against Buddhists..His cabinet also approved a revision of the civil servant code in a move to prohibit government employees from discriminationg against any specific religion in the process of carrying out their duties..

It is fortunate that Lee has admitted that some civil servants have recently made remarks and engaged in activities leading to a misunderstanding over religious bias..It marked the third time for Lee to make such an apology since he took office in late Feburary.. The two previous apologies came in May and June to appease the public strongly protesting the April 18 beef trade deal with the U.S.

However, it appears that Buddhists are not satisfied with Lee's expression of deep regret.. First, the apology came belately, despite the fact that over 200,000 Buddhist monks and believers staged a rally to vent pent-up anger over the alleged discrimination against their religion..Lee, a devout Christian, and his administration, deserve criticim for reportedly favoring Christians for top government posts, omitting the locations of Buddhist temples from an online government map for drivers, and the police search of a top Buddhist monk's car..

Particularly, the Buddhist community harbors grievnaces against Lee, and elder at a Presbyterian church in southern Seoul, who once said he would dedicate Seoul City to God while serving as mayor of the nation's capital..The President should have been more cautious not to arouse anger from any religious groups..It is disappointing that Lee has failed to draw a clear line betwwen religious freedom and his mandate to rule the country..

Another problem is that Lee has refused to accept the protesting Buddhists' call for the dismissal of the nation's police chief who is under attack for the police search of a sedan carrying Rev.Jigwan, leader of the nation's largest Buddhist Jogye Order. Although the search was done in the context of arresting a group of anti-government activists taking refuge in the Jogye-sa temple in downtown Seoul, it was unprecedented..He also promoted a backlash from Buddhist for promoting a Christian event for the police..
What's worrisome is that Buddhists monks and followers are likely to continue their protesting rallies around the country, despite Lee's apology..Thus, the President faces the risk of repeating mistakes committed during the candlelight protests over. U.S. beef.. Lee's leadership crisis has been created by his inabilityto listen to people's voices and win their heartsand minds. He once attributed the problem to a lack of communication with the public..It is imperative for the Lee administration to find a solution by respecting different pubic opinions and embracing religious diversity..

2008년 9월 5일 금요일

Morning Special..

He tried to take a crack at me..총쏘다..
I want to be given a crack at it..기회를 주다..
to claim victory,.
to gain a 10% lead over..
Its win reflects the Serbia's economic interests trumping emotion..
I swallowed my anger and carried on..
to tap into anti-western sentiments..
votes were spilintered..
Fame comes with a price..
exhaustion from being tied down by interviews and photo requests..
I've got writer's block..
I've got a royal flush..큰행운..
It is a hodgepodge of different animal groups..
webbed feet..
Do not pull my leg..장난 때리지 마..
Its genetic makeup is a patchwork of genes,..
Golf is a bourgeois pastime..
He has seen better days..한때는 잘 나갔다..
the greens are dried up..
Some plans are having trouble getting off the ground..coming into operaion..going into action..kicking off..

About CALL..

Computers have become commonplace, so you have to ponder the massive impact on language teaching by computers..Why don't we think about what had an effect in the past and have an impact now on language learning..There have been three channels of using computers to study language to date. Just for you information, Professor Kim's hand-out says that "the old one is subsumed within the new one, not being rejected by new one..The phases do not gain prominece on fell swoop, but gain acceptance slowly and unevely"..

Fist, Behavioristic CALL is the first phase of CALL of all the three phases..
Programs of this CALL is called 'drill and practice' because you have to repeat language drills..The software of this CALL acts like a tutor, therefor you can associate it with the notion, "computer as tutor".. Even though this first phase is relatively old concept, you cannot afford to ignore it, because it is acceptable in many aspects even today. Take the following for representative example..

Repeated exposure to the same material is beneficial or even essential to learning..

I agree with this 100% since so many years of studying English saw me wake up to the fact that repitition of something, such as vocabulary, Idiom, grammar make you remember what you learned long enough.

However, this behavioristic CALL was not wholly with merits. It had some demerits..First, ti had been rejected at both the theoretical and the pedagogical level. Additionally, the advent of the microcomputer meant a departure from behavioristic CALL..

The next big thing was Communicative CALL which is the second phase of CALL..This CALL supplemented the behavioristic CALL by putting a lot of emphasis on 'authentic communicaiton' There are lots of features of communicative CALL.. Let me introduce some to you..

using forms are more emhpasized that the forms themselves..
grammars are taught implicityly rather than explicityly..
not telling students they're wrong..

