IF Only..

I've loved you since I met you.. but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today. I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you.. every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I've learned that if you do that, you're living life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you.. I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love and to be loved.

2009년 4월 27일 월요일


Another disgraced president..
검찰..the prosecution..
할꺼 같다..will likely..
심문하다..question him..
뇌물 스캔들..bribery scandal..
former chief executive..
I hope this is the beginning of the end for months-long probe into another first familiy..
It will depend on how Roh behaves during questioning..whether he comes forth to take all moral and political responsibility or engage in a legal game to minimize his personal damage..
They must go on to also look into influence-peddling suspicions regarding 아무개..if for no other purpose than having to do so again in five years time..
money totaling about 천원..
Whether or when he knew so is not important..
It is a mere smidgen compared with it..
We're afraid Roh might have similar thoughts-albeit subconsciously..
True, part of his curruption drama smacks of a political vendetta..
There can be a debate over the desirability of a former president remaining in the world of politics, but Roh's case shows one has to be impeccable to do so..
authoritarian vestiges..
He might have tried to fill the void with clean, reformative plitics, but he failed..
as a courtesy to the former chief executive.
This might be a ploy to prevent a possible backlash caused by popular sympathy..
a compromise between old and new powers to largely maintain the status quo..
if needed..
with equal intensity..
Roh should really abandon himself to restore that democracy, a part of which is his own legacy..

Better financial regulation..(This is no time for the consumptive turf battle..)
한국 금융 당국..Korea's financial authorities..
with inconsistent, incoherent responses..
This should come as no surprise..
It comes as a relief that the government appears set to tackle the long-pending issue if streamlining financial regulation..
work out the best system for all involved..
The global trend is going in the same direction..
considering its failure to do so in the run-up to the 1997-1998 financil crisis.
In whatever shape the revamped regulatory system may end up, what's at stake is how to prevent the conflicts of interests in the nation's finacila industry, a typical revolving door system, in which former regulators are turned into executives of firms they regulated.

From the Korean Times..

2009년 4월 15일 수요일

Functional or pragmatic perspectives on SLL..

Functionalist claims that language development is driven by the pragmatic communicative needs and formal resorces of language is elaborated in order to express more complex patterns of meanings.


contributed to naturalistic second language learning(at least in the early stages.)
generally the scope is limited to case studies.
for interlanguage research, it has descriptive adequacy, but limited explanatory adequacy.
Paid littel attention to the classroom second language instruction, second langugage input, interaction, output.

Functionalist are concerned with making meanings and achieving personal communicative goals, because of the variety of interlanguage forms, you can't make the formal linguistic system. This meaning making efforts on the part of learners are a driving fore in ongoing second language developmetnt.

Functionalism in linguistics is the explication and explanation of grammatical structure in which semantic and pragmatic constructs are integral.

pragmatics is the science of the relation of the signs to their interpreters.
....................is concerned not with a language as a system, but with the relationship between language form, message and language users.

Discourse is language above sentences or above the clause

perlocutionary act is an act performed by saying something.

Hatch- One learns how to do conversation, interact verbally, and out of this interaction syntactic structure are developed.

Logic of conversation..무작정 대화가 일어나지 않는다..

Conversation has a certain logic..
....................... is purposive and rational behavior.

cooperative principle embodies 4 maxims..

Theme: a point of departure.. given or old information which is already introduced. predictable and stable given the preceding contexts and ongormation.
Rheme: New to the adressee..unpredictable or hard to predict by using background information of speech or writing.

cohesion: the lexical relationship with a text or a seantence..the links that hold a text together and give a meaning..
reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction, lexical cohesion.
coherence: the quality of meaning unity..purpose perceived in discourse..
It's about linguistic forms and meaning interpreted by a receiver through reasoning and knowledge..

Different orientation in frunctional approaches..

cognitive approaches: In child grammar, children construct their own form-function relationship to reflect a child's eyeview of the world.
textual orientation: functioal linguistst are interested in how vocabulary and grammar are used to creat textual cohesion across sequences of clauses and sentences..
social orientation: Functionalists are interested in relationship between aspects of children's social world and their formal language system.


pragmatic mode: informal speech, learner speech..heavy reliance on context, simple or no morphology and inflection..
syntactic mode: more formal style of language..complex morphology and inflection..


theme-rheme structure........................subject-predicate structure..

Form to function analysis

Ge: from frequent use of isa to less use of it. Finally, he could gradually and systematically reinsertted the correct form of is in standard English grammar..
It's impossible to tell whether the topic-comment structure in Ge's early English interlanguage is the product of first language transfer rather than a more universe characteristics of learner lanugage..
Small number of sub-systems studied-only isa an da
Single subject case study.

Function to form analysis

parataxis: extensive reliance on discourse-pragmatics factors in face-to-face communication and minimal use of target language morphosyntectic devices in expressing propositions.
Syntacticization: the process through which the use of morphosyntatic devices in interlanguage increases over time.

the expression of past time reference

Sato's expectation: from paratactic to syntactic mode.
little change..The boy expressec past time either advierbialy or through inference from the discourse context.
10 months was too short for natural contexts.

The encoding of propositions

Sato's expectation: from non-propositional speech to propositional speech.
Results: from the beginnig, the brothers made propositional speech with little help from other interlocutors.
Reason,The brotheres were already adolescent boys and cognitively mature.

ESP project.

developmental levels in second language learners' interlanguage utterances.
NUO..preverbal stage..
IUO..No distinction between finite and non-finite component of the verb