IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2008년 5월 15일 목요일

Today's New..

Horrific details emerging from China earthquake..

The truely catastrophic scale of Monday's earthquake in China is becoming more apparent as reports are emerging from military and police that have entered the area of the quake's epicenter. The head of one police unit said, "Some towns basically have no houses left. They have all been razed to the ground" The small town of Yingxiu has been practically wiped off the map, with only 2,300 people surviving from its population of 10,000. The main focus of rescue efforts is currently on people trapped under collapsed building, where the difference between life and death can be a matter of minutes. The death toll from the quake has mounted 20,000, but is steadiliy increasing as more reports come in. It is China's worst earthquake since 1976, when a quake killed 240,000 people.

From Morning Special..

2008년 5월 11일 일요일

Wonderful Science..

눈썹뼈는 남자는 튀어나와있고 여자는 완만하다..
머리뼈의 벌어진 틈이 닫혀있으면 40대 정도 여자..
문태영교수님..부산 고신대..국내 유일의 법곤충학자..
유골의 디엔에이..뼈는 유전자 변형이 가장늦다..
얼굴복원기술..1999년 우리나라에서 처음으로..김대건신부님..
모든 접촉에는 흔적이
가변광원기..과학수사는 빛과의 싸움...감력한 빛을 발산..노란색 고글 착용.(광원흡수)-정액을 찾을 수도있다..
족흔적 채취기-김기정 경감개발..
디엔에이 분자구조-나선형으로 꼬인 긴 사다리 모양..특정부위마다 4개씩 짧은 막대모양염기 서열이 반복된다. 이 배열은 일란성 쌍둥이를 제외한 모든사람이 다르고, 죽을때 까지 유지
str-short tandem repeat
pcr로 인해 디엔에이 양이 적도라도 증폭해서 분서해낼수 있다.
마디모(madymo)-교통사고 충돌해석 프로그램
목소리도 지문이다..-성문분석..단1초의 녹음된소리도 증거가 될 수 있다..
montage-얼굴의 각 부위를 합성해서 그린 그림.
오차확률 10억분의 1..유전자 감식법..

2008년 5월 9일 금요일

Today's News..

Global warming may bring Greenland independence..

Not many people would regard recent climate change trends as anything positive, but for citizens of Greenland global warming may be their ticket to independence. The island is sitting on one of the world's largest reserves of oil, which is becoming accessible as the ice over it melts. Although Greenland is currently a territory of Denmark, representatives from both Denmark and Greenland got the ball rolling last week by drafting and presenting a plan for sovereignty. The plan outlines how Denmark subsidies to Greenland would be phased out as Greenland makes use of its natural resources under the melting ice. There is no significant resistance to the plan from Denmark, except from its far-right Danish People's Party, which says Denmark would be getting a raw deal after supporting Greendland so many years..

From Morning Special..

2008년 5월 8일 목요일


*영어에는 딱 세가지 nominative, accusative, genitive cases 가 있다.

1. There arrives a man
2. A man arrives

현재 영어에서는 위의 두 가지 문장이 다 쓰인다. 우리가 자동사라고 알고 있는 arrive는 2번 문장은 맞지만 1번 문장에서는 틀리다. 왜냐하면 자동사는 only one argument를 갖는다. 즉, 동사의 왼쪽에subject가 있어야 하는데 1번 문장은 arrive 왼쪽에 arguement조차도없다. 동사의 오른쪽에 argument가 쓰인다고 해서 1번 문장에서 arrive는 there 구문에서는 transitive verb로 쓰였다고 가정한다면, 이것 틀린 가정이다. 왜냐하면 타동사는 두개의 argument를 가져야 하는데 1번은 하나의 arguement밖에 없고, 또한 1번 문장을 There arrvies he라고 고쳤을때 a man은 주격의 성격을 띈다고 봐야하는데 타동사의 오를쪽 arguement는 accusative case를 받기 때문이다. 이 세가지 이유로 1번 문장에서 arrive는 자동사도 타동사도 아니게 된다. 그럼 마지막가정으로, 1번문장이 원래는 2번 문장이었으나 a man이 arrive 오른쪽으로 이동하고 빈자리에 there이 들어갔다고 한다면, 이 것은 너무 비효율적이다. 왜냐하면 2번 문장으로도 충분히 상황이 설명이 되는데 굳이 1번으로 고쳐가면서 까지지 똑같은 상황을 설명할 필요가 없기때문이다. 너무 비경제적이다. 여기서 우리의 의문점이 시작된다. 그렇다면 arrive를 자동사도 타동사도 아닌, 어쩜 자동사와 타동사의 기능을 eclectic하게 뽑은 새로운 개념을 도입하면 어떨까?

*unaccusative verb:비대격 동사, 대격을 주지않는 동사
위의 1.2번 문장은 모두 [arrives a man]에서 시작했다고 가정하고,
There arrives a man
에서 arrive를 unaccusative verb라고 가정하자. 원래 동사는 오른쪽의 argument에 accusative case를 줘야하나 우리는 arrive를 unaccusative verb라고 가정했음으로 a man은 arrive로부터 격을 받지 못한다. 그래서 격을받기 위해 그리고 EPP원리에 의해, a man을 arrive의 왼쪽으로 옮긴다. 그럼 a man은 주격이되고 2번 문장이 탄생된다. 한편, 주어자리가 비어있으므로 의미없는 there를 넣어버리면 a man은 움질일 자리가 없어 그냥 원래 있던 자리에서 격을 받아버린다. 그럼 우리가 원하는 1번 문장이 된다.

2008년 5월 7일 수요일

Today's Healines..

1. South Korea's government insisted it wouldn't backtrack on the agreement to open its market to U.S. beef. However, Presidnet Lee vowed to stop such imports if public health is threatened..

2. Farming is feared to be deadlocked in Korea as domestic fertilizer businesses facing severe pressure from soaring raw material prices cease their supplying..

From morning Special..

Today's Expression..

I feel a lump in my throat

- 나 감격해서 목이 매여..

From Morning Special..

Today's News..

Burma struggles with shortages and price hikes in the cyclone's wake..

Residents of the Burma's capital city Yangon are becoming increasingly angry and desperate in the aftermath of Cyclone, Nargis, with people lining up for kilometers to buy gas and food prices going through the roof. According to one citizen waiting in line for gas, "People are angry not at the shopkeeers but at the government." Despite the devastation of Cyclone Nargis, the military junta governing Myanmar says it has enough rice to feed its people. However, the price of a bag of rice has doubled since the cyclone ripped through Burma's rice bowl in the nation's delta region. Furthermore, the government has so far been reluctant to roll out the red carpet for foreign aid groups. Revolts against the government are not likely though, with last September's military crackdown still fresh on citizen's mind..

Big jump ahead for Obama in Democratic race

After an easy win for Barack Obama in North Carolina and a narrow win for Hillary Clinton in Indiana, many analysts are saying that it looks like Obama may have the Domocratic presidential nomination in the bag. Despite her win in Indiana, a glimpse at the current delegate count may be a reality check for Clinton. Obama currently has 1,876 to Clinton's 1,729, and only 217 more delegates are up for graps in the final six contests. The outcome means that she missed her golden opportunities to turn the race around, but she is not giving up quite yet. The Clinton campaign is focusing on getting recognitnion for delegates won in Florida and Michgan, which were disqualified because of a dispute. Obama, in the mean time, has been struggling to overcome the controversy cause by his foremr pasto's racial remarks.

From Morning Special..