Communicative CALL still uses computer as tutor, but it also uses compyter as stimulant in the purpose of activating student's discussion, writing, or critical thinking..Plus, it regards a computer as tool with the aim of entitle the language learner to use or understand language by using word processors, spelling and grammar checkers and so on..Even communicative CALL left something to be desired because people thought that computers are not central elements of the language teaching proces..This lead to the third phase of CALL..

Intergrative CALL was built up on the ground of two technbologies..One is multimedia compyters, the other is the Internet..When I think of the multimedia, CD-ROM comes across my mind at the drop of a hat..That is because I have used CD-ROM to study English for several years..I study "CNNez" which use CNN news materials for English learners, there for I am one of beneficiaries from the advanced techbology..Next up, the integrative CALL by the internet is also useful to me..I download everyday news materials form EBS website through the Internet and I post what I do not understand in news articles on the related website and I get feedback from anyone who know the answer to my question..

I am just flabbergasted by the fact that everything works like magic at the click of a mouse..

2008년 9월 4일 목요일

About CALL..

Professor.Kim was quoted as saying:

CALL is in an are of TESOL, that is, CALL is within TESOL's reach..

Behavioristic CALL ..
i nvolves repeated exposures to ..

They belive language can be learned by repetition..

During WWII, 'Audio-Visual lab' was prevalent in order to learn foreign language..

The typical method of behavioristic CALL is 'drill and practice' which consists of role playing..practice together..tongue twisters..These are all associated with repitition..

The screen is black and red or green lights flicker on the screen..
A computer says to you whether your answers are right or not..

Vocabulary practices are also a good example of behavioristic CALL..

Communicative CALL..

what is differnent from behavioristic CALL? I can't do someing..I cant initiate in the environment of Behavirist.. Behavioristic CALL only focuses on form itself such as right vocabulary..right grammar..

Using, meaning is more important..and computer become smarter..
ex) carmen sandiego word detective..they provide a little meaning inside..so we are interactive with computer meaningully..

if you click..you can see the situation..also you can type it here..to answer to the computer's question..By using tools, you can do something..a lot of interactions..you can feel like a real..

we can talk with other people=>network..

2008년 9월 3일 수요일

The Korean Times,,

crisis redux..
various aftereffects of the 1997-98 economic crisis..
as evidenced by widening income disparity..
the whispers about..
to come as a bolt out of the blue..
a self-fulfilling prophecy..
to be foolish enough-if not extremly..
but to little avail..
to have deep pockets..
to intervene in..
policy blunders..
to suffer the sharpest drop..
This augurs ill..
to try one's utmost..
to extricate themselves from the ripple effects of the U.S. financial turmoil..
to turn into panic..
the reckless and fruitless market intervention..
only add fuel to widespread concerns caused by..
Most worrisome are conflicting signals among government officials of different levels even at the same agency...
t0 caution against "to much talk about crisis"
the cry-wolf tactic is coming back to Lee like a boomerang..
to fare better..
adverse external conditions..
with complete certainty..to
to underestimate or exaggerate teh state of things..
It's now the turn of government..

to pay much attention to..
human rights track record..
There is little doubt that they share a goal of decnuclearizing North Korea..
the two presidential runners..
to take different approaches toward achieving this..
to adopt a platform calling for..
active engagement with North Korea..
It's noteworthy that..
the Stalinist state..
to yield results..
conciliatory gesture..
It is no surprise that McCain is taking a tougher stance on the North..
CVID..complete, verifiable, irrversible dismantlement..
with a full account of its proliferation activities..
to ease the firm principle to lure the North back to the table..
to raise the issue..
oppressed people..
to stand up for..
valued ally..
to remain vigilant against the tyranny..
maniacal state..
Whoever becomes president,
to develop consolidated ties with..
He is seen as somewhat reserved about the deal..

Morning Special..

to instruct the Cabinet to rev up housing reconstruction and redevelopment prjects..
low-income credit delinquents repay their debts through a phased credit recovery program..
to declare a state of emergency..
other makeshift weapons..
to march on..
to allay fears..
to clamp down too hard on..
Adding fuel to the fire..
to committ electoral fraud..
to ring out across the city..
to be derived from..
scorched earth..
at sun-down..
an exercise in self-discipline..
staples and speciality items..
Food stocks are plentiful..
Crunch time begins